# pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement,consider-using-enumerate,invalid-name
"""User facing API for specifying how to measure the generated code"""
import multiprocessing
from collections import namedtuple

class MeasureInput(namedtuple("MeasureInput", ["target", "task", "config"])):
    Stores all the necessary inputs for a measurement.

    target : tvm.target.Target
        The target device
    task : task.Task
        Task function
    config : ConfigEntity
        Specific configuration.

class MeasureResult(namedtuple("MeasureResult", ["costs", "error_no", "all_cost", "timestamp"])):
    Stores all the results of a measurement

    costs: Array of float or Array of Exception
        If no error occurs during measurement, it is an array of measured running times.
        If an error occurs during measurement, it is an array of the exception objections.
    error_no: int
        Denote error type, defined by MeasureErrorNo
    all_cost: float
        All cost of this measure, including rpc, compilation, test runs
    timestamp: float
        The absolute time stamp when we finish measurement.

class MeasureErrorNo(object):
    """Error type for MeasureResult"""
    NO_ERROR = 0              # no error
    INSTANTIATION_ERROR = 1   # actively detected error in instantiating a template with a config
    COMPILE_HOST = 2          # error when compiling code on host (e.g. tvm.build)
    COMPILE_DEVICE = 3        # error when compiling code on device (e.g. OpenCL JIT on the device)
    RUNTIME_DEVICE = 4        # error when run program on device
    WRONG_ANSWER = 5          # answer is wrong when compared to a golden output
    BUILD_TIMEOUT = 6         # timeout during compilation
    RUN_TIMEOUT = 7           # timeout during run
    UNKNOWN_ERROR = 8         # unknown error

class Builder(object):
    """Builder that builds programs in tuning

    timeout: float, optional
        The timeout of a build task
    n_parallel: int, optional
        The number of tasks submitted in parallel
        By default it will use all cpu cores
    def __init__(self, timeout=10, n_parallel=None):
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.n_parallel = n_parallel or multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        self.build_kwargs = {}
        self.task = None

    def set_task(self, task, build_kwargs=None):
        Initialize for a new tuning task

        task: Task
            The tuning task
        build_kwargs: dict, optional
            The additional kwargs for build function
        self.task = task
        self.build_kwargs = build_kwargs

    def build(self, measure_inputs):
        """Build programs

        measure_inputs: List of MeasureInput
            The measure input

        build_results: List of BuildResult
            The build result.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class Runner(object):
    """Runner that runs and measures the time cost of a generated program in tuning

    timeout: float, optional
        The timeout of a build task
    n_parallel: int, optional
        The number of tasks submitted in parallel
        By default it will use all cpu cores
    def __init__(self, timeout=5, n_parallel=None):
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.n_parallel = n_parallel or multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        self.task = None

    def set_task(self, task):
        Initialize for a new tuning task

        task: Task
            The tuning task
        self.task = task

    def get_build_kwargs(self):
        Get device specific build arguments (e.g. maximum shared memory size)

        kwargs: dict
            The additional keyword arguments
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def run(self, measure_inputs, build_results):
        """Run amd measure built programs

        measure_inputs: List of MeasureInput
            The raw measure input
        build_results: List of BuildResults
            The build results

        measure_results: List of MeasureResult
            The final results of measurement
        raise NotImplementedError()

def measure_option(builder, runner):
    Set options for measure. To measure a config, we will build it and run it.
    So we have to set options for these two steps.
    They have their own options on timeout, parallel, etc.

    builder: Builder
        Specify how to build programs
    runner: Runner
        Specify how to run programs

    # example setting for using local devices
    >>> measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
    >>>     builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(),      # use all local cpu cores for compilation
    >>>     runner=autotvm.LocalRunner(          # measure them sequentially
    >>>         number=10,
    >>>         timeout=5)
    >>> )

    # example setting for using remote devices
    >>> measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
    >>>    builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(),  # use all local cpu cores for compilation
    >>>    runner=autotvm.RPCRunner(
    >>>        'rasp3b', 'locahost', 9190, # device key, host and port of the rpc tracker
    >>>        number=4,
    >>>        timeout=4) # timeout of a run on the device. RPC request waiting time is excluded.

    To make measurement results accurate, you should pick the correct value for the argument
    `number` and `repeat` in Runner(). Some devices need a certain minimum running time to
    "warm up," such as GPUs that need time to reach a performance power state.
    Using `min_repeat_ms` can dynamically adjusts `number`, so it is recommended.
    The typical value for NVIDIA GPU is 150 ms.
    from .measure_methods import LocalBuilder, LocalRunner

    if isinstance(builder, str):
        if builder == 'local':
            builder = LocalBuilder()
            raise ValueError("Invalid builder: " + builder)

    if isinstance(runner, str):
        if runner == 'local':
            runner = LocalRunner()
            raise ValueError("Invalid runner: " + runner)

    opt = {
        'builder': builder,
        'runner': runner,

    return opt

def create_measure_batch(task, option):
    """Get a standard measure_batch function.

    task: tvm.autotvm.task.Task
        The tuning task
    option: dict
        The option for measuring generated code.
        You should use the return value of function :any:`measure_option` for this argument.

    measure_batch: callable
        a callback function to measure a batch of configs
    builder = option['builder']
    runner = option['runner']

    attach_objects = runner.set_task(task)

    # feed device related information from runner to builder
    # (e.g. max shared memory for validity checking)
    build_kwargs = runner.get_build_kwargs()
    builder.set_task(task, build_kwargs)

    def measure_batch(measure_inputs):
        build_results = builder.build(measure_inputs)
        results = runner.run(measure_inputs, build_results)
        return results

    measure_batch.n_parallel = builder.n_parallel
    measure_batch.attach_objects = attach_objects
    return measure_batch