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"""Common expressions data structures in the IR."""
import tvm._ffi

from .base import Node
from . import _ffi_api

class BaseExpr(Node):
    """Base class of all the expressions."""

class PrimExpr(BaseExpr):
    """Base class of all primitive expressions.

    PrimExpr is used in the low-level code
    optimizations and integer analysis.

class RelayExpr(BaseExpr):
    """Base class of all non-primitive expressions."""
    def checked_type(self):
        """Get the checked type of tvm.relay.Expr.

        checked_type : tvm.relay.Type
            The checked type.
        ret = self._checked_type_
        if ret is None:
            raise ValueError("The type checker has not populated"
                             " the checked_type for this node")
        return ret

class BaseFunc(RelayExpr):
    """Base class of all functions."""

class GlobalVar(RelayExpr):
    """A global variable in the IR.

    GlobalVar is used to refer to the global functions
    stored in the IRModule.

    name_hint: str
        The name of the variable.
    def __init__(self, name_hint):
        self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_ffi_api.GlobalVar, name_hint)

    def __call__(self, *args):
        """Call the global variable.

        args: List[RelayExpr]
            The arguments to the call.

        call: BaseExpr
            A call taking the variable as a function.
        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        if all(isinstance(x, RelayExpr) for x in args):
            from tvm import relay
            return relay.Call(self, args)
        arg_types = [type(x) for x in args]
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Do not know how to handle GlobalVar.__call__ for types {}".format(arg_types))

class Range(Node):
    """Represent a range in TVM.

    You do not need to create a Range explicitly.
    Python lists and tuples will be converted automatically to a Range in API functions.
    def make_by_min_extent(min_value, extent):
        """Construct a Range by min and extent.

        This constructs a range in [min_value, min_value + extent)

        min_value : PrimExpr
            The minimum value of the range.

        extent : PrimExpr
            The extent of the range.

        rng : Range
            The constructed range.
        return _ffi_api.range_by_min_extent(min_value, extent)