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"""Common implementation of object generic related logic"""
# pylint: disable=unused-import, invalid-name
from numbers import Number, Integral
from tvm._ffi.base import string_types

from . import _ffi_node_api
from .object import ObjectBase, _set_class_object_generic
from .ndarray import NDArrayBase
from .packed_func import PackedFuncBase, convert_to_tvm_func
from .module import Module

class ObjectGeneric(object):
    """Base class for all classes that can be converted to object."""
    def asobject(self):
        """Convert value to object"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

ObjectTypes = (ObjectBase, NDArrayBase, Module)

def convert_to_object(value):
    """Convert a python value to corresponding object type.

    value : str
        The value to be inspected.

    obj : Object
        The corresponding object value.
    if isinstance(value, ObjectTypes):
        return value
    if isinstance(value, bool):
        return const(value, 'uint1x1')
    if isinstance(value, Number):
        return const(value)
    if isinstance(value, string_types):
        return _ffi_node_api.String(value)
    if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
        value = [convert_to_object(x) for x in value]
        return _ffi_node_api.Array(*value)
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        vlist = []
        for item in value.items():
            if (not isinstance(item[0], ObjectTypes) and
                    not isinstance(item[0], string_types)):
                raise ValueError("key of map must already been a container type")
        return _ffi_node_api.Map(*vlist)
    if isinstance(value, ObjectGeneric):
        return value.asobject()
    if value is None:
        return None

    raise ValueError("don't know how to convert type %s to object" % type(value))

def convert(value):
    """Convert value to TVM object or function.

    value : python value

    tvm_val : Object or Function
        Converted value in TVM
    if isinstance(value, (PackedFuncBase, ObjectBase)):
        return value

    if callable(value):
        return convert_to_tvm_func(value)

    return convert_to_object(value)

def _scalar_type_inference(value):
    if hasattr(value, 'dtype'):
        dtype = str(value.dtype)
    elif isinstance(value, bool):
        dtype = 'bool'
    elif isinstance(value, float):
        # We intentionally convert the float to float32 since it's more common in DL.
        dtype = 'float32'
    elif isinstance(value, int):
        # We intentionally convert the python int to int32 since it's more common in DL.
        dtype = 'int32'
        raise NotImplementedError('Cannot automatically inference the type.'
                                  ' value={}'.format(value))
    return dtype

def const(value, dtype=None):
    """construct a constant

    value : number
        The content of the constant number.

    dtype : str or None, optional
        The data type.

    const_val: tvm.Expr
        The result expression.
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = _scalar_type_inference(value)
    if dtype == "uint64" and value >= (1 << 63):
        return _ffi_node_api.LargeUIntImm(
            dtype, value & ((1 << 32) - 1), value >> 32)
    return _ffi_node_api._const(value, dtype)

_set_class_object_generic(ObjectGeneric, convert_to_object)