Commit 808b18e4 by Zidong Du


parent 930ca3e0
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ In summary, lower agent capacity improves the possibility of
emerging high compositional symbolic language.
\subsection{Ratio of high compositional language.}
We further breakdown our results to investigate the importance of agent capacity
to the compositionality of symbolic language. Figure~\ref{fig:exp2} reports the
ratio of high compositional symbolic language in all emerged languages,
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ capacity.
\textbf{Breakdown into language teaching.}
\subsection{Breakdown into language teaching.}
We further breakdown the learning process to investigate the language teaching
scenario, where the Speaker teaches the Listener its fixed symbolic language.
We define three symbolic languages in different compositionality for Speaker to
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