"""Statement AST Node in TVM. User do not need to deal with AST node directly. But they can be helpful for developer to do quick proptyping. While not displayed in the document and python file. Each statement node have subfields that can be visited from python side. .. code-block:: python x = tvm.var("n") a = tvm.var("array", tvm.handle) st = tvm.make.Store(a, x + 1, 1) assert isinstance(st, tvm.stmt.Store) assert(st.buffer_var == a) """ from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs from ._ffi.node import NodeBase, register_node from . import make as _make class Stmt(NodeBase): pass @register_node class LetStmt(Stmt): """LetStmt node. Parameters ---------- var : Var The variable in the binding. value : Expr The value in to be binded. body : Stmt The body statement. """ def __init__(self, var, value, body): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.LetStmt, var, value, body) @register_node class AssertStmt(Stmt): """AssertStmt node. Parameters ---------- condition : Expr The assert condition. message : Expr The error message. body : Stmt The body statement. """ def __init__(self, condition, message, body): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.AssertStmt, condition, message, body) @register_node class ProducerConsumer(Stmt): """ProducerConsumer node. Parameters ---------- func : Operation The Operation. is_producer : bool Whether if the node is producer. body : Stmt The body statement. """ def __init__(self, func, is_producer, body): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.ProducerConsumer, func, is_producer, body) @register_node class For(Stmt): """For node. Parameters ---------- loop_var : Var The loop variable. min_val : Expr The begining value. extent : Expr The length of the loop. for_type : int The for type. device_api : int The device api type. body : Stmt The body statement. """ Serial = 0 Parallel = 1 Vectorized = 2 Unrolled = 3 def __init__(self, loop_var, min_val, extent, for_type, device_api, body): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.For, loop_var, min_val, extent, for_type, device_api, body) @register_node class Store(Stmt): """Store node. Parameters ---------- buffer_var : Var The buffer Variable. value : Expr The value we want to store. index : Expr The index in the store expression. predicate : Expr The store predicate. """ def __init__(self, buffer_var, value, index, predicate): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.Store, buffer_var, value, index, predicate) @register_node class Provide(Stmt): """Provide node. Parameters ---------- func : Operation The operation to create the function. value_index : int The output value index value : Expr The value to be stored. args : list of Expr The index arguments of the Provide. """ def __init__(self, func, value_index, value, args): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.Provide, func, value_index, value, args) @register_node class Allocate(Stmt): """Allocate node. Parameters ---------- buffer_var : Var The buffer variable. dtype : str The data type of the buffer. extents : list of Expr The extents of the allocate condition : Expr The condition. body : Stmt The body statement. """ def __init__(self, buffer_var, dtype, extents, condition, body): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.Allocate, buffer_var, dtype, extents, condition, body) @register_node class AttrStmt(Stmt): """AttrStmt node. Parameters ---------- node : Node The node to annotate the attribute attr_key : str Attribute type key. value : Expr The value of the attribute body : Stmt The body statement. """ def __init__(self, node, attr_key, value, body): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.AttrStmt, node, attr_key, value, body) @register_node class Free(Stmt): """Free node. Parameters ---------- buffer_var : Var The buffer variable. """ def __init__(self, buffer_var): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.Free, buffer_var) @register_node class Realize(Stmt): """Realize node. Parameters ---------- func : Operation The operation to create the function. value_index : int The output value index dtype : str The data type of the operation. bounds : list of range The bound of realize condition : Expr The realize condition. body : Stmt The realize body """ def __init__(self, func, value_index, dtype, bounds, condition, body): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.Realize, func, value_index, dtype, bounds, condition, body) @register_node class Block(Stmt): """Block node. Parameters ---------- first : Stmt The first statement. rest : Stmt The following statement. """ def __init__(self, first, rest): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.Block, first, rest) @register_node class IfThenElse(Stmt): """IfThenElse node. Parameters ---------- condition : Expr The expression then_case : Stmt The statement to execute if condition is true. else_case : Stmt The statement to execute if condition is false. """ def __init__(self, condition, then_case, else_case): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.IfThenElse, condition, then_case, else_case) @register_node class Evaluate(Stmt): """Evaluate node. Parameters ---------- value : Expr The expression to be evalued. """ def __init__(self, value): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.Evaluate, value) @register_node class Prefetch(Stmt): """Prefetch node. Parameters ---------- func : Operation The operation to create the function. value_index : int The output value index dtype : str The data type to be prefetched. bounds : list of Range The bounds to be prefetched. """ def __init__(self, func, value_index, dtype, bounds): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _make.Prefetch, func, value_index, dtype, bounds) def stmt_seq(*args): """Make sequence of statements Parameters ---------- args : list of Expr or Var List of statements to be combined as sequence. Returns ------- stmt : Stmt The combined statement. """ ret = None for value in args: if not isinstance(value, Stmt): value = Evaluate(value) ret = value if ret is None else Block(ret, value) return ret if ret else Evaluate(0) def stmt_list(stmt): """Make list of stmt from blocks. Parameters ---------- stmt : A block statement Returns ------- stmt_list : list of Stmt The unpacked list of statements """ if isinstance(stmt, Block): return stmt_list(stmt.first) + stmt_list(stmt.rest) if isinstance(stmt, ProducerConsumer): return stmt_list(stmt.body) return [stmt] _make.stmt_list = stmt_list _make.stmt_seq = stmt_seq