/*! * Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors * \file codegen_c.h * \brief Common utilities to generated C style code. */ #ifndef TVM_CODEGEN_CODEGEN_C_H_ #define TVM_CODEGEN_CODEGEN_C_H_ #include <tvm/ir.h> #include <tvm/ir_functor_ext.h> #include <tvm/codegen.h> #include <tvm/lowered_func.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> #include "codegen_source_base.h" namespace tvm { namespace codegen { using namespace ir; /*! * \brief A base class to generate C code. * * CodeGenC have two modes: generate SSA formed C code or normal form. * * **NOTE** CodeGenC does not aim at generating C codes consumed by MSVC or GCC, * Rather, it's providing infrastructural abstraction for C variants like CUDA * and OpenCL-C. You might find some odd variant features, e.g., type `int3` for * a vector of 3 `int`s. For native C code generator, see `CodeGenLLVM`. */ class CodeGenC : public ExprFunctor<void(const Expr&, std::ostream&)>, public StmtFunctor<void(const Stmt&)>, public CodeGenSourceBase { public: /*! * \brief Initialize the code generator. * \param output_ssa Whether output SSA. */ void Init(bool output_ssa); /*! * \brief Add the function to the generated module. * \param f The function to be compiled. */ void AddFunction(LoweredFunc f); /*! * \brief Finalize the compilation and return the code. * \return The code. */ std::string Finish(); /*! * \brief Print the Stmt n to CodeGenC->stream * \param n The statement to be printed. */ void PrintStmt(const Stmt& n) { VisitStmt(n); } /*! * \brief Print the expression n(or its ssa id if in ssa mode) into os * \param n The expression to be printed. * \param os The output stream */ void PrintExpr(const Expr& n, std::ostream& os); /*! * \brief Same as PrintExpr, but simply returns result string * \param n The expression to be printed. */ std::string PrintExpr(const Expr& n) { std::ostringstream os; PrintExpr(n, os); return os.str(); } // The following parts are overloadable print operations. /*! * \brief Insert statement before function body. * \param f The function to be compiled. */ virtual void PreFunctionBody(LoweredFunc f) {} /*! * \brief Initialize codegen state for generating f. * \param f The function to be compiled. */ virtual void InitFuncState(LoweredFunc f); // expression void VisitExpr_(const Variable* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Load* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Let* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Call* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Add* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Sub* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Mul* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Div* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Mod* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Min* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Max* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const EQ* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const NE* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const LT* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const LE* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const GT* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const GE* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const And* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Or* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Cast* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Not* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Select* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Ramp* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const Broadcast* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const IntImm* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const UIntImm* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const FloatImm* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) void VisitExpr_(const StringImm* op, std::ostream& os) override; // NOLINT(*) // statment void VisitStmt_(const LetStmt* op) override; void VisitStmt_(const Store* op) override; void VisitStmt_(const For* op) override; void VisitStmt_(const IfThenElse* op) override; void VisitStmt_(const Allocate* op) override; void VisitStmt_(const AttrStmt* op) override; void VisitStmt_(const AssertStmt* op) override; void VisitStmt_(const Evaluate* op) override; void VisitStmt_(const Block* op) override; void VisitStmt_(const ProducerConsumer* op) override; /*! * Print Type represetnation of type t. * \param t The type representation. * \param os The stream to print the ctype into */ virtual void PrintType(Type t, std::ostream& os); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Print expr representing the thread tag * \param IterVar iv The thread index to be binded; */ virtual void BindThreadIndex(const IterVar& iv); // NOLINT(*) virtual void PrintStorageScope(const std::string& scope, std::ostream& os); // NOLINT(*) virtual void PrintStorageSync(const Call* op); // NOLINT(*) // Binary vector op. virtual void PrintVecBinaryOp( const std::string&op, Type op_type, Expr lhs, Expr rhs, std::ostream& os); // NOLINT(*) // print vector load virtual std::string GetVecLoad(Type t, const Variable* buffer, Expr base); // print vector store virtual void PrintVecStore(const Variable* buffer, Type t, Expr base, const std::string& value); // NOLINT(*) // print load of single element virtual void PrintVecElemLoad( const std::string& vec, Type t, int i, std::ostream& os); // NOLINT(*) // print store of single element. virtual void PrintVecElemStore( const std::string& vec, Type t, int i, const std::string& value); // Get a cast type from to virtual std::string CastFromTo(std::string value, Type from, Type target); protected: // Print reference to struct location std::string GetStructRef( Type t, const Expr& buffer, const Expr& index, int kind); // print reference to a buffer as type t in index. virtual std::string GetBufferRef( Type t, const Variable* buffer, Expr index); /*! * \brief If buffer is allocated as type t. * \param buf_var The buffer variable. * \param t The type to be checked. */ bool HandleTypeMatch(const Variable* buf_var, Type t) const; /*! * \brief Register the data type of buf_var * \param buf_var The buffer variable. * \param t The type to be checked. */ void RegisterHandleType(const Variable* buf_var, Type t); // override void PrintSSAAssign( const std::string& target, const std::string& src, Type t) final; /*! \brief restrict keyword */ std::string restrict_keyword_{""}; /*! \brief the storage scope of allocation */ std::unordered_map<const Variable*, std::string> alloc_storage_scope_; /*! \brief the data type of allocated buffers */ std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Type> handle_data_type_; /*! \brief reserves common C keywords */ void ReserveKeywordsAsUnique(); private: /*! \brief whether to print in SSA form */ bool print_ssa_form_{false}; /*! \brief set of volatile buf access */ std::unordered_set<const Variable*> volatile_buf_; }; } // namespace codegen } // namespace tvm #endif // TVM_CODEGEN_CODEGEN_C_H_