/** * TVM Javascript web runtime library. * * @projectname tvm * @version 0.6.dev */ /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */ /* eslint no-unexpected-multiline: "off" */ /* eslint indent: "off" */ /* eslint no-console: "off" */ /** * TVM Runtime namespace. * Provide tvm_runtime.create to create a {@link tvm.TVMRuntime}. * * @namespace tvm_runtime */ var tvm_runtime = tvm_runtime || {}; /** * TVM root namespace. * The classes inside this namespace need to be constructed by factory functions. * Use {@link tvm_runtime}.create to get started. * * @namespace tvm */ (function() { /** * TVMRuntime object for interacting with TVM runtime. * This object can be constructed using {@link tvm_runtime}.create * * @class * @memberof tvm */ function TVMRuntime() { "use strict"; var runtime_ref = this; // Utility function to throw error function throwError(message) { if (typeof runtime_ref.logger !== "undefined") { runtime_ref.logger(message); } if (typeof Error !== "undefined") { throw new Error(message); } throw message; } var Module = this.Module; var Runtime = this.Runtime; if (typeof Module === "undefined") { throwError("Emscripten Module is not available"); } // constants var SIZEOF_POINTER = 4; var SIZEOF_SIZE_T = 4; var SIZEOF_FLOAT = 4; var SIZEOF_INT = 4; var SIZEOF_INT8 = 1; var SIZEOF_INT64 = 8; var SIZEOF_DOUBLE = 8; var SIZEOF_TYPE = 4; var SIZEOF_CTX = SIZEOF_INT + SIZEOF_INT; var SIZEOF_TVMVALUE = SIZEOF_DOUBLE; var ARRAY_OFFSET_DATA = 0; var ARRAY_OFFSET_CTX = ARRAY_OFFSET_DATA + SIZEOF_POINTER; var ARRAY_OFFSET_DEV_TYPE = ARRAY_OFFSET_CTX; var ARRAY_OFFSET_DEV_ID = ARRAY_OFFSET_CTX + SIZEOF_INT; var ARRAY_OFFSET_NDIM = ARRAY_OFFSET_CTX + SIZEOF_CTX; var ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE = ARRAY_OFFSET_NDIM + SIZEOF_INT; var ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE_CODE = ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE; var ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE_BITS = ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE_CODE + SIZEOF_INT8; var ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE_LANES = ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE_BITS + SIZEOF_INT8; var ARRAY_OFFSET_SHAPE = ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE + SIZEOF_TYPE; var ARRAY_OFFSET_STRIDES = ARRAY_OFFSET_STRIDES + SIZEOF_POINTER; var ARRAY_OFFSET_BYTE_OFFSET = ARRAY_OFFSET_STRIDES + SIZEOF_POINTER; // Type codes var kInt = 0; var kUInt = 1; var kFloat = 2; var kHandle = 3; var kNull = 4; var kTVMType = 5; var kTVMContext = 6; var kArrayHandle = 7; var kNodeHandle = 8; var kModuleHandle = 9; var kFuncHandle = 10; var kStr = 11; var kBytes = 12; //----------------------------------------- // TVM CWrap library // ---------------------------------------- var TVMGetLastError = Module.cwrap( "TVMGetLastError", "string", // const char* []); var TVMAPISetLastError = Module.cwrap ("TVMAPISetLastError", null, ["string" // const char* ]); var TVMModImport = Module.cwrap ("TVMModImport", "number", ["number", // TVMModuleHandle mod "number" // TVMModuleHandle dep ]); var TVMModGetFunction = Module.cwrap ("TVMModGetFunction", "number", ["number", // TVMModuleHandle mod "string", // const char* func_name "number", // int query_imports "number" // TVMFunctionHandle *out ]); var TVMModFree = Module.cwrap ("TVMModFree", "number", ["number" // TVMModeHandle mod ]); var TVMFuncFree = Module.cwrap ("TVMFuncFree", "number", ["number" // TVMFunctionHandle func ]); var TVMFuncCall = Module.cwrap ("TVMFuncCall", "number", ["number", // TVMFunctionHandle func "number", // TVMValue* arg_values "number", // int* arg_tcodes "number", // int num_args "number", // int ret_val "number" // int ret_type_code ]); var TVMCFuncSetReturn = Module.cwrap ("TVMCFuncSetReturn", "number", ["number", // TVMRetValueHandle ret "number", // TVMValue* value "number", // int* type_code "number" // int num_ret ]); var TVMCbArgToReturn = Module.cwrap ("TVMCbArgToReturn", "number", ["number", // TVMValue* value "number" // int code ]); var TVMFuncCreateFromCFunc = Module.cwrap ("TVMFuncCreateFromCFunc", "number", ["number", // TVMPackedCFunc func, "number", // void* resource_handle "number", // TVMPackedCFuncFinalizer fin "number" // TVMFunctionHandle *out ]); var TVMFuncRegisterGlobal = Module.cwrap ("TVMFuncRegisterGlobal", "number", ["string", // name "number", // TVMFunctionHandle f "number" // int override ]); var TVMFuncGetGlobal = Module.cwrap ("TVMFuncGetGlobal", "number", ["string", // const char* name "number" // TVMFunctionHandle* out ]); var TVMFuncListGlobalNames = Module.cwrap ("TVMFuncListGlobalNames", "number", ["number", // int* out_size "number" // const char*** out_array ]); var TVMArrayAlloc = Module.cwrap ("TVMArrayAlloc", "number", ["number", // const tvm_index_t* shape "number", // int ndim "number", // int dtype_code "number", // int dtype_bits "number", // int dtype_lanes "number", // int device_type "number", // int device_id "number" // int TVMArrayHandle* out ]); var TVMArrayFree = Module.cwrap ("TVMArrayFree", "number", ["number" // TVMArrayHandle handle ]); var TVMArrayCopyFromTo = Module.cwrap ("TVMArrayCopyFromTo", "number", ["number", // TVMArrayHandle from "number" // TVMArrayHandle to ]); var TVMArrayCopyFromBytes = Module.cwrap ("TVMArrayCopyFromBytes", "number", ["number", // TVMArrayHandle handle "number", // int data "number" // size_t nbytes ]); var TVMArrayCopyToBytes = Module.cwrap ("TVMArrayCopyToBytes", "number", ["number", // TVMArrayHandle handle "number", // int data "number" // size_t nbytes ]); var TVMModLoadFromFile = Module.cwrap ("TVMModLoadFromFile", "number", ["string", // const char* file_name "string", // const char* format "number" // TVMModuleHandle* out ]) //----------------------------------------- // Static utility functions // ---------------------------------------- this.assert = function(condition, message) { if (!condition) { message = message || "assert failed"; throwError(message); } }; /** * Logging function. * Override this to change logger behavior. * * @param {string} message */ this.logger = function(message) { console.log(message); }; function logging(message) { runtime_ref.logger(message); } // Override print error to logging Module.printErr = logging; var CHECK = this.assert; function TVM_CALL(ret) { if (ret != 0) { throwError(TVMGetLastError()); } } function CInt64ArrayToJS(ptr, size) { var ret = []; for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ret.push(Module.getValue(ptr + i * SIZEOF_INT64, "i64")); } return ret; } function CStringToJS(ptr) { var ret = []; var ch = 1; while (ch != 0) { ch = Module.getValue(ptr, "i8"); if (ch != 0) { ret.push(String.fromCharCode(ch)); } ++ptr; } return ret.join(""); } function CBytesToJS(ptr) { var data = Module.getValue(ptr, "*"); var size = Module.getValue(ptr + SIZEOF_POINTER, "i32"); var ret = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(size)); ret.set(new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer, data, size)); return ret; } function StringToUint8Array(str) { var arr = new Uint8Array(str.length + 1); for(var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } arr[str.length] = 0; return arr; } //----------------------------------------- // Class declarations // ---------------------------------------- function CBuffer(nbytes) { this.data = Module._malloc(nbytes); } function RefTVMValue() { this.data = Module._malloc(SIZEOF_TVMVALUE); } function TVMArgs(nargs) { this.nargs = nargs; this.value = Module._malloc(SIZEOF_TVMVALUE * nargs); this.tcode = Module._malloc(SIZEOF_INT * nargs); this.temp = []; } function TVMType(code, bits, lanes) { this.code = code; this.bits = bits; this.lanes = lanes; } /** * TVM device context. * @class * @memberof tvm */ function TVMContext(device_type, device_id) { this.device_type = device_type; this.device_id = device_id; } /** * TVM n-dimensional array. * * Use {@link tvm.TVMRuntime}.empty to create an instance. * @class * @memberof tvm */ function NDArray(handle) { this.handle = handle; this.ndim = Module.getValue(this.handle + ARRAY_OFFSET_NDIM, "i32"); // shape var cshape = Module.getValue(this.handle + ARRAY_OFFSET_SHAPE, "*"); this.shape = CInt64ArrayToJS(cshape, this.ndim); // dtype var code = Module.getValue(this.handle + ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE_CODE, "i8"); var bits = Module.getValue(this.handle + ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE_BITS, "i8"); var lanes = Module.getValue(this.handle + ARRAY_OFFSET_DTYPE_LANES, "i16"); var dtype = new TVMType(code, bits, lanes); this.dtype = dtype; this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = (dtype.bits * dtype.lanes / 8); // ctx var device_type = Module.getValue(this.handle + ARRAY_OFFSET_DEV_TYPE, "i32"); var device_id = Module.getValue(this.handle + ARRAY_OFFSET_DEV_ID, "i32"); this.context = new TVMContext(device_type, device_id); // byte_offset this.byteOffset = Module.getValue(this.handle + ARRAY_OFFSET_BYTE_OFFSET, "i64"); } function TVMFunction(handle) { this.handle = handle; } /** * Module container of TVM generated functions. * * @class * @memberof tvm */ function TVMModule(handle) { this.handle = handle; } /** * A typed scalar constant. * This can be used to pass number as integer types to tvm function. * Use {@link tvm.TVMRuntime}.constant to create an instance. * @class * @memberof tvm */ function TVMConstant(value, dtype) { this.value = value; this.dtype = dtype; } //----------------------------------------- // Private Functions // ---------------------------------------- function getTVMType(dtype) { if (dtype instanceof TVMType) return dtype; if (typeof dtype == "string") { var pattern = dtype; var code, bits = 32, lanes = 1; if (pattern.substring(0, 5) == "float") { pattern = pattern.substring(5, pattern.length); code = kFloat; } else if (pattern.substring(0, 3) == "int") { pattern = pattern.substring(3, pattern.length); code = kInt; } else if (pattern.substring(0, 4) == "uint") { pattern = pattern.substring(4, pattern.length); code = kUInt; } else if (pattern.substring(0, 6) == "handle") { pattern = pattern.substring(5, pattern.length); code = kHandle; bits = 64; } else { throw throwError("Unknown dtype " + dtype); } var arr = pattern.split("x"); if (arr.length >= 1) { var parsed = parseInt(arr[0]); if (parsed == arr[0]) { bits = parsed; } } if (arr.length >= 2) { lanes = parseInt(arr[1]); } return new TVMType(code, bits, lanes); } else { throw throwError("Unknown dtype " + dtype); } } function TVMRetValueToJS(vptr, tcode) { switch (tcode) { case kInt: case kUInt: return Module.getValue(vptr, "i64"); case kFloat: return Module.getValue(vptr, "double"); case kFuncHandle: return makeTVMFunction(Module.getValue(vptr, "*")); case kModuleHandle: return new TVMModule(Module.getValue(vptr, "*")); case kNull: return null; case kStr: return CStringToJS(Module.getValue(vptr, "*")); case kBytes: return CBytesToJS(Module.getValue(vptr, "*")); default: throwError("Unsupported return type code=" + tcode); } } function makeTVMFunction(handle) { var func = new TVMFunction(handle); var ret = function () { // alloc var args = new TVMArgs(arguments.length); var rvalue = new RefTVMValue(); var rtcode = new RefTVMValue(); args.setArguments(arguments); TVM_CALL(TVMFuncCall(handle, args.value, args.tcode, args.nargs, rvalue.data, rtcode.data)); var rv = TVMRetValueToJS(rvalue.data, rtcode.asInt()); // release args.release(); rvalue.release(); rtcode.release(); return rv; }; var release = function() { func.release(); }; ret._tvm_function = func; ret.release = release; return ret; } //----------------------------------------- // Javascript PackedCallback System // ---------------------------------------- var funcTable = [0]; var freeFuncId = []; function invokeCallback(arg_value, arg_tcode, nargs, ret, handle) { var args = []; for (var i = 0; i < nargs; ++i) { var vptr = arg_value + i * SIZEOF_TVMVALUE; var tcode = Module.getValue(arg_tcode + i * SIZEOF_INT, "i32"); if (tcode == kNodeHandle || tcode == kFuncHandle || tcode == kModuleHandle) { TVM_CALL(TVMCbArgToReturn(vptr, tcode)); } args.push(TVMRetValueToJS(vptr, tcode)); } var rv = funcTable[handle].apply(null, args); if (typeof rv !== "undefined") { // alloc var rarg = new TVMArgs(1); rarg.setArguments([rv]); TVM_CALL(TVMCFuncSetReturn(ret, rarg.value, rarg.tcode, 1)); // release rarg.release(); } return 0; } function freeCallback(handle) { funcTable[handle] = 0; freeFuncId.push(handle); } var fptrInvokeCallback = null; var fptrFreeCallback = null; if (typeof Runtime !== "undefined" && typeof Runtime.addFunction !== "undefined") { fptrInvokeCallback = Runtime.addFunction(invokeCallback); fptrFreeCallback = Runtime.addFunction(freeCallback); } /** * Check if a function is TVM PackedFunc * @param {Function} f function to be checked. * @return {boolean} Whether f is PackedFunc */ this.isPackedFunc = function(f) { return (typeof f == "function") && f.hasOwnProperty("_tvm_function"); }; var isPackedFunc = this.isPackedFunc; /** * Convert a javascript function to TVM function. * @param {Function} f javascript function. * @return {Function} The created TVMFunction. */ this.convertFunc = function(f) { if (isPackedFunc(f)) return f; CHECK(fptrInvokeCallback !== null, "Emscripten Runtime addFunction is not available"); var fid; if (freeFuncId.length != 0) { fid = freeFuncId.pop(); } else { fid = funcTable.length; funcTable.push(0); } funcTable[fid] = f; // alloc var out = new RefTVMValue(); TVM_CALL(TVMFuncCreateFromCFunc( fptrInvokeCallback, fid, fptrFreeCallback, out.data)); var out_handle = out.asHandle(); // release out.release(); return makeTVMFunction(out_handle); }; var convertFunc = this.convertFunc; //----------------------------------------- // Private Class declarations // ---------------------------------------- CBuffer.prototype = { /** * Finalizer: resources from the object. */ release : function() { if (this.data != 0) { Module._free(this.data); this.data = 0; } }, }; // RefTVMValue RefTVMValue.prototype = { /** * Finalizer: resources from the object. */ release : function() { if (this.data != 0) { Module._free(this.data); this.data = 0; } }, asInt : function() { return Module.getValue(this.data, "i32"); }, asInt64 : function() { return Module.getValue(this.data, "i64"); }, asDouble : function() { return Module.getValue(this.data, "double"); }, asHandle : function() { return Module.getValue(this.data, "*"); } }; // TVMArgs TVMArgs.prototype = { release : function() { if (this.value != 0) { Module._free(this.value); Module._free(this.tcode); this.value = 0; for (var i = 0; i< this.temp.length; ++i) { if (this.temp[i].release instanceof Function) { this.temp[i].release(); } } } }, setInt : function(index, value) { Module.setValue(this.tcode + index * SIZEOF_INT, kInt, "i32"); Module.setValue(this.value + index * SIZEOF_TVMVALUE, value, "i64"); }, setDouble : function(index, value) { Module.setValue(this.tcode + index * SIZEOF_INT, kFloat, "i32"); Module.setValue(this.value + index * SIZEOF_TVMVALUE, value, "double"); }, setHandle : function(index, value, tcode) { Module.setValue(this.tcode + index * SIZEOF_INT, tcode, "i32"); Module.setValue(this.value + index * SIZEOF_TVMVALUE, value, "*"); }, setString : function(index, value) { var sdata = new CBuffer(value.length + 1); Module.HEAPU8.set(StringToUint8Array(value), sdata.data); this.temp.push(sdata); Module.setValue(this.tcode + index * SIZEOF_INT, kStr, "i32"); Module.setValue(this.value + index * SIZEOF_TVMVALUE, sdata.data, "*"); }, setBytes : function(index, value) { CHECK(value instanceof Uint8Array); var sdata = new CBuffer(value.length); var sheader = new CBuffer(SIZEOF_POINTER + SIZEOF_SIZE_T); Module.HEAPU8.set(new Uint8Array(value), sdata.data); Module.setValue(sheader.data, sdata.data, "*"); Module.setValue(sheader.data + SIZEOF_POINTER, value.length, "i32"); this.temp.push(sdata); this.temp.push(sheader); Module.setValue(this.tcode + index * SIZEOF_INT, kBytes, "i32"); Module.setValue(this.value + index * SIZEOF_TVMVALUE, sheader.data, "*"); }, setArguments : function(args) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { var v = args[i]; var tp = typeof v; if (v instanceof NDArray) { this.setHandle(i, v.handle, kArrayHandle); } else if (v instanceof TVMConstant) { var code = getTVMType(v.dtype).code; if (code == kInt || code == kUInt) { this.setInt(i, v.value); } else if (code == kFloat) { this.setDouble(i, v.value); } else { CHECK(code == kHandle); this.setHandle(i, v.value, kHandle); } } else if (tp == "number") { this.setDouble(i, v); } else if (tp == "function" && v.hasOwnProperty("_tvm_function")) { this.setString(i, v._tvm_function.handle, kFuncHandle); } else if (v === null) { this.setHandle(i, 0, kNull); } else if (tp == "string") { this.setString(i, v); } else if (v instanceof Uint8Array) { this.setBytes(i, v); } else if (v instanceof Function) { v = convertFunc(v); this.temp.push(v); this.setHandle(i, v._tvm_function.handle, kFuncHandle); } else if (v instanceof TVMModule) { this.setHandle(i, v.handle, kModuleHandle); } else { throwError("Unsupported argument type " + tp); } } } }; // TVMType var TYPE_CODE2STR = { 0 : "int", 1 : "uint", 2 : "float", 4 : "handle" }; TVMType.prototype = { toString : function() { var ret = TYPE_CODE2STR[this.code] + this.bits.toString(); if (this.lanes != 1) { return ret + "x" + this.lanes.toString(); } else { return ret; } } }; // TVMFunction TVMFunction.prototype = { release : function() { if (this.handle != 0) { TVM_CALL(TVMFuncFree(this.handle)); this.handle = 0; } } }; // TVMContext var CTX_MASK2STR = { 1 : "cpu", 2 : "gpu", 4 : "opencl", 7 : "vulkan", 8 : "metal", 9 : "vpi", 11 : "opengl", }; var CTX_STR2MASK = { "cpu": 1, "gpu": 2, "cuda": 2, "cl": 4, "opencl": 4, "vulkan": 7, "metal": 8, "vpi": 9, "opengl": 11, }; TVMContext.prototype = { toString : function() { return CTX_MASK2STR[this.device_type] + "(" + this.device_id.toString() + ")"; } }; //----------------------------------------- // Public Functions // ---------------------------------------- /** * Construct a TVMContext given device type and id. * * @param {number} device_type, string or int, The device type. * @param {number} device_id, the device id. * @return {tvm.TVMContext} The created TVMContext */ this.context = function(device_type, device_id) { if (typeof device_type == "string") { device_type = CTX_STR2MASK[device_type]; } return new TVMContext(device_type, device_id); }; var context = this.context; /** * Create empty ndarray with given shape. * * @param {Array.<number>} shape The shape of the array. * @param {string} dtype The data type of the array, optional, default="float32" * @param {tvm.TVMContext} ctx The context of the array, optional, default=cpu(0). * @return {tvm.NDArray} The created ndarray. */ this.empty = function(shape, dtype, ctx) { dtype = (typeof dtype !== "undefined") ? dtype: "float32"; ctx = (typeof ctx !== "undefined") ? ctx : context("cpu", 0); shape = (typeof shape == "number") ? [shape] : shape; // alloc var cshape = Module._malloc(SIZEOF_INT64 * shape.length); var out = new RefTVMValue(); for (var i = 0; i < shape.length; ++i) { Module.setValue(cshape + i * SIZEOF_INT64, shape[i], "i64"); } dtype = getTVMType(dtype); TVM_CALL(TVMArrayAlloc(cshape, shape.length, dtype.code, dtype.bits, dtype.lanes, ctx.device_type, ctx.device_id, out.data)); var out_handle = out.asHandle(); // release Module._free(cshape); out.release(); return new NDArray(out_handle); }; /** * List all global function names in the TVM runtime. * @return {Array.<string>} List of global function names. */ this.listGlobalFuncNames = function() { // alloc var out_size = new RefTVMValue(); var out_array = new RefTVMValue(); TVM_CALL(TVMFuncListGlobalNames(out_size.data, out_array.data)); var length = out_size.asInt(); var base = out_array.asHandle(); var names = []; for (var i = 0 ; i < length; ++i) { names.push( CStringToJS(Module.getValue(base + i * SIZEOF_POINTER, "*"))); } // release out_size.release(); out_array.release(); return names; }; var listGlobalFuncNames = this.listGlobalFuncNames; /** * Get a global function from TVM runtime. * * @param {string} The name of the function. * @return {Function} The corresponding function, null if function do not exist */ this.getGlobalFunc = function (name) { // alloc var out = new RefTVMValue(); TVM_CALL(TVMFuncGetGlobal(name, out.data)); var out_handle = out.asHandle(); // release out.release(); if (out_handle != 0) { return makeTVMFunction(out_handle); } else { return null; } }; var getGlobalFunc = this.getGlobalFunc; /** * Register function to be global function in tvm runtime. * @param {string} name The name of the function. * @param {Function} f function to be registered. * @param {boolean} override Whether overwrite function in existing registry. */ this.registerFunc = function(name, f, override) { f = convertFunc(f); override = (typeof override !== "undefined") ? override: false; var ioverride = override ? 1 : 0; TVM_CALL(TVMFuncRegisterGlobal(name, f._tvm_function.handle, ioverride)); }; /** * Create a typed scalar constant. * This can be used to pass number as integer types to tvm function. * * @param {number} value The value of the data. * @param {string} dtype The data type. * @param {tvm.TVMConstant} The created typed scalar. */ this.constant = function(value, dtype) { return new TVMConstant(value, dtype); }; //----------------------------------------- // Wrap of TVM Functions. // ---------------------------------------- var systemFunc = {}; /** * Get system-wide library module singleton.5A * System lib is a global module that contains self register functions in startup. * @return {tvm.TVMModule} The system module singleton. */ this.systemLib = function() { if (typeof systemFunc.fGetSystemLib === "undefined") { systemFunc.fGetSystemLib = getGlobalFunc("module._GetSystemLib"); } return systemFunc.fGetSystemLib(); }; this.startRPCServer = function(url, key, counter) { if (typeof key === "undefined") { key = ""; } if (typeof counter === "undefined") { counter = 1; } // Node js, import websocket var bkey = StringToUint8Array("server:" + key); bkey = bkey.slice(0, bkey.length - 1); var server_name = "WebSocketRPCServer[" + key + "]"; var RPC_MAGIC = 0xff271; function checkEndian() { var a = new ArrayBuffer(4); var b = new Uint8Array(a); var c = new Uint32Array(a); b[0] = 0x11; b[1] = 0x22; b[2] = 0x33; b[3] = 0x44; CHECK(c[0] === 0x44332211, "Need little endian to work"); } checkEndian(); // start rpc function RPCServer(counter) { var socket; if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { // WebSocket for nodejs const WebSocket = require("ws"); socket = new WebSocket(url); } else { socket = new WebSocket(url); } var self = this; socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; this.init = true; this.counter = counter; if (typeof systemFunc.fcreateServer === "undefined") { systemFunc.fcreateServer = getGlobalFunc("rpc._CreateEventDrivenServer"); } if (systemFunc.fcreateServer == null) { throwError("RPCServer is not included in runtime"); } var message_handler = systemFunc.fcreateServer( function(cbytes) { if (socket.readyState == 1) { socket.send(cbytes); return new TVMConstant(cbytes.length, "int32"); } else { return new TVMConstant(0, "int32"); } } , server_name, "%toinit"); function on_open(event) { var intbuf = new Int32Array(1); intbuf[0] = RPC_MAGIC; socket.send(intbuf); intbuf[0] = bkey.length; socket.send(intbuf); socket.send(bkey); logging(server_name + " connected..."); } function on_message(event) { if (self.init) { var msg = new Uint8Array(event.data); CHECK(msg.length >= 4, "Need message header to be bigger than 4"); var magic = new Int32Array(event.data)[0]; if (magic == RPC_MAGIC + 1) { throwError("key: " + key + " has already been used in proxy"); } else if (magic == RPC_MAGIC + 2) { logging(server_name + ": RPCProxy do not have matching client key " + key); } else { CHECK(magic == RPC_MAGIC, url + "is not RPC Proxy"); self.init = false; } logging(server_name + "init end..."); if (msg.length > 4) { if (message_handler( new Uint8Array(event.data, 4, msg.length -4), new TVMConstant(3, "int32")) == 0) { socket.close(); } } } else { if (message_handler(new Uint8Array(event.data), new TVMConstant(3, "int32")) == 0) { socket.close(); } } } function on_close(event) { message_handler.release(); logging(server_name + ": closed finish..."); if (!self.init && self.counter != 0) { logging(server_name + ":reconnect to serve another request, session left=" + counter); // start a new server. new RPCServer(counter - 1); } } socket.addEventListener("open", on_open); socket.addEventListener("message", on_message); socket.addEventListener("close", on_close); } return new RPCServer(counter); }; /** * Load a TVM module from a library file. * The file must be present in the Emscripten virtual file system. * For example, you can pass "--preload-file file" or "--preload-file dir/" * to "emcc" when compiling the TVM library, in order to populate files into * the file system. * For more detail, see: * https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/porting/files/packaging_files * @param {string} file_name Path of the file to be loaded. The path refers * to the Emscripten virtual file system. * @param {string} format The format of the file. * @return {tvm.TVMModule} The loaded module. */ this.loadModuleFromFile = function (file_name, format) { // alloc var out = new RefTVMValue(); TVM_CALL(TVMModLoadFromFile(file_name, format, out.data)); var out_handle = out.asHandle(); // release out.release(); if (out_handle != 0) { return new TVMModule(out_handle); } else { return null; } }; var loadModuleFromFile = this.loadModuleFromFile; /** * Wrapper runtime module. * Wraps around set_input, load_params, run, and get_output. * * @class * @memberof tvm */ function GraphModule(tvm_graph_module, ctx) { CHECK(tvm_graph_module instanceof TVMModule, "tvm_graph_module must be TVMModule"); CHECK(ctx instanceof TVMContext, "ctx must be TVMContext"); this.tvm_graph_module = tvm_graph_module; this.ctx = ctx; this._set_input = tvm_graph_module.getFunction("set_input"); this._load_params = tvm_graph_module.getFunction("load_params"); this._run = tvm_graph_module.getFunction("run"); this._get_output = tvm_graph_module.getFunction("get_output"); }; GraphModule.prototype = { /** * Set input to graph module. * * @param {string} key The name of the input. * @param {NDArray} value The input value. */ "set_input" : function(key, value) { CHECK(typeof key == "string", "key must be string"); CHECK(value instanceof NDArray, "value must be NDArray"); this._set_input(key, value); }, /** * Load parameters from serialized byte array of parameter dict. * * @param {Uint8Array} params The serialized parameter dict. */ "load_params" : function(params) { CHECK(params instanceof Uint8Array, "params must be Uint8Array"); this._load_params(params); }, /** * Load parameters from serialized base64 string of parameter dict. * * @param {string} base64_params The serialized parameter dict. */ "load_base64_params" : function(base64_params) { CHECK(typeof base64_params == "string", "base64_params must be string"); var decoded_string = atob(base64_params); var decoded_u8 = new Uint8Array(decoded_string.length); for (var i = 0; i < decoded_string.length; i++) { decoded_u8[i] = decoded_string[i].charCodeAt(0); } this.load_params(decoded_u8); }, /** * Run forward execution of the graph. */ "run" : function() { this._run(); }, /** * Get index-th output to out. * * @param {NDArray} out The output array container. * @return {NDArray} The output array container. */ "get_output" : function(index, out) { CHECK(typeof index == "number", "index must be number"); CHECK(out instanceof NDArray, "out must be NDArray"); this._get_output(new TVMConstant(index, "int32"), out); return out; } }; /** * Create a runtime executor module given a graph and a module. * @param {string} graph_json_str The Json string of the graph. * @param {TVMModule} libmod The TVM module. * @param {TVMContext} ctx The context to deploy the module. * @return {GraphModule} Runtime graph module for executing the graph. */ this.createGraphRuntime = function(graph_json_str, libmod, ctx) { CHECK(typeof graph_json_str == "string", "graph_json_str must be string"); CHECK(libmod instanceof TVMModule, "libmod must be TVMModule"); CHECK(ctx instanceof TVMContext, "ctx must be TVMContext"); var fcreate = getGlobalFunc("tvm.graph_runtime.create"); CHECK(fcreate != null, "Cannot find tvm.graph_runtime.create"); var tvm_graph_module = fcreate(graph_json_str, libmod, new TVMConstant(ctx.device_type, "int32"), new TVMConstant(ctx.device_id, "int32")); return new GraphModule(tvm_graph_module, ctx); }; //----------------------------------------- // Class defintions // ---------------------------------------- // NDArray. NDArray.prototype = { /** * Finalizer: resources from the object. */ release : function() { if (this.handle != 0) { TVM_CALL(TVMArrayFree(this.handle)); this.handle = 0; } }, /** * Copy data from another NDArray or javascript array. * The number of elements must match. * * @param {Array} data The source data array. */ copyFrom : function(data) { if (data instanceof NDArray) { TVM_CALL(TVMArrayCopyFromTo(data.handle, this.handle)); } else { var size = this.shape.reduce(function(a, b) { return a * b; }, 1); if (data.length != size) { throwError("data size and shape mismatch data.length" + data.length + " vs " + size); } if (this.dtype == "float32") { data = Float32Array.from(data); } else if (this.dtype == "float64") { data = Float64Array.from(data); } else if (this.dtype == "int32") { data = Int32Array.from(data); } else if (this.dtype == "int8") { data = Int8Array.from(data); } else if (this.dtype == "uint8") { data = Uint8Array.from(data); } else { throwError("Unsupported data type " + this.dtype); } return this.copyFromRawBytes(new Uint8Array(data.buffer)); } }, /** * Copy data from raw bytes. * @param {Uint8Array} data Uint8Array of bytes. */ copyFromRawBytes : function(data) { var size = this.shape.reduce(function(a, b) { return a * b; }, 1); var dtype = getTVMType(this.dtype); var nbytes = this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * size; CHECK(data instanceof Uint8Array); CHECK(data.length == nbytes, "Data length and bytes do not match " + data.length + " vs " + nbytes); var temp = Module._malloc(nbytes); Module.HEAPU8.set(data, temp); TVM_CALL(TVMArrayCopyFromBytes(this.handle, temp, nbytes)); Module._free(temp); return this; }, /** * Return a copied Uint8Array of the raw bytes in the NDArray. * @return {Uint8Array} The created array. */ asRawBytes : function() { var size = this.shape.reduce(function(a, b) { return a * b; }, 1); var nbytes = this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * size; var temp = Module._malloc(nbytes); TVM_CALL(TVMArrayCopyToBytes(this.handle, temp, nbytes)); var ret = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(nbytes)); ret.set(new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer, temp, nbytes)); Module._free(temp); return ret; }, /** * Return Array data content as javascript typed array. * @return {TypedArray} The created array. */ asArray : function() { if (this.dtype == "float32") { return new Float32Array(this.asRawBytes().buffer); } else if (this.dtype == "float64") { return new Float64Array(this.asRawBytes().buffer); } else if (this.dtype == "int32") { return new Int32Array(this.asRawBytes().buffer); } else if (this.dtype == "int8") { return new Int8Array(this.asRawBytes().buffer); } else if (this.dtype == "uint8") { return new Uint8Array(this.asRawBytes().buffer); } else { throwError("Unsupported data type " + this.dtype); } } }; TVMModule.prototype = { /** * Finalizer: resources from the object. */ release : function() { if (this.handle != 0) { TVM_CALL(TVMModFree(this.handle)); this.handle = 0; } }, /** * Get function from the module. * @param {string} name The name of the function. * @return {Function} The correspondin function. */ getFunction : function(name) { // alloc var out = new RefTVMValue(); TVM_CALL(TVMModGetFunction(this.handle, name, 0, out.data)); var out_handle = out.asHandle(); // release out.release(); if (out_handle == 0) { throwError("Module has no function " + name); } return makeTVMFunction(out_handle); }, /** * Add module to the import list of current one. * @param {tvm.TVMModule} mod The other module to be imported. */ import_module : function(mod) { CHECK(mod instanceof TVMModule, "mod must be instance of TVMModule"); TVM_CALL(TVMModImport(this.handle, mod.handle)); } }; //----------------------------------------- // Static variables. // ---------------------------------------- /** Float32 type */ this.float32 = "float32"; /** Int32 type */ this.int32 = "int32"; } /** * Create a TVM runtime given emscripten module. * @property {string} create * @memberof tvm_runtime * @param Module The emscripten module. * @return {tvm.TVMRuntime} The created TVM runtime. */ this.create = function(Module) { var tvm = {}; tvm.Module = Module; if (typeof Module.addFunction !== "undefined") { tvm.Runtime = Module; } else { tvm.Runtime = Module.Runtime; } TVMRuntime.apply(tvm); return tvm; }; }).apply(tvm_runtime); // export things in node if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { module.exports = tvm_runtime; }