""" TopHub: Tensor Operator Hub To get the best performance, we typically need auto-tuning for the specific devices. TVM releases pre-tuned parameters in TopHub for some common networks and hardware targets. TVM will download these parameters for you when you call nnvm.compiler.build_module . """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name import logging import os import sys from .task import ApplyHistoryBest from .. import target as _target from ..contrib.download import download from .record import load_from_file # root path to store TopHub files AUTOTVM_TOPHUB_ROOT_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".tvm", "tophub") # the version of each package PACKAGE_VERSION = { 'arm_cpu': "v0.04", 'llvm': "v0.03", 'cuda': "v0.04", 'rocm': "v0.02", 'opencl': "v0.02", 'mali': "v0.04", 'vta': "v0.04", } logger = logging.getLogger('autotvm') def _alias(name): """convert alias for some packages""" table = { 'vtacpu': 'vta', 'metal': 'opencl', 'vulkan': 'opencl', 'nvptx': 'cuda', } return table.get(name, name) def context(target, extra_files=None): """Return the dispatch context with pre-tuned parameters. This function will load the corresponding *.log files in AUTOTVM_TOPHUB_ROOT_PATH. If cannot find them, it will download them from TopHub github repo. Users can also add their own files in argument `extra_files`. Parameters ---------- target: Target or List of Target The compilation target extra_files: list of str, optional Extra log files to load """ best_context = ApplyHistoryBest([]) targets = target if isinstance(target, (list, tuple)) else [target] for tgt in targets: if isinstance(tgt, str): tgt = _target.create(tgt) possible_names = [] for opt in tgt.options: if opt.startswith("-device"): device = _alias(opt[8:]) possible_names.append(device) possible_names.append(tgt.target_name) all_packages = list(PACKAGE_VERSION.keys()) for name in possible_names: name = _alias(name) if name in all_packages: if not check_backend(name): continue filename = "%s_%s.log" % (name, PACKAGE_VERSION[name]) best_context.load(os.path.join(AUTOTVM_TOPHUB_ROOT_PATH, filename)) break # only load one file to avoid some fallback template mismatch problem if extra_files: for filename in extra_files: best_context.load(filename) return best_context def check_backend(backend): """Check whether have pre-tuned parameters of the certain target. If not, will download it. Parameters ---------- backend: str The name of backend. Returns ---------- success: bool Whether the check is successful. """ backend = _alias(backend) assert backend in PACKAGE_VERSION, 'Cannot find backend "%s" in TopHub' % backend version = PACKAGE_VERSION[backend] package_name = "%s_%s.log" % (backend, version) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(AUTOTVM_TOPHUB_ROOT_PATH, package_name)): return True if sys.version_info >= (3,): import urllib.request as urllib2 else: import urllib2 try: download_package(package_name) return True except urllib2.URLError as e: logging.warning("Failed to download tophub package for %s: %s", backend, e) return False def download_package(package_name): """Download pre-tuned parameters of operators for a backend Parameters ---------- package_name: str The name of package """ rootpath = AUTOTVM_TOPHUB_ROOT_PATH if not os.path.isdir(rootpath): # make directory splits = os.path.split(rootpath) for j in range(1, len(splits)+1): path = os.path.join(*splits[:j]) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) logger.info("Download pre-tuned parameters package %s", package_name) download("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uwsampl/tvm-distro/master/tophub/%s" % package_name, os.path.join(rootpath, package_name), True, verbose=0) # global cache for load_reference_log REFERENCE_LOG_CACHE = {} def load_reference_log(backend, model, workload_name, template_key): """ Load reference log from TopHub to support fallback in template. Template will use these reference logs to choose fallback config. Parameters ---------- backend: str The backend name model: str The name of the model workload_name: str The name of the workload. (The first item in the workload tuple) template_key: str The template key """ backend = _alias(backend) version = PACKAGE_VERSION[backend] package_name = "%s_%s.log" % (backend, version) filename = os.path.join(AUTOTVM_TOPHUB_ROOT_PATH, package_name) global REFERENCE_LOG_CACHE key = (backend, model, workload_name, template_key) if key not in REFERENCE_LOG_CACHE: tmp = [] if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(AUTOTVM_TOPHUB_ROOT_PATH, package_name)): find = False inp = None for inp, res in load_from_file(filename): if model == inp.target.model: find = True break if not find and inp: model = inp.target.model for inp, res in load_from_file(filename): if (model == inp.target.model and inp.task.workload[0] == workload_name and inp.config.template_key == template_key): tmp.append((inp, res)) REFERENCE_LOG_CACHE[key] = tmp return REFERENCE_LOG_CACHE[key]