utilCex.h 4.01 KB
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  FileName    [utilCex.h]

  SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]

  PackageName [Handling sequential counter-examples.]

  Synopsis    [Handling sequential counter-examples.]

  Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

  Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - Feburary 13, 2011.]

  Revision    [$Id: utilCex.h,v 1.00 2011/02/11 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]

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#ifndef ABC__misc__util__utilCex_h
#define ABC__misc__util__utilCex_h
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///                          INCLUDES                                ///

///                         PARAMETERS                               ///


///                         BASIC TYPES                              ///

// sequential counter-example
typedef struct Abc_Cex_t_ Abc_Cex_t;
struct Abc_Cex_t_
    int              iPo;       // the zero-based number of PO, for which verification failed
    int              iFrame;    // the zero-based number of the time-frame, for which verificaiton failed
    int              nRegs;     // the number of registers in the miter 
    int              nPis;      // the number of primary inputs in the miter
    int              nBits;     // the number of words of bit data used
    unsigned         pData[0];  // the cex bit data (the number of bits: nRegs + (iFrame+1) * nPis)

///                      MACRO DEFINITIONS                           ///

///                    FUNCTION DECLARATIONS                         ///

/*=== utilCex.c ===========================================================*/
extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexAlloc( int nRegs, int nTruePis, int nFrames );
extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexAllocFull( int nRegs, int nTruePis, int nFrames );
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extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexMakeTriv( int nRegs, int nTruePis, int nTruePos, int iFrameOut );
extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexCreate( int nRegs, int nTruePis, int * pArray, int iFrame, int iPo, int fSkipRegs );
extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexDup( Abc_Cex_t * p, int nRegsNew );
extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexDeriveFromCombModel( int * pModel, int nPis, int nRegs, int iPo );
extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexMerge( Abc_Cex_t * pCex, Abc_Cex_t * pPart, int iFrBeg, int iFrEnd );
extern void          Abc_CexPrintStats( Abc_Cex_t * p );
extern void          Abc_CexPrintStatsInputs( Abc_Cex_t * p, int nInputs );
extern void          Abc_CexPrint( Abc_Cex_t * p );
extern void          Abc_CexFreeP( Abc_Cex_t ** p );
extern void          Abc_CexFree( Abc_Cex_t * p );
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extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexTransformPhase( Abc_Cex_t * p, int nPisOld, int nPosOld, int nRegsOld );
extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexTransformTempor( Abc_Cex_t * p, int nPisOld, int nPosOld, int nRegsOld );
extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexTransformUndc( Abc_Cex_t * p, char * pInit );
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extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexPermute( Abc_Cex_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vMapOld2New );
extern Abc_Cex_t *   Abc_CexPermuteTwo( Abc_Cex_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vPermOld, Vec_Int_t * vPermNew );
extern int           Abc_CexCountOnes( Abc_Cex_t * p );
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///                       END OF FILE                                ///