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"""IRModule that holds the functions and type definitions."""
from tvm._ffi.base import string_types
import tvm._ffi

from .base import Node
from . import expr as _expr
from . import type as _ty
from . import _ffi_api

class IRModule(Node):
    """IRModule that holds functions and type definitions.

    IRModule is the basic unit for all IR transformations across the stack.

    functions: Optional[dict].
        Map of global var to BaseFunc
    def __init__(self, functions=None, type_definitions=None):
        if functions is None:
            functions = {}
        elif isinstance(functions, dict):
            mapped_funcs = {}
            for k, v in functions.items():
                if isinstance(k, string_types):
                    k = _expr.GlobalVar(k)
                if not isinstance(k, _expr.GlobalVar):
                    raise TypeError("Expect functions to be Dict[GlobalVar, Function]")
                mapped_funcs[k] = v
            functions = mapped_funcs
        if type_definitions is None:
            type_definitions = {}
        elif isinstance(type_definitions, dict):
            mapped_type_defs = {}
            for k, v in type_definitions.items():
                if isinstance(k, string_types):
                    k = _ty.GlobalTypeVar(k)
                if not isinstance(k, _ty.GlobalTypeVar):
                    raise TypeError("Expect type_definitions to be Dict[GlobalTypeVar, Type]")
                mapped_type_defs[k] = v
            type_definitions = mapped_type_defs
        self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_ffi_api.IRModule, functions, type_definitions)

    def __setitem__(self, var, val):
        """Add a mapping to the module.

        var: GlobalVar
            The global variable.

        val: Union[Function, Type]
            The value.
        return self._add(var, val)

    def _add(self, var, val, update=False):
        if isinstance(val, _expr.RelayExpr):
            if isinstance(var, string_types):
                if _ffi_api.Module_ContainGlobalVar(self, var):
                    var = _ffi_api.Module_GetGlobalVar(self, var)
                    var = _expr.GlobalVar(var)
            _ffi_api.Module_Add(self, var, val, update)
            assert isinstance(val, _ty.Type)
            if isinstance(var, string_types):
                var = _ty.GlobalTypeVar(var)
            _ffi_api.Module_AddDef(self, var, val, update)

    def __getitem__(self, var):
        """Lookup a global definition by name or by variable.

        var: Union[String, GlobalVar, GlobalTypeVar]
            The name or global variable.

        val: Union[Function, Type]
            The definition referenced by :code:`var` (either a function or type).
        if isinstance(var, string_types):
            return _ffi_api.Module_Lookup_str(self, var)
        if isinstance(var, _expr.GlobalVar):
            return _ffi_api.Module_Lookup(self, var)
        return _ffi_api.Module_LookupDef(self, var)

    def update(self, other):
        """Insert functions in another Module to current one.

        other: IRModule
            The module to merge into the current Module.
        if isinstance(other, dict):
            other = Module(other)
        return _ffi_api.Module_Update(self, other)

    def get_global_var(self, name):
        """Get a global variable in the function by name.

        name: str
            The name of the global variable.

        global_var: GlobalVar
            The global variable mapped to :code:`name`.

        tvm.error.TVMError if we cannot find corresponding global var.
        return _ffi_api.Module_GetGlobalVar(self, name)

    def get_global_vars(self):
        """Collect all global vars defined in this module.

        global_vars: Array[GlobalVar]
            An array of global vars.
        return _ffi_api.Module_GetGlobalVars(self)

    def get_global_type_vars(self):
        """Collect all global type vars defined in this module.

        global_type_vars: Array[GlobalTypeVar]
            An array of global type vars.
        return _ffi_api.Module_GetGlobalTypeVars(self)

    def get_global_type_var(self, name):
        """Get a global type variable in the function by name.

        name: str
            The name of the global type variable.

        global_type_var: GlobalTypeVar
            The global variable mapped to :code:`name`.

        tvm.error.TVMError if we cannot find corresponding global type var.
        return _ffi_api.Module_GetGlobalTypeVar(self, name)

    def get_constructor(self, tag):
        """Look up an ADT constructor by tag.

        tag: int
            The tag for a constructor.

        constructor: Constructor
           The constructor associated with the given tag,

        tvm.error.TVMError if the corresponding constructor cannot be found.
        return _ffi_api.Module_LookupTag(self, tag)

    def from_expr(expr, functions=None, type_defs=None):
        """Construct a module from a standalone expression.

        expr: RelayExpr
            The starting expression

        global_funcs: Optional[dict]
            Map of global vars to function definitions

        type_defs: Optional[dict]
            Map of global type vars to type definitions

        mod: Module
            A module containing the passed definitions,
            where expr is set as the entry point
            (wrapped in a function if necessary)
        funcs = functions if functions is not None else {}
        defs = type_defs if type_defs is not None else {}
        return _ffi_api.Module_FromExpr(expr, funcs, defs)

    def _import(self, file_to_import):
        return _ffi_api.Module_Import(self, file_to_import)

    def import_from_std(self, file_to_import):
        return _ffi_api.Module_ImportFromStd(self, file_to_import)