structAbc_Obj_t_// 6 words{Abc_Obj_t*pCopy;// the copy of this objectAbc_Ntk_t*pNtk;// the host networkintId;// the object IDintTravId;// the traversal ID intnRefs;// the number of fanoutsunsignedType:4;// the object typeunsignedfMarkA:1;// the multipurpose markunsignedfMarkB:1;// the multipurpose markunsignedfPhase:1;// the flag to mark the phase of equivalent nodeunsignedfPersist:1;// marks the persistant AIG nodeunsignednFanins:24;// the level of the nodeAbc_Obj_t*Fanins[0];// the array of fanins};structAbc_Pin_t_// 4 words{Abc_Pin_t*pNext;Abc_Pin_t*pPrev;Abc_Obj_t*pFanin;Abc_Obj_t*pFanout;};