#!groovy // -*- mode: groovy -*- // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. // Jenkins pipeline // See documents at https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/jenkinsfile/ // Docker env used for testing // Different image may have different version tag // because some of them are more stable than anoter. // // Docker images are maintained by PMC, cached in dockerhub // and remains relatively stable over the time. // Flow for upgrading docker env(need commiter) // // - Send PR to upgrade build script in the repo // - Build the new docker image // - Tag the docker image with a new version and push to tvmai // - Update the version in the Jenkinsfile, send a PR // - Fix any issues wrt to the new image version in the PR // - Merge the PR and now we are in new version // - Tag the new version as the lates // - Periodically cleanup the old versions on local workers // ci_lint = "tvmai/ci-lint:v0.51" ci_gpu = "tvmai/ci-gpu:v0.51" ci_cpu = "tvmai/ci-cpu:v0.50" ci_i386 = "tvmai/ci-i386:v0.50" // tvm libraries tvm_runtime = "build/libtvm_runtime.so, build/config.cmake" tvm_lib = "build/libtvm.so, " + tvm_runtime // LLVM upstream lib tvm_multilib = "build/libtvm.so, " + "build/libvta.so, build/libtvm_topi.so, build/libnnvm_compiler.so, " + tvm_runtime // command to start a docker container docker_run = 'docker/bash.sh' // timeout in minutes max_time = 60 // initialize source codes def init_git() { checkout scm retry(5) { timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh 'git submodule update --init' } } } def init_git_win() { checkout scm retry(5) { timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') { bat 'git submodule update --init' } } } stage("Sanity Check") { timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') { node('CPU') { ws('workspace/tvm/sanity') { init_git() sh "${docker_run} ${ci_lint} ./tests/scripts/task_lint.sh" } } } } // Run make. First try to do an incremental make from a previous workspace in hope to // accelerate the compilation. If something wrong, clean the workspace and then // build from scratch. def make(docker_type, path, make_flag) { timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') { try { sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/task_build.sh ${path} ${make_flag}" // always run cpp test when build sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/task_cpp_unittest.sh" } catch (exc) { echo 'Incremental compilation failed. Fall back to build from scratch' sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/task_clean.sh ${path}" sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/task_build.sh ${path} ${make_flag}" sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/task_cpp_unittest.sh" } } } // pack libraries for later use def pack_lib(name, libs) { sh """ echo "Packing ${libs} into ${name}" echo ${libs} | sed -e 's/,/ /g' | xargs md5sum """ stash includes: libs, name: name } // unpack libraries saved before def unpack_lib(name, libs) { unstash name sh """ echo "Unpacked ${libs} from ${name}" echo ${libs} | sed -e 's/,/ /g' | xargs md5sum """ } stage('Build') { parallel 'BUILD: GPU': { node('GPUBUILD') { ws('workspace/tvm/build-gpu') { init_git() sh """ mkdir -p build cd build cp ../cmake/config.cmake . echo set\\(USE_CUBLAS ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_CUDNN ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_CUDA ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_OPENGL ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_MICRO ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_LLVM llvm-config-6.0\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_NNPACK ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(NNPACK_PATH /NNPACK/build/\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_RPC ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_SORT ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_STACKVM_RUNTIME ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME_DEBUG ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_ANTLR ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_BLAS openblas\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER g++\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -Werror\\) >> config.cmake """ make(ci_gpu, 'build', '-j2') pack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib) // compiler test sh """ mkdir -p build2 cd build2 cp ../cmake/config.cmake . echo set\\(USE_OPENCL ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_ROCM ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_VULKAN ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_MICRO ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME_DEBUG ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER clang-6.0\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -Werror\\) >> config.cmake """ make(ci_gpu, 'build2', '-j2') } } }, 'BUILD: CPU': { node('CPU') { ws('workspace/tvm/build-cpu') { init_git() sh """ mkdir -p build cd build cp ../cmake/config.cmake . echo set\\(USE_SORT ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_MICRO ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME_DEBUG ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_LLVM llvm-config-4.0\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_NNPACK ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(NNPACK_PATH /NNPACK/build/\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_ANTLR ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER g++\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -Werror\\) >> config.cmake """ make(ci_cpu, 'build', '-j2') pack_lib('cpu', tvm_lib) timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/task_python_vta.sh" sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/task_rust.sh" sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/task_golang.sh" sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/task_python_unittest.sh" sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/task_python_integration.sh" } } } }, 'BUILD : i386': { node('CPU') { ws('workspace/tvm/build-i386') { init_git() sh """ mkdir -p build cd build cp ../cmake/config.cmake . echo set\\(USE_SORT ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_MICRO ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_RPC ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME_DEBUG ON\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(USE_LLVM llvm-config-5.0\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER g++\\) >> config.cmake echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -Werror\\) >> config.cmake """ make(ci_i386, 'build', '-j2') pack_lib('i386', tvm_multilib) } } } } stage('Unit Test') { parallel 'python3: GPU': { node('GPU') { ws('workspace/tvm/ut-python-gpu') { init_git() unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib) timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/task_python_unittest.sh" sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/task_python_integration.sh" } } } }, 'python3: i386': { node('CPU') { ws('workspace/tvm/ut-python-i386') { init_git() unpack_lib('i386', tvm_multilib) timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "${docker_run} ${ci_i386} ./tests/scripts/task_python_unittest.sh" sh "${docker_run} ${ci_i386} ./tests/scripts/task_python_integration.sh" sh "${docker_run} ${ci_i386} ./tests/scripts/task_python_vta.sh" } } } }, 'java: GPU': { node('GPU') { ws('workspace/tvm/ut-java') { init_git() unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib) timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/task_java_unittest.sh" } } } } } stage('Integration Test') { parallel 'topi: GPU': { node('GPU') { ws('workspace/tvm/topi-python-gpu') { init_git() unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib) timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/task_python_topi.sh" } } } }, 'frontend: GPU': { node('GPU') { ws('workspace/tvm/frontend-python-gpu') { init_git() unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib) timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/task_python_frontend.sh" } } } }, 'legacy: GPU': { node('GPU') { ws('workspace/tvm/legacy-python-gpu') { init_git() unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib) timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/task_python_legacy.sh" } } } }, 'docs: GPU': { node('GPU') { ws('workspace/tvm/docs-python-gpu') { init_git() unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib) timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/task_python_docs.sh" } pack_lib('mydocs', 'docs.tgz') } } } } stage('Deploy') { node('doc') { ws('workspace/tvm/deploy-docs') { if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "master") { unpack_lib('mydocs', 'docs.tgz') sh "tar xf docs.tgz -C /var/docs" } } } }