/*! * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors * \file ir_util.cc * \brief Helper functions to construct and compose IR nodes. */ #include "ir_util.h" namespace tvm { namespace ir { Stmt MergeNest(const std::vector<Stmt>& nest, Stmt body) { // use reverse iteration for (auto ri = nest.rbegin(); ri != nest.rend(); ++ri) { Stmt s = *ri; if (s.as<For>()) { auto n = make_node<For>(*s.as<For>()); CHECK(is_no_op(n->body)); n->body = body; body = Stmt(n); } else if (s.as<LetStmt>()) { auto n = make_node<LetStmt>(*s.as<LetStmt>()); CHECK(is_no_op(n->body)); n->body = body; body = Stmt(n); } else if (s.as<AttrStmt>()) { auto n = make_node<AttrStmt>(*s.as<AttrStmt>()); CHECK(is_no_op(n->body)); n->body = body; body = Stmt(n); } else if (s.as<IfThenElse>()) { auto n = make_node<IfThenElse>(*s.as<IfThenElse>()); CHECK(is_no_op(n->then_case)); CHECK(!n->else_case.defined()); n->then_case = body; body = Stmt(n); } else if (s.as<Block>()) { auto n = make_node<Block>(*s.as<Block>()); CHECK(is_no_op(n->rest)); n->rest = body; body = Stmt(n); } else if (s.as<AssertStmt>()) { auto n = make_node<AssertStmt>(*s.as<AssertStmt>()); CHECK(is_no_op(n->body)); n->body = body; body = Stmt(n); } else if (s.as<Allocate>()) { auto n = make_node<Allocate>(*s.as<Allocate>()); CHECK(is_no_op(n->body)); n->body = body; body = Stmt(n); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "not supported nest type"; } } return body; } Stmt MergeNest(const std::vector<std::vector<Stmt> >& nest, Stmt body) { for (auto ri = nest.rbegin(); ri != nest.rend(); ++ri) { body = MergeNest(*ri, body); } return body; } Stmt MergeSeq(const std::vector<Stmt>& seq) { if (seq.size() == 0) return Evaluate::make(0); Stmt body = seq[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < seq.size(); ++i) { body = Block::make(body, seq[i]); } return body; } } // namespace ir } // namespace tvm