/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * \file arg_binder.cc * \brief Helper utility to match and bind arguments. */ #include <tvm/ir.h> #include <tvm/ir_pass.h> #include <tvm/runtime/device_api.h> #include "ir_util.h" #include "arg_binder.h" #include "../arithmetic/compute_expr.h" namespace tvm { namespace ir { void BinderAddAssert(Expr cond, const std::string& arg_name, std::vector<Stmt>* asserts) { Expr scond = Simplify(cond); if (is_zero(scond)) { LOG(FATAL) << "Bind have an unmet assertion: " << cond << ", " << " on argument " << arg_name; } if (!is_one(scond)) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Argument " << arg_name << " has an unsatisfied constraint"; asserts->emplace_back(AssertStmt::make(scond, os.str(), Evaluate::make(0))); } } bool ArgBinder::Bind_(const Expr& arg, const Expr& value, const std::string& arg_name, bool with_lets) { CHECK_EQ(arg.type(), value.type()); if (const Variable* v = arg.as<Variable>()) { auto it = def_map_->find(v); if (it == def_map_->end()) { Var v_arg(arg.node_); defs_.emplace_back(v_arg); if (with_lets) { (*def_map_)[v] = arg; init_nest_.emplace_back(LetStmt::make(v_arg, value, Evaluate::make(0))); } else { (*def_map_)[v] = value; } return true; } else { BinderAddAssert(it->second == value, arg_name, &asserts_); } } else { BinderAddAssert(arg == value, arg_name, &asserts_); } return false; } void ArgBinder::Bind(const Expr& arg, const Expr& value, const std::string& arg_name, bool with_let) { Bind_(arg, value, arg_name, with_let); } void ArgBinder::BindArray(const Array<Expr>& arg, const Array<Expr>& value, const std::string& arg_name) { CHECK_EQ(arg.size(), value.size()) << "Argument " << arg_name << " array size mismatch"; for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.size(); ++i) { std::ostringstream os; os << arg_name << "[" << i << "]"; this->Bind(arg[i], value[i], os.str()); } } void ArgBinder::BindBuffer(const Buffer& arg, const Buffer& value, const std::string& arg_name, bool fuzzy_match) { CHECK_EQ(arg->scope, value->scope) << "Argument " << arg_name << " Buffer bind scope mismatch"; CHECK_EQ(arg->dtype, value->dtype) << "Argument " << arg_name << " Buffer bind data type mismatch"; if (value->data_alignment % arg->data_alignment != 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "Trying to bind buffer to another one with lower alignment requirement " << " required_alignment=" << arg->data_alignment << ", provided_alignment=" << value->data_alignment; } // bind pointer and offset. if (is_zero(arg->elem_offset)) { CHECK(is_zero(value->elem_offset)) << "Trying to bind a Buffer with offset into one without offset " << " required elem_offset=" << arg->elem_offset << ", provided elem_offset=" << value->elem_offset; } this->Bind(arg->data, value->data, arg_name + ".data"); if (Bind_(arg->elem_offset, value->elem_offset, arg_name + ".elem_offset", false)) { if (arg->offset_factor > 1) { Expr offset = value->elem_offset; Expr factor = make_const(offset.type(), arg->offset_factor); Expr zero = make_zero(offset.type()); BinderAddAssert(offset % factor == zero, arg_name + ".elem_offset", &asserts_); } } if (arg->shape.size() < value->shape.size()) { CHECK(fuzzy_match) << "Argument " << arg_name << " size mismatch"; size_t diff = value->shape.size() - arg->shape.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < diff; ++i) { CHECK(is_one(value->shape[i])) << "Argument " << arg_name << " shape mismatch" << arg->shape << " vs " << value->shape; } for (size_t i = 0; i < arg->shape.size(); ++i) { std::ostringstream os; os << arg_name << ".shape[" << i << "]"; this->Bind(arg->shape[i], value->shape[i + diff], os.str()); } if (value->strides.size() != 0) { CHECK_EQ(arg->strides.size(), arg->shape.size()); CHECK_EQ(value->strides.size(), value->shape.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < arg->strides.size(); ++i) { std::ostringstream os; os << arg_name << ".strides[" << i << "]"; this->Bind(arg->strides[i], value->strides[i + diff], os.str()); } } } else { this->BindArray(arg->shape, value->shape, arg_name + ".shape"); this->BindArray(arg->strides, value->strides, arg_name + ".strides"); } } inline Expr TVMArrayGet(Type t, Var arr, intrinsic::TVMStructFieldKind kind) { return TVMStructGet(t, arr, 0, kind); } void ArgBinder::BindDLTensor(const Buffer& buffer, const Expr& device_type, const Expr& device_id, const Var& handle, const std::string& arg_name) { const Type tvm_shape_type = TVMShapeIndexType(); const Type tvm_ndim_type = Int(32); const Stmt nop = Evaluate::make(0); // dimension checks Expr v_ndim = TVMArrayGet(tvm_ndim_type, handle, intrinsic::kArrNDim); Expr a_ndim = make_const(tvm_ndim_type, static_cast<int64_t>(buffer->shape.size())); std::ostringstream ndim_err_msg; ndim_err_msg << arg_name << ".ndim is expected to equal " << buffer->shape.size(); asserts_.emplace_back(AssertStmt::make(a_ndim == v_ndim, ndim_err_msg.str(), nop)); // type checks Type dtype = buffer->dtype; std::ostringstream type_err_msg; type_err_msg << arg_name << ".dtype is expected to be " << dtype; Expr cond = (TVMArrayGet(UInt(8), handle, intrinsic::kArrTypeCode) == UIntImm::make(UInt(8), dtype.code()) && TVMArrayGet(UInt(8), handle, intrinsic::kArrTypeBits) == UIntImm::make(UInt(8), dtype.bits()) && TVMArrayGet(UInt(16), handle, intrinsic::kArrTypeLanes) == UIntImm::make(UInt(16), dtype.lanes())); asserts_.emplace_back(AssertStmt::make(cond, type_err_msg.str(), nop)); // data field if (Bind_(buffer->data, TVMArrayGet(Handle(), handle, intrinsic::kArrData), arg_name + ".data", true)) { Var vptr(buffer->data); def_handle_dtype_.Set(vptr, ir::TypeAnnotation(buffer->dtype)); // mark alignment of external bufs init_nest_.emplace_back(AttrStmt::make( vptr, ir::attr::storage_alignment, IntImm::make(Int(32), buffer->data_alignment), nop)); } Var v_shape(arg_name + ".shape", Handle()); def_handle_dtype_.Set(v_shape, make_const(tvm_shape_type, 0)); init_nest_.emplace_back(LetStmt::make( v_shape, TVMArrayGet(Handle(), handle, intrinsic::kArrShape), nop)); for (size_t k = 0; k < buffer->shape.size(); ++k) { std::ostringstream field_name; field_name << v_shape->name_hint << '[' << k << ']'; Bind_(buffer->shape[k], cast(buffer->shape[k].type(), Load::make(tvm_shape_type, v_shape, IntImm::make(Int(32), k), const_true(1))), field_name.str(), true); } // strides field Var v_strides(arg_name + ".strides", Handle()); def_handle_dtype_.Set(v_strides, ir::TypeAnnotation(tvm_shape_type)); init_nest_.emplace_back(LetStmt::make( v_strides, TVMArrayGet(Handle(), handle, intrinsic::kArrStrides), nop)); Expr is_null = Call::make( Bool(1), intrinsic::tvm_handle_is_null, {v_strides}, Call::PureIntrinsic); if (buffer->strides.size() == 0) { // Assert the buffer is compact Type stype = buffer->DefaultIndexType(); Expr expect_stride = make_const(stype, 1); Array<Expr> conds; for (size_t i = buffer->shape.size(); i != 0; --i) { size_t k = i - 1; Expr svalue = cast( stype, Load::make(tvm_shape_type, v_strides, IntImm::make(Int(32), k), const_true(1))); conds.push_back(expect_stride == svalue); expect_stride = expect_stride * buffer->shape[k]; } std::ostringstream stride_err_msg; stride_err_msg << arg_name << ".strides:" << " expected to be compact array"; if (conds.size() != 0) { Stmt check = AssertStmt::make(arith::ComputeReduce<ir::And>(conds, Expr()), stride_err_msg.str(), Evaluate::make(0)); check = IfThenElse::make(Not::make(is_null), check, Stmt()); init_nest_.emplace_back(Block::make(check, Evaluate::make(0))); } } else if (buffer->buffer_type == kAutoBroadcast) { Type stype = buffer->DefaultIndexType(); Expr stride = make_const(stype, 1); for (size_t i = buffer->shape.size(); i != 0; --i) { size_t k = i - 1; std::ostringstream field_name; field_name << v_strides->name_hint << '[' << k << ']'; Expr value = cast(buffer->shape[k].type(), Load::make(tvm_shape_type, v_strides, IntImm::make(Int(32), k), const_true(1))); value = tvm::if_then_else(is_null, stride, value); value = tvm::if_then_else(buffer->shape[k] == 1, 0, value); Bind_(buffer->strides[k], value, field_name.str(), true); stride = Simplify(stride * buffer->shape[k]); } } else { std::ostringstream stride_null_err_msg; stride_null_err_msg << arg_name << ".strides: expected non-null strides."; asserts_.emplace_back(AssertStmt::make(Not::make(is_null), stride_null_err_msg.str(), nop)); for (size_t k = 0; k < buffer->strides.size(); ++k) { std::ostringstream field_name; field_name << v_strides->name_hint << '[' << k << ']'; Bind_(buffer->strides[k], cast(buffer->shape[k].type(), Load::make(tvm_shape_type, v_strides, IntImm::make(Int(32), k), const_true(1))), field_name.str(), true); } } // Byte_offset field. int data_bytes = GetVectorBytes(buffer->dtype); int64_t const_offset; if (arith::GetConst(buffer->elem_offset, &const_offset)) { Bind_(make_const(UInt(64), const_offset * data_bytes), TVMArrayGet(UInt(64), handle, intrinsic::kArrByteOffset), arg_name + ".byte_offset", true); } else { if (Bind_(buffer->elem_offset, cast(buffer->elem_offset.type(), (TVMArrayGet(UInt(64), handle, intrinsic::kArrByteOffset) / make_const(UInt(64), data_bytes))), arg_name + ".elem_offset", true)) { if (buffer->offset_factor > 1) { Expr offset = buffer->elem_offset; Expr factor = make_const(offset.type(), buffer->offset_factor); Expr zero = make_zero(offset.type()); BinderAddAssert(offset % factor == zero, arg_name + ".elem_offset", &asserts_); } } } // device info. Bind_(device_type, TVMArrayGet(Int(32), handle, intrinsic::kArrDeviceType), arg_name + ".device_type", true); Bind_(device_id, TVMArrayGet(Int(32), handle, intrinsic::kArrDeviceId), arg_name + ".device_id", true); } } // namespace ir } // namespace tvm