/*! * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors * \file storage_access.cc */ #include <tvm/ir_pass.h> #include <tvm/ir_mutator.h> #include <tvm/target_info.h> #include <string> #include <utility> #include "ir_util.h" #include "storage_access.h" #include "../arithmetic/compute_expr.h" namespace tvm { namespace ir { void StorageAccessVisitor::Visit_(const Load* op) { const Variable* buf = op->buffer_var.as<Variable>(); StorageScope scope = GetScope(buf); if (Enabled(buf, scope)) { CHECK(allow_append_); AccessEntry e; e.threads = env_threads(); e.buffer = op->buffer_var; e.dtype = op->type.element_of(); e.touched = arith::IntSet::vector(op->index); e.type = kRead; e.scope = scope; curr_stmt_.access.emplace_back(std::move(e)); } // traverse child IRVisitor::Visit_(op); } void StorageAccessVisitor::Visit_(const Store* op) { allow_append_ = true; CHECK_EQ(curr_stmt_.access.size(), 0U); curr_stmt_.stmt = op; const Variable* buf = op->buffer_var.as<Variable>(); StorageScope scope = GetScope(buf); if (Enabled(buf, scope)) { AccessEntry e; e.threads = env_threads(); e.buffer = op->buffer_var; e.dtype = op->value.type().element_of(); e.touched = arith::IntSet::vector(op->index); e.type = kWrite; e.scope = scope; curr_stmt_.access.emplace_back(std::move(e)); } // traverse child IRVisitor::Visit_(op); // push to the scope scope_.back().push_back(curr_stmt_); // clear access entry. curr_stmt_.access.clear(); allow_append_ = false; } void StorageAccessVisitor::Visit_(const Evaluate* op) { allow_append_ = true; CHECK_EQ(curr_stmt_.access.size(), 0U); curr_stmt_.stmt = op; IRVisitor::Visit_(op); // push to the scope if (curr_stmt_.access.size() != 0) { scope_.back().push_back(curr_stmt_); curr_stmt_.access.clear(); } allow_append_ = false; } void StorageAccessVisitor::Visit_(const AttrStmt* op) { if (op->attr_key == attr::storage_scope) { const Variable* buf = op->node.as<Variable>(); storage_scope_[buf] = StorageScope::make(op->value.as<StringImm>()->value); IRVisitor::Visit_(op); } else if (op->attr_key == attr::double_buffer_write) { CHECK(double_buffer_write_ == nullptr); double_buffer_write_ = op->node.as<Variable>(); scope_.push_back(std::vector<StmtEntry>()); IRVisitor::Visit_(op); StmtEntry s; s.stmt = op; s.access = Summarize(std::move(scope_.back()), nullptr); scope_.pop_back(); if (!s.access.empty()) { for (AccessEntry& e : s.access) { if (e.type == kWrite && e.buffer.get() == double_buffer_write_) { e.double_buffer_write = true; } } scope_.back().emplace_back(std::move(s)); } double_buffer_write_ = nullptr; } else if (op->attr_key == attr::coproc_scope) { IterVar iv(op->node.node_); env_threads_.push_back(iv); IRVisitor::Visit_(op); env_threads_.CopyOnWrite()->data.pop_back(); } else if (op->attr_key == attr::thread_extent) { IterVar iv(op->node.node_); env_threads_.push_back(iv); if (!in_device_env_) { in_device_env_ = true; scope_.push_back(std::vector<StmtEntry>()); IRVisitor::Visit_(op); // no need to take the result as the thread barrier automatically syncs. Summarize(std::move(scope_.back()), nullptr); in_device_env_ = false; scope_.pop_back(); } else { IRVisitor::Visit_(op); } env_threads_.CopyOnWrite()->data.pop_back(); } else { IRVisitor::Visit_(op); } } void StorageAccessVisitor::Visit_(const For* op) { scope_.push_back(std::vector<StmtEntry>()); IRVisitor::Visit_(op); StmtEntry s; s.stmt = op; s.access = Summarize(std::move(scope_.back()), op); scope_.pop_back(); if (s.access.size() != 0) { // relax the touched set to contain all ranges in the loop. std::unordered_map<const Variable*, arith::IntSet> relax_map; relax_map[op->loop_var.get()] = arith::IntSet::range( Range::make_by_min_extent(op->min, op->extent)); for (AccessEntry& e : s.access) { if (e.buffer.defined()) { CHECK(e.touched.defined()); e.touched = arith::EvalSet(e.touched, relax_map); } } } if (!s.access.empty()) { scope_.back().emplace_back(std::move(s)); } } void StorageAccessVisitor::Visit_(const IfThenElse* op) { ++condition_counter_; this->Visit(op->condition); scope_.push_back(std::vector<StmtEntry>()); this->Visit(op->then_case); StmtEntry s; s.stmt = op; s.access = Summarize(std::move(scope_.back()), nullptr); scope_.pop_back(); if (op->else_case.defined()) { scope_.push_back(std::vector<StmtEntry>()); auto v = Summarize(std::move(scope_.back()), nullptr); scope_.pop_back(); s.access.insert(s.access.end(), v.begin(), v.end()); } scope_.back().emplace_back(std::move(s)); --condition_counter_; } void StorageAccessVisitor::Visit_(const Call* op) { if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_address_of)) { const Load *l = op->args[0].as<Load>(); IRVisitor::Visit_(l); } else if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_access_ptr)) { CHECK_EQ(op->args.size(), 5U); Type dtype = op->args[0].type(); const Variable* buffer = op->args[1].as<Variable>(); Expr offset = op->args[2]; Expr extent = op->args[3]; const IntImm* flag = op->args[4].as<IntImm>(); StorageScope scope = GetScope(buffer); // The buffer scope. if (Enabled(buffer, scope)) { CHECK(allow_append_); AccessEntry e; e.threads = env_threads(); e.dtype = dtype; e.buffer = VarExpr(op->args[1].node_); e.touched = arith::IntSet::range( Range::make_by_min_extent(offset, extent)); e.scope = scope; if (flag->value & 1) { e.type = kRead; curr_stmt_.access.emplace_back(e); } if (flag->value & 2) { e.type = kWrite; curr_stmt_.access.emplace_back(e); } } IRVisitor::Visit_(op); } else if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_storage_sync)) { CHECK(allow_append_); const std::string& s = op->args[0].as<StringImm>()->value; if (s != "warp") { StorageScope scope = StorageScope::make(s); AccessEntry e; e.threads = env_threads(); e.type = kSync; e.scope = StorageScope::make(s); curr_stmt_.access.emplace_back(std::move(e)); } } else { IRVisitor::Visit_(op); } } StorageScope StorageAccessVisitor::GetScope(const Variable* buf) const { auto it = storage_scope_.find(buf); StorageScope s; s.rank = StorageRank::kGlobal; if (it == storage_scope_.end()) return s; return it->second; } class StorageAccessInfoLower : public IRMutator { public: Stmt Mutate_(const Allocate* op, const Stmt& s) final { // Lower allocate to device allocate when needed. Stmt stmt = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, s); op = stmt.as<Allocate>(); // For special memory, remove allocate, or use head expr auto it = storage_info_.find(op->buffer_var.get()); if (it != storage_info_.end() && it->second.info.defined()) { const MemoryInfo& info = it->second.info; ++it->second.alloc_count; CHECK_LE(it->second.alloc_count, 1) << "Double allocation of " << it->second.scope.to_string(); if (info->head_address.defined()) { return Allocate::make( op->buffer_var, op->type, op->extents, op->condition, op->body, info->head_address, "nop"); } return op->body; } else { return stmt; } } Stmt Mutate_(const AttrStmt* op, const Stmt& s) final { if (op->attr_key == attr::storage_scope) { const Variable* buf = op->node.as<Variable>(); StorageScope scope = StorageScope::make(op->value.as<StringImm>()->value); StorageEntry e; e.scope = scope; if (scope.tag.length() != 0) { e.info = GetMemoryInfo(op->value.as<StringImm>()->value); CHECK(e.info.defined()) << "Cannot find memory info of " << scope.to_string(); } storage_info_[buf] = e; return IRMutator::Mutate_(op, s); } else { return IRMutator::Mutate_(op, s); } } Expr Mutate_(const Call* op, const Expr &e) final { if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_access_ptr)) { return MakeAccessPtr(op, e); } else { return IRMutator::Mutate_(op, e); } } private: // tvm_access_ptr Expr MakeAccessPtr(const Call* op, const Expr& e) { // Specially handle the buffer packed intrinsic Expr expr = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, e); op = expr.as<Call>(); CHECK_EQ(op->args.size(), 5U); Type dtype = op->args[0].type(); const Variable* buffer = op->args[1].as<Variable>(); Var buffer_var(op->args[1].node_); Expr offset = op->args[2]; auto it = storage_info_.find(buffer); if (it != storage_info_.end() && it->second.info.defined()) { return MakeTaggedAccessPtr( op->type, buffer_var, dtype, offset, it->second.info); } CHECK(op->type.is_handle()); // Change to address_of return AddressOffset(buffer_var, dtype, offset); } Expr MakeTaggedAccessPtr(Type ptr_type, Var buffer_var, Type dtype, Expr offset, const MemoryInfo& info) { if (ptr_type.is_handle()) { CHECK(info->head_address.defined()) << buffer_var << " is not adddressable."; return AddressOffset(buffer_var, dtype, offset); } int dtype_bits = dtype.bits() * dtype.lanes(); CHECK_EQ(info->unit_bits % dtype_bits, 0); return cast(ptr_type, ir::Simplify(offset / make_const( offset.type(), info->unit_bits / dtype_bits))); } // The storage entry. struct StorageEntry { // Whether it is tagged memory. StorageScope scope; // The memory info if any. MemoryInfo info; // Allocation counter int alloc_count{0}; }; // The storage scope of each buffer std::unordered_map<const Variable*, StorageEntry> storage_info_; }; Stmt LowerStorageAccessInfo(Stmt stmt) { return StorageAccessInfoLower().Mutate(stmt); } } // namespace ir } // namespace tvm