/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * \file tvm/runtime/c_runtime_api.h * \brief TVM runtime library. * * The philosophy of TVM project is to customize the compilation * stage to generate code that can used by other projects transparently. * So this is a minimum runtime code gluing, and some limited * memory management code to enable quick testing. * * The runtime API is independent from TVM compilation stack and can * be linked via libtvm_runtime. * * The common flow is: * - Use TVMFuncListGlobalNames to get global function name * - Use TVMFuncCall to call these functions. */ #ifndef TVM_RUNTIME_C_RUNTIME_API_H_ #define TVM_RUNTIME_C_RUNTIME_API_H_ // Macros to do weak linking #ifdef _MSC_VER #define TVM_WEAK __declspec(selectany) #else #define TVM_WEAK __attribute__((weak)) #endif #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ #include <emscripten/emscripten.h> #define TVM_DLL EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE #endif #ifndef TVM_DLL #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef TVM_EXPORTS #define TVM_DLL __declspec(dllexport) #else #define TVM_DLL __declspec(dllimport) #endif #else #define TVM_DLL __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #endif #endif // TVM version #define TVM_VERSION "0.7.dev0" // TVM Runtime is DLPack compatible. #include <dlpack/dlpack.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> /*! \brief type of array index. */ typedef int64_t tvm_index_t; /*! \brief Extension device types in TVM */ typedef enum { kDLAOCL = 5, kDLSDAccel = 6, kOpenGL = 11, kDLMicroDev = 13, // AddExtraTVMType which is not in DLPack here } TVMDeviceExtType; /*! * \brief The type code in used in the TVM FFI. */ typedef enum { // The type code of other types are compatible with DLPack. // The next few fields are extension types // that is used by TVM API calls. kTVMOpaqueHandle = 3U, kTVMNullptr = 4U, kTVMDataType = 5U, kTVMContext = 6U, kTVMDLTensorHandle = 7U, kTVMObjectHandle = 8U, kTVMModuleHandle = 9U, kTVMPackedFuncHandle = 10U, kTVMStr = 11U, kTVMBytes = 12U, kTVMNDArrayHandle = 13U, // Extension codes for other frameworks to integrate TVM PackedFunc. // To make sure each framework's id do not conflict, use first and // last sections to mark ranges. // Open an issue at the repo if you need a section of code. kTVMExtBegin = 15U, kTVMNNVMFirst = 16U, kTVMNNVMLast = 20U, // The following section of code is used for non-reserved types. kTVMExtReserveEnd = 64U, kTVMExtEnd = 128U, // The rest of the space is used for custom, user-supplied datatypes kTVMCustomBegin = 129U, } TVMTypeCode; /*! * \brief The Device information, abstract away common device types. */ typedef DLContext TVMContext; /*! \brief the array handle */ typedef DLTensor* TVMArrayHandle; /*! * \brief Union type of values * being passed through API and function calls. */ typedef union { int64_t v_int64; double v_float64; void* v_handle; const char* v_str; DLDataType v_type; TVMContext v_ctx; } TVMValue; /*! * \brief Byte array type used to pass in byte array * When kTVMBytes is used as data type. */ typedef struct { const char* data; size_t size; } TVMByteArray; /*! \brief Handle to TVM runtime modules. */ typedef void* TVMModuleHandle; /*! \brief Handle to packed function handle. */ typedef void* TVMFunctionHandle; /*! \brief Handle to hold return value. */ typedef void* TVMRetValueHandle; /*! * \brief The stream that is specific to device * can be NULL, which indicates the default one. */ typedef void* TVMStreamHandle; /*! \brief Handle to Object. */ typedef void* TVMObjectHandle; /*! * \brief Used for implementing C API function. * Set last error message before return. * \param msg The error message to be set. */ TVM_DLL void TVMAPISetLastError(const char* msg); /*! * \brief return str message of the last error * all function in this file will return 0 when success * and -1 when an error occurred, * TVMGetLastError can be called to retrieve the error * * this function is threadsafe and can be called by different thread * \return error info */ TVM_DLL const char *TVMGetLastError(void); /*! * \brief Load module from file. * \param file_name The file name to load the module from. * \param format The format of the module. * \param out The result module * * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens * \note The resulting module do not contain import relation. * It can be reconstructed by TVMModImport. */ TVM_DLL int TVMModLoadFromFile(const char* file_name, const char* format, TVMModuleHandle* out); /*! * \brief Add dep to mod's dependency. * This allows functions in this module to use modules. * * \param mod The module handle. * \param dep The dependent module to be imported. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMModImport(TVMModuleHandle mod, TVMModuleHandle dep); /*! * \brief Get function from the module. * \param mod The module handle. * \param func_name The name of the function. * \param query_imports Whether to query imported modules * \param out The result function, can be NULL if it is not available. * \return 0 when no error is thrown, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMModGetFunction(TVMModuleHandle mod, const char* func_name, int query_imports, TVMFunctionHandle *out); /*! * \brief Free the Module * \param mod The module to be freed. * * \note This may not free up the module's resources. * If there is active TVMFunctionHandle uses the module * Or if this module is imported by another active module. * * The all functions remains valid until TVMFuncFree is called. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMModFree(TVMModuleHandle mod); /*! * \brief Free the function when it is no longer needed. * \param func The function handle * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMFuncFree(TVMFunctionHandle func); /*! * \brief Call a Packed TVM Function. * * \param func node handle of the function. * \param arg_values The arguments * \param type_codes The type codes of the arguments * \param num_args Number of arguments. * * \param ret_val The return value. * \param ret_type_code the type code of return value. * * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens * \note TVM calls always exchanges with type bits=64, lanes=1 * * \note API calls always exchanges with type bits=64, lanes=1 * If API call returns container handles (e.g. FunctionHandle) * these handles should be managed by the front-end. * The front-end need to call free function (e.g. TVMFuncFree) * to free these handles. */ TVM_DLL int TVMFuncCall(TVMFunctionHandle func, TVMValue* arg_values, int* type_codes, int num_args, TVMValue* ret_val, int* ret_type_code); /*! * \brief Set the return value of TVMPackedCFunc. * * This function is called by TVMPackedCFunc to set the return value. * When this function is not called, the function returns null by default. * * \param ret The return value handle, pass by ret in TVMPackedCFunc * \param value The value to be returned. * \param type_code The type of the value to be returned. * \param num_ret Number of return values, for now only 1 is supported. */ TVM_DLL int TVMCFuncSetReturn(TVMRetValueHandle ret, TVMValue* value, int* type_code, int num_ret); /*! * \brief Inplace translate callback argument value to return value. * This is only needed for non-POD arguments. * * \param value The value to be translated. * \param code The type code to be translated. * \note This function will do a shallow copy when necessary. * * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens. */ TVM_DLL int TVMCbArgToReturn(TVMValue* value, int code); /*! * \brief C type of packed function. * * \param args The arguments * \param type_codes The type codes of the arguments * \param num_args Number of arguments. * \param ret The return value handle. * \param resource_handle The handle additional resouce handle from fron-end. * \return 0 if success, -1 if failure happens, set error via TVMAPISetLastError. * \sa TVMCFuncSetReturn */ typedef int (*TVMPackedCFunc)( TVMValue* args, int* type_codes, int num_args, TVMRetValueHandle ret, void* resource_handle); /*! * \brief C callback to free the resource handle in C packed function. * \param resource_handle The handle additional resouce handle from fron-end. */ typedef void (*TVMPackedCFuncFinalizer)(void* resource_handle); /*! * \brief Signature for extension function declarer. * * TVM call this function to get the extension functions * The declarer will call register_func to register function and their name. * * \param register_func_handle The register function * \return 0 if success, -1 if failure happens */ typedef int (*TVMExtensionFuncDeclarer)(TVMFunctionHandle register_func_handle); /*! * \brief Wrap a TVMPackedCFunc to become a FunctionHandle. * * The resource_handle will be managed by TVM API, until the function is no longer used. * * \param func The packed C function. * \param resource_handle The resource handle from front-end, can be NULL. * \param fin The finalizer on resource handle when the FunctionHandle get freed, can be NULL * \param out the result function handle. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMFuncCreateFromCFunc(TVMPackedCFunc func, void* resource_handle, TVMPackedCFuncFinalizer fin, TVMFunctionHandle *out); /*! * \brief Register the function to runtime's global table. * * The registered function then can be pulled by the backend by the name. * * \param name The name of the function. * \param f The function to be registered. * \param override Whether allow override already registered function. */ TVM_DLL int TVMFuncRegisterGlobal( const char* name, TVMFunctionHandle f, int override); /*! * \brief Get a global function. * * \param name The name of the function. * \param out the result function pointer, NULL if it does not exist. * * \note The function handle of global function is managed by TVM runtime, * So TVMFuncFree is should not be called when it get deleted. */ TVM_DLL int TVMFuncGetGlobal(const char* name, TVMFunctionHandle* out); /*! * \brief List all the globally registered function name * \param out_size The number of functions * \param out_array The array of function names. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMFuncListGlobalNames(int* out_size, const char*** out_array); // Array related apis for quick proptyping /*! * \brief Allocate a nd-array's memory, * including space of shape, of given spec. * * \param shape The shape of the array, the data content will be copied to out * \param ndim The number of dimension of the array. * \param dtype_code The type code of the dtype * \param dtype_bits The number of bits of dtype * \param dtype_lanes The number of lanes in the dtype. * \param device_type The device type of context * \param device_id The device id of context. * \param out The output handle. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMArrayAlloc(const tvm_index_t* shape, int ndim, int dtype_code, int dtype_bits, int dtype_lanes, int device_type, int device_id, TVMArrayHandle* out); /*! * \brief Free the TVM Array. * \param handle The array handle to be freed. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMArrayFree(TVMArrayHandle handle); /*! * \brief Copy array data from CPU byte array. * \param handle The array handle. * \param data the data pointer * \param nbytes The number of bytes to copy. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMArrayCopyFromBytes(TVMArrayHandle handle, void* data, size_t nbytes); /*! * \brief Copy array data to CPU byte array. * \param handle The array handle. * \param data the data pointer * \param nbytes The number of bytes to copy. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMArrayCopyToBytes(TVMArrayHandle handle, void* data, size_t nbytes); /*! * \brief Copy the array, both from and to must be valid during the copy. * \param from The array to be copied from. * \param to The target space. * \param stream The stream where the copy happens, can be NULL. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMArrayCopyFromTo(TVMArrayHandle from, TVMArrayHandle to, TVMStreamHandle stream); /*! * \brief Produce an array from the DLManagedTensor that shares data memory * with the DLManagedTensor. * \param from The source DLManagedTensor. * \param out The output array handle. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMArrayFromDLPack(DLManagedTensor* from, TVMArrayHandle* out); /*! * \brief Produce a DLMangedTensor from the array that shares data memory with * the array. * \param from The source array. * \param out The DLManagedTensor handle. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMArrayToDLPack(TVMArrayHandle from, DLManagedTensor** out); /*! * \brief Delete (free) a DLManagedTensor's data. * \param dltensor Pointer to the DLManagedTensor. */ TVM_DLL void TVMDLManagedTensorCallDeleter(DLManagedTensor* dltensor); /*! * \brief Create a new runtime stream. * * \param device_type The device type of context * \param device_id The device id of context * \param out The new stream handle * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMStreamCreate(int device_type, int device_id, TVMStreamHandle* out); /*! * \brief Free a created stream handle. * * \param device_type The device type of context * \param device_id The device id of context * \param stream The stream to be freed * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMStreamFree(int device_type, int device_id, TVMStreamHandle stream); /*! * \brief Set the runtime stream of current thread to be stream. * The subsequent calls to the same device_type * will use the setted stream handle. * The specific type of stream is runtime device dependent. * * \param device_type The device type of context * \param device_id The device id of context. * \param handle The stream handle. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMSetStream(int device_type, int device_id, TVMStreamHandle handle); /*! * \brief Wait until all computations on stream completes. * * \param device_type The device type of context * \param device_id The device id of context. * \param stream The stream to be synchronized. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMSynchronize(int device_type, int device_id, TVMStreamHandle stream); /*! * \brief Synchronize two streams of execution. * * \param device_type The device type of context * \param device_id The device id of context * \param src The source stream to synchronize. * \param dst The destination stream to synchronize. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMStreamStreamSynchronize(int device_type, int device_id, TVMStreamHandle src, TVMStreamHandle dst); /*! * \brief Get the type_index from an object. * * \param obj The object handle. * \param out_tindex the output type index. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMObjectGetTypeIndex(TVMObjectHandle obj, unsigned* out_tindex); /*! * \brief Convert type key to type index. * \param type_key The key of the type. * \param out_tindex the corresponding type index. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMObjectTypeKey2Index(const char* type_key, unsigned* out_tindex); /*! * \brief Free the object. * * \param obj The object handle. * \note Internally we decrease the reference counter of the object. * The object will be freed when every reference to the object are removed. * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens */ TVM_DLL int TVMObjectFree(TVMObjectHandle obj); #ifdef __cplusplus } // TVM_EXTERN_C #endif #endif // TVM_RUNTIME_C_RUNTIME_API_H_