/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * \file tvm/arith/analyzer.cc */ #include <tvm/runtime/registry.h> #include <tvm/tir/expr.h> #include <tvm/arith/analyzer.h> #include <tvm/tir/op.h> namespace tvm { namespace arith { Analyzer::Analyzer() : const_int_bound(this), modular_set(this), rewrite_simplify(this), canonical_simplify(this), int_set(this) { } void Analyzer::Bind(const Var& var, const PrimExpr& expr) { PrimExpr new_expr = expr; new_expr = this->canonical_simplify(new_expr); new_expr = this->rewrite_simplify(new_expr); this->const_int_bound.Update(var, this->const_int_bound(new_expr)); this->modular_set.Update(var, this->modular_set(new_expr)); this->rewrite_simplify.Update(var, new_expr); this->canonical_simplify.Update(var, new_expr); } void Analyzer::Bind(const Var& var, const Range& range) { CHECK(range.defined()); if (tir::is_one(range->extent)) { this->Bind(var, range->min); } else { this->const_int_bound.Bind(var, range); } // skip modular_set // skip rewrite simplify } void Analyzer::Bind(const Map<Var, Range>& variables) { for (const auto& iter : variables) { this->Bind(iter.first, iter.second); } } void ConstraintContext::EnterWithScope() { CHECK(exit_ == nullptr); // entering the scope. auto f0 = analyzer_->const_int_bound.EnterConstraint(constraint_); auto f1 = analyzer_->modular_set.EnterConstraint(constraint_); auto f2 = analyzer_->rewrite_simplify.EnterConstraint(constraint_); // recovery function. exit_ = [f0, f1, f2]() { if (f2 != nullptr) f2(); if (f1 != nullptr) f1(); if (f0 != nullptr) f0(); }; } void ConstraintContext::ExitWithScope() { CHECK(exit_ != nullptr); exit_(); } bool Analyzer::CanProveGreaterEqual(const PrimExpr& expr, int64_t lower_bound) { if (const auto* ptr = expr.as<tir::IntImmNode>()) { return ptr->value >= lower_bound; } auto bd = this->const_int_bound(this->rewrite_simplify(expr)); if (bd->min_value >= lower_bound) return true; return false; } bool Analyzer::CanProve(const PrimExpr& expr) { if (const auto* ptr = expr.as<IntImmNode>()) { return ptr->value != 0; } auto res = this->rewrite_simplify(expr); if (const auto* ptr = res.as<IntImmNode>()) { return ptr->value != 0; } res = this->canonical_simplify(expr); if (const auto* ptr = res.as<IntImmNode>()) { return ptr->value != 0; } return false; } PrimExpr Analyzer::Simplify(const PrimExpr& expr) { if (tir::is_const(expr)) return expr; auto res = this->rewrite_simplify(expr); if (tir::is_const(res)) return res; res = this->canonical_simplify(res); return res; } TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("arith.CreateAnalyzer") .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) { using runtime::PackedFunc; using runtime::TypedPackedFunc; auto self = std::make_shared<Analyzer>(); auto f = [self](std::string name) -> PackedFunc { if (name == "const_int_bound") { return PackedFunc([self](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) { *ret = self->const_int_bound(args[0]); }); } else if (name == "modular_set") { return PackedFunc([self](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) { *ret = self->modular_set(args[0]); }); } else if (name == "const_int_bound_update") { return PackedFunc([self](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) { self->const_int_bound.Update(args[0], args[1], args[2]); }); } else if (name == "Simplify") { return PackedFunc([self](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) { *ret = self->Simplify(args[0]); }); } else if (name == "rewrite_simplify") { return PackedFunc([self](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) { *ret = self->rewrite_simplify(args[0]); }); } else if (name == "canonical_simplify") { return PackedFunc([self](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) { *ret = self->canonical_simplify(args[0]); }); } else if (name == "int_set") { return PackedFunc([self](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) { *ret = self->int_set(args[0], args[1]); }); } else if (name == "bind") { return PackedFunc([self](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) { if (args[1].IsObjectRef<Range>()) { self->Bind(args[0], args[1].operator Range()); } else { self->Bind(args[0], args[1].operator PrimExpr()); } }); } else if (name == "enter_constraint_context") { return PackedFunc([self](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) { // can't use make_shared due to noexcept(false) decl in destructor, // see https://stackoverflow.com/a/43907314 auto ctx = std::shared_ptr<With<ConstraintContext> >( new With<ConstraintContext>(self.get(), args[0])); auto fexit = [ctx](TVMArgs, TVMRetValue*) mutable { ctx.reset(); }; *ret = PackedFunc(fexit); }); } return PackedFunc(); }; *ret = TypedPackedFunc<PackedFunc(std::string)>(f); }); } // namespace arith } // namespace tvm