/*! * Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors * \file graph_compile.cc * \brief Compile a graph. It lowers the graph nodes into low level IR. */ #include <dmlc/parameter.h> #include <nnvm/compiler/packed_func_ext.h> #include <nnvm/graph.h> #include <nnvm/graph_attr_types.h> #include <nnvm/node.h> #include <nnvm/op_attr_types.h> #include <nnvm/pass.h> #include <nnvm/pass_functions.h> #include <nnvm/tuple.h> #include <tvm/lowered_func.h> #include <tvm/runtime/packed_func.h> #include "compile_engine.h" #include "graph_fuse.h" #include "graph_runtime.h" #include "pattern_util.h" namespace nnvm { namespace compiler { using namespace tvm; // Decorate the result of PlanMemory // This function does two things: // - Give separate memory to each variable. // - Tie the memory of output/lhs in assign node properly // so the execution of assign can have side effect. nnvm::Graph DecorateMemoryPlan( nnvm::Graph g, const std::vector<int>& assign_flag) { const IndexedGraph& idx = g.indexed_graph(); StorageVector storage_vec = g.MoveCopyAttr<StorageVector>("storage_id"); g.attrs.erase("storage_allocated_bytes"); g.attrs.erase("storage_inplace_index"); size_t num_not_allocated = g.MoveCopyAttr<size_t>( "storage_num_not_allocated"); CHECK_EQ(num_not_allocated, 0U) << "Can only build inference graph with all statically allocated memory"; // Reassign variable id so that they are different. int max_id = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < storage_vec.size(); ++i) { max_id = std::max(storage_vec[i] + 1, max_id); } for (uint32_t nid : idx.input_nodes()) { storage_vec[idx.entry_id(nid, 0)] = max_id++; } // Tie up the assign node storage properly. for (uint32_t nid = 0 ; nid < idx.num_nodes(); ++nid) { if (assign_flag[nid] == 0) continue; const auto& inode = idx[nid]; int var_storage_id = storage_vec[idx.entry_id(inode.inputs[0])]; storage_vec[idx.entry_id(nid, 0)] = var_storage_id; if (assign_flag[nid] == 2) { storage_vec[idx.entry_id(inode.inputs[1])] = var_storage_id; } } g.attrs["storage_id"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(storage_vec)); return g; } nnvm::Graph GraphCompile(const nnvm::Graph& g) { // Get attributes from the graph. const ShapeVector& shape_vec = g.GetAttr<ShapeVector>("shape"); const DTypeVector& dtype_vec = g.GetAttr<DTypeVector>("dtype"); const GroupVec& group_vec = g.GetAttr<GroupVec>("group_root"); const MasterVec& master_vec = g.GetAttr<MasterVec>("group_master"); const PatternVec& pattern_vec = g.GetAttr<PatternVec>("pattern"); CHECK(g.HasAttr("fused_entry")) << "Fusion hasn't been applied yet."; FuseEntryVec fuse_entries = g.GetAttr<FuseEntryVec>("fused_entry"); std::string target = g.GetAttr<std::string>("target"); std::string target_host; if (g.HasAttr("target_host")) { target_host = g.GetAttr<std::string>("target_host"); } // Specially handle assign. const nnvm::Op* assign_op = nnvm::Op::Get("_assign"); // Start lowering. Array<tvm::LoweredFunc> func_list; std::unordered_set<const tvm::Node*> func_set; const IndexedGraph& idx = g.indexed_graph(); for (uint32_t nid = 0; nid < idx.num_nodes(); ++nid) { const auto& inode = idx[nid]; if (inode.source->is_variable()) continue; int root_id = group_vec[nid]; if (static_cast<int>(nid) != root_id) continue; int master = master_vec[root_id]; FuseEntry& fe = fuse_entries[root_id]; const IndexedGraph& subidx = fe.subgraph.indexed_graph(); CHECK_EQ(subidx.input_nodes().size(), fe.imap.size()); CHECK_EQ(subidx.input_nodes().size(), fe.input_info.size()); Array<Tensor> inputs; for (uint32_t sub_input_id : subidx.input_nodes()) { auto it = fe.input_info.find(subidx[sub_input_id].source); inputs.push_back(it->second); } // Find master idx in the subgraph. int sub_master_idx = -1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subidx.num_nodes(); i++) { if (subidx[i].source->op() == idx[master].source->op()) { sub_master_idx = i; break; } } CHECK_NE(sub_master_idx, -1) << "A master node not found in the subgraph."; fe.compiled_func = GraphLower(fe.subgraph, inputs, target, sub_master_idx); for (LoweredFunc f : fe.compiled_func->funcs) { if (!func_set.count(f.get())) { func_set.insert(f.get()); func_list.push_back(f); } } } const nnvm::Op* tvm_op = nnvm::Op::Get("tvm_op"); std::unordered_map<uint32_t, nnvm::NodePtr> old_new; for (uint32_t nid = 0; nid < idx.num_nodes(); ++nid) { const auto& inode = idx[nid]; if (inode.source->is_variable()) { // Only copy name since that is sufficient. nnvm::NodePtr np = nnvm::Node::Create(); np->attrs.name = inode.source->attrs.name; old_new[nid] = np; continue; } int root_id = group_vec[nid]; if (static_cast<int>(nid) != root_id) continue; // Handle normal op FuseEntry& fe = fuse_entries[root_id]; const IndexedGraph& subidx = fe.subgraph.indexed_graph(); nnvm::NodePtr np = nnvm::Node::Create(); np->attrs.op = tvm_op; np->attrs.name = inode.source->attrs.name; TVMOpParam param; param.func_name = fe.compiled_func->func_name; param.num_inputs = static_cast<uint32_t>(fe.imap.size()); param.num_outputs = static_cast<uint32_t>(fe.subgraph.outputs.size()); param.flatten_data = fe.flatten_data; param.UpdateDict(&(np->attrs.dict)); np->attrs.parsed = std::move(param); for (uint32_t sub_input_id : subidx.input_nodes()) { // Need to make sure subgraph input order is consistent to the order of // the graph input. auto rit = fe.reverse_imap.find(subidx[sub_input_id].source); CHECK(rit != fe.reverse_imap.end()); const IndexedGraph::NodeEntry& e = rit->second; auto it = old_new.find(e.node_id); CHECK(it != old_new.end()) << "cannot find node_id=" << e.node_id; np->inputs.emplace_back( nnvm::NodeEntry{it->second, e.index, e.version}); } for (const uint32_t node_id : inode.control_deps) { auto it = old_new.find(node_id); CHECK(it != old_new.end()); np->control_deps.emplace_back(it->second); } old_new[nid] = np; } nnvm::Graph ret; for (const auto& e : idx.outputs()) { auto it = old_new.find(group_vec[e.node_id]); CHECK(it != old_new.end()) << "cannot find node_id=" << e.node_id; ret.outputs.emplace_back( nnvm::NodeEntry{it->second, e.index, e.version}); } // Reference counter of each op node. // For now, always store result when an op is referred more than once. std::vector<uint32_t> ref_count = GetNodeRefCounts(idx); for (const auto& e : idx.outputs()) { // This line will realize all the outputs. ref_count[e.node_id] += 1; } const IndexedGraph& new_idx = ret.indexed_graph(); // Handling assign: // // assign is a special operator that mutates the variable. // Currently assign is implemented as output = copy(input[1]) // Then we run DecorageMemoryPlan to force // output.storage = input[0].storage // std::vector<int> assign_flag(new_idx.num_nodes(), 0); ShapeVector new_shape_vec = ShapeVector(new_idx.num_node_entries(), TShape()); DTypeVector new_dtype_vec = DTypeVector(new_idx.num_node_entries()); std::vector<std::string> new_dltype_vec(new_idx.num_node_entries()); for (const auto& kv : old_new) { uint32_t nid = kv.first; const auto& inode = idx[nid]; uint32_t new_nid = new_idx.node_id(kv.second.get()); if (inode.source->op() == assign_op) { // Check if rhs of assign can be computed inplace. // If yes, we can simply set that memory to be assign target // and change assign to nop. const IndexedGraph::NodeEntry& rhs = inode.inputs[1]; if (ref_count[rhs.node_id] <= 1 && !(idx[rhs.node_id].source->is_variable()) && pattern_vec[group_vec[rhs.node_id]] <= kBroadcast) { assign_flag[new_nid] = 2; TVMOpParam& param = dmlc::get<TVMOpParam>(kv.second->attrs.parsed); param.func_name = "__nop"; param.UpdateDict(&(kv.second->attrs.dict)); } else { assign_flag[new_nid] = 1; } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inode.source->num_outputs(); ++i) { uint32_t new_eid = new_idx.entry_id(new_idx.node_id(kv.second.get()), i); uint32_t old_eid = idx.entry_id(nid, i); new_shape_vec[new_eid] = shape_vec[old_eid]; new_dtype_vec[new_eid] = dtype_vec[old_eid]; new_dltype_vec[new_eid] = tvm::runtime::TVMType2String( GetDLType(dtype_vec[old_eid])); } } ret.attrs["shape"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(new_shape_vec)); ret.attrs["dtype"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(new_dtype_vec)); ret.attrs["dltype"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(new_dltype_vec)); // Setup module static const PackedFunc& fbuild = GetPackedFunc("nnvm.compiler.build_target"); tvm::runtime::Module module = fbuild(func_list, target, target_host); ret.attrs["module"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(module)); ret = nnvm::ApplyPass(ret, "PlanMemory"); ret = DecorateMemoryPlan(ret, assign_flag); return ret; } NNVM_REGISTER_PASS(GraphCompile) .set_body(GraphCompile) .depend_graph_attr("shape") .depend_graph_attr("dtype") .depend_graph_attr("fused_entry") .depend_graph_attr("group_root") .depend_graph_attr("pattern") .depend_graph_attr("group_master"); } // namespace compiler } // namespace nnvm