# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ifeq (, $(shell which verilator)) $(error "No Verilator in $(PATH), consider doing apt-get install verilator") endif # Change VERILATOR_INC_DIR if Verilator is installed on a different location ifeq (, $(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)) ifeq (, $(wildcard /usr/local/share/verilator/include/*)) ifeq (, $(wildcard /usr/share/verilator/include/*)) $(error "Verilator include directory is not set properly") else VERILATOR_INC_DIR := /usr/share/verilator/include endif else VERILATOR_INC_DIR := /usr/local/share/verilator/include endif endif CONFIG = DefaultF1Config TOP = VTA TOP_TEST = Test BUILD_NAME = build USE_TRACE = 0 VTA_LIBNAME = libvta_hw config_test = $(TOP_TEST)$(CONFIG) vta_dir = $(abspath ../../) tvm_dir = $(abspath ../../../) verilator_build_dir = $(vta_dir)/$(BUILD_NAME)/verilator chisel_build_dir = $(vta_dir)/$(BUILD_NAME)/chisel verilator_opt = --cc verilator_opt += +define+RANDOMIZE_GARBAGE_ASSIGN verilator_opt += +define+RANDOMIZE_REG_INIT verilator_opt += +define+RANDOMIZE_MEM_INIT verilator_opt += --x-assign unique verilator_opt += --output-split 20000 verilator_opt += --output-split-cfuncs 20000 verilator_opt += --top-module ${TOP_TEST} verilator_opt += -Mdir ${verilator_build_dir} verilator_opt += -I$(chisel_build_dir) cxx_flags = -O2 -Wall -fPIC -shared cxx_flags += -fvisibility=hidden -std=c++11 cxx_flags += -DVL_TSIM_NAME=V$(TOP_TEST) cxx_flags += -DVL_PRINTF=printf cxx_flags += -DVL_USER_FINISH cxx_flags += -DVM_COVERAGE=0 cxx_flags += -DVM_SC=0 cxx_flags += -Wno-sign-compare cxx_flags += -include V$(TOP_TEST).h cxx_flags += -I$(verilator_build_dir) cxx_flags += -I$(VERILATOR_INC_DIR) cxx_flags += -I$(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)/vltstd cxx_flags += -I$(vta_dir)/include cxx_flags += -I$(tvm_dir)/include cxx_flags += -I$(tvm_dir)/3rdparty/dlpack/include cxx_files = $(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)/verilated.cpp cxx_files += $(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)/verilated_dpi.cpp cxx_files += $(wildcard $(verilator_build_dir)/*.cpp) cxx_files += $(vta_dir)/hardware/dpi/tsim_device.cc ifneq ($(USE_TRACE), 0) verilator_opt += --trace cxx_flags += -DVM_TRACE=1 cxx_flags += -DTSIM_TRACE_FILE=$(verilator_build_dir)/$(TOP_TEST).vcd cxx_files += $(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)/verilated_vcd_c.cpp else cxx_flags += -DVM_TRACE=0 endif # The following is to be consistent with cmake ifeq ($(shell uname), Darwin) lib_path = $(vta_dir)/$(BUILD_NAME)/$(VTA_LIBNAME).dylib else lib_path = $(vta_dir)/$(BUILD_NAME)/$(VTA_LIBNAME).so endif default: lib lib: $(lib_path) $(lib_path): $(verilator_build_dir)/V$(TOP_TEST).cpp g++ $(cxx_flags) $(cxx_files) -o $@ verilator: $(verilator_build_dir)/V$(TOP_TEST).cpp $(verilator_build_dir)/V$(TOP_TEST).cpp: $(chisel_build_dir)/$(TOP_TEST).$(CONFIG).v verilator $(verilator_opt) $< verilog: $(chisel_build_dir)/$(TOP).$(CONFIG).v $(chisel_build_dir)/$(TOP).$(CONFIG).v: sbt 'runMain vta.$(CONFIG) --target-dir $(chisel_build_dir) --top-name $(TOP).$(CONFIG)' verilog_test: $(chisel_build_dir)/$(TOP_TEST).$(CONFIG).v $(chisel_build_dir)/$(TOP_TEST).$(CONFIG).v: sbt 'runMain vta.$(config_test) --target-dir $(chisel_build_dir) --top-name $(TOP_TEST).$(CONFIG)' clean: -rm -rf target project/target project/project cleanall: -rm -rf $(vta_dir)/$(BUILD_NAME)