# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Intrinsics of TVM-Python Hybrid Script for Python compilation time semantic support.""" from tvm.runtime import const, convert import tvm.te from tvm.ir.container import Array from tvm import target as _tgt from tvm.tir import expr as _expr from tvm.tir import call_pure_intrin from tvm.tir.stmt import For from .util import _internal_assert # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin LOOP_INTRIN = { 'range' : For.Serial, 'unroll' : For.Unrolled, 'parallel' : For.Parallel, 'vectorize' : For.Vectorized, 'const_range' : (For.Unrolled, ), } def _range(annotation, args): """Handling TVM loop types""" n = args.__len__() if n == 1: low, ext = const(0, dtype='int32'), args[0] else: _internal_assert(n == 2, "A loop intrinsic should only have 1 or 2 arguments!") low, ext = args[0], args[1] if not tvm.tir.analysis.expr_deep_equal(low, const(0, dtype='int32')): ext = ext - low for_type = LOOP_INTRIN[annotation] iter_var = None return iter_var, low, ext, for_type range = unroll = vectorize = parallel = const_range = _range #pylint: disable=invalid-name def bind(func_id, args): """Handling TVM thread binding""" _internal_assert(func_id == "bind", "This function cannot be directly invoked!") _internal_assert(args.__len__() == 2, "A loop bind should only have 2 arguments!") _internal_assert(isinstance(args[0], str), \ "A loop bind's first argument should be a string!") low, ext = const(0, "int32"), args[1] iter_var = tvm.te.thread_axis((low, ext), args[0]) for_type = None return iter_var, low, ext, for_type def _math_intrin(func_id, args): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from tvm.tir import op return getattr(op, func_id)(*args) sqrt = log = exp = tanh = sigmoid = power = popcount = _math_intrin #pylint: disable=invalid-name def _min_max(func_id, args): _internal_assert(args.__len__() == 2, "Max/Min function should have 2 elements") return getattr(_expr, func_id.title())(args[0], args[1]) min = max = _min_max #pylint: disable=invalid-name def _allocate_tensor(func_id, args): """Handling TVM tensor allocation. You may refer hybrid.intrin.allocate for more details.""" n = args.__len__() _internal_assert(isinstance(convert(args[0]), Array), \ "allocate's first argument should be a tuple of shape!") shape = args[0] for i in shape: _internal_assert(isinstance(i, _expr.PrimExpr), "The shape should be an expression") if n > 1: _internal_assert(isinstance(args[1], str), "The data type should be an str") _internal_assert(args[1].startswith('int') or args[1].startswith('float'), \ "The data type should be either int or float!") dtype = args[1] else: dtype = 'float32' if n > 2: _internal_assert(isinstance(args[2], str), \ "The data scope should be an string") _internal_assert(func_id != 'output_tensor', "Output tensor cannot specify scope") scope = args[2] else: scope = 'global' if func_id != 'output_tensor' else 'output' return (shape, dtype, scope) output_tensor = allocate = _allocate_tensor #pylint: disable=invalid-name def len(func_id, args): """Iterpret the len function""" _internal_assert(args.__len__() == 1, "Only 1 argument is expected!") _internal_assert(func_id == "len", "This function cannot be directly invoked!") try: return convert(args[0].__len__()) except: #pylint: disable=bare-except _internal_assert(args[0].shape.__len__() == 1, "Only one-dimension array can get len") return convert(args[0].shape[0]) def _cast(func_id, args): _internal_assert(args.__len__() == 1 and isinstance(args[0], _expr.PrimExpr), \ "Only one expression can be cast") return _expr.Cast(func_id, args[0]) float16 = float32 = float64 = _cast #pylint: disable=invalid-name int8 = int16 = int32 = int64 = _cast #pylint: disable=invalid-name uint8 = uint16 = uint32 = uint64 = _cast #pylint: disable=invalid-name def ceil_div(func_id, args): _internal_assert(func_id == "ceil_div", "This function cannot be directly invoked!") _internal_assert(args.__len__() == 2, "2 arguments expected for division!") _internal_assert(isinstance(args[0], _expr.PrimExpr), "Only expressions can div") _internal_assert(isinstance(args[1], _expr.PrimExpr), "Only expressions can div") a, b = args[0], args[1] return (a + b - 1) // b def likely(func_id, args): _internal_assert(args.__len__() == 1, \ "Only one expression can be likely") _internal_assert(func_id == "likely", "This function cannot be directly invoked!") return call_pure_intrin(args[0].dtype, 'likely', *args) def max_num_threads(func_id, args): _internal_assert(func_id == "max_num_threads", "This function cannot be directly invoked!") _internal_assert(args.__len__() <= 1, "At most one argument accepted!") if args.__len__() == 0: res = _tgt.Target.current().max_num_threads else: _internal_assert(isinstance(args[0], _expr.IntImm), "In tvm bool should be uint") res = _tgt.Target.current(args[0].value).max_num_threads return convert(res)