/*! * Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors * \file src/tvm/relay/interpreter.cc * \brief An interpreter for the Relay IR. */ #include <tvm/packed_func_ext.h> #include <tvm/runtime/device_api.h> #include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h> #include <tvm/relay/pattern_functor.h> #include <tvm/relay/interpreter.h> #include <tvm/relay/pass.h> #include <tvm/relay/attrs/debug.h> #include "compile_engine.h" namespace tvm { namespace relay { using namespace runtime; inline const PackedFunc& GetPackedFunc(const std::string& name) { const PackedFunc* pf = tvm::runtime::Registry::Get(name); CHECK(pf != nullptr) << "Cannot find function " << name << " in registry"; return *pf; } /* Value Implementation */ Closure ClosureNode::make(tvm::Map<Var, Value> env, Function func) { NodePtr<ClosureNode> n = make_node<ClosureNode>(); n->env = std::move(env); n->func = std::move(func); return Closure(n); } TVM_REGISTER_API("relay._make.Closure") .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) { *ret = ClosureNode::make(args[0], args[1]); }); TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR_REGISTER(IRPrinter, vtable) .set_dispatch<ClosureNode>([](const ClosureNode* node, tvm::IRPrinter* p) { p->stream << "ClosureNode(" << node->func << ")"; }); TupleValue TupleValueNode::make(tvm::Array<Value> value) { NodePtr<TupleValueNode> n = make_node<TupleValueNode>(); n->fields = value; return TupleValue(n); } TVM_REGISTER_API("relay._make.TupleValue") .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) { *ret = TupleValueNode::make(args[0]); }); TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR_REGISTER(IRPrinter, vtable) .set_dispatch<TupleValueNode>([](const TupleValueNode* node, tvm::IRPrinter* p) { p->stream << "TupleValueNode(" << node->fields << ")"; }); TensorValue TensorValueNode::make(runtime::NDArray data) { NodePtr<TensorValueNode> n = make_node<TensorValueNode>(); n->data = std::move(data); return TensorValue(n); } TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR_REGISTER(IRPrinter, vtable) .set_dispatch<TensorValueNode>([](const TensorValueNode* node, tvm::IRPrinter* p) { auto to_str = GetPackedFunc("relay._tensor_value_repr"); std::string data_str = to_str(GetRef<TensorValue>(node)); p->stream << "TensorValueNode(" << data_str << ")"; }); TVM_REGISTER_API("relay._make.TensorValue") .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) { runtime::NDArray data = args[0]; *ret = TensorValueNode::make(data); }); RefValue RefValueNode::make(Value value) { NodePtr<RefValueNode> n = make_node<RefValueNode>(); n->value = value; return RefValue(n); } TVM_REGISTER_API("relay._make.RefValue") .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) { *ret = RefValueNode::make(args[0]); }); TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR_REGISTER(IRPrinter, vtable) .set_dispatch<RefValueNode>([](const RefValueNode* node, tvm::IRPrinter* p) { p->stream << "RefValueNode(" << node->value << ")"; }); ConstructorValue ConstructorValueNode::make(Constructor constructor, tvm::Array<Value> fields) { NodePtr<ConstructorValueNode> n = make_node<ConstructorValueNode>(); n->constructor = constructor; n->fields = fields; return ConstructorValue(n); } TVM_REGISTER_API("relay._make.ConstructorValue") .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) { *ret = ConstructorValueNode::make(args[0], args[1]); }); TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR_REGISTER(IRPrinter, vtable) .set_dispatch<ConstructorValueNode>([](const ConstructorValueNode* node, tvm::IRPrinter* p) { p->stream << "ConstructorValueNode(" << node->constructor << node->fields << ")"; }); /*! * \brief A stack frame in the Relay interpreter. * * Contains a mapping from relay::Var to relay::Value. */ struct Frame { /*! \brief The set of local variables and arguments for the frame. */ tvm::Map<Var, Value> locals; explicit Frame(tvm::Map<Var, Value> locals) : locals(locals) {} }; /*! * \brief The call stack in the Relay interpreter. * * Contains a stack of frames; each corresponding to * a function call. */ struct Stack { /*! \brief The stack frames. */ std::vector<Frame> frames; Stack() : frames() { frames.push_back(Frame({})); } Frame& current_frame() { return frames.back(); } Value Lookup(const Var& local) { for (auto frame = frames.rbegin(); frame != frames.rend(); frame++) { auto elem = frame->locals.find(local); if (elem != frame->locals.end()) { return (*elem).second; } } LOG(FATAL) << "could not find variable binding for " << local << "address= " << local.operator->(); return Value(); } /*! * A wrapper around Frame to add RAII semantics to pushing and popping * stack frames. */ struct LocalFrame { Stack& st; explicit LocalFrame(Stack& st, const Frame& fr) : st(st) { st.frames.push_back(fr); } ~LocalFrame() { st.frames.pop_back(); } }; }; /*! \brief A representation of the interpreter state which can be passed back to Python. */ class InterpreterState; /*! \brief A container capturing the state of the interpreter. */ class InterpreterStateNode : public Node { public: using Frame = tvm::Map<Var, Value>; using Stack = tvm::Array<Frame>; /*! \brief The current expression under evaluation. */ Expr current_expr; /*! \brief The call stack of the interpreter. */ Stack stack; void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final { v->Visit("current_expr", ¤t_expr); v->Visit("stack", &stack); } static InterpreterState make(Expr current_expr, Stack stack); static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.InterpreterState"; TVM_DECLARE_NODE_TYPE_INFO(InterpreterStateNode, Node); }; RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(InterpreterState, InterpreterStateNode, NodeRef); InterpreterState InterpreterStateNode::make(Expr current_expr, Stack stack) { NodePtr<InterpreterStateNode> n = make_node<InterpreterStateNode>(); n->current_expr = std::move(current_expr); n->stack = std::move(stack); return InterpreterState(n); } // NOTE: the current interpreter assumes A-normal form. // which is better for execution. // // It will run duplicated computations when taking program that // contains DAG in dataflow-form. // // Conversion to ANF is recommended before running the interpretation. class Interpreter : public ExprFunctor<Value(const Expr& n)>, PatternFunctor<bool(const Pattern& p, const Value& v)> { public: Interpreter(Module mod, DLContext context, Target target) : mod_(mod), context_(context), target_(target) { engine_ = CompileEngine::Global(); } template <typename T> T WithFrame(const Frame& fr, const std::function<T()>& f) { Stack::LocalFrame lf(stack_, fr); return f(); } void extend(const Var& id, Value v) { stack_.current_frame().locals.Set(id, v); } inline Value Lookup(const Var& local) { return stack_.Lookup(local); } Value Eval(const Expr& expr) { return VisitExpr(expr); } Value VisitExpr(const Expr& expr) final { auto ret = ExprFunctor<Value(const Expr& n)>::VisitExpr(expr); return ret; } Value VisitExpr_(const VarNode* var_node) final { return Lookup(GetRef<Var>(var_node)); } Value VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* op) final { return Eval(mod_->Lookup(GetRef<GlobalVar>(op))); } Value VisitExpr_(const OpNode* id) override { // TODO(@jroesch): Eta-expand and return in this case. LOG(FATAL) << "internal error, need to wrap intrinsic into call synthetic call node " << "in " << "this case, eta expand"; return Value(); } Value VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op) final { return TensorValueNode::make(op->data.CopyTo(context_)); } Value VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) final { std::vector<Value> values; for (const auto& field : op->fields) { Value field_value = Eval(field); values.push_back(field_value); } return TupleValueNode::make(values); } Value VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* func_node) final { auto func = GetRef<Function>(func_node); tvm::Map<Var, Value> captured_mod; Array<Var> free_vars = FreeVars(func); for (const auto& var : free_vars) { captured_mod.Set(var, Eval(var)); } return ClosureNode::make(captured_mod, func); } Value InvokePrimitiveOp(Function func, const Array<Value>& args) { auto call_node = func->body.as<CallNode>(); if (call_node && call_node->op == Op::Get("debug")) { auto dattrs = call_node->attrs.as<DebugAttrs>(); auto interp_state = this->get_state(call_node->args[0]); if (dattrs->debug_func.defined()) { dattrs->debug_func(interp_state); } else { RELAY_DEBUG(interp_state); } return args[0]; } // Marshal the arguments. // Handle tuple input/output by flattening them. size_t arg_len = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { if (args[i].as<TensorValueNode>()) { ++arg_len; } else { const auto* tvalue = args[i].as<TupleValueNode>(); arg_len += tvalue->fields.size(); } } size_t num_inputs = arg_len; if (const auto* tuple_type = func->body->checked_type().as<TupleTypeNode>()) { arg_len += tuple_type->fields.size(); } else { CHECK(func->body->checked_type().as<TensorTypeNode>()); arg_len += 1; } std::vector<TVMValue> values(arg_len); std::vector<int> codes(arg_len); TVMArgsSetter setter(values.data(), codes.data()); auto fset_input = [&](size_t i, Value val) { const TensorValueNode* tv = val.as<TensorValueNode>(); CHECK(tv != nullptr) << "expect Tensor argument"; setter(i, tv->data); DLContext arg_ctx = tv->data->ctx; CHECK(arg_ctx.device_type == context_.device_type && arg_ctx.device_id == context_.device_id) << "Interpreter expect context to be " << context_ << ", but get " << arg_ctx; }; int arg_counter = 0; for (Value arg : args) { if (arg.as<TensorValueNode>()) { fset_input(arg_counter++, arg); } else { const TupleValueNode* tuple = arg.as<TupleValueNode>(); CHECK(tuple != nullptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple->fields.size(); ++i) { fset_input(arg_counter++, tuple->fields[i]); } } } // TVM's calling convention is that the final argument is the output // buffer. To preserve the illusion of being a functional language // we need to allocate space for the output buffer based on the // return type. auto fset_output = [&](size_t i, Type val_type) { const TensorTypeNode* rtype = val_type.as<TensorTypeNode>(); CHECK(rtype != nullptr); // Allocate output tensor. std::vector<int64_t> shape; for (auto dim : rtype->shape) { const auto* ivalue = as_const_int(dim); CHECK(ivalue) << "expected concrete dimensions"; shape.push_back(ivalue[0]); } DLDataType dtype = Type2TVMType(rtype->dtype); auto out_tensor = TensorValueNode::make( NDArray::Empty(shape, dtype, context_)); setter(num_inputs + i, out_tensor->data); return out_tensor; }; PackedFunc packed_func = engine_->JIT(CCacheKeyNode::make(func, target_)); TVMRetValue rv; if (const TupleTypeNode* rtype = func->body->checked_type().as<TupleTypeNode>()) { Array<Value> fields; for (size_t i = 0; i < rtype->fields.size(); ++i) { fields.push_back(fset_output(i, rtype->fields[i])); } packed_func.CallPacked(TVMArgs(values.data(), codes.data(), arg_len), &rv); return TupleValueNode::make(fields); } else { Value out_tensor = fset_output(0, func->body->checked_type()); packed_func.CallPacked(TVMArgs(values.data(), codes.data(), arg_len), &rv); return out_tensor; } } // Invoke the closure Value Invoke(const Closure& closure, const tvm::Array<Value>& args) { // Get a reference to the function inside the closure. if (closure->func->IsPrimitive()) { return InvokePrimitiveOp(closure->func, args); } auto func = closure->func; // Allocate a frame with the parameters and free variables. tvm::Map<Var, Value> locals; CHECK_EQ(func->params.size(), args.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < func->params.size(); i++) { CHECK_EQ(locals.count(func->params[i]), 0); locals.Set(func->params[i], args[i]); } // Add the var to value mappings from the Closure's modironment. for (auto it = closure->env.begin(); it != closure->env.end(); ++it) { CHECK_EQ(locals.count((*it).first), 0); locals.Set((*it).first, (*it).second); } return WithFrame<Value>(Frame(locals), [&]() { return Eval(func->body); }); } Value VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call) final { tvm::Array<Value> args; for (auto arg : call->args) { args.push_back(Eval(arg)); } // We should not find operators after running fusion, // and operator lowering. // // We have some functions cotaining chunks of operators // which will be loaded into operator map. if (const auto* op_node = call->op.as<OpNode>()) { LOG(FATAL) << "found " << op_node->name << "; operators should be removed by future passes; try " "fusing and lowering"; } if (auto con = call->op.as<ConstructorNode>()) { return ConstructorValueNode::make(GetRef<Constructor>(con), args); } // Now we just evaluate and expect to find a closure. Value fn_val = Eval(call->op); if (const ClosureNode* closure_node = fn_val.as<ClosureNode>()) { auto closure = GetRef<Closure>(closure_node); return this->Invoke(closure, args); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "internal error: type error, expected function value in the call " << "position"; return Value(); } } Value VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) final { auto value = Eval(op->value); this->extend(op->var, value); return Eval(op->body); } Value VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* op) final { Value val = Eval(op->tuple); auto product_node = val.as<TupleValueNode>(); CHECK(product_node) << "interal error: when evaluating TupleGetItem expected a tuple value"; CHECK_LT(static_cast<size_t>(op->index), product_node->fields.size()) << "internal error: index out of bounds"; return product_node->fields[op->index]; } Value VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op) final { Value v = Eval(op->cond); if (const TensorValueNode* bv = v.as<TensorValueNode>()) { DLContext cpu_ctx; cpu_ctx.device_type = kDLCPU; cpu_ctx.device_id = 0; NDArray cpu_array = bv->data.CopyTo(cpu_ctx); CHECK_EQ(TVMType2Type(cpu_array->dtype), Bool()); // TODO(@jroesch, @MK): Refactor code into helper from DCE. if (reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(cpu_array->data)[0]) { return Eval(op->true_branch); } else { return Eval(op->false_branch); } } else { LOG(FATAL) << "type error, type system should have caught this"; return Value(); } } Value VisitExpr_(const RefWriteNode* op) final { Value r = Eval(op->ref); if (const RefValueNode* rv = r.as<RefValueNode>()) { rv->value = Eval(op->value); return TupleValueNode::make({}); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "type error, type system should have caught this"; return Value(); } } Value VisitExpr_(const RefCreateNode* op) final { return RefValueNode::make(Eval(op->value)); } Value VisitExpr_(const RefReadNode* op) final { Value r = Eval(op->ref); if (const RefValueNode* rv = r.as<RefValueNode>()) { return rv->value; } else { LOG(FATAL) << "type error, type system should have caught this"; return Value(); } } Value VisitExpr_(const MatchNode* op) final { Value v = Eval(op->data); for (const Clause& c : op->clauses) { if (VisitPattern(c->lhs, v)) { return VisitExpr(c->rhs); } } LOG(FATAL) << "did not find any match"; return Value(); } bool VisitPattern_(const PatternConstructorNode* op, const Value& v) final { const ConstructorValueNode* cvn = v.as<ConstructorValueNode>(); CHECK(cvn) << "need to be a constructor for match"; CHECK_NE(op->constructor->tag, -1); CHECK_NE(cvn->constructor->tag, -1); if (op->constructor->tag == cvn->constructor->tag) { // todo(M.K.): should use ptr equality but it is broken CHECK(op->patterns.size() == cvn->fields.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < op->patterns.size(); ++i) { if (!VisitPattern(op->patterns[i], cvn->fields[i])) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } bool VisitPattern_(const PatternWildcardNode* op, const Value& v) final { return true; } bool VisitPattern_(const PatternVarNode* op, const Value& v) final { extend(op->var, v); return true; } InterpreterState get_state(Expr e = Expr()) const { InterpreterStateNode::Stack stack; for (auto fr : this->stack_.frames) { InterpreterStateNode::Frame frame = fr.locals; stack.push_back(frame); } auto state = InterpreterStateNode::make(e, stack); return state; } private: // Module Module mod_; // For simplicity we only run the interpreter on a single context. // Context to run the interpreter on. DLContext context_; // Target parameter being used by the interpreter. Target target_; // Value stack. Stack stack_; // Backend compile engine. CompileEngine engine_; }; TypedPackedFunc<Value(Expr)> CreateInterpreter( Module mod, DLContext context, Target target) { auto intrp = std::make_shared<Interpreter>(mod, context, target); auto packed = [intrp](Expr expr) { return intrp->Eval(expr); }; return TypedPackedFunc<Value(Expr)>(packed); } TVM_REGISTER_API("relay.backend.CreateInterpreter") .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) { *ret = CreateInterpreter(args[0], args[1], args[2]); }); TVM_REGISTER_NODE_TYPE(ClosureNode); TVM_REGISTER_NODE_TYPE(TupleValueNode); TVM_REGISTER_NODE_TYPE(TensorValueNode); } // namespace relay } // namespace tvm