/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * Copyright (c) 2019 by Contributors * * \file to_a_normal_form.cc * * \brief Turn implicit sharing into observable sharing. */ #include <tvm/relay/analysis.h> #include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h> #include <tvm/relay/transform.h> #include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h> #include <tvm/logging.h> #include "let_list.h" #include "../../common/arena.h" #include "pass_util.h" #include "dependency_graph.h" namespace tvm { namespace relay { struct ScopeNode; using Scope = std::shared_ptr<ScopeNode>; /* Invariant: when parent is null level is 0 * * Invariant: when parent is not null level is 1 + parent->level */ struct ScopeNode { size_t level; Scope parent; std::shared_ptr<LetList> ll = std::make_shared<LetList>(); explicit ScopeNode(const Scope& parent) : level(1 + parent->level), parent(parent) { } ScopeNode() : level(0) { } }; Scope ChildScope(const Scope& s) { return std::make_shared<ScopeNode>(s); } Scope LCA(Scope lhs, Scope rhs) { while (lhs != rhs) { if (lhs->level > rhs->level) { lhs = lhs->parent; } else if (lhs->level < rhs->level) { rhs = rhs->parent; } else { lhs = lhs->parent; rhs = rhs->parent; } } return lhs; } std::unordered_map<DependencyGraph::Node*, Scope> CalcScope(const DependencyGraph& dg) { std::unordered_map<DependencyGraph::Node*, Scope> expr_scope; bool global_scope_used = false; Scope global_scope = std::make_shared<ScopeNode>(); for (auto it = dg.post_dfs_order.rbegin(); it != dg.post_dfs_order.rend(); ++it) { DependencyGraph::Node* n = *it; auto iit = n->parents.head; Scope s; if (iit == nullptr) { CHECK(!global_scope_used); s = global_scope; global_scope_used = true; } else { s = expr_scope.at(iit->value); iit = iit->next; for (; iit != nullptr; iit = iit->next) { s = LCA(s, expr_scope.at(iit->value)); } } expr_scope.insert({n, n->new_scope ? ChildScope(s) : s}); } CHECK(global_scope_used); return expr_scope; } /* Special care is needed to handle local recursion. * Fill additionally take a (possibly null) Var argument, * If it is not null, Fill is required to bind the transformed result to that var. */ class Fill : ExprFunctor<Expr(const Expr&, const Var&)> { public: static Expr ToANormalForm(const Expr& e, const DependencyGraph& dg, std::unordered_map<DependencyGraph::Node*, Scope>* node_scope) { Fill fi(dg, node_scope); return fi.GetScope(e)->ll->Get(fi.VisitExpr(e)); } private: const DependencyGraph& dg_; std::unordered_map<DependencyGraph::Node*, Scope>* node_scope_; std::unordered_map<Expr, Expr, NodeHash, NodeEqual> memo; Fill(const DependencyGraph& dg, std::unordered_map<DependencyGraph::Node*, Scope>* node_scope) : dg_(dg), node_scope_(node_scope) { } Scope GetScope(const Expr& e) { return node_scope_->at(dg_.expr_node.at(e)); } Scope GetSubScope(const Expr& e, size_t i) { DependencyGraph::Node* n = dg_.expr_node.at(e); auto h = n->children.head; while (i != 0) { CHECK(h); --i; h = h->next; } CHECK(h); return node_scope_->at(h->value); } Expr VisitExpr(const Expr& e, const Var& v) final { if (memo.count(e) == 0) { memo.insert({e, ExprFunctor<Expr(const Expr&, const Var&)>::VisitExpr(e, v)}); } else if (v.defined()) { GetScope(e)->ll->Push(v, memo.at(e)); } auto ret = memo.at(e); CHECK(IsAtomic(ret)); return ret; } Expr VisitExpr(const Expr& e) { return this->VisitExpr(e, Var()); } Expr Atomic(const Expr& e, const Var& v) { return v.defined() ? GetScope(e)->ll->Push(v, e) : e; } Expr Compound(const Expr& orig, const Expr& now, const Var& v) { Var var = v.defined() ? v : VarNode::make(std::string("x"), Type()); return GetScope(orig)->ll->Push(var, now); } Expr VisitExpr_(const CallNode* c, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(c); std::vector<Expr> args; for (const auto& a : c->args) { args.push_back(VisitExpr(a)); } return Compound(e, CallNode::make(VisitExpr(c->op), args, c->attrs, c->type_args), v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* t, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(t); std::vector<Expr> fields; for (const auto& a : t->fields) { fields.push_back(VisitExpr(a)); } return Compound(e, TupleNode::make(fields), v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* t, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(t); return Compound(e, TupleGetItemNode::make(VisitExpr(t->tuple), t->index), v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const RefCreateNode* r, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(r); return Compound(e, RefCreateNode::make(VisitExpr(r->value)), v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const RefReadNode* r, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(r); return Compound(e, RefReadNode::make(VisitExpr(r->ref)), v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const RefWriteNode* r, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(r); return Compound(e, RefWriteNode::make(VisitExpr(r->ref), VisitExpr(r->value)), v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const IfNode* i, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(i); Expr ret = IfNode::make(VisitExpr(i->cond), GetSubScope(e, 1)->ll->Get(VisitExpr(i->true_branch)), GetSubScope(e, 2)->ll->Get(VisitExpr(i->false_branch))); return Compound(e, ret, v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* f, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(f); Expr ret; if (f->IsPrimitive()) { ret = e; } else { ret = FunctionNode::make(f->params, GetSubScope(e, 0)->ll->Get(VisitExpr(f->body)), f->ret_type, f->type_params, f->attrs); } return Compound(e, ret, v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const LetNode* l, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(l); VisitExpr(l->value, l->var); Expr ret = GetSubScope(e, 0)->ll->Get(VisitExpr(l->body)); return Compound(e, ret, v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* c, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(c); return Compound(e, e, v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const VarNode* vn, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(vn); return Atomic(e, v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* gvn, const Var& v) final { GlobalVar gv = GetRef<GlobalVar>(gvn); return Atomic(gv, v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(op); return Atomic(e, v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const ConstructorNode* c, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(c); return Atomic(e, v); } Expr VisitExpr_(const MatchNode* m, const Var& v) final { Expr e = GetRef<Expr>(m); Expr data = VisitExpr(m->data); std::vector<Clause> clauses; for (const Clause& c : m->clauses) { clauses.push_back(ClauseNode::make( c->lhs, GetSubScope(e, 1 + clauses.size())->ll->Get(VisitExpr(c->rhs)))); } return Compound(e, MatchNode::make(data, clauses, m->complete), v); } }; Expr ToANormalFormAux(const Expr& e) { /* When you lift a lambda, what is inside is also being lift. * * So we must determine the scope of the lambda before determining the scope of it's body. * * To make this more principled, * we always determine the scope of parent before determining the scope of children. * * So we calculate all the dependency between nodes. */ common::Arena arena; DependencyGraph dg = DependencyGraph::Create(&arena, e); /* In order to model new subscopes created by lambda, if else and pattern matching, * we also assign scope to edge as well. * The scope of an edge is either the parent's scope, or a new subscope of the parent's scope. * * So, the scope of the whole expr is global. * The scope of any subexpr, is the lowest common ancestor of all incoming edge. * * Every scope additionally contain a LetList which collect all value of that scope. * We do an additional pass to fill all the LetList and we are done. */ std::unordered_map<DependencyGraph::Node*, Scope> node_scope = CalcScope(dg); return Fill::ToANormalForm(e, dg, &node_scope); } Module ToANormalForm(const Module& m) { DLOG(INFO) << "ToANF:" << std::endl << m; tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function> updates; auto funcs = m->functions; for (const auto& it : funcs) { CHECK_EQ(FreeVars(it.second).size(), 0); Expr ret = TransformF([&](const Expr& e) { return ToANormalFormAux(e); }, it.second); CHECK_EQ(FreeVars(ret).size(), 0) << AsText(ret) << "should not has free vars: " << FreeVars(ret); updates.Set(it.first, Downcast<Function>(ret)); } for (auto pair : updates) { m->Add(pair.first, pair.second, true); } DLOG(INFO) << "ToANF: transformed" << std::endl << m; return m; } namespace transform { Pass ToANormalForm() { runtime::TypedPackedFunc<Module(Module, PassContext)> pass_func = [=](Module m, PassContext pc) { return ToANormalForm(m); }; return CreateModulePass(pass_func, 1, "ToANormalForm", {}); } TVM_REGISTER_API("relay._transform.ToANormalForm") .set_body_typed(ToANormalForm); } // namespace transform } // namespace relay } // namespace tvm