Commit ed27460a by Huang Di

gene flow proportion block list, display threshold

parent f47a1c00
......@@ -17,17 +17,22 @@ args = {
'threshold2': 0, # gene flow display threshold
'threshold3': 3, # gene flow merge threshold
'bidirectional': True, # calculate the reversed gene flow
'calculate_pd': False, # calculate the gene flow confidence
'calculate_pd': True, # calculate the gene flow confidence
'data_path': 'data/test.log',
'save_path': 'pictures/tree2.png',
'save_path': 'pictures/tree.png',
'draw_gene_flow': True,
'gene_flow_display_confidence': 0.7,
'target_block_list': ['Tianyuan'],
's1_block_list': ['Boshan'],
# 'target_block_list': [],
# 's1_block_list': [],
populations = ['Kostenki14',
from itertools import combinations
from data_structures import UnionFindSet, Graph
from anytree import Node, PreOrderIter
from anytree import Node, PreOrderIter, RenderTree
from anytree.exporter import DotExporter
from collections import defaultdict
# from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
......@@ -405,6 +405,8 @@ class TreeBuilder(object):
bidirectional = kwargs.get('bidirectional', True)
calculate_pd = kwargs.get('calculate_pd', False)
tar_block_list = kwargs.get('target_block_list', [])
s1_block_list = kwargs.get('s1_block_list', [])
# calculate_m1('Dushan', 'Baojianshan')
# calculate_m1('Baojianshan', 'Dushan')
# calculate_m1('Boshan', 'Dushan')
......@@ -413,10 +415,12 @@ class TreeBuilder(object):
print('Calculating gene flows...')
gf_cnt = 0
for s2, tar in gene_flow:
if tar in tar_block_list: continue
propotion[(s2, tar)] = []
if (s2, tar) not in self.s1_record:
for s1 in self.s1_record[(s2, tar)]:
if s1 in s1_block_list: continue
# pd = False to make it fast
......@@ -442,10 +446,12 @@ class TreeBuilder(object):
if bidirectional:
print('Calculating reversed gene flows...')
for tar, s2 in gene_flow:
if tar in tar_block_list: continue
propotion[(s2, tar)] = []
if (s2, tar) not in self.s1_record:
for s1 in self.s1_record[(s2, tar)]:
if s1 in s1_block_list: continue
mix_bc, m_pd_bc = calculate_m1(s1, tar, s2)
# mix_a1b, mix_pd_a1b = calculate_m1(s2, tar, s1)
# print('mix_bc, mix_a1b', mix_bc, mix_a1b)
......@@ -468,6 +474,8 @@ class TreeBuilder(object):
print(mat.format('s2', 'tar', 's1', 'mix', 'm_pd'))
mat = "{:10}\t{:10}\t{:10}\t{:.3f}\t{:.3f}"
m_pd_display_threshold = kwargs.get('gene_flow_display_confidence', 0.0)
gene_flows_checked_by_propotion = []
for gene_flow, m1s in propotion.items():
s2, tar = gene_flow
......@@ -476,7 +484,10 @@ class TreeBuilder(object):
# print(s2, tar, s1, mix, m_pd)
print(mat.format(s2, tar, s1, mix, m_pd))
if (s2, tar) not in gene_flows_checked_by_propotion:
gene_flows_checked_by_propotion.append((s2, tar))
if not (calculate_pd and m_pd < m_pd_display_threshold):
gene_flows_checked_by_propotion.append((s2, tar))
print(',,,', gene_flows_checked_by_propotion)
return gene_flows_checked_by_propotion
def calculate_propotion_bak2(self, gene_flow, order, visited_leaves, bidirectional=True):
......@@ -693,6 +704,9 @@ class TreeBuilder(object):
if print_gene_flow:
for l1, l2 in self.gene_flow:
options.append("%s -> %s [color=red]" % (l1, l2))
return DotExporter(self.root, options=options)
def export_dot(self, filename, print_gene_flow=True):
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