"""Target management API of TVM. TVM's target string is in fomat ``<target_name> [-option=value]...``. Note ---- The list of options include: - **-device=<device name>** The device name. - **-mtriple=<target triple>** or **-target** Specify the target triple, which is useful for cross compilation. - **-mcpu=<cpuname>** Specify a specific chip in the current architecture to generate code for. By default this is infered from the target triple and autodetected to the current architecture. - **-mattr=a1,+a2,-a3,...** Override or control specific attributes of the target, such as whether SIMD operations are enabled or not. The default set of attributes is set by the current CPU. - **-system-lib** Build TVM system library module. System lib is a global module that contains self registered functions in program startup. User can get the module using :any:`tvm.module.system_lib`. It is useful in environments where dynamic loading api like dlopen is banned. The system lib will be available as long as the result code is linked by the program. We can use :any:`tvm.target.create` to create a tvm.target.Target from the target string. We can also use other specific function in this module to create specific targets. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import warnings from ._ffi.base import _LIB_NAME from ._ffi.node import NodeBase, register_node from . import _api_internal try: from decorator import decorate except ImportError as err_msg: # Allow decorator to be missing in runtime if _LIB_NAME != "libtvm_runtime.so": raise err_msg def _merge_opts(opts, new_opts): """Helper function to merge options""" if isinstance(new_opts, str): new_opts = new_opts.split() if new_opts: opt_set = set(opts) new_opts = [opt for opt in new_opts if opt not in opt_set] return opts + new_opts return opts @register_node class Target(NodeBase): """Target device information, use through TVM API. Note ---- Do not use class constructor, you can create target using the following functions - :any:`tvm.target.create` create target from string - :any:`tvm.target.arm_cpu` create arm_cpu target - :any:`tvm.target.cuda` create CUDA target - :any:`tvm.target.rocm` create ROCM target - :any:`tvm.target.mali` create Mali target - :any:`tvm.target.intel_graphics` create Intel Graphics target """ def __new__(cls): # Always override new to enable class obj = NodeBase.__new__(cls) obj._keys = None obj._options = None obj._libs = None return obj @property def keys(self): if not self._keys: self._keys = [k.value for k in self.keys_array] return self._keys @property def options(self): if not self._options: self._options = [o.value for o in self.options_array] return self._options @property def libs(self): if not self._libs: self._libs = [l.value for l in self.libs_array] return self._libs @property def model(self): for opt in self.options_array: if opt.value.startswith('-model='): return opt.value[7:] return 'unknown' def __enter__(self): _api_internal._EnterTargetScope(self) return self def __exit__(self, ptype, value, trace): _api_internal._ExitTargetScope() @register_node class GenericFunc(NodeBase): """GenericFunc node reference. This represents a generic function that may be specialized for different targets. When this object is called, a specialization is chosen based on the current target. Note ---- Do not construct an instance of this object, it should only ever be used as a return value from calling into C++. """ def __call__(self, *args): return _api_internal._GenericFuncCallFunc(self, *args) def set_default(self, func, allow_override=False): """Set the default function to be used if no specializations match the current target. Parameters ---------- func : function The default function allow_override : bool Whether to allow the current default to be overridden """ _api_internal._GenericFuncSetDefault(self, func, allow_override) def register(self, func, key_list, allow_override=False): """Register a specialization for this GenericFunc. Parameters ---------- func : function The function to be registered. key : str or list of str The key to be registered. allow_override : bool, optional Whether to allow existing keys to be overridden. """ key_list = [key_list] if isinstance(key_list, str) else key_list _api_internal._GenericFuncRegisterFunc(self, func, key_list, allow_override) def get_native_generic_func(name): """Get a generic function from the global registry. If no function is registered under the given name, a new generic function is created. Parameters ---------- name : string The name of the generic function to get Returns ------- func : GenericFunc The generic function for the given name """ return _api_internal._GenericFuncGetGlobal(name) def override_native_generic_func(func_name): """Override a generic function defined in C++ Generic function allows registration of further functions that can be dispatched on current target context. If no registered dispatch is matched, the fdefault will be called. Parameters ---------- func_name : string The name of the generic func to be overridden Returns ------- fgeneric : function A wrapped generic function. Example ------- .. code-block:: python import tvm # wrap function as target generic @tvm.target.override_native_generic_func("my_func") def my_func(a): return a + 1 # register specialization of my_func under target cuda @my_func.register("cuda") def my_func_cuda(a): return a + 2 # displays 3, because my_func is called print(my_func(2)) # displays 4, because my_func_cuda is called with tvm.target.cuda(): print(my_func(2)) """ generic_func_node = get_native_generic_func(func_name) def fdecorate(fdefault): """Wrap a target generic function, overriding the previous default that was set for the generic function. Parameters ---------- fdefault : function The default function. Returns ------- fgeneric : function A wrapped generic function. """ generic_func_node.set_default(fdefault, allow_override=True) def register(key, func=None, override=True): """Register function to be the dispatch function. Parameters ---------- key : str or list of str The key to be registered. func : function The function to be registered. override : bool, optional Whether override existing registration. Returns ------- The register function is necessary. """ def _do_reg(myf): generic_func_node.register(myf, key, override) return myf if func: return _do_reg(func) return _do_reg def dispatch_func(func, *args, **kwargs): #pylint: disable=unused-argument """The wrapped dispath function""" if kwargs: raise RuntimeError( "Keyword arguments cannot be used when invoking generic_func %s" % func_name) return generic_func_node(*args) fresult = decorate(fdefault, dispatch_func) fresult.fdefault = fdefault fresult.register = register return fresult return fdecorate def generic_func(fdefault): """Wrap a target generic function. Generic function allows registeration of further functions that can be dispatched on current target context. If no registered dispatch is matched, the fdefault will be called. Parameters ---------- fdefault : function The default function. Returns ------- fgeneric : function A wrapped generic function. Example ------- .. code-block:: python import tvm # wrap function as target generic @tvm.target.generic_func def my_func(a): return a + 1 # register specialization of my_func under target cuda @my_func.register("cuda") def my_func_cuda(a): return a + 2 # displays 3, because my_func is called print(my_func(2)) # displays 4, because my_func_cuda is called with tvm.target.cuda(): print(my_func(2)) """ dispatch_dict = {} func_name = fdefault.__name__ def register(key, func=None, override=False): """Register function to be the dispatch function. Parameters ---------- key : str or list of str The key to be registered. func : function The function to be registered. override : bool Whether override existing registeration. Returns ------- The register function is necessary. """ def _do_reg(myf): key_list = [key] if isinstance(key, str) else key for k in key_list: if k in dispatch_dict and not override: raise ValueError( "Key is already registered for %s" % func_name) dispatch_dict[k] = myf return myf if func: return _do_reg(func) return _do_reg def dispatch_func(func, *args, **kwargs): """The wrapped dispath function""" target = current_target() if target is None: return func(*args, **kwargs) for k in target.keys: if k in dispatch_dict: return dispatch_dict[k](*args, **kwargs) return func(*args, **kwargs) fdecorate = decorate(fdefault, dispatch_func) fdecorate.register = register fdecorate.fdefault = fdefault return fdecorate def cuda(model='unknown', options=None): """Returns a cuda target. Parameters ---------- model: str The model of cuda device (e.g. 1080ti) options : str or list of str Additional options """ opts = _merge_opts(['-model=%s' % model], options) return _api_internal._TargetCreate("cuda", *opts) def rocm(model='unknown', options=None): """Returns a ROCM target. Parameters ---------- model: str The model of this device options : str or list of str Additional options """ opts = _merge_opts(["-model=%s" % model], options) return _api_internal._TargetCreate("rocm", *opts) def mali(model='unknown', options=None): """Returns a ARM Mali GPU target. Parameters ---------- model: str The model of this device options : str or list of str Additional options """ opts = ["-device=mali", '-model=%s' % model] opts = _merge_opts(opts, options) return _api_internal._TargetCreate("opencl", *opts) def intel_graphics(model='unknown', options=None): """Returns an Intel Graphics target. Parameters ---------- model: str The model of this device options : str or list of str Additional options """ opts = ["-device=intel_graphics", '-model=%s' % model] opts = _merge_opts(opts, options) return _api_internal._TargetCreate("opencl", *opts) def opengl(model='unknown', options=None): """Returns a OpenGL target. Parameters ---------- options : str or list of str Additional options """ opts = _merge_opts(["-model=%s" % model], options) return _api_internal._TargetCreate("opengl", *opts) def arm_cpu(model='unknown', options=None): """Returns a ARM CPU target. This function will also download pre-tuned op parameters when there is none. Parameters ---------- model: str SoC name or phone name of the arm board. options : str or list of str Additional options """ trans_table = { "pixel2": ["-model=snapdragon835", "-target=arm64-linux-android -mattr=+neon"], "mate10": ["-model=kirin970", "-target=arm64-linux-android -mattr=+neon"], "mate10pro": ["-model=kirin970", "-target=arm64-linux-android -mattr=+neon"], "p20": ["-model=kirin970", "-target=arm64-linux-android -mattr=+neon"], "p20pro": ["-model=kirin970", "-target=arm64-linux-android -mattr=+neon"], "rasp3b": ["-model=bcm2837", "-target=armv7l-linux-gnueabihf -mattr=+neon"], "rk3399": ["-model=rk3399", "-target=aarch64-linux-gnu -mattr=+neon"], "pynq": ["-model=pynq", "-target=armv7a-linux-eabi -mattr=+neon"], "ultra96": ["-model=ultra96", "-target=aarch64-linux-gnu -mattr=+neon"], } pre_defined_opt = trans_table.get(model, ["-model=%s" % model]) opts = ["-device=arm_cpu"] + pre_defined_opt opts = _merge_opts(opts, options) return _api_internal._TargetCreate("llvm", *opts) def rasp(options=None): """Return a Raspberry 3b target. Parameters ---------- options : str or list of str Additional options """ warnings.warn('tvm.target.rasp() is going to be deprecated. ' 'Please use tvm.target.arm_cpu("rasp3b")') return arm_cpu('rasp3b', options) def create(target_str): """Get a target given target string. Parameters ---------- target_str : str The target string. Returns ------- target : Target The target object Note ---- See the note on :any:`tvm.target` on target string format. """ if isinstance(target_str, Target): return target_str if not isinstance(target_str, str): raise ValueError("target_str has to be string type") return _api_internal._TargetFromString(target_str) def current_target(allow_none=True): """Returns the current target. Parameters ---------- allow_none : bool Whether allow the current target to be none Raises ------ ValueError if current target is not set. """ return _api_internal._GetCurrentTarget(allow_none)