# pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-import
"""Runtime NDArray api"""
from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import ctypes
import numpy as np
from .base import _LIB, check_call, c_array, string_types, _FFI_MODE
from .runtime_ctypes import TVMType, TVMContext, TVMArray, TVMArrayHandle
from .runtime_ctypes import TypeCode, tvm_shape_index_t

IMPORT_EXCEPT = RuntimeError if _FFI_MODE == "cython" else ImportError

    # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
    if _FFI_MODE == "ctypes":
        raise ImportError()
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
        from ._cy3.core import _set_class_ndarray, _reg_extension, _make_array
        from ._cy3.core import NDArrayBase as _NDArrayBase
        from ._cy2.core import _set_class_ndarray, _reg_extension, _make_array
        from ._cy2.core import NDArrayBase as _NDArrayBase
    # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
    from ._ctypes.ndarray import _set_class_ndarray, _reg_extension, _make_array
    from ._ctypes.ndarray import NDArrayBase as _NDArrayBase

def context(dev_type, dev_id=0):
    """Construct a TVM context with given device type and id.

    dev_type: int or str
        The device type mask or name of the device.

    dev_id : int, optional
        The integer device id

    ctx: TVMContext
        The corresponding context.

    Context can be used to create reflection of context by
    string representation of the device type.

    .. code-block:: python

      assert tvm.context("cpu", 1) == tvm.cpu(1)
      assert tvm.context("gpu", 0) == tvm.gpu(0)
      assert tvm.context("cuda", 0) == tvm.gpu(0)
    if isinstance(dev_type, string_types):
        dev_type = dev_type.split()[0]
        if dev_type not in TVMContext.STR2MASK:
            raise ValueError("Unknown device type %s" % dev_type)
        dev_type = TVMContext.STR2MASK[dev_type]
    return TVMContext(dev_type, dev_id)

def numpyasarray(np_data):
    """Return a TVMArray representation of a numpy array.
    data = np_data
    assert data.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
    arr = TVMArray()
    shape = c_array(tvm_shape_index_t, data.shape)
    arr.data = data.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
    arr.shape = shape
    arr.strides = None
    arr.dtype = TVMType(np.dtype(data.dtype).name)
    arr.ndim = data.ndim
    # CPU device
    arr.ctx = context(1, 0)
    return arr, shape

def empty(shape, dtype="float32", ctx=context(1, 0)):
    """Create an empty array given shape and device

    shape : tuple of int
        The shape of the array

    dtype : type or str
        The data type of the array.

    ctx : TVMContext
        The context of the array

    arr : tvm.nd.NDArray
        The array tvm supported.
    shape = c_array(tvm_shape_index_t, shape)
    ndim = ctypes.c_int(len(shape))
    handle = TVMArrayHandle()
    dtype = TVMType(dtype)
        shape, ndim,
    return _make_array(handle, False)

class NDArrayBase(_NDArrayBase):
    """A simple Device/CPU Array object in runtime."""
    def shape(self):
        """Shape of this array"""
        return tuple(self.handle.contents.shape[i] for i in range(self.handle.contents.ndim))

    def dtype(self):
        """Type of this array"""
        return str(self.handle.contents.dtype)

    def ctx(self):
        """context of this array"""
        return self.handle.contents.ctx

    def context(self):
        """context of this array"""
        return self.ctx

    def __setitem__(self, in_slice, value):
        """Set ndarray value"""
        if (not isinstance(in_slice, slice) or
                in_slice.start is not None
                or in_slice.stop is not None):
            raise ValueError('Array only support set from numpy array')
        if isinstance(value, NDArrayBase):
            if value.handle is not self.handle:
        elif isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            raise TypeError('type %s not supported' % str(type(value)))

    def copyfrom(self, source_array):
        """Peform an synchronize copy from the array.

        source_array : array_like
            The data source we should like to copy from.

        arr : NDArray
            Reference to self.
        if isinstance(source_array, NDArrayBase):
            return self

        if not isinstance(source_array, np.ndarray):
                source_array = np.array(source_array, dtype=self.dtype)
                raise TypeError('array must be an array_like data,' +
                                'type %s is not supported' % str(type(source_array)))
        t = TVMType(self.dtype)
        shape, dtype = self.shape, self.dtype
        if t.lanes > 1:
            shape = shape + (t.lanes,)
            t.lanes = 1
            dtype = str(t)

        if source_array.shape != shape:
            raise ValueError("array shape do not match the shape of NDArray {0} vs {1}".format(
                source_array.shape, shape))
        source_array = np.ascontiguousarray(source_array, dtype=dtype)
        assert source_array.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
        data = source_array.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
        nbytes = ctypes.c_size_t(source_array.size * source_array.dtype.itemsize)
        check_call(_LIB.TVMArrayCopyFromBytes(self.handle, data, nbytes))
        return self

    def __repr__(self):
        res = "<tvm.NDArray shape={0}, {1}>\n".format(self.shape, self.context)
        res += self.asnumpy().__repr__()
        return res

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.asnumpy())

    def asnumpy(self):
        """Convert this array to numpy array

        np_arr : numpy.ndarray
            The corresponding numpy array.
        t = TVMType(self.dtype)
        shape, dtype = self.shape, self.dtype
        if t.lanes > 1:
            shape = shape + (t.lanes,)
            t.lanes = 1
            dtype = str(t)
        np_arr = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
        assert np_arr.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
        data = np_arr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
        nbytes = ctypes.c_size_t(np_arr.size * np_arr.dtype.itemsize)
        check_call(_LIB.TVMArrayCopyToBytes(self.handle, data, nbytes))
        return np_arr

    def copyto(self, target):
        """Copy array to target

        target : NDArray
            The target array to be copied, must have same shape as this array.
        if isinstance(target, TVMContext):
            target = empty(self.shape, self.dtype, target)
        if isinstance(target, NDArrayBase):
                self.handle, target.handle, None))
            raise ValueError("Unsupported target type %s" % str(type(target)))
        return target

def free_extension_handle(handle, type_code):
    """Free c++ extension type handle

    handle : ctypes.c_void_p
        The handle to the extension type.

    type_code : int
         The tyoe code
    check_call(_LIB.TVMExtTypeFree(handle, ctypes.c_int(type_code)))

def register_extension(cls, fcreate=None):
    """Register a extension class to TVM.

    After the class is registered, the class will be able
    to directly pass as Function argument generated by TVM.

    cls : class
        The class object to be registered as extension.

    The registered class is requires one property: _tvm_handle and a class attribute _tvm_tcode.

    - ```_tvm_handle``` returns integer represents the address of the handle.
    - ```_tvm_tcode``` gives integer represents type code of the class.

    cls : class
        The class being registered.

    fcreate : function, optional
        The creation function to create a class object given handle value.

    The following code registers user defined class
    MyTensor to be DLTensor compatible.

    .. code-block:: python

       class MyTensor(object):
           _tvm_tcode = tvm.TypeCode.ARRAY_HANDLE

           def __init__(self):
               self.handle = _LIB.NewDLTensor()

           def _tvm_handle(self):
               return self.handle.value
    if fcreate and cls._tvm_tcode < TypeCode.EXT_BEGIN:
        raise ValueError("Cannot register create when extension tcode is same as buildin")
    _reg_extension(cls, fcreate)
    return cls