plaRead.c 7.28 KB
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  FileName    [plaRead.c]

  SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]

  PackageName [SOP manager.]

  Synopsis    [Scalable SOP transformations.]

  Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

  Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - March 18, 2015.]

  Revision    [$Id: plaRead.c,v 1.00 2014/09/12 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]


#include "pla.h"


///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

char * Pla_ReadFile( char * pFileName, char ** ppLimit )
    char * pBuffer;
    int nFileSize, RetValue;
    FILE * pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" );
    if ( pFile == NULL )
        printf( "Cannot open input file.\n" );
        return NULL;
    // get the file size, in bytes
    fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_END );  
    nFileSize = ftell( pFile );  
    // move the file current reading position to the beginning
    rewind( pFile ); 
    // load the contents of the file into memory
    pBuffer = ABC_ALLOC( char, nFileSize + 16 );
    pBuffer[0] = '\n';
    RetValue = fread( pBuffer+1, nFileSize, 1, pFile );
    fclose( pFile );
    // terminate the string with '\0'
    pBuffer[nFileSize + 1] = '\n';
    pBuffer[nFileSize + 2] = '\0';
    *ppLimit = pBuffer + nFileSize + 3;
    return pBuffer;


  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Pla_ReadPlaRemoveComments( char * pBuffer, char * pLimit )
    char * pTemp; 
    for ( pTemp = pBuffer; pTemp < pLimit; pTemp++ )
        if ( *pTemp == '#' )
            while ( *pTemp && *pTemp != '\n' )
                *pTemp++ = ' ';
int Pla_ReadPlaHeader( char * pBuffer, char * pLimit, int * pnIns, int * pnOuts, int * pnCubes, int * pType )
    char * pTemp; 
    *pType = PLA_FILE_FD;
    *pnIns = *pnOuts = *pnCubes = -1;
    for ( pTemp = pBuffer; pTemp < pLimit; pTemp++ )
        if ( *pTemp != '.' )
        if ( !strncmp(pTemp, ".i ", 3) )
            *pnIns = atoi( pTemp + 3 );
        else if ( !strncmp(pTemp, ".o ", 3) )
            *pnOuts = atoi( pTemp + 3 );
        else if ( !strncmp(pTemp, ".p ", 3) )
            *pnCubes = atoi( pTemp + 3 );
        else if ( !strncmp(pTemp, ".e ", 3) )
        else if ( !strncmp(pTemp, ".type ", 6) )
            char Buffer[100];
            *pType = PLA_FILE_NONE;
            sscanf( pTemp+6, "%s", Buffer );
            if ( !strcmp(Buffer, "f") )
                *pType = PLA_FILE_F;
            else if ( !strcmp(Buffer, "fr") )
                *pType = PLA_FILE_FR;
            else if ( !strcmp(Buffer, "fd") )
                *pType = PLA_FILE_FD;
            else if ( !strcmp(Buffer, "fdr") )
                *pType = PLA_FILE_FDR;
    if ( *pnIns <= 0 )
        printf( "The number of inputs (.i) should be positive.\n" );
    if ( *pnOuts <= 0 )
        printf( "The number of outputs (.o) should be positive.\n" );
    return *pnIns > 0 && *pnOuts > 0;
Vec_Str_t * Pla_ReadPlaBody( char * pBuffer, char * pLimit, Pla_File_t Type )
    char * pTemp;
    Vec_Str_t * vLits;
    vLits = Vec_StrAlloc( 10000 );
    for ( pTemp = pBuffer; pTemp < pLimit; pTemp++ )
        if ( *pTemp == '.' )
            while ( *pTemp && *pTemp != '\n' )
        if ( *pTemp == '0' )
            Vec_StrPush( vLits, (char)PLA_LIT_ZERO );
        else if ( *pTemp == '1' )
            Vec_StrPush( vLits, (char)PLA_LIT_ONE );
        else if ( *pTemp == '-' || *pTemp == '2' )
            Vec_StrPush( vLits, (char)PLA_LIT_DASH );
        else if ( *pTemp == '~' ) // no meaning
            if ( Type == PLA_FILE_F || Type == PLA_FILE_FD )
                Vec_StrPush( vLits, (char)PLA_LIT_ZERO );
            else if ( Type == PLA_FILE_FR )
                Vec_StrPush( vLits, (char)PLA_LIT_DASH );
            else if ( Type == PLA_FILE_FDR )
                Vec_StrPush( vLits, (char)PLA_LIT_FULL );
            else assert( 0 );
    return vLits;
void Pla_ReadAddBody( Pla_Man_t * p, Vec_Str_t * vLits )
    word * pCubeIn, * pCubeOut; 
    int i, k, Lit, Count = 0; 
    int nCubesReal = Vec_StrSize(vLits) / (p->nIns + p->nOuts);
    assert( Vec_StrSize(vLits) % (p->nIns + p->nOuts) == 0 );
    if ( nCubesReal != Pla_ManCubeNum(p) )
        printf( "Warning: Declared number of cubes (%d) differs from the actual (%d).\n", 
            Pla_ManCubeNum(p), nCubesReal );
        if ( nCubesReal < Pla_ManCubeNum(p) )
            Vec_IntShrink( &p->vCubes, nCubesReal );
            assert( nCubesReal > Pla_ManCubeNum(p) );
            Vec_IntFillNatural( &p->vCubes, nCubesReal );
            Vec_WrdFillExtra( &p->vInBits,  nCubesReal * p->nInWords,  0 );
            Vec_WrdFillExtra( &p->vOutBits, nCubesReal * p->nOutWords, 0 );
    Pla_ForEachCubeInOut( p, pCubeIn, pCubeOut, i )
        Pla_CubeForEachLit( p->nIns, pCubeIn, Lit, k )
            Pla_CubeSetLit( pCubeIn, k, (Pla_Lit_t)Vec_StrEntry(vLits, Count++) );
        Pla_CubeForEachLit( p->nOuts, pCubeOut, Lit, k )
            Pla_CubeSetLit( pCubeOut, k, (Pla_Lit_t)Vec_StrEntry(vLits, Count++) );
183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
    assert( Count == Vec_StrSize(vLits) );
Pla_Man_t * Pla_ReadPla( char * pFileName )
    Pla_Man_t * p;
    Vec_Str_t * vLits;
    int nIns, nOuts, nCubes, Type;
    char * pBuffer, * pLimit;   
    pBuffer = Pla_ReadFile( pFileName, &pLimit );
    if ( pBuffer == NULL )
        return NULL;
    Pla_ReadPlaRemoveComments( pBuffer, pLimit );
    if ( Pla_ReadPlaHeader( pBuffer, pLimit, &nIns, &nOuts, &nCubes, &Type ) )
        vLits = Pla_ReadPlaBody( pBuffer, pLimit, (Pla_File_t)Type );
199 200 201 202 203
        if ( Vec_StrSize(vLits) % (nIns + nOuts) == 0 )
            if ( nCubes == -1 )
                nCubes = Vec_StrSize(vLits) / (nIns + nOuts);
            p = Pla_ManAlloc( pFileName, nIns, nOuts, nCubes );
            p->Type = (Pla_File_t)Type;
205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
            Pla_ReadAddBody( p, vLits );
            Vec_StrFree( vLits );
            ABC_FREE( pBuffer );
            return p;
        printf( "Literal count is incorrect (in = %d; out = %d; lit = %d).\n", nIns, nOuts, Vec_StrSize(vLits) );
        Vec_StrFree( vLits );
    ABC_FREE( pBuffer );
    return NULL;

///                       END OF FILE                                ///