Commit 99ca37cf by Zidong Du

AAAI 2021

parent 9820be00
......@@ -88,23 +88,22 @@
\title{Characterization Capacity of Agents and Compositionality from Naturally Emergent Communication}
% All authors must be in the same font size and format.
Written by AAAI Press Staff\textsuperscript{\rm 1}\thanks{With help from the AAAI Publications Committee.}\\
AAAI Style Contributions by Pater Patel Schneider,
Sunil Issar, \\
J. Scott Penberthy,
George Ferguson,
Hans Guesgen,
Francisco Cruz,
Marc Pujol-Gonzalez
%Written by AAAI Press Staff\textsuperscript{\rm 1}\thanks{With help from the AAAI Publications Committee.}\\
%AAAI Style Contributions by Pater Patel Schneider,
%Sunil Issar, \\
%J. Scott Penberthy,
%George Ferguson,
%Hans Guesgen,
%Francisco Cruz,
%Marc Pujol-Gonzalez
\textsuperscript{\rm 1}Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence\\
%\textsuperscript{\rm 1}Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence\\
%If you have multiple authors and multiple affiliations
% use superscripts in text and roman font to identify them.
%For example,
......@@ -115,10 +114,10 @@
% Hans Guesgen, \textsuperscript{\rm 5}.
% Note that the comma should be placed BEFORE the superscript for optimum readability
2275 East Bayshore Road, Suite 160\\
Palo Alto, California 94303\\
% email address must be in roman text type, not monospace or sans serif
%2275 East Bayshore Road, Suite 160\\
%Palo Alto, California 94303\\
%% email address must be in roman text type, not monospace or sans serif
% See more examples next
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