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""" Deploy Pretrained ResNet Model from MxNet on VTA ================================================ **Author**: `Thierry Moreau <https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~moreau/>`_ This tutorial provides an end-to-end demo, on how to run ResNet-18 inference onto the VTA accelerator design to perform ImageNet classification tasks. It showcases Relay as a front end compiler that can perform quantization (VTA only supports int8/32 inference) as well as graph packing (in order to enable tensorization in the core) to massage the compute graph for the hardware target. """ ###################################################################### # Install dependencies # -------------------- # To use the autotvm package in tvm, we need to install some extra dependencies. # (change "3" to "2" if you use python2): # # .. code-block:: bash # # pip3 install --user mxnet requests pillow # # Now return to the python code. Import packages. from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import argparse, json, os, requests, time from io import BytesIO from os.path import join, isfile from PIL import Image from mxnet.gluon.model_zoo import vision import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import tvm from tvm import rpc, autotvm, relay from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime, util, download from tvm.contrib.debugger import debug_runtime import vta from vta.testing import simulator from vta.top import graph_pack # Make sure that TVM was compiled with RPC=1 assert tvm.module.enabled("rpc") ###################################################################### # Define the platform and model targets # ------------------------------------- # Execute on CPU vs. VTA, and define the model. # Load VTA parameters from the vta/config/vta_config.json file env = vta.get_env() # Set ``device=arm_cpu`` to run inference on the CPU # or ``device=vta`` to run inference on the FPGA. device = "vta" target = env.target if device == "vta" else env.target_vta_cpu # Name of Gluon model to compile # The ``start_pack`` and ``stop_pack`` labels indicate where # to start and end the graph packing relay pass: in other words # where to start and finish offloading to VTA. model = "resnet18_v1" start_pack="nn.max_pool2d" stop_pack="nn.global_avg_pool2d" ###################################################################### # Obtain an execution remote # --------------------------------- # When target is 'pynq', reconfigure FPGA and runtime. # Otherwise, if target is 'sim', execute locally. if env.TARGET not in ["sim", "tsim"]: # Get remote from tracker node if environment variable is set. # To set up the tracker, you'll need to follow the "Auto-tuning # a convolutional network for VTA" tutorial. tracker_host = os.environ.get("TVM_TRACKER_HOST", None) tracker_port = os.environ.get("TVM_TRACKER_PORT", None) # Otherwise if you have a device you want to program directly from # the host, make sure you've set the variables below to the IP of # your board. device_host = os.environ.get("VTA_PYNQ_RPC_HOST", "") device_port = os.environ.get("VTA_PYNQ_RPC_PORT", "9091") if not tracker_host or not tracker_port: remote = rpc.connect(device_host, int(device_port)) else: remote = autotvm.measure.request_remote(env.TARGET, tracker_host, int(tracker_port), timeout=10000) # Reconfigure the JIT runtime and FPGA. # You can program the FPGA with your own custom bitstream # by passing the path to the bitstream file instead of None. reconfig_start = time.time() vta.reconfig_runtime(remote) vta.program_fpga(remote, bitstream=None) reconfig_time = time.time() - reconfig_start print("Reconfigured FPGA and RPC runtime in {0:.2f}s!".format(reconfig_time)) # In simulation mode, host the RPC server locally. else: remote = rpc.LocalSession() # Get execution context from remote ctx = remote.ext_dev(0) if device == "vta" else remote.cpu(0) ###################################################################### # Build the inference graph runtime # --------------------------------- # Grab ResNet-18 model from Gluon model zoo and compile with Relay. # The compilation steps are: # 1) Front end translation from MxNet into Relay module. # 2) Apply 8-bit quantization: here we skip the first conv layer, # and dense layer which will both be executed in fp32 on the CPU. # 3) Perform graph packing to alter the data layout for tensorization. # 4) Perform constant folding to reduce number of operators (e.g. eliminate # batch norm multiply). # 5) Perform relay build to object file. # 6) Load the object file onto remote (FPGA device). # 7) Generate graph runtime, `m`. # Load pre-configured AutoTVM schedules with autotvm.tophub.context(target): # Populate the shape and data type dictionary for ResNet input dtype_dict = {"data": 'float32'} shape_dict = {"data": (env.BATCH, 3, 224, 224)} # Get off the shelf gluon model, and convert to relay gluon_model = vision.get_model(model, pretrained=True) # Measure build start time build_start = time.time() # Start front end compilation mod, params = relay.frontend.from_mxnet(gluon_model, shape_dict) # Update shape and type dictionary shape_dict.update({k: v.shape for k, v in params.items()}) dtype_dict.update({k: str(v.dtype) for k, v in params.items()}) # Perform quantization in Relay with relay.quantize.qconfig(global_scale=8.0, skip_conv_layers=[0]): relay_prog = relay.quantize.quantize(mod["main"], params=params) # Perform graph packing and constant folding for VTA target if target.device_name == "vta": assert env.BLOCK_IN == env.BLOCK_OUT relay_prog = graph_pack( relay_prog, env.BATCH, env.BLOCK_OUT, env.WGT_WIDTH, start_name=start_pack, stop_name=stop_pack) # Compile Relay program with AlterOpLayout disabled with relay.build_config(opt_level=3, disabled_pass={"AlterOpLayout"}): if target.device_name != "vta": graph, lib, params = relay.build( relay_prog, target=target, params=params, target_host=env.target_host) else: with vta.build_config(): graph, lib, params = relay.build( relay_prog, target=target, params=params, target_host=env.target_host) # Measure Relay build time build_time = time.time() - build_start print(model + " inference graph built in {0:.2f}s!".format(build_time)) # Send the inference library over to the remote RPC server temp = util.tempdir() lib.save(temp.relpath("graphlib.o")) remote.upload(temp.relpath("graphlib.o")) lib = remote.load_module("graphlib.o") # Graph runtime m = graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx) ###################################################################### # Perform ResNet-18 inference # --------------------------- # We run classification on an image sample from ImageNet # We just need to download the categories files, `synset.txt` # and an input test image. # Download ImageNet categories categ_url = "https://github.com/uwsaml/web-data/raw/master/vta/models/" categ_fn = "synset.txt" download.download(join(categ_url, categ_fn), categ_fn) synset = eval(open(categ_fn).read()) # Download test image image_url = 'https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~moreau/media/vta/cat.jpg' response = requests.get(image_url) # Prepare test image for inference image = Image.open(BytesIO(response.content)).resize((224, 224)) plt.imshow(image) plt.show() image = np.array(image) - np.array([123., 117., 104.]) image /= np.array([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]) image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) image = image[np.newaxis, :] image = np.repeat(image, env.BATCH, axis=0) # Set the network parameters and inputs m.set_input(**params) m.set_input('data', image) # Perform inference and gather execution statistics # More on: https://docs.tvm.ai/api/python/module.html#tvm.module.Module.time_evaluator num = 4 # number of times we run module for a single measurement rep = 3 # number of measurements (we derive std dev from this) timer = m.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=num, repeat=rep) if env.TARGET in ["sim", "tsim"]: simulator.clear_stats() timer() sim_stats = simulator.stats() print("\nExecution statistics:") for k, v in sim_stats.items(): # Since we execute the workload many times, we need to normalize stats # Note that there is always one warm up run # Therefore we divide the overall stats by (num * rep + 1) print("\t{:<16}: {:>16}".format(k, v // (num * rep + 1))) else: tcost = timer() std = np.std(tcost.results) * 1000 mean = tcost.mean * 1000 print("\nPerformed inference in %.2fms (std = %.2f) for %d samples" % (mean, std, env.BATCH)) print("Average per sample inference time: %.2fms" % (mean/env.BATCH)) # Get classification results tvm_output = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty((env.BATCH, 1000), "float32", remote.cpu(0))) for b in range(env.BATCH): top_categories = np.argsort(tvm_output.asnumpy()[b]) # Report top-5 classification results print("\n{} prediction for sample {}".format(model, b)) print("\t#1:", synset[top_categories[-1]]) print("\t#2:", synset[top_categories[-2]]) print("\t#3:", synset[top_categories[-3]]) print("\t#4:", synset[top_categories[-4]]) print("\t#5:", synset[top_categories[-5]]) # This just checks that one of the 5 top categories # is one variety of cat; this is by no means an accurate # assessment of how quantization affects classification # accuracy but is meant to catch changes to the # quantization pass that would accuracy in the CI. cat_detected = False for k in top_categories[-5:]: if "cat" in synset[k]: cat_detected = True assert(cat_detected)