""" Decorator functions for hashing schedule code code hashing is used to check the consistence of schedule code and the parameters loaded from log """ import inspect import zlib from tvm import schedule def attach_code_hash(s): """Decorator for attaching a code hash to a schedule Parameters ---------- s: Schedule tvm.schedule.Schedule to attach the hash to """ def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): func(*args, **kwargs) raw_hash = zlib.crc32(''.join(inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0]).encode()) s.code_hash = hex(raw_hash)[2:] return wrapper return decorator def attach_code_hash_to_arg(arg_idx=1): """Decorator for attaching a code hash to a schedule Parameters ---------- arg_idx: int index of the argument (expected to be a Schedule) to attach the code hash to """ def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): func(*args, **kwargs) assert isinstance(args[arg_idx], schedule.Schedule) raw_hash = zlib.crc32(''.join(inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0]).encode()) args[arg_idx].code_hash = hex(raw_hash)[2:] return wrapper return decorator