"""Transform operators.""" from . import _make from ..expr import TupleWrapper def cast(data, dtype): """Cast input tensor to data type. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input data to the operator. dtype: str The target data type Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The casted result. """ from .. import _make as _relay_make return _relay_make.cast(data, dtype) def expand_dims(data, axis, num_newaxis=1): """Insert `num_newaxis` axises at the position given by `axis`. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input data to the operator. axis : int The axis at which the input array is expanded. Should lie in range `[-data.ndim - 1, data.ndim]`. If `axis < 0`, it is the first axis inserted; If `axis >= 0`, it is the last axis inserted in Python's negative indexing. num_newaxis : int Number of axes to be inserted. Should be >= 0. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The reshaped result. """ return _make.expand_dims(data, axis, num_newaxis) def transpose(data, axes=None): """Permutes the dimensions of an array. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input data to the operator. axes : None or List[int] The target axes order, reverse order if not specified. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The transposed result. """ if axes is not None: axes = list(axes) return _make.transpose(data, axes) def squeeze(data, axis=None): """Squeeze axes in the array. Parameters ---------- data : tvm.relay.Expr The input data to the operator. axis : None or List[int] The set of axes to remove. If axis = None, remove all axis of dimensions 1. If any specified axis has dimension that does not equal 1, it is an error. Returns ------- result : tvm.relay.Expr The squeezed result. """ return _make.squeeze(data, axis) def reshape(data, newshape): """Reshapes the input array. Example:: To give user more convenience in without doing manual shape inference, some dimensions of the shape can take special values from the set {0, -1, -2, -3, -4}. The significance of each is explained below: - ``0`` copy this dimension from the input to the output shape. Example:: - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (4,0,2), result.shape = (4,3,2) - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (2,0,0), result.shape = (2,3,4) - ``-1`` infers the dimension of the output shape by using the remainder of the input dimensions keeping the size of the new array same as that of the input array. At most one dimension of shape can be -1. Example:: - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (6,1,-1), result.shape = (6,1,4) - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (3,-1,8), result.shape = (3,1,8) - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (-1,), result.shape = (24,) - ``-2`` copy all/remainder of the input dimensions to the output shape. Example:: - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (-2,), result.shape = (2,3,4) - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (2,-2), result.shape = (2,3,4) - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (-2,1,1), result.shape = (2,3,4,1,1) - ``-3`` use the product of two consecutive dimensions of the input shape as the output dimension. Example:: - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (-3,4), result.shape = (6,4) - data.shape = (2,3,4,5), newshape = (-3,-3), result.shape = (6,20) - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (0,-3), result.shape = (2,12) - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (-3,-2), result.shape = (6,4) - ``-4`` split one dimension of the input into two dimensions passed subsequent to -4 in shape (can contain -1). Example:: - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (-4,1,2,-2), result.shape = (1,2,3,4) - data.shape = (2,3,4), newshape = (2,-4,-1,3,-2), result.shape = (2,1,3,4) Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input data to the operator. newshape : Union[int, Tuple[int], List[int]] The new shape. Should be compatible with the original shape. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The reshaped result. """ if isinstance(newshape, int): newshape = [newshape] return _make.reshape(data, list(newshape)) def reshape_like(data, shape_like): """Reshapes the input array by the size of another array. For an input array with shape ``(d1, d2, ..., dk)``, `reshape_like` operation reshapes the input array into an output array with the same shape as the second input array. .. note:: Sizes for both array should be compatible. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input data to the operator. shape_like : tuple of int The new shape. Should be compatible with the original shape. Returns ------- ret : relay.Expr The computed result. """ return _make.reshape_like(data, shape_like) def take(data, indices, axis=None): """Take elements from an array along an axis. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The source array. indices : rely.Expr The indices of the values to extract. axis : int, optional The axis over which to select values. By default, the flattened input array is used. Returns ------- ret : relay.Expr The computed result. """ return _make.take(data, indices, axis) def full(fill_value, shape=(), dtype=""): """Fill array with scalar value. Parameters ---------- fill_value : relay.Expr The value to fill. Must be a scalar. shape : tuple of int The shape of the target. dtype : data type, optional (defaults to data type of the fill value) The data type of the target. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The resulting tensor. """ return _make.full(fill_value, shape, dtype) def full_like(data, fill_value): """Return a scalar value array with the same shape and type as the input array. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input tensor. fill_value : relay.Expr The scalar value to fill. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The resulting tensor. """ return _make.full_like(data, fill_value) def arange(start, stop=None, step=1, dtype="float32"): """Return evenly spaced values within a given interval. .. note:: Similar to ``numpy.arange``, when only one argument is given, it is used as `stop` instead of `start` while `start` takes default value 0. Warning: Undefined behavior when dtype is incompatible with start/stop/step. It could lead to different results compared to numpy, MXNet, pytorch, etc. Parameters ---------- start : tvm.Expr, optional Start of interval. The interval includes this value. The default start value is 0. stop : tvm.Expr Stop of interval. The interval does not include this value. step : tvm.Expr, optional Spacing between values. The default step size is 1. dtype : str, optional The target data type. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The resulting tensor. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python relay.arange(5) = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] relay.arange(1, 5) = [1, 2, 3, 4] relay.arange(1, 5, 1.5) = [1, 2.5, 4] """ if stop is None: stop = start start = 0 return _make.arange(start, stop, step, dtype) def stack(data, axis): """Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input data to the operator. axis : int The axis in the result array along which the input arrays are stacked. .. note:: Each array in the input array sequence must have the same shape. Returns ------- ret : relay.Expr The computed result. """ return _make.stack(data, axis) def repeat(data, repeats, axis): """Repeats elements of an array. By default, repeat flattens the input array into 1-D and then repeats the elements. repeats : int The number of repetitions for each element. axis: int The axis along which to repeat values. The negative numbers are interpreted counting from the backward. By default, use the flattened input array, and return a flat output array. Returns ------- ret : relay.Expr The computed result. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] relay.repeat(x, repeats=2) = [1., 1., 2., 2., 3., 3., 4., 4.] relay.repeat(x, repeats=2, axis=1) = [[1., 1., 2., 2.], [3., 3., 4., 4.]] """ return _make.repeat(data, repeats, axis) def tile(data, reps): """Repeats the whole array multiple times. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input data to the operator. reps : tuple of int The number of times repeating the tensor data. .. note:: Each dim size of reps must be a positive integer. If reps has length d, the result will have dimension of max(d, data.ndim); If data.ndim < d, data is promoted to be d-dimensional by prepending new axes. If data.ndim >= d, reps is promoted to a.ndim by pre-pending 1's to it. Returns ------- ret : relay.Expr The computed result. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] relay.tile(x, reps=(2,3)) = [[1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.], [3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.], [1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.], [3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.]] relay.tile(x, reps=(2,)) = [[1., 2., 1., 2.], [3., 4., 3., 4.]] """ return _make.tile(data, reps) def reverse(data, axis): """Reverses the order of elements along given axis while preserving array shape. By default, repeat flattens the input array into 1-D and then repeats the elements. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input data to the operator. axis: int The axis along which to reverse elements. Returns ------- ret : relay.Expr The computed result. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python x = [[1., 2.], [3., 4.]] relay.reverse(x, axis=0) = [[3., 4.], [1., 2.]] relay.reverse(x, axis=1) = [[2., 1.], [4., 3.]] """ return _make.reverse(data, axis) def where(condition, x, y): """Selecting elements from either x or y depending on the value of the condition. .. note:: The shape of condition, x, and y needs to be the same. Parameters ---------- condition : relay.Expr The condition array. The n-th element in `y` is selected when the n-th value in the `condition` array is zero. Otherwise, the corresponding element from `x` will be picked. x : relay.Expr The first array to be selected. y : relay.Expr The second array to be selected. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The selected array. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] y = [[5, 6], [7, 8]] condition = [[0, 1], [-1, 0]] relay.where(conditon, x, y) = [[5, 2], [3, 8]] condition = [1, 0] relay.where(conditon, x, y) = [[1, 2], [7, 8]] """ return _make.where(condition, x, y) def broadcast_to(data, shape): """Return a scalar value array with the same type, broadcast to the provided shape. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input tensor. shape : shape Provide the shape to broadcast to. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The resulting tensor. """ return _make.broadcast_to(data, shape) def broadcast_to_like(data, broadcast_type): """Return a scalar value array with the same shape and type as the input array. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input tensor. broadcast_type : relay.Expr Provide the type to broadcast to. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The resulting tensor. """ return _make.broadcast_to_like(data, broadcast_type) def collapse_sum_like(data, collapse_type): """Return a scalar value array with the same shape and type as the input array. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input tensor. collapse_type : relay.Expr Provide the type to collapse to. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The resulting tensor. """ return _make.collapse_sum_like(data, collapse_type) def split(data, indices_or_sections, axis=0): """Split input tensor along axis by sections or indices. If indices_or_sections is an integer, the input will be divided equally along given axis. If such a split is not possible, an error is raised. If indices_or_sections is a tuple of sorted integers, the entries indicate where along axis the array is split. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The source array. indices_or_sections : int or tuple of int Indices or sections to split into. Accepts an int or a tuple axis : int, optional The axis over which to split. Returns ------- ret : relay.Tuple([relay.Expr, relay.Expr]) The computed result. """ if isinstance(indices_or_sections, int): ret_size = indices_or_sections else: ret_size = len(indices_or_sections) + 1 return TupleWrapper(_make.split(data, indices_or_sections, axis), ret_size) def strided_slice(data, begin, end, strides=None): """Strided slice of an array. Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The source array to be sliced. begin: list of int The indices to begin with in the slicing. end: list of int Indices indicating end of the slice. strides: list of int, optional Specifies the stride values, it can be negative in that case, the input tensor will be reversed in that particular axis. Returns ------- ret : relay.Expr The computed result. """ strides = strides or [] return _make.strided_slice(data, list(begin), list(end), list(strides)) def slice_like(data, shape_like, axes=None): """Slice the first input with respect to the second input. For an input array with shape ``(d1, d2, ..., dk)``, `slice_like` operation slices the the input array corresponding size of second array. By default will slice on all axes. Parameters ---------- data : tvm.relay.Expr The source array. shape_like : tvm.relay.Expr The new shape. axes : Optional[Tuple[int]] List of axes on which input data will be sliced according to the corresponding size of the second input. By default will slice on all axes. Negative axes mean counting in reverse. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The computed result. """ return _make.slice_like(data, shape_like, axes) def layout_transform(data, src_layout, dst_layout): """Transform the layout of a tensor Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The source tensor to be transformed src_layout: str The source layout. (e.g NCHW) dst_layout: str The destination layout. (e.g. NCHW16c) Returns ------- ret : relay.Expr The transformed tensor. """ return _make.layout_transform(data, src_layout, dst_layout) def reverse_reshape(data, newshape): """Reshapes the input array where the special values are inferred from right to left. Example:: The special values have the same semantics as :py:class:`tvm.relay.reshape`. The difference is that special values are inferred from right to left. It can be explained in the example below:: - data.shape = (10,5,4), newshape = (-1,0), reshape results in (40,5) - data.shape = (10,5,4), newshape = (-1,0), reverse_reshape results in (40,5) Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input data to the operator. newshape : Union[int, Tuple[int], List[int]] The new shape. Should be compatible with the original shape. Returns ------- result : relay.Expr The reshaped result. """ if isinstance(newshape, int): newshape = [newshape] return _make._contrib_reverse_reshape(data, list(newshape))