# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# pylint: disable=wildcard-import, redefined-builtin, invalid-name
"""The Relay IR namespace containing the IR definition and compiler."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from ..api import register_func
from . import base
from . import ty
from . import expr
from . import expr_functor
from . import module
from . import adt
from . import ir_pass
from .build_module import build, build_config, create_executor, optimize
from . import prelude
from . import parser
from . import debug
from . import param_dict

# Root operators
from .op import Op
from .op.reduce import *
from .op.tensor import *
from .op.transform import *
from .op.algorithm import *
from . import nn
from . import annotation
from . import vision
from . import image
from . import frontend
from . import backend
from . import quantize

from .scope_builder import ScopeBuilder

# Span
Span = base.Span

# Env
Module = module.Module

# Type
Type = ty.Type
TupleType = ty.TupleType
TensorType = ty.TensorType
Kind = ty.Kind
TypeVar = ty.TypeVar
TypeConstraint = ty.TypeConstraint
FuncType = ty.FuncType
TypeRelation = ty.TypeRelation
IncompleteType = ty.IncompleteType
scalar_type = ty.scalar_type
RefType = ty.RefType
GlobalTypeVar = ty.GlobalTypeVar
TypeCall = ty.TypeCall

# Expr
Expr = expr.Expr
Constant = expr.Constant
Tuple = expr.Tuple
Var = expr.Var
GlobalVar = expr.GlobalVar
Function = expr.Function
Call = expr.Call
Let = expr.Let
If = expr.If
TupleGetItem = expr.TupleGetItem
RefCreate = expr.RefCreate
RefRead = expr.RefRead
RefWrite = expr.RefWrite

PatternWildcard = adt.PatternWildcard
PatternVar = adt.PatternVar
PatternConstructor = adt.PatternConstructor
Constructor = adt.Constructor
TypeData = adt.TypeData
Clause = adt.Clause
Match = adt.Match

# helper functions
var = expr.var
const = expr.const
bind = expr.bind
module_pass = ir_pass.module_pass
function_pass = ir_pass.function_pass
sequential_pass = ir_pass.sequential_pass

# ExprFunctor
ExprFunctor = expr_functor.ExprFunctor
ExprVisitor = expr_functor.ExprVisitor
ExprMutator = expr_functor.ExprMutator

# Parser
fromtext = parser.fromtext

# Param Serialization
save_param_dict = param_dict.save_param_dict
load_param_dict = param_dict.load_param_dict

# Pass manager
PassInfo = ir_pass.PassInfo
PassContext = ir_pass.PassContext
Pass = ir_pass.Pass
ModulePass = ir_pass.ModulePass
FunctionPass = ir_pass.FunctionPass
SequentialPass = ir_pass.SequentialPass