Commit b5e3fe1b by haoyifan


parent 4b8f9cc8
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ including philology, biology, and computer
science. Especially in computer science, efforts in recent years trying to explore
the emergent language in virtual multi-agent environments, where
agents are trained to communicate with neural-network-based methods such as deep
reinforcement learning~\cite{kottur-etal-2017-natural,bogin2018emergence,lazaridou2018emergence,choi2018compositional,jaques2019social,mul2019mastering,kharitonov2019egg,labash2020perspective,chaabouni2020compositionality}.
reinforcement learning~\cite{kottur-etal-2017-natural,bogin2018emergence,lazaridou2018emergence,choi2018compositional,jaques2019social,mul2019mastering,kharitonov2019egg,labash2020perspective,chaabouni2020compositionality, gupta2020compositionality}.
%Such works can be roughly classified into two categories,
%referential game~\cite{} and multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL)~\cite{}, based on
%the environment setting.
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ Compositionality is a principle that determines
whether the meaning of a complex expression (e.g, phrase), which is assembled out of a
given set of simple components (e.g., symbols), can be determined by its
constituent components and the rule combining them~\cite{andreas2018measuring,chaabouni2020compositionality}.
\note{For example, the expression ``AAAI is a conference'' consists of two
meaningful words ``AAAI'' and ``conference'', and a rule for definition (``is'').
\note{For example, the expression ``IJCAI is a conference'' consists of two
meaningful words ``IJCAI'' and ``conference'', and a rule for definition (``is'').
Compositionality is considered to be a source of productivity,
systematicity, and learnability of language, and the reason why a language with finite
vocabulary can express almost infinite concepts.}
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ vocabulary can express almost infinite concepts.}
% \cite{li2019ease}&Population size, resetting all listeners&Quantitative, Speaker\\
% \cite{chaabouni-etal-2019-word}&Word-order constraints&Not quantitative, Speaker\\
% \cite{chaabouni2020compositionality}&Easier to decode&Quantitative, Speaker\\
% \cite{gupta2020compositionality}&structural dependent models&Quantitative, Speaker\\
% \textbf{Ours} & \textbf{None} & \textbf{Quantitative, Speaker+Listener} \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
......@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ vocabulary can express almost infinite concepts.}
Prior studies focus on achieving high compositional symbolic language
through \emph{deliberately handcrafted} inductions, e.g., additional rewards~\cite{mordatch2017emergence},
constructed loss functions~\cite{kharitonov2019egg}, structural input data~\cite{lazaridou2018emergence,evtimova2018emergent},
memoryless~\cite{kottur-etal-2017-natural,li2019ease}, and ease-of-teaching~\cite{li2019ease}.
memoryless~\cite{kottur-etal-2017-natural,li2019ease}, ease-of-teaching~\cite{li2019ease}, and structural dependent models~\cite{gupta2020compositionality}.
\note{Such optimization methodologies are driven by the challenges to generate high compositional symbolic without induction in an existing multi-agent environment.}
Figure~\ref{fig:induction} reports the compositionality when training two agents
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Previous works focus on the \emph{deliberately handcrafted} inductions that affe
compositionality of emergent language.
Some significant works on studying the environmental inductions on the compositionality of emergent language are summarized in Table~\ref{tab:rel}.
For example,
~\cite{gupta2020compositionality} used a structural dependent agents, i.e., a variational autoencoder, to simulate a speaker-listener pair, and constrained the communication channel into a binary coding sequence.
~\cite{gupta2020compositionality} used a structural dependent models, i.e., a variational autoencoder, to simulate a speaker-listener pair, and constrained the communication channel into a binary coding sequence.
~\cite{kirby2015compression} explored how the pressures for expressivity and compressibility lead the structured language.
~\cite{kottur-etal-2017-natural} constrained the vocabulary size and whether the listener has memory to coax the compositionality of the emergent language.
~\cite{lazaridou2018emergence} showed that the degree of structure found in the input data affects the emergence of the symbolic language.
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