build.txt 843 Bytes
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On Windows:

python build
python bdist_wininst

On Linux (from the main abc directory)

To build the extensions (make sure -fPIC is added to OPTFLAG in the main ABC Makefile first)

make ABC_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python pyabc_extension_install

To build the ABC with embedded python

make pyabc.tgz

Updating the latest version on mima:

alanmi@mima:~/abc_60$ cp ./src/python/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/ /hd/common/pyabc/builds/101030/
alanmi@mima:~/abc_60$ cp ./src/python/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/ /hd/common/pyabc/builds/101030/

alanmi@mima:/hd/common/pyabc$ rm current
alanmi@mima:/hd/common/pyabc$ ln -s builds/101030 current
alanmi@mima:/hd/common/pyabc$ ls -l
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 alanmi common   13 2010-10-30 14:55 current -> builds/101030

Latest documentation: