"""Node namespace""" # pylint: disable=unused-import from __future__ import absolute_import import ctypes import sys from .. import _api_internal from .node_generic import NodeGeneric, convert_to_node, const from .base import _LIB, check_call, c_str, py_str, _FFI_MODE IMPORT_EXCEPT = RuntimeError if _FFI_MODE == "cython" else ImportError try: # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position if _FFI_MODE == "ctypes": raise ImportError() if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): from ._cy3.core import _register_node, NodeBase as _NodeBase else: from ._cy2.core import _register_node, NodeBase as _NodeBase except IMPORT_EXCEPT: # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position from ._ctypes.node import _register_node, NodeBase as _NodeBase class NodeBase(_NodeBase): """NodeBase is the base class of all TVM language AST object.""" def __repr__(self): return _api_internal._format_str(self) def __dir__(self): plist = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)() size = ctypes.c_uint() check_call(_LIB.TVMNodeListAttrNames( self.handle, ctypes.byref(size), ctypes.byref(plist))) names = [] for i in range(size.value): names.append(py_str(plist[i])) return names def __hash__(self): return _api_internal._raw_ptr(self) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, NodeBase): return False return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __reduce__(self): return (type(self), (None,), self.__getstate__()) def __getstate__(self): handle = self.handle if handle is not None: return {'handle': _api_internal._save_json(self)} return {'handle': None} def __setstate__(self, state): # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot handle = state['handle'] if handle is not None: json_str = handle other = _api_internal._load_json(json_str) self.handle = other.handle other.handle = None else: self.handle = None def register_node(type_key=None): """register node type Parameters ---------- type_key : str or cls The type key of the node """ node_name = type_key if isinstance(type_key, str) else type_key.__name__ def register(cls): """internal register function""" tindex = ctypes.c_int() try: check_call(_LIB.TVMNodeTypeKey2Index(c_str(node_name), ctypes.byref(tindex))) _register_node(tindex.value, cls) except AttributeError: pass return cls if isinstance(type_key, str): return register return register(type_key)