Commit 442e08c8 by haoyifan
parents 669c37d8 c0b7377e
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
The emergence of language has always been an important issue,
which attracts attention from a broad range of communities,
including philology~\cite{partee2008compositionality}, biology~\cite{}, and computer
science~\cite{}. Especially in computer science, efforts in recent years trying to explore
including philology, biology, and computer
science. Especially in computer science, efforts in recent years trying to explore
the emergent language in virtual multi-agent environments, where
agents are trained to communicate with neural-network-based methods such as deep
reinforcement learning~\cite{kottur-etal-2017-natural,bogin2018emergence,lazaridou2018emergence,choi2018compositional,jaques2019social,mul2019mastering,kharitonov2019egg,labash2020perspective,chaabouni2020compositionality}.
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