# pylint: disable=invalid-name """Utility to invoke nvcc compiler in the system""" from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs import subprocess import os import warnings from . import util from .. import ndarray as nd from ..api import register_func from .._ffi.base import py_str def compile_cuda(code, target="ptx", arch=None, options=None, path_target=None): """Compile cuda code with NVCC from env. Parameters ---------- code : str The cuda code. target : str The target format arch : str The architecture options : str or list of str The additional options path_target : str, optional Output file. Return ------ cubin : bytearray The bytearray of the cubin """ temp = util.tempdir() if target not in ["cubin", "ptx", "fatbin"]: raise ValueError("target must be in cubin, ptx, fatbin") temp_code = temp.relpath("my_kernel.cu") temp_target = temp.relpath("my_kernel.%s" % target) with open(temp_code, "w") as out_file: out_file.write(code) if arch is None: if nd.gpu(0).exist: # auto detect the compute arch argument arch = "sm_" + "".join(nd.gpu(0).compute_version.split('.')) else: raise ValueError("arch(sm_xy) is not passed, and we cannot detect it from env") file_target = path_target if path_target else temp_target cmd = ["nvcc"] cmd += ["--%s" % target, "-O3"] cmd += ["-arch", arch] if options: if isinstance(options, str): cmd += [options] elif isinstance(options, list): cmd += options else: raise ValueError("options must be str or list of str") cmd += ["-o", file_target] cmd += [temp_code] proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) (out, _) = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: msg = "Compilation error:\n" msg += py_str(out) raise RuntimeError(msg) data = bytearray(open(file_target, "rb").read()) if not data: raise RuntimeError( "Compilation error: empty result is generated") return data def find_cuda_path(): """Utility function to find cuda path Returns ------- path : str Path to cuda root. """ if "CUDA_PATH" in os.environ: return os.environ["CUDA_PATH"] cmd = ["which", "nvcc"] proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) (out, _) = proc.communicate() out = py_str(out) if proc.returncode == 0: return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(str(out).strip(), "../..")) cuda_path = "/usr/local/cuda" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(cuda_path, "bin/nvcc")): return cuda_path raise RuntimeError("Cannot find cuda path") def get_cuda_version(cuda_path): """Utility function to get cuda version Parameters ---------- cuda_path : str Path to cuda root. Returns ------- version : float The cuda version """ version_file_path = os.path.join(cuda_path, "version.txt") try: with open(version_file_path) as f: version_str = f.readline().replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') return float(version_str.split(" ")[2][:2]) except: raise RuntimeError("Cannot read cuda version file") @register_func("tvm_callback_libdevice_path") def find_libdevice_path(arch): """Utility function to find libdevice Parameters ---------- arch : int The compute architecture in int Returns ------- path : str Path to libdevice. """ cuda_path = find_cuda_path() lib_path = os.path.join(cuda_path, "nvvm/libdevice") selected_ver = 0 selected_path = None cuda_ver = get_cuda_version(cuda_path) if cuda_ver == 9.0 or cuda_ver == 9.1: path = os.path.join(lib_path, "libdevice.10.bc") else: for fn in os.listdir(lib_path): if not fn.startswith("libdevice"): continue ver = int(fn.split(".")[-3].split("_")[-1]) if ver > selected_ver and ver <= arch: selected_ver = ver selected_path = fn if selected_path is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find libdevice for arch {}".format(arch)) path = os.path.join(lib_path, selected_path) return path def callback_libdevice_path(arch): try: return find_libdevice_path(arch) except RuntimeError: warnings.warn("Cannot find libdevice path") return "" def parse_compute_version(compute_version): """Parse compute capability string to divide major and minor version Parameters ---------- compute_version : str compute capability of a GPU (e.g. "6.0") Returns ------- major : int major version number minor : int minor version number """ split_ver = compute_version.split('.') try: major = int(split_ver[0]) minor = int(split_ver[1]) return major, minor except (IndexError, ValueError) as err: raise RuntimeError("Compute version parsing error: " + str(err)) def have_fp16(compute_version): """Either fp16 support is provided in the compute capability or not Parameters ---------- compute_version: str compute capability of a GPU (e.g. "6.0") """ major, minor = parse_compute_version(compute_version) # fp 16 support in reference to: # https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/#arithmetic-instructions if major == 5 and minor == 3: return True # NOTE: exclude compute capability 6.1 devices although it is actually available # to compute fp16, because these devices only have low-rate fp16 performance. if major == 6 and minor != 1: return True if major == 7: return True return False def have_int8(compute_version): """Either int8 support is provided in the compute capability or not Parameters ---------- compute_version : str compute capability of a GPU (e.g. "6.1") """ major, minor = parse_compute_version(compute_version) if major == 6 and minor == 1: return True return False def have_tensorcore(compute_version): """Either TensorCore support is provided in the compute capability or not Parameters ---------- compute_version : str compute capability of a GPU (e.g. "7.0") """ major, _ = parse_compute_version(compute_version) if major == 7: return True return False