/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * \file node/serialization.cc * \brief Utilities to serialize TVM AST/IR objects. */ #include <dmlc/json.h> #include <dmlc/memory_io.h> #include <tvm/runtime/ndarray.h> #include <tvm/runtime/packed_func.h> #include <tvm/node/container.h> #include <tvm/node/reflection.h> #include <tvm/node/serialization.h> #include <tvm/attrs.h> #include <string> #include <map> #include "../common/base64.h" namespace tvm { inline std::string Type2String(const DataType& t) { return runtime::TVMType2String(Type2TVMType(t)); } inline Type String2Type(std::string s) { return TVMType2Type(runtime::String2TVMType(s)); } // indexer to index all the nodes class NodeIndexer : public AttrVisitor { public: std::unordered_map<Object*, size_t> node_index_{{nullptr, 0}}; std::vector<Object*> node_list_{nullptr}; std::unordered_map<DLTensor*, size_t> tensor_index_; std::vector<DLTensor*> tensor_list_; ReflectionVTable* reflection_ = ReflectionVTable::Global(); void Visit(const char* key, double* value) final {} void Visit(const char* key, int64_t* value) final {} void Visit(const char* key, uint64_t* value) final {} void Visit(const char* key, int* value) final {} void Visit(const char* key, bool* value) final {} void Visit(const char* key, std::string* value) final {} void Visit(const char* key, void** value) final {} void Visit(const char* key, DataType* value) final {} void Visit(const char* key, runtime::NDArray* value) final { DLTensor* ptr = const_cast<DLTensor*>((*value).operator->()); if (tensor_index_.count(ptr)) return; CHECK_EQ(tensor_index_.size(), tensor_list_.size()); tensor_index_[ptr] = tensor_list_.size(); tensor_list_.push_back(ptr); } void Visit(const char* key, ObjectRef* value) final { MakeIndex(const_cast<Object*>(value->get())); } // make index of all the children of node void MakeIndex(Object* node) { if (node == nullptr) return; CHECK(node->IsInstance<Node>()); if (node_index_.count(node)) return; CHECK_EQ(node_index_.size(), node_list_.size()); node_index_[node] = node_list_.size(); node_list_.push_back(node); if (node->IsInstance<ArrayNode>()) { ArrayNode* n = static_cast<ArrayNode*>(node); for (const auto& sp : n->data) { MakeIndex(const_cast<Object*>(sp.get())); } } else if (node->IsInstance<MapNode>()) { MapNode* n = static_cast<MapNode*>(node); for (const auto& kv : n->data) { MakeIndex(const_cast<Object*>(kv.first.get())); MakeIndex(const_cast<Object*>(kv.second.get())); } } else if (node->IsInstance<StrMapNode>()) { StrMapNode* n = static_cast<StrMapNode*>(node); for (const auto& kv : n->data) { MakeIndex(const_cast<Object*>(kv.second.get())); } } else { reflection_->VisitAttrs(node, this); } } }; // use map so attributes are ordered. using AttrMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>; /*! \brief Node structure for json format. */ struct JSONNode { /*! \brief The type of key of the object. */ std::string type_key; /*! \brief The global key for global object. */ std::string global_key; /*! \brief the attributes */ AttrMap attrs; /*! \brief keys of a map. */ std::vector<std::string> keys; /*! \brief values of a map or array. */ std::vector<size_t> data; void Save(dmlc::JSONWriter *writer) const { writer->BeginObject(); writer->WriteObjectKeyValue("type_key", type_key); if (global_key.size() != 0) { writer->WriteObjectKeyValue("global_key", global_key); } if (attrs.size() != 0) { writer->WriteObjectKeyValue("attrs", attrs); } if (keys.size() != 0) { writer->WriteObjectKeyValue("keys", keys); } if (data.size() != 0) { writer->WriteObjectKeyValue("data", data); } writer->EndObject(); } void Load(dmlc::JSONReader *reader) { attrs.clear(); data.clear(); global_key.clear(); type_key.clear(); dmlc::JSONObjectReadHelper helper; helper.DeclareOptionalField("type_key", &type_key); helper.DeclareOptionalField("global_key", &global_key); helper.DeclareOptionalField("attrs", &attrs); helper.DeclareOptionalField("keys", &keys); helper.DeclareOptionalField("data", &data); helper.ReadAllFields(reader); } }; // Helper class to populate the json node // using the existing index. class JSONAttrGetter : public AttrVisitor { public: const std::unordered_map<Object*, size_t>* node_index_; const std::unordered_map<DLTensor*, size_t>* tensor_index_; JSONNode* node_; ReflectionVTable* reflection_ = ReflectionVTable::Global(); void Visit(const char* key, double* value) final { node_->attrs[key] = std::to_string(*value); } void Visit(const char* key, int64_t* value) final { node_->attrs[key] = std::to_string(*value); } void Visit(const char* key, uint64_t* value) final { node_->attrs[key] = std::to_string(*value); } void Visit(const char* key, int* value) final { node_->attrs[key] = std::to_string(*value); } void Visit(const char* key, bool* value) final { node_->attrs[key] = std::to_string(*value); } void Visit(const char* key, std::string* value) final { node_->attrs[key] = *value; } void Visit(const char* key, void** value) final { LOG(FATAL) << "not allowed to serialize a pointer"; } void Visit(const char* key, DataType* value) final { node_->attrs[key] = Type2String(*value); } void Visit(const char* key, runtime::NDArray* value) final { node_->attrs[key] = std::to_string( tensor_index_->at(const_cast<DLTensor*>((*value).operator->()))); } void Visit(const char* key, ObjectRef* value) final { node_->attrs[key] = std::to_string( node_index_->at(const_cast<Object*>(value->get()))); } // Get the node void Get(Object* node) { if (node == nullptr) { node_->type_key.clear(); return; } node_->type_key = node->GetTypeKey(); node_->global_key = reflection_->GetGlobalKey(node); // No need to recursively visit fields of global singleton // They are registered via the environment. if (node_->global_key.length() != 0) return; // populates the fields. node_->attrs.clear(); node_->data.clear(); if (node->IsInstance<ArrayNode>()) { ArrayNode* n = static_cast<ArrayNode*>(node); for (size_t i = 0; i < n->data.size(); ++i) { node_->data.push_back( node_index_->at(const_cast<Object*>(n->data[i].get()))); } } else if (node->IsInstance<MapNode>()) { MapNode* n = static_cast<MapNode*>(node); for (const auto& kv : n->data) { node_->data.push_back( node_index_->at(const_cast<Object*>(kv.first.get()))); node_->data.push_back( node_index_->at(const_cast<Object*>(kv.second.get()))); } } else if (node->IsInstance<StrMapNode>()) { StrMapNode* n = static_cast<StrMapNode*>(node); for (const auto& kv : n->data) { node_->keys.push_back(kv.first); node_->data.push_back( node_index_->at(const_cast<Object*>(kv.second.get()))); } } else { // recursively index normal object. reflection_->VisitAttrs(node, this); } } }; // Helper class to set the attributes of a node // from given json node. class JSONAttrSetter : public AttrVisitor { public: const std::vector<ObjectPtr<Object> >* node_list_; const std::vector<runtime::NDArray>* tensor_list_; JSONNode* node_; ReflectionVTable* reflection_ = ReflectionVTable::Global(); std::string GetValue(const char* key) const { auto it = node_->attrs.find(key); if (it == node_->attrs.end()) { LOG(FATAL) << "JSONReader: cannot find field " << key; } return it->second; } template<typename T> void ParseValue(const char* key, T* value) const { std::istringstream is(GetValue(key)); is >> *value; if (is.fail()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Wrong value format for field " << key; } } void Visit(const char* key, double* value) final { ParseValue(key, value); } void Visit(const char* key, int64_t* value) final { ParseValue(key, value); } void Visit(const char* key, uint64_t* value) final { ParseValue(key, value); } void Visit(const char* key, int* value) final { ParseValue(key, value); } void Visit(const char* key, bool* value) final { ParseValue(key, value); } void Visit(const char* key, std::string* value) final { *value = GetValue(key); } void Visit(const char* key, void** value) final { LOG(FATAL) << "not allowed to deserialize a pointer"; } void Visit(const char* key, DataType* value) final { std::string stype = GetValue(key); *value = String2Type(stype); } void Visit(const char* key, runtime::NDArray* value) final { size_t index; ParseValue(key, &index); CHECK_LE(index, tensor_list_->size()); *value = tensor_list_->at(index); } void Visit(const char* key, ObjectRef* value) final { size_t index; ParseValue(key, &index); CHECK_LE(index, node_list_->size()); *value = ObjectRef(node_list_->at(index)); } // set node to be current JSONNode void Set(Object* node) { if (node == nullptr) return; if (node->IsInstance<ArrayNode>()) { ArrayNode* n = static_cast<ArrayNode*>(node); n->data.clear(); for (size_t index : node_->data) { n->data.push_back(ObjectRef(node_list_->at(index))); } } else if (node->IsInstance<MapNode>()) { MapNode* n = static_cast<MapNode*>(node); CHECK_EQ(node_->data.size() % 2, 0U); for (size_t i = 0; i < node_->data.size(); i += 2) { n->data[ObjectRef(node_list_->at(node_->data[i]))] = ObjectRef(node_list_->at(node_->data[i + 1])); } } else if (node->IsInstance<StrMapNode>()) { StrMapNode* n = static_cast<StrMapNode*>(node); CHECK_EQ(node_->data.size(), node_->keys.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < node_->data.size(); ++i) { n->data[node_->keys[i]] = ObjectRef(node_list_->at(node_->data[i])); } } else { reflection_->VisitAttrs(node, this); } } }; // json graph structure to store node struct JSONGraph { // the root of the graph size_t root; // the nodes of the graph std::vector<JSONNode> nodes; // base64 b64ndarrays of arrays std::vector<std::string> b64ndarrays; // global attributes AttrMap attrs; void Save(dmlc::JSONWriter *writer) const { writer->BeginObject(); writer->WriteObjectKeyValue("root", root); writer->WriteObjectKeyValue("nodes", nodes); writer->WriteObjectKeyValue("b64ndarrays", b64ndarrays); if (attrs.size() != 0) { writer->WriteObjectKeyValue("attrs", attrs); } writer->EndObject(); } void Load(dmlc::JSONReader *reader) { attrs.clear(); dmlc::JSONObjectReadHelper helper; helper.DeclareField("root", &root); helper.DeclareField("nodes", &nodes); helper.DeclareOptionalField("b64ndarrays", &b64ndarrays); helper.DeclareOptionalField("attrs", &attrs); helper.ReadAllFields(reader); } static JSONGraph Create(const ObjectRef& root) { JSONGraph g; NodeIndexer indexer; indexer.MakeIndex(const_cast<Object*>(root.get())); JSONAttrGetter getter; getter.node_index_ = &indexer.node_index_; getter.tensor_index_ = &indexer.tensor_index_; for (Object* n : indexer.node_list_) { JSONNode jnode; getter.node_ = &jnode; getter.Get(n); g.nodes.emplace_back(std::move(jnode)); } g.attrs["tvm_version"] = TVM_VERSION; g.root = indexer.node_index_.at(const_cast<Object*>(root.get())); // serialize tensor for (DLTensor* tensor : indexer.tensor_list_) { std::string blob; dmlc::MemoryStringStream mstrm(&blob); common::Base64OutStream b64strm(&mstrm); runtime::SaveDLTensor(&b64strm, tensor); b64strm.Finish(); g.b64ndarrays.emplace_back(std::move(blob)); } return g; } }; std::string SaveJSON(const ObjectRef& n) { auto jgraph = JSONGraph::Create(n); std::ostringstream os; dmlc::JSONWriter writer(&os); jgraph.Save(&writer); return os.str(); } ObjectRef LoadJSON(std::string json_str) { std::istringstream is(json_str); dmlc::JSONReader reader(&is); JSONGraph jgraph; // load in json graph. jgraph.Load(&reader); std::vector<ObjectPtr<Object> > nodes; std::vector<runtime::NDArray> tensors; // load in tensors for (const std::string& blob : jgraph.b64ndarrays) { dmlc::MemoryStringStream mstrm(const_cast<std::string*>(&blob)); common::Base64InStream b64strm(&mstrm); b64strm.InitPosition(); runtime::NDArray temp; CHECK(temp.Load(&b64strm)); tensors.emplace_back(temp); } ReflectionVTable* reflection = ReflectionVTable::Global(); // node 0 is always null nodes.reserve(jgraph.nodes.size()); for (const JSONNode& jnode : jgraph.nodes) { if (jnode.type_key.length() != 0) { ObjectPtr<Object> node = reflection->CreateInitObject(jnode.type_key, jnode.global_key); nodes.emplace_back(node); } else { nodes.emplace_back(ObjectPtr<Object>()); } } CHECK_EQ(nodes.size(), jgraph.nodes.size()); JSONAttrSetter setter; setter.node_list_ = &nodes; setter.tensor_list_ = &tensors; for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) { setter.node_ = &jgraph.nodes[i]; // do not need to recover content of global singleton object // they are registered via the environment if (setter.node_->global_key.length() == 0) { setter.Set(nodes[i].get()); } } return ObjectRef(nodes.at(jgraph.root)); } } // namespace tvm