/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors * \file runtime.cc * \brief Generic VTA runtime in C++11. * * The runtime depends on specific instruction * stream spec as specified in hw_spec.h */ #include <vta/driver.h> #include <vta/hw_spec.h> #include <vta/runtime.h> #include <dmlc/logging.h> #include <tvm/runtime/c_runtime_api.h> #include <cassert> #include <cstring> #include <vector> #include <thread> #include <memory> #include <atomic> namespace vta { // Avoid bad configurations. static_assert(VTA_UOP_WIDTH == sizeof(VTAUop) * 8, "VTA_UOP_WIDTH do not match VTAUop size"); /*! \brief Enable coherent access between VTA and CPU. */ static const bool kBufferCoherent = true; /*! * \brief Data buffer represents data on CMA. */ struct DataBuffer { /*! \return Virtual address of the data. */ void* virt_addr() const { return data_; } /*! \return Physical address of the data. */ uint32_t phy_addr() const { return phy_addr_; } /*! * \brief Invalidate the cache of given location in data buffer. * \param offset The offset to the data. * \param size The size of the data. */ void InvalidateCache(size_t offset, size_t size) { if (!kBufferCoherent) { VTAInvalidateCache(phy_addr_ + offset, size); } } /*! * \brief Invalidate the cache of certain location in data buffer. * \param offset The offset to the data. * \param size The size of the data. */ void FlushCache(size_t offset, size_t size) { if (!kBufferCoherent) { VTAFlushCache(phy_addr_ + offset, size); } } /*! * \brief Allocate a buffer of a given size. * \param size The size of the buffer. */ static DataBuffer* Alloc(size_t size) { void* data = VTAMemAlloc(size, 1); CHECK(data != nullptr); DataBuffer* buffer = new DataBuffer(); buffer->data_ = data; buffer->phy_addr_ = VTAMemGetPhyAddr(data); return buffer; } /*! * \brief Free the data buffer. * \param buffer The buffer to be freed. */ static void Free(DataBuffer* buffer) { VTAMemFree(buffer->data_); delete buffer; } /*! * \brief Create data buffer header from buffer ptr. * \param buffer The buffer pointer. * \return The corresponding data buffer header. */ static DataBuffer* FromHandle(const void* buffer) { return const_cast<DataBuffer*>( reinterpret_cast<const DataBuffer*>(buffer)); } private: /*! \brief The internal data. */ void* data_; /*! \brief The physical address of the buffer, excluding header. */ uint32_t phy_addr_; }; /*! * \brief Micro op kernel. * Contains functions to construct the kernel with prefix Push. */ class UopKernel { public: /*! \brief Loop information. */ struct LoopEntry { uint32_t extent; uint32_t dst_factor; uint32_t src_factor; uint32_t wgt_factor; }; /*! * \brief Construct UopKernel with signature. * \param signature The pointer to signature. * \param nbytes Number of bytes. */ UopKernel(const char* signature, int nbytes) : signature_(signature, signature + nbytes) { } /*! * \brief Verify if the signature is correct. * \param signature Signature ptr. * \param nbytes Number of bytes. */ bool MatchSignature(void* signature, int nbytes) const { if (static_cast<size_t>(nbytes) != signature_.size()) return false; return memcmp(signature, signature_.data(), nbytes) == 0; } /*! \return Whether the kernel is cached in SRAM. */ bool cached() const { return sram_begin_ != sram_end_; } /*! \return The length of the micro op sequence. */ size_t size() const { return seq_.size(); } /*! \return The micro-op data. */ const VTAUop* data() const { return seq_.data(); } /*! \return The loop structure. */ const std::vector<LoopEntry>& loop() const { return loop_; } /*! * \brief Declare loop start. * \param extent The loop extent. * \param dst_factor Loop factor of accum index. * \param src_factor Loop factor of input index * \param wgt_factor Loop factor of weight index. */ void PushLoopBegin(uint32_t extent, uint32_t dst_factor, uint32_t src_factor, uint32_t wgt_factor) { LoopEntry le; le.extent = extent; le.dst_factor = dst_factor; le.src_factor = src_factor; le.wgt_factor = wgt_factor; CHECK_EQ(seq_.size(), 0U); CHECK_LT(loop_.size(), 2U); loop_.push_back(le); ++loop_ptr_; } /*! * \brief Declare loop end. */ void PushLoopEnd() { --loop_ptr_; } /*! * \brief Push micro op into kernel. * \param mode Set to GEMM mode if set to 0, ALU mode is set to 1. * \param reset_out Resets the accum to 0. * \param dst_index The accum memory index. * \param src_index The input memory (gemm) / accum memory (alu) index. * \param wgt_index The weight memory index. * \param opcode The ALU opcode. * \param use_imm Use immediate in ALU mode if set to true. * \param imm_val Immediate value in ALU mode. */ void Push(uint32_t mode, uint32_t reset_out, uint32_t dst_index, uint32_t src_index, uint32_t wgt_index, uint32_t opcode, uint32_t use_imm, int32_t imm_val) { // The loop nest structure VerifyDep(dst_index); VTAUop op; op.dst_idx = dst_index; op.src_idx = src_index; op.wgt_idx = wgt_index; seq_.push_back(op); // Ensure that mode is consistent if set if (mode_ == 0xFFFFFFFF) { mode_ = mode; } else { CHECK(mode_ == mode); } // Set reset_out field if unset if (reset_out_ == 0xFFFFFFFF) { reset_out_ = reset_out; } else { CHECK(reset_out_ == reset_out); } // Check kernel op and imm/imm_val in ALU mode if (mode == 1) { if (opcode_ == 0xFFFFFFFF) { opcode_ = opcode; use_imm_ = use_imm; imm_val_ = imm_val; } else { CHECK(opcode_ == opcode); CHECK(use_imm_ == use_imm); CHECK(imm_val_ == imm_val); } } } /*! \brief Dump kernel micro ops to stdout. */ void Dump() { uint32_t size = seq_.size(); printf("There are %u uops\n", size); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { printf("[%04u]\t acc=%u, inp=%u, wgt=%u\n", i, seq_[i].dst_idx, seq_[i].src_idx, seq_[i].wgt_idx); } printf("\n"); } public: // The kernel's mode, opcode, immediate setting and value uint32_t mode_{0xFFFFFFFF}; // UOP type: 0xFFFFFFFF - unset, 0 - GEMM, 1 - ALU uint32_t opcode_{0xFFFFFFFF}; uint32_t reset_out_{0xFFFFFFFF}; bool use_imm_{false}; int16_t imm_val_{0}; private: // Verify that we don't write to the same acc_mem index two cycles in a row void VerifyDep(uint32_t dst_index) { size_t step = std::min(static_cast<size_t>(2U), seq_.size()); for (size_t i = seq_.size() - step; i < seq_.size(); ++i) { CHECK(seq_[i].dst_idx != dst_index); } } // The uop buffer template<int, bool, bool> friend class UopQueue; friend class CommandQueue; // SRAM location if begin != end. uint32_t sram_begin_{0}; uint32_t sram_end_{0}; // The signature used for verification std::vector<char> signature_; // Internal sequence std::vector<VTAUop> seq_; // The loop nest structure specific to ALU instructions std::vector<LoopEntry> loop_; // The loop pointer size_t loop_ptr_{0}; }; /*! * \brief Base class of all queues to send and recv serial data. */ class BaseQueue { public: ~BaseQueue() { if (dram_buffer_ != nullptr) { VTAMemFree(dram_buffer_); } } /*! \return Content of DRAM buffer. */ char* dram_buffer() const { return dram_buffer_; } /*! \return Physical address of DRAM. */ uint32_t dram_phy_addr() const { return dram_phy_addr_; } /*! \return Whether there is pending information. */ bool pending() const { return sram_begin_ != sram_end_; } /*! \brief Initialize the space of the buffer. */ void InitSpace(uint32_t elem_bytes, uint32_t max_bytes, bool coherent, bool always_cache) { coherent_ = coherent; always_cache_ = always_cache; elem_bytes_ = elem_bytes; dram_buffer_ = static_cast<char*>(VTAMemAlloc( max_bytes, coherent || always_cache_)); CHECK(dram_buffer_ != nullptr); dram_phy_addr_ = VTAMemGetPhyAddr(dram_buffer_); } /*! * \brief Reset the pointer of the buffer. * Set SRAM pointer to be the current end. */ void Reset() { dram_begin_ = dram_end_ = 0; sram_begin_ = sram_end_; } void AutoReadBarrier() { ReadBarrier(elem_bytes_ * 8, 0, dram_end_); } /*! \brief Writer barrier to make sure that data written by CPU is visible to VTA. */ void ReadBarrier(uint32_t elem_bits, uint32_t dram_begin, uint32_t dram_extent) { if (!coherent_ && always_cache_ && dram_extent != 0) { dram_begin = dram_begin * elem_bits / 8; dram_extent = dram_extent * elem_bits / 8; VTAFlushCache(dram_phy_addr_ + dram_begin, dram_extent); } } /*! \brief Read barrier to make sure that data written by VTA is visible to CPU. */ void WriteBarrier(uint32_t elem_bits, uint32_t dram_begin, uint32_t dram_extent) { if (!coherent_ && always_cache_ && dram_extent != 0) { dram_begin = dram_begin * elem_bits / 8; dram_extent = dram_extent * elem_bits / 8; VTAInvalidateCache(dram_phy_addr_ + dram_begin, dram_extent); } } protected: // Cache coherence access bool coherent_{false}; // Make the buffer cacheable bool always_cache_{false}; // Element bytes uint32_t elem_bytes_{0}; // Begin location of current SRAM read in FIFO mode uint32_t sram_begin_{0}; // End location of current SRAM write in FIFO mode uint32_t sram_end_{0}; // The current pending offset in DRAM in FIFO mode uint32_t dram_begin_{0}; // The current pending offset in DRAM in FIFO mode uint32_t dram_end_{0}; // The buffer in DRAM char* dram_buffer_{nullptr}; // Physics address of the buffer uint32_t dram_phy_addr_; }; /*! * \brief Micro op buffer that manages the micro op cache. */ template<int kMaxBytes, bool kCoherent, bool kAlwaysCache> class UopQueue : public BaseQueue { public: void InitSpace() { BaseQueue::InitSpace(kElemBytes, kMaxBytes, kCoherent, kAlwaysCache); } // Push data to the queue template<typename FAutoSync> void Push(UopKernel* kernel, FAutoSync fautosync) { if (kernel->cached()) return; size_t num_op = kernel->size(); if (dram_end_ + num_op > kMaxElems) { fautosync(); CHECK(dram_end_ <= kMaxElems); } CHECK(num_op <= kMaxNumUop); uint32_t uop_begin = 0; if (sram_end_ + num_op > kMaxNumUop) { // Need to evict cache_ptr_ = 0; sram_begin_ = 0; sram_end_ = num_op; } else { uop_begin = sram_end_; sram_end_ += num_op; } // Simple eviction policy uint32_t evict_begin = cache_ptr_; for (; cache_ptr_ < cache_.size(); ++cache_ptr_) { if (cache_[cache_ptr_]->sram_begin_ >= sram_end_) break; cache_[cache_ptr_]->sram_begin_ = 0; cache_[cache_ptr_]->sram_end_ = 0; } memcpy(dram_buffer_ + dram_end_ * kElemBytes, kernel->data(), num_op * kElemBytes); dram_end_ += num_op; kernel->sram_begin_ = uop_begin; kernel->sram_end_ = sram_end_; CHECK(kernel->cached()); CHECK(uop_begin != sram_end_); cache_.insert(cache_.begin() + cache_ptr_, kernel); cache_.erase(cache_.begin() + evict_begin, cache_.begin() + cache_ptr_); cache_ptr_ = evict_begin + 1; } // Flush as weight load void FlushUopLoad(VTAMemInsn* insn) { if (sram_begin_ != sram_end_) { CHECK((dram_end_ - dram_begin_) == (sram_end_ - sram_begin_)); insn->memory_type = VTA_MEM_ID_UOP; insn->sram_base = sram_begin_; insn->dram_base = dram_phy_addr_ / kElemBytes + dram_begin_; insn->y_size = 1; insn->x_size = (dram_end_ - dram_begin_); insn->x_stride = (dram_end_ - dram_begin_); insn->y_pad_0 = 0; insn->y_pad_1 = 0; insn->x_pad_0 = 0; insn->x_pad_1 = 0; // Reset indices sram_begin_ = sram_end_; dram_begin_ = dram_end_; } } private: // Cache pointer uint32_t cache_ptr_{0}; // Cached ring, sorted by sram_begin std::vector<UopKernel*> cache_; // Constants static constexpr int kElemBytes = sizeof(VTAUop); static constexpr int kMaxNumUop = VTA_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH; static constexpr int kMaxElems = kMaxBytes / kElemBytes; }; // Internal kernel structure class UopKernelMap { public: // Simple hash map UopKernel** Get(void* signature, int nbytes) { uint32_t key = 0; CHECK(nbytes == 0 || nbytes == sizeof(int)); if (nbytes == sizeof(int)) { memcpy(&key, signature, sizeof(int)); key = key + 1; } CHECK_LT(key, 100); if (kmap_.size() <= key) { kmap_.resize(key + 1, nullptr); } return &(kmap_[key]); } private: std::vector<UopKernel*> kmap_; }; enum PipelineStage : int { kNoneStage = 0, kLoadStage = 1, kComputeStage = 2, kStoreStage = 3 }; // Instruction Queue template<int kMaxBytes, bool kCoherent, bool kAlwaysCache> class InsnQueue : public BaseQueue { public: /*! \brief Initialize the space. */ void InitSpace() { BaseQueue::InitSpace(kElemBytes, kMaxBytes, kCoherent, kAlwaysCache); // Initialize the stage std::fill(pending_pop_prev_, pending_pop_prev_ + 4, 0); std::fill(pending_pop_next_, pending_pop_next_ + 4, 0); } /*! \return The data pointer. */ VTAGenericInsn* data() { return reinterpret_cast<VTAGenericInsn*>(dram_buffer_); } /*! \return Number of instructions. */ uint32_t count() { return dram_end_; } // Insert dependency push of load void DepPop(int from, int to) { // NOTE: This instruction executes on queue[to] if (from < to) { if (pending_pop_prev_[to]) { this->CommitPendingPop(to); } pending_pop_prev_[to] = 1; } else { if (pending_pop_next_[to]) { this->CommitPendingPop(to); } pending_pop_next_[to] = 1; } // Impossible condition CHECK(from != kLoadStage || to != kStoreStage); CHECK(to != kLoadStage || to != kComputeStage); } // Insert dependency push of load void DepPush(int from, int to) { // NOTE: this instruction executes on queue[from] this->CommitPendingPop(from); if (dram_end_ != 0) { VTAMemInsn* mptr = reinterpret_cast<VTAMemInsn*>(dram_buffer_) + dram_end_ - 1; if (GetPipelineStage(mptr) == from) { if (from < to && !mptr->push_next_dep) { // push(LD->C) or push(C->ST) mptr->push_next_dep = true; return; } else if (from > to && !mptr->push_prev_dep) { // push(C->LD) or push(ST->C) mptr->push_prev_dep = true; return; } } } if (from < to) { // Push next dep PushNoop(from, false, true, false, false); } else { // Push prev dep PushNoop(from, true, false, false, false); } } // Create a new instruction for a GEMM stage VTAGemInsn* CreateGemInsn() { return reinterpret_cast<VTAGemInsn*>( Create(kComputeStage)); } // Create a new instruction for a ALU stage VTAAluInsn* CreateAluInsn() { return reinterpret_cast<VTAAluInsn*>( Create(kComputeStage)); } // Create a new instruction for a memory stage VTAMemInsn* CreateMemInsn(int memory_type) { return reinterpret_cast<VTAMemInsn*>( Create(GetMemPipelineStage(memory_type))); } // create a new instruction for a store stage VTAMemInsn* CreateStoreInsn() { return reinterpret_cast<VTAMemInsn*>( Create(kStoreStage)); } // Rewrite instruction stream to force serial execution void RewriteForceSerial() { int insn_count = count(); VTAMemInsn* mem_ptr = reinterpret_cast<VTAMemInsn*>(data()); for (int i = 1; i < insn_count; ++i) { PipelineStage prev = GetPipelineStage(mem_ptr + i - 1); PipelineStage now = GetPipelineStage(mem_ptr + i); if (prev == kLoadStage && now == kComputeStage) { mem_ptr[i - 1].push_prev_dep = false; mem_ptr[i - 1].push_next_dep = true; mem_ptr[i].pop_prev_dep = true; mem_ptr[i].pop_next_dep = false; } else if (prev == kComputeStage && now == kLoadStage) { mem_ptr[i - 1].push_prev_dep = true; mem_ptr[i - 1].push_next_dep = false; mem_ptr[i].pop_prev_dep = false; mem_ptr[i].pop_next_dep = true; } else if (prev == kStoreStage && now == kComputeStage) { mem_ptr[i - 1].push_prev_dep = true; mem_ptr[i - 1].push_next_dep = false; mem_ptr[i].pop_prev_dep = false; mem_ptr[i].pop_next_dep = true; } else if (prev == kComputeStage && now == kStoreStage) { mem_ptr[i - 1].push_prev_dep = false; mem_ptr[i - 1].push_next_dep = true; mem_ptr[i].pop_prev_dep = true; mem_ptr[i].pop_next_dep = false; } else { mem_ptr[i - 1].push_prev_dep = false; mem_ptr[i - 1].push_next_dep = false; mem_ptr[i].pop_prev_dep = false; mem_ptr[i].pop_next_dep = false; } } } // Helper function: Get Opcode string const char* getOpcodeString(int opcode, bool use_imm) { // The string name if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MIN) { if (use_imm) { return "min imm"; } else { return "min"; } } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MAX) { if (use_imm) { return "max imm"; } else { return "max"; } } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_ADD) { if (use_imm) { return "add imm"; } else { return "add"; } } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_SHR) { return "shr"; } return "unknown op"; } // Dump instructions in the queue void DumpInsn() { // Keep tabs on dependence queues int l2g_queue = 0; int g2l_queue = 0; int s2g_queue = 0; int g2s_queue = 0; // Converter union VTAInsn c; // Iterate over all instructions int insn_count = count(); const VTAGenericInsn* insn = data(); printf("There are %u instructions\n", insn_count); for (int i = 0; i < insn_count; ++i) { // Fetch instruction and decode opcode c.generic = insn[i]; printf("INSTRUCTION %u: ", i); if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_LOAD || c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_STORE) { if (c.mem.x_size == 0) { if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_STORE) { printf("NOP-STORE-STAGE\n"); } else if (GetMemPipelineStage(c.mem.memory_type) == kComputeStage) { printf("NOP-COMPUTE-STAGE\n"); } else { printf("NOP-MEMORY-STAGE\n"); } printf("\tdep - pop prev: %d, pop next: %d, push prev: %d, push next: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_next_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_next_dep)); // Count status in queues if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_STORE) { CHECK(c.mem.pop_next_dep == false); CHECK(c.mem.push_next_dep == false); if (c.mem.pop_prev_dep) g2s_queue--; if (c.mem.push_prev_dep) s2g_queue++; } else if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_LOAD && (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_INP || c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_WGT) ) { CHECK(c.mem.pop_prev_dep == false); CHECK(c.mem.push_prev_dep == false); if (c.mem.pop_next_dep) g2l_queue--; if (c.mem.push_next_dep) l2g_queue++; } else { if (c.mem.pop_prev_dep) l2g_queue--; if (c.mem.push_prev_dep) g2l_queue++; if (c.mem.pop_next_dep) s2g_queue--; if (c.mem.push_next_dep) g2s_queue++; } printf("\tl2g_queue = %d, g2l_queue = %d\n", l2g_queue, g2l_queue); printf("\ts2g_queue = %d, g2s_queue = %d\n", s2g_queue, g2s_queue); continue; } // Print instruction field information if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_LOAD) { printf("LOAD "); if (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_UOP) printf("UOP\n"); if (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_WGT) printf("WGT\n"); if (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_INP) printf("INP\n"); if (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_ACC) printf("ACC\n"); } if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_STORE) { printf("STORE:\n"); } printf("\tdep - pop prev: %d, pop next: %d, push prev: %d, push next: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_next_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_next_dep)); printf("\tDRAM: 0x%08x, SRAM:0x%04x\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.dram_base), static_cast<int>(c.mem.sram_base)); printf("\ty: size=%d, pad=[%d, %d]\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.y_size), static_cast<int>(c.mem.y_pad_0), static_cast<int>(c.mem.y_pad_1)); printf("\tx: size=%d, stride=%d, pad=[%d, %d]\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.x_size), static_cast<int>(c.mem.x_stride), static_cast<int>(c.mem.x_pad_0), static_cast<int>(c.mem.x_pad_1)); } else if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_GEMM) { // Print instruction field information printf("GEMM\n"); printf("\tdep - pop prev: %d, pop next: %d, push prev: %d, push next: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_next_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_next_dep)); printf("\treset_out: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.gemm.reset_reg)); printf("\trange (%d, %d)\n", static_cast<int>(c.gemm.uop_bgn), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.uop_end)); printf("\touter loop - iter: %d, wgt: %d, inp: %d, acc: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.gemm.iter_out), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.wgt_factor_out), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.src_factor_out), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.dst_factor_out)); printf("\tinner loop - iter: %d, wgt: %d, inp: %d, acc: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.gemm.iter_in), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.wgt_factor_in), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.src_factor_in), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.dst_factor_in)); } else if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_ALU) { // Print instruction field information printf("ALU - %s\n", getOpcodeString(c.alu.alu_opcode, c.alu.use_imm)); printf("\tdep - pop prev: %d, pop next: %d, push prev: %d, push next: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_next_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_next_dep)); printf("\treset_out: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.alu.reset_reg)); printf("\trange (%d, %d)\n", static_cast<int>(c.alu.uop_bgn), static_cast<int>(c.alu.uop_end)); printf("\touter loop - iter: %d, dst: %d, src: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.alu.iter_out), static_cast<int>(c.alu.dst_factor_out), static_cast<int>(c.alu.src_factor_out)); printf("\tinner loop - iter: %d, dst: %d, src: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.alu.iter_in), static_cast<int>(c.alu.dst_factor_in), static_cast<int>(c.alu.src_factor_in)); } else if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_FINISH) { printf("FINISH\n"); } // Count status in queues if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_LOAD || c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_STORE) { if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_STORE) { CHECK(c.mem.pop_next_dep == false); CHECK(c.mem.push_next_dep == false); if (c.mem.pop_prev_dep) g2s_queue--; if (c.mem.push_prev_dep) s2g_queue++; } else if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_LOAD && (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_INP || c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_WGT) ) { CHECK(c.mem.pop_prev_dep == false); CHECK(c.mem.push_prev_dep == false); if (c.mem.pop_next_dep) g2l_queue--; if (c.mem.push_next_dep) l2g_queue++; } else { if (c.mem.pop_prev_dep) l2g_queue--; if (c.mem.push_prev_dep) g2l_queue++; if (c.mem.pop_next_dep) s2g_queue--; if (c.mem.push_next_dep) g2s_queue++; } } else if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_GEMM || c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_ALU) { // Print instruction field information if (c.gemm.pop_prev_dep) l2g_queue--; if (c.gemm.push_prev_dep) g2l_queue++; if (c.gemm.pop_next_dep) s2g_queue--; if (c.gemm.push_next_dep) g2s_queue++; } printf("\tl2g_queue = %d, g2l_queue = %d\n", l2g_queue, g2l_queue); printf("\ts2g_queue = %d, g2s_queue = %d\n", s2g_queue, g2s_queue); } } // Commit all pending pop of corresponding stage void CommitPendingPop(int stage) { // Handle the LD<->compute queue // NOTE: pop executes on target(stage) CHECK(stage > 0 && stage < 4); if (pending_pop_prev_[stage] || pending_pop_next_[stage]) { PushNoop(stage, false, false, pending_pop_prev_[stage], pending_pop_next_[stage]); pending_pop_prev_[stage] = 0; pending_pop_next_[stage] = 0; } } void CommitPending() { for (int i = kLoadStage; i <= kStoreStage; ++i) { CommitPendingPop(i); } } bool PendingPop() { for (int i = kLoadStage; i <= kStoreStage; ++i) { if (pending_pop_prev_[i]) return true; if (pending_pop_next_[i]) return true; } return false; } protected: /*! \return Add new instruction to the buffer. */ VTAGenericInsn* NextInsn() { VTAGenericInsn* insn = data() + dram_end_; ++dram_end_; CHECK(dram_end_ < kMaxElems); return insn; } // Create a new instruction for a given stage VTAGenericInsn* Create(PipelineStage stage) { VTAGenericInsn* gptr = NextInsn(); VTAMemInsn* mptr = reinterpret_cast<VTAMemInsn*>(gptr); mptr->pop_prev_dep = pending_pop_prev_[stage]; mptr->pop_next_dep = pending_pop_next_[stage]; mptr->push_prev_dep = false; mptr->push_next_dep = false; pending_pop_prev_[stage] = 0; pending_pop_next_[stage] = 0; return gptr; } // Get stage of the memory static PipelineStage GetMemPipelineStage(int memory_type) { if (memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_ACC) return kComputeStage; if (memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_UOP) return kComputeStage; return kLoadStage; } // Get stage of the computation static PipelineStage GetPipelineStage(VTAMemInsn* insn) { if (insn->opcode == VTA_OPCODE_GEMM) return kComputeStage; if (insn->opcode == VTA_OPCODE_ALU) return kComputeStage; if (insn->opcode == VTA_OPCODE_LOAD) { if (insn->x_size == 0) return kNoneStage; if (insn->memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_ACC) return kComputeStage; if (insn->memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_UOP) return kComputeStage; return kLoadStage; } if (insn->opcode == VTA_OPCODE_STORE) { // FIXME: Right now memory_type is a 2-bit field which means that // VTA_MEM_ID_OUT will appear as 0. For now we'll refrain from // checking the memory_type to avoid an CHECKion error... return kStoreStage; } LOG(FATAL) << "not reached"; return kNoneStage; } // Push no-op void PushNoop(int stage, bool push_prev_dep, bool push_next_dep, bool pop_prev_dep, bool pop_next_dep) { VTAMemInsn* insn = reinterpret_cast<VTAMemInsn*>(NextInsn()); insn->opcode = (stage == kStoreStage ? VTA_OPCODE_STORE : VTA_OPCODE_LOAD); insn->push_prev_dep = push_prev_dep; insn->push_next_dep = push_next_dep; insn->pop_prev_dep = pop_prev_dep; insn->pop_next_dep = pop_next_dep; insn->sram_base = 0; insn->dram_base = 0; insn->y_size = 0; insn->x_size = 0; insn->x_stride = 0; insn->y_pad_0 = 0; insn->y_pad_1 = 0; insn->x_pad_0 = 0; insn->x_pad_1 = 0; insn->memory_type = (stage == kLoadStage ? VTA_MEM_ID_INP : VTA_MEM_ID_UOP); } private: // Pending pop of each isntruction queue, qid=0 is not used int pending_pop_prev_[4]; int pending_pop_next_[4]; static constexpr int kElemBytes = sizeof(VTAGenericInsn); static constexpr int kMaxElems = kMaxBytes / kElemBytes; }; /*! * \brief The command queue object that handles the request. */ class CommandQueue { public: CommandQueue() { this->InitSpace(); } void InitSpace() { uop_queue_.InitSpace(); insn_queue_.InitSpace(); device_ = VTADeviceAlloc(); CHECK(device_ != nullptr); printf("Initialize VTACommandHandle...\n"); } ~CommandQueue() { VTADeviceFree(device_); printf("Close VTACommandhandle...\n"); } uint32_t GetElemBytes(uint32_t memory_id) { switch (memory_id) { case VTA_MEM_ID_UOP: return VTA_UOP_ELEM_BYTES; case VTA_MEM_ID_INP: return VTA_INP_ELEM_BYTES; case VTA_MEM_ID_WGT: return VTA_WGT_ELEM_BYTES; case VTA_MEM_ID_ACC: return VTA_ACC_ELEM_BYTES; case VTA_MEM_ID_OUT: return VTA_INP_ELEM_BYTES; default: break; } LOG(FATAL) << "Memory id not recognized:" << memory_id; return 0; } void LoadBuffer2D(void* src_dram_addr, uint32_t src_elem_offset, uint32_t x_size, uint32_t y_size, uint32_t x_stride, uint32_t x_pad_before, uint32_t y_pad_before, uint32_t x_pad_after, uint32_t y_pad_after, uint32_t dst_sram_index, uint32_t dst_memory_type) { VTAMemInsn* insn = insn_queue_.CreateMemInsn(dst_memory_type); insn->opcode = VTA_OPCODE_LOAD; insn->memory_type = dst_memory_type; insn->sram_base = dst_sram_index; DataBuffer* src = DataBuffer::FromHandle(src_dram_addr); insn->dram_base = src->phy_addr() / GetElemBytes(dst_memory_type) + src_elem_offset; insn->y_size = y_size; insn->x_size = x_size; insn->x_stride = x_stride; insn->y_pad_0 = y_pad_before; insn->y_pad_1 = y_pad_after; insn->x_pad_0 = x_pad_before; insn->x_pad_1 = x_pad_after; this->CheckInsnOverFlow(); } void StoreBuffer2D(uint32_t src_sram_index, uint32_t src_memory_type, void* dst_dram_addr, uint32_t dst_elem_offset, uint32_t x_size, uint32_t y_size, uint32_t x_stride) { VTAMemInsn* insn = insn_queue_.CreateStoreInsn(); insn->opcode = VTA_OPCODE_STORE; insn->memory_type = src_memory_type; insn->sram_base = src_sram_index; DataBuffer* dst = DataBuffer::FromHandle(dst_dram_addr); insn->dram_base = dst->phy_addr() / GetElemBytes(src_memory_type) + dst_elem_offset; insn->y_size = y_size; insn->x_size = x_size; insn->x_stride = x_stride; insn->y_pad_0 = 0; insn->y_pad_1 = 0; insn->x_pad_0 = 0; insn->x_pad_1 = 0; this->CheckInsnOverFlow(); } void DepPush(int from_qid, int to_qid) { insn_queue_.DepPush(from_qid, to_qid); } void DepPop(int from_qid, int to_qid) { insn_queue_.DepPop(from_qid, to_qid); } void ReadBarrier(void* buffer, uint32_t elem_bits, uint32_t start, uint32_t extent) { if (!(debug_flag_ & VTA_DEBUG_SKIP_READ_BARRIER)) { uint32_t elem_bytes = (elem_bits + 8 - 1) / 8; DataBuffer::FromHandle(buffer)->FlushCache( elem_bytes * start, elem_bytes * extent); } } void WriteBarrier(void* buffer, uint32_t elem_bits, uint32_t start, uint32_t extent) { if (!(debug_flag_ & VTA_DEBUG_SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER)) { uint32_t elem_bytes = (elem_bits + 8 - 1) / 8; DataBuffer::FromHandle(buffer)->InvalidateCache( elem_bytes * start, elem_bytes * extent); } } void Synchronize(uint32_t wait_cycles) { // Insert dependences to force serialization if (debug_flag_ & VTA_DEBUG_FORCE_SERIAL) { insn_queue_.RewriteForceSerial(); } // This will issue finish after last store finishes insn_queue_.DepPush(kStoreStage, kComputeStage); insn_queue_.DepPush(kLoadStage, kComputeStage); insn_queue_.DepPop(kStoreStage, kComputeStage); insn_queue_.DepPop(kLoadStage, kComputeStage); insn_queue_.CommitPendingPop(kComputeStage); // NOTE: FINISH cannot contain pop VTAGemInsn* insn = insn_queue_.CreateGemInsn(); insn->opcode = VTA_OPCODE_FINISH; CHECK(!insn_queue_.PendingPop()); // Check if there are no instruction to execute at all if (insn_queue_.count() == 0) return; // Synchronization for the queues uop_queue_.AutoReadBarrier(); insn_queue_.AutoReadBarrier(); // Dump instructions if debug enabled if (debug_flag_ & VTA_DEBUG_DUMP_INSN) { insn_queue_.DumpInsn(); } // Make sure that the last instruction is a finish instruction CHECK(reinterpret_cast<VTAMemInsn*>( insn_queue_.data())[insn_queue_.count()-1].opcode == VTA_OPCODE_FINISH); // Make sure that we don't exceed contiguous physical memory limits CHECK(insn_queue_.count() * sizeof(VTAGenericInsn) < VTA_MAX_XFER); int timeout = VTADeviceRun( device_, insn_queue_.dram_phy_addr(), insn_queue_.count(), wait_cycles); CHECK_EQ(timeout, 0); // Reset buffers uop_queue_.Reset(); insn_queue_.Reset(); } // Get record kernel UopKernel* record_kernel() const { CHECK(record_kernel_ != nullptr); return record_kernel_; } // Set debug flag void SetDebugFlag(int debug_flag) { debug_flag_ = debug_flag; } void PushGEMMOp(void** uop_handle, int (*finit)(void*), void* signature, int nbytes) { UopKernelMap** uptr = reinterpret_cast<UopKernelMap**>(uop_handle); if (uptr[0] == nullptr) { uptr[0] = new UopKernelMap(); } UopKernel** kptr = uptr[0]->Get(signature, nbytes); if (kptr[0] == nullptr) { record_kernel_ = new UopKernel(static_cast<char*>(signature), nbytes); CHECK_EQ((*finit)(signature), 0); kptr[0] = static_cast<UopKernel*>(record_kernel_); if (debug_flag_ & VTA_DEBUG_DUMP_UOP) { record_kernel_->Dump(); } record_kernel_ = nullptr; } this->PushGEMMOp(static_cast<UopKernel*>(kptr[0])); this->CheckInsnOverFlow(); } void PushALUUop(void** uop_handle, int (*finit)(void*), void* signature, int nbytes) { UopKernelMap** uptr = reinterpret_cast<UopKernelMap**>(uop_handle); if (uptr[0] == nullptr) { uptr[0] = new UopKernelMap(); } UopKernel** kptr = uptr[0]->Get(signature, nbytes); if (kptr[0] == nullptr) { record_kernel_ = new UopKernel(static_cast<char*>(signature), nbytes); CHECK_EQ((*finit)(signature), 0); kptr[0] = static_cast<UopKernel*>(record_kernel_); if (debug_flag_ & VTA_DEBUG_DUMP_UOP) { record_kernel_->Dump(); } record_kernel_ = nullptr; } this->PushALUUop(static_cast<UopKernel*>(kptr[0])); this->CheckInsnOverFlow(); } static std::shared_ptr<CommandQueue>& ThreadLocal() { static std::shared_ptr<CommandQueue> inst = std::make_shared<CommandQueue>(); if (inst == nullptr) { inst = std::make_shared<CommandQueue>(); } return inst; } static void Shutdown() { ThreadLocal().reset(); } private: // Push GEMM uop to the command buffer void PushGEMMOp(UopKernel* kernel) { uop_queue_.Push(kernel, [this]() { this->AutoSync(); }); if (uop_queue_.pending()) { VTAMemInsn* insn = insn_queue_.CreateMemInsn(VTA_MEM_ID_UOP); insn->opcode = VTA_OPCODE_LOAD; uop_queue_.FlushUopLoad(insn); } VTAGemInsn* insn = insn_queue_.CreateGemInsn(); insn->opcode = VTA_OPCODE_GEMM; insn->reset_reg = kernel->reset_out_; insn->uop_bgn = kernel->sram_begin_; insn->uop_end = kernel->sram_end_; const std::vector<UopKernel::LoopEntry> &loop = kernel->loop(); if (loop.size() > 0) { insn->iter_out = loop[0].extent; insn->wgt_factor_out = loop[0].wgt_factor; insn->src_factor_out = loop[0].src_factor; insn->dst_factor_out = loop[0].dst_factor; } else { insn->iter_out = 1; insn->wgt_factor_out = 0; insn->src_factor_out = 0; insn->dst_factor_out = 0; } if (loop.size() > 1) { insn->iter_in = loop[1].extent; insn->wgt_factor_in = loop[1].wgt_factor; insn->src_factor_in = loop[1].src_factor; insn->dst_factor_in = loop[1].dst_factor; } else { insn->iter_in = 1; insn->wgt_factor_in = 0; insn->src_factor_in = 0; insn->dst_factor_in = 0; } } // Push ALU uop to the command buffer void PushALUUop(UopKernel* kernel) { uop_queue_.Push(kernel, [this]() { this->AutoSync(); }); if (uop_queue_.pending()) { VTAMemInsn* insn = insn_queue_.CreateMemInsn(VTA_MEM_ID_UOP); insn->opcode = VTA_OPCODE_LOAD; uop_queue_.FlushUopLoad(insn); } VTAAluInsn* insn = insn_queue_.CreateAluInsn(); insn->opcode = VTA_OPCODE_ALU; insn->reset_reg = kernel->reset_out_; insn->uop_bgn = kernel->sram_begin_; insn->uop_end = kernel->sram_end_; insn->alu_opcode = kernel->opcode_; insn->use_imm = kernel->use_imm_; insn->imm = kernel->imm_val_; const std::vector<UopKernel::LoopEntry> &loop = kernel->loop(); if (loop.size() == 0) { insn->iter_out = 1; insn->dst_factor_out = 0; insn->src_factor_out = 0; insn->iter_in = 1; insn->dst_factor_in = 0; insn->src_factor_in = 0; } else if (loop.size() == 1) { insn->iter_out = 1; insn->dst_factor_out = 0; insn->src_factor_out = 0; insn->iter_in = loop[0].extent; insn->dst_factor_in = loop[0].dst_factor; insn->src_factor_in = loop[0].src_factor; } else { insn->iter_out = loop[0].extent; insn->dst_factor_out = loop[0].dst_factor; insn->src_factor_out = loop[0].src_factor; insn->iter_in = loop[1].extent; insn->dst_factor_in = loop[1].dst_factor; insn->src_factor_in = loop[1].src_factor; } } void CheckInsnOverFlow() { // At each API call, we can at most commit: // one pending store, one pending load, and one uop if ((insn_queue_.count() + 4) * sizeof(VTAGenericInsn) >= VTA_MAX_XFER) { this->AutoSync(); } } // Auto sync when instruction overflow void AutoSync() { this->Synchronize(1 << 31); } // Internal debug flag int debug_flag_{0}; // The kernel we currently recording UopKernel* record_kernel_{nullptr}; // Micro op queue UopQueue<VTA_MAX_XFER, true, true> uop_queue_; // instruction queue InsnQueue<VTA_MAX_XFER, true, true> insn_queue_; // Device handle VTADeviceHandle device_{nullptr}; }; } // namespace vta void* VTABufferAlloc(size_t size) { return vta::DataBuffer::Alloc(size); } void VTABufferFree(void* buffer) { vta::DataBuffer::Free(vta::DataBuffer::FromHandle(buffer)); } void VTABufferCopy(const void* from, size_t from_offset, void* to, size_t to_offset, size_t size, int kind_mask) { vta::DataBuffer* from_buffer = nullptr; vta::DataBuffer* to_buffer = nullptr; if (kind_mask & 2) { from_buffer = vta::DataBuffer::FromHandle(from); from = from_buffer->virt_addr(); } if (kind_mask & 1) { to_buffer = vta::DataBuffer::FromHandle(to); to = to_buffer->virt_addr(); } if (from_buffer) { from_buffer->InvalidateCache(from_offset, size); } memcpy(static_cast<char*>(to) + to_offset, static_cast<const char*>(from) + from_offset, size); if (to_buffer) { to_buffer->FlushCache(to_offset, size); } } VTACommandHandle VTATLSCommandHandle() { return vta::CommandQueue::ThreadLocal().get(); } void VTARuntimeShutdown() { vta::CommandQueue::Shutdown(); } void VTASetDebugMode(VTACommandHandle cmd, int debug_flag) { static_cast<vta::CommandQueue*>(cmd)-> SetDebugFlag(debug_flag); } void* VTABufferCPUPtr(VTACommandHandle cmd, void* buffer) { return vta::DataBuffer::FromHandle(buffer)->virt_addr(); } void VTAWriteBarrier(VTACommandHandle cmd, void* buffer, uint32_t elem_bits, uint32_t start, uint32_t extent) { static_cast<vta::CommandQueue*>(cmd)-> WriteBarrier(buffer, elem_bits, start, extent); } void VTAReadBarrier(VTACommandHandle cmd, void* buffer, uint32_t elem_bits, uint32_t start, uint32_t extent) { static_cast<vta::CommandQueue*>(cmd)-> ReadBarrier(buffer, elem_bits, start, extent); } void VTALoadBuffer2D(VTACommandHandle cmd, void* src_dram_addr, uint32_t src_elem_offset, uint32_t x_size, uint32_t y_size, uint32_t x_stride, uint32_t x_pad_before, uint32_t y_pad_before, uint32_t x_pad_after, uint32_t y_pad_after, uint32_t dst_sram_index, uint32_t dst_memory_type) { static_cast<vta::CommandQueue*>(cmd)-> LoadBuffer2D(src_dram_addr, src_elem_offset, x_size, y_size, x_stride, x_pad_before, y_pad_before, x_pad_after, y_pad_after, dst_sram_index, dst_memory_type); } void VTAStoreBuffer2D(VTACommandHandle cmd, uint32_t src_sram_index, uint32_t src_memory_type, void* dst_dram_addr, uint32_t dst_elem_offset, uint32_t x_size, uint32_t y_size, uint32_t x_stride) { static_cast<vta::CommandQueue*>(cmd)-> StoreBuffer2D(src_sram_index, src_memory_type, dst_dram_addr, dst_elem_offset, x_size, y_size, x_stride); } void VTAUopPush(uint32_t mode, uint32_t reset_out, uint32_t dst_index, uint32_t src_index, uint32_t wgt_index, uint32_t opcode, uint32_t use_imm, int32_t imm_val) { vta::CommandQueue::ThreadLocal()->record_kernel() ->Push(mode, reset_out, dst_index, src_index, wgt_index, opcode, use_imm, imm_val); } void VTAUopLoopBegin(uint32_t extent, uint32_t dst_factor, uint32_t src_factor, uint32_t wgt_factor) { vta::CommandQueue::ThreadLocal()->record_kernel() ->PushLoopBegin(extent, dst_factor, src_factor, wgt_factor); } void VTAUopLoopEnd() { vta::CommandQueue::ThreadLocal()->record_kernel() ->PushLoopEnd(); } int VTAPushGEMMOp(void** uop_handle, int (*finit)(void*), void* signature, int nbytes) { vta::CommandQueue::ThreadLocal()-> PushGEMMOp(uop_handle, finit, signature, nbytes); return 0; } int VTAPushALUOp(void** uop_handle, int (*finit)(void*), void* signature, int nbytes) { vta::CommandQueue::ThreadLocal()-> PushALUUop(uop_handle, finit, signature, nbytes); return 0; } int VTADepPush(VTACommandHandle cmd, int from_qid, int to_qid) { static_cast<vta::CommandQueue*>(cmd)-> DepPush(from_qid, to_qid); return 0; } int VTADepPop(VTACommandHandle cmd, int from_qid, int to_qid) { static_cast<vta::CommandQueue*>(cmd)-> DepPop(from_qid, to_qid); return 0; } void VTASynchronize(VTACommandHandle cmd, uint32_t wait_cycles) { static_cast<vta::CommandQueue*>(cmd)-> Synchronize(wait_cycles); }