Commit b5dafda5 by haoyifan


parent a39f832c
...@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@ ...@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
%external environmental factors %external environmental factors
Previous works focus on the external environmental factors that impact the Previous works focus on the \emph{deliberately handcrafted} inductions that affect the
compositionality of emerged symbolic language. compositionality of emergent language.
Some significant works on studying the external environmental factor on the compositionality of emergent language are summarized in Table~\ref{tab:rel}. Some significant works on studying the environmental inductions on the compositionality of emergent language are summarized in Table~\ref{tab:rel}.
For example, ~\citet{kirby2015compression} explored how the pressures for expressivity and compressibility lead the structured language. For example, ~\citet{kirby2015compression} explored how the pressures for expressivity and compressibility lead the structured language.
~\citet{kottur-etal-2017-natural} constrained the vocabulary size and whether the listener has memory to coax the compositionality of the emergent language. ~\citet{kottur-etal-2017-natural} constrained the vocabulary size and whether the listener has memory to coax the compositionality of the emergent language.
~\citet{lazaridou2018emergence} showed that the degree of structure found in the input data affects the emergence of the symbolic language. ~\citet{lazaridou2018emergence} showed that the degree of structure found in the input data affects the emergence of the symbolic language.
~\citet{li2019ease} studied how the pressure, ease of teaching, impact on the iterative language of the population regime. ~\citet{li2019ease} studied how the pressure, ease of teaching, impact on the iterative language of the population regime.
~\citet{evtimova2018emergent} designed novel multi-modal scenarios, which the speaker and the listener should access to different modalities of the input object, to explore the language emergence. ~\citet{evtimova2018emergent} designed novel multi-modal scenarios, which the speaker and the listener should access to different modalities of the input object, to explore the language emergence.
Such factors are deliberately designed, which are too ideal to be true in These inductions are deliberately designed, which are too ideal to be true in
the real world. the real world.
In this paper, these handcrafted inductions above are all removed, and the high compositional language is leaded only by the agent capacity. In this paper, these handcrafted inductions above are all removed, and the high compositional language is learned only by the agent capacity.
%measure %measure
To measure the compositionality of emerged symbolic language, many metrics are To measure the compositionality of emergent language, metrics are
proposed~\cite{kottur-etal-2017-natural,choi2018compositional,lazaridou2018emergence,evtimova2018emergent,chaabouni2020compositionality}. proposed~\cite{kottur-etal-2017-natural,choi2018compositional,lazaridou2018emergence,evtimova2018emergent,chaabouni2020compositionality}.
%Widely accepted metrics can be classified into two categories, measuring %Widely accepted metrics can be classified into two categories, measuring
%positive signaling~\cite{} and measuring positive listening~\cite{}. The former %positive signaling~\cite{} and measuring positive listening~\cite{}. The former
...@@ -33,18 +33,17 @@ proposed~\cite{kottur-etal-2017-natural,choi2018compositional,lazaridou2018emerg ...@@ -33,18 +33,17 @@ proposed~\cite{kottur-etal-2017-natural,choi2018compositional,lazaridou2018emerg
%either speakers or listeners. They can not measure the degree of \emph{bilateral} %either speakers or listeners. They can not measure the degree of \emph{bilateral}
%understanding between speakers and listeners, i.e., the concept-symbol mapping %understanding between speakers and listeners, i.e., the concept-symbol mapping
%consistency between speakers and listeners. %consistency between speakers and listeners.
At the initial stage, many studies only analyzed the language compositionality qualitatively. At the initial stage, many studies only analyzed the language compositionality qualitatively (i.e. not quantitatively).
For example, ~\citet{choi2018compositional} printed the agent messages with the letter `abcd' at some training round, and directly analyzed the compositionality on these messages. For example, ~\citet{choi2018compositional} printed the agent messages with the letter `abcd' at some training round, and directly analyzed the compositionality on these messages.
~\citet{kottur-etal-2017-natural} introduced the dialog tree to show the evolution of language compositionality during the training process. ~\citet{kottur-etal-2017-natural} introduced the dialog tree to show the evolution of language compositionality during the training process.
Latter, some quantitative metrics are explored. Latter, some quantitative metrics are explored.
The topographic similarity\cite{lazaridou2018emergence} is introduced to measure the distances between all the possible pairs of meanings and the corresponding pairs of signals. The topographic similarity\cite{lazaridou2018emergence} is introduced to measure the distances between all the possible pairs of meanings and the corresponding pairs of signals.
\citet{chaabouni2020compositionality} proposed the positional disentanglement, which measures whether symbols in a specific position relate to the specific attribute of the input object. \citet{chaabouni2020compositionality} proposed the positional disentanglement, which measures whether symbols in a specific position relate to the specific attribute of the input object.
From Table~\ref{tab:rel}, most metrics are proposed on the sight of the speaker. In our view, human beings developed the language based on both the speakers and the listener. Only one research of \cite{choi2018compositional} in Table~\ref{tab:rel} qualitatively considered from the perspective of the speaker and the listener. In this paper, we propose a novel quantitative metric from both the speaker's sight and the listener's sight. From Table~\ref{tab:rel}, most metrics are proposed on the sight of speaker. In our view, human beings developed the language based on a bilateral communication between the speaker and the listener. One research~\cite{choi2018compositional} considered the metric bilaterally, but it is not a quantitative metric. In this paper, we propose a novel quantitative metric from both the speaker and the listener's perspective.
In conclusion, the previous works coaxed the compositional language based on some careful designed handcrafted inductions, In conclusion, the previous works induced the compositional language based on some deliberately handcrafted inductions,
and the metric from the sight of both the speaker and the listener is still lacking. and the quantitative metric from the sight of both the speaker and the listener is still lacking.
In this paper, we remove all the handcrafted inductions in Table~\ref{tab:rel}, In this paper, we remove all the handcrafted inductions as shown in Table~\ref{tab:rel} and get a high compositional language through the internal agent capacity.
and use the minimized induction based on theoretical analysis. Moreover, we propose a quantitative metric which take both the speaker and the listener into account.
Moreover, we propose a novel quantitative metric, which is properer than previous works based on the speaker's sight.
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