/*! * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors * \file tvm/runtime/ndarray.h * \brief Abstract device memory management API */ #ifndef TVM_RUNTIME_NDARRAY_H_ #define TVM_RUNTIME_NDARRAY_H_ #include <atomic> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include "c_runtime_api.h" #include "serializer.h" namespace tvm { namespace runtime { /*! * \brief Managed NDArray. * The array is backed by reference counted blocks. */ class NDArray { public: // internal container type struct Container; /*! \brief default constructor */ NDArray() {} /*! * \brief cosntruct a NDArray that refers to data * \param data The data this NDArray refers to */ explicit inline NDArray(Container* data); /*! * \brief copy constructor. * * It does not make a copy, but the reference count of the input NDArray is incremented * * \param other NDArray that shares internal data with the input NDArray. */ inline NDArray(const NDArray& other); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief move constructor * \param other The value to be moved */ NDArray(NDArray&& other) // NOLINT(*) : data_(other.data_) { other.data_ = nullptr; } /*! \brief destructor */ ~NDArray() { this->reset(); } /*! * \brief Swap this array with another NDArray * \param other The other NDArray */ void swap(NDArray& other) { // NOLINT(*) std::swap(data_, other.data_); } /*! * \brief copy assignmemt * \param other The value to be assigned. * \return reference to self. */ NDArray& operator=(const NDArray& other) { // NOLINT(*) // copy-and-swap idiom NDArray(other).swap(*this); // NOLINT(*) return *this; } /*! * \brief move assignmemt * \param other The value to be assigned. * \return reference to self. */ NDArray& operator=(NDArray&& other) { // NOLINT(*) // copy-and-swap idiom NDArray(std::move(other)).swap(*this); // NOLINT(*) return *this; } /*! \return If NDArray is defined */ bool defined() const { return data_ != nullptr; } /*! \return If both NDArray reference the same container */ bool same_as(const NDArray& other) const { return data_ == other.data_; } /*! \brief reset the content of NDArray to be nullptr */ inline void reset(); /*! * \return the reference counter * \note this number is approximate in multi-threaded setting. */ inline int use_count() const; /*! \return Pointer to content of DLTensor */ inline const DLTensor* operator->() const; /*! * \brief Copy data content from another array. * \param other The source array to be copied from. * \note The copy may happen asynchrously if it involves a GPU context. * TVMSynchronize is necessary. */ inline void CopyFrom(DLTensor* other); inline void CopyFrom(const NDArray& other); /*! * \brief Copy data content into another array. * \param other The source array to be copied from. * \note The copy may happen asynchrously if it involves a GPU context. * TVMSynchronize is necessary. */ inline void CopyTo(DLTensor* other) const; inline void CopyTo(const NDArray& other) const; /*! * \brief Copy the data to another context. * \param ctx The target context. * \return The array under another context. */ inline NDArray CopyTo(const DLContext& ctx) const; /*! * \brief Load NDArray from stream * \param stream The input data stream * \return Whether load is successful */ inline bool Load(dmlc::Stream* stream); /*! * \brief Save NDArray to stream * \param stream The output data stream */ inline void Save(dmlc::Stream* stream) const; /*! * \brief Create a NDArray that shares the data memory with the current one. * \param shape The shape of the new array. * \param dtype The data type of the new array. * \note The memory size of new array must be smaller than the current one. */ TVM_DLL NDArray CreateView( std::vector<int64_t> shape, DLDataType dtype); /*! * \brief Create a reference view of NDArray that * represents as DLManagedTensor. * \return A DLManagedTensor */ TVM_DLL DLManagedTensor* ToDLPack() const; /*! * \brief Create an empty NDArray. * \param shape The shape of the new array. * \param dtype The data type of the new array. * \param ctx The context of the Array. * \return The created Array */ TVM_DLL static NDArray Empty(std::vector<int64_t> shape, DLDataType dtype, DLContext ctx); /*! * \brief Create a NDArray backed by a dlpack tensor. * * This allows us to create a NDArray using the memory * allocated by an external deep learning framework * that is DLPack compatible. * * The memory is retained until the NDArray went out of scope. * \param tensor The DLPack tensor to copy from. * \return The created NDArray view. */ TVM_DLL static NDArray FromDLPack(DLManagedTensor* tensor); /*! * \brief Function to copy data from one array to another. * \param from The source array. * \param to The target array. * \param stream The stream used in copy. */ TVM_DLL static void CopyFromTo( DLTensor* from, DLTensor* to, TVMStreamHandle stream = nullptr); // internal namespace struct Internal; private: /*! \brief Internal Data content */ Container* data_{nullptr}; // enable internal functions friend struct Internal; friend class TVMRetValue; friend class TVMArgsSetter; }; /*! * \brief Save a DLTensor to stream * \param strm The outpu stream * \param tensor The tensor to be saved. */ inline bool SaveDLTensor(dmlc::Stream* strm, const DLTensor* tensor); /*! * \brief Reference counted Container object used to back NDArray. * * This object is DLTensor compatible: * the pointer to the NDArrayContainer can be directly * interpreted as a DLTensor* * * \note: do not use this function directly, use NDArray. */ struct NDArray::Container { public: // NOTE: the first part of this structure is the same as // DLManagedTensor, note that, however, the deleter // is only called when the reference counter goes to 0 /*! * \brief The corresponding dl_tensor field. * \note it is important that the first field is DLTensor * So that this data structure is DLTensor compatible. * The head ptr of this struct can be viewed as DLTensor*. */ DLTensor dl_tensor; /*! * \brief addtional context, reserved for recycling * \note We can attach additional content here * which the current container depend on * (e.g. reference to original memory when creating views). */ void* manager_ctx{nullptr}; /*! * \brief Customized deleter * * \note The customized deleter is helpful to enable * different ways of memory allocator that are not * currently defined by the system. */ void (*deleter)(Container* self) = nullptr; /*! \brief default constructor */ Container() { dl_tensor.data = nullptr; dl_tensor.ndim = 0; dl_tensor.shape = nullptr; dl_tensor.strides = nullptr; dl_tensor.byte_offset = 0; } /*! \brief developer function, increases reference counter */ void IncRef() { ref_counter_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); } /*! \brief developer function, decrease reference counter */ void DecRef() { if (ref_counter_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release) == 1) { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_acquire); if (this->deleter != nullptr) { (*this->deleter)(this); } } } private: friend class NDArray; friend class RPCWrappedFunc; /*! * \brief The shape container, * can be used used for shape data. */ std::vector<int64_t> shape_; /*! \brief The internal array object */ std::atomic<int> ref_counter_{0}; }; // implementations of inline functions // the usages of functions are documented in place. inline NDArray::NDArray(Container* data) : data_(data) { if (data != nullptr) { data_->IncRef(); } } inline NDArray::NDArray(const NDArray& other) : data_(other.data_) { if (data_ != nullptr) { data_->IncRef(); } } inline void NDArray::reset() { if (data_ != nullptr) { data_->DecRef(); data_ = nullptr; } } /*! \brief return the size of data the DLTensor hold, in term of number of bytes * * \param arr the input DLTensor * * \return number of bytes of data in the DLTensor. */ inline size_t GetDataSize(const DLTensor& arr) { size_t size = 1; for (tvm_index_t i = 0; i < arr.ndim; ++i) { size *= static_cast<size_t>(arr.shape[i]); } size *= (arr.dtype.bits * arr.dtype.lanes + 7) / 8; return size; } inline void NDArray::CopyFrom(DLTensor* other) { CHECK(data_ != nullptr); CopyFromTo(other, &(data_->dl_tensor)); } inline void NDArray::CopyFrom(const NDArray& other) { CHECK(data_ != nullptr); CHECK(other.data_ != nullptr); CopyFromTo(&(other.data_->dl_tensor), &(data_->dl_tensor)); } inline void NDArray::CopyTo(DLTensor* other) const { CHECK(data_ != nullptr); CopyFromTo(&(data_->dl_tensor), other); } inline void NDArray::CopyTo(const NDArray& other) const { CHECK(data_ != nullptr); CHECK(other.data_ != nullptr); CopyFromTo(&(data_->dl_tensor), &(other.data_->dl_tensor)); } inline NDArray NDArray::CopyTo(const DLContext& ctx) const { CHECK(data_ != nullptr); const DLTensor* dptr = operator->(); NDArray ret = Empty(std::vector<int64_t>(dptr->shape, dptr->shape + dptr->ndim), dptr->dtype, ctx); this->CopyTo(ret); return ret; } inline int NDArray::use_count() const { if (data_ == nullptr) return 0; return data_->ref_counter_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } inline const DLTensor* NDArray::operator->() const { return &(data_->dl_tensor); } /*! \brief Magic number for NDArray file */ constexpr uint64_t kTVMNDArrayMagic = 0xDD5E40F096B4A13F; inline bool SaveDLTensor(dmlc::Stream* strm, DLTensor* tensor) { uint64_t header = kTVMNDArrayMagic, reserved = 0; strm->Write(header); strm->Write(reserved); // Always save data as CPU context // // Parameters that get serialized should be in CPU by default. // So even the array's context is GPU, it will be stored as CPU array. // This is used to prevent case when another user loads the parameters // back on machine that do not have GPU or related context. // // We can always do array.CopyTo(target_ctx) to get a corresponding // array in the target context. DLContext cpu_ctx; cpu_ctx.device_type = kDLCPU; cpu_ctx.device_id = 0; strm->Write(cpu_ctx); strm->Write(tensor->ndim); strm->Write(tensor->dtype); int ndim = tensor->ndim; strm->WriteArray(tensor->shape, ndim); int type_bytes = tensor->dtype.bits / 8; int64_t num_elems = 1; for (int i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) { num_elems *= tensor->shape[i]; } int64_t data_byte_size = type_bytes * num_elems; strm->Write(data_byte_size); if (DMLC_IO_NO_ENDIAN_SWAP && tensor->ctx.device_type == kDLCPU && tensor->strides == nullptr && tensor->byte_offset == 0) { // quick path strm->Write(tensor->data, data_byte_size); } else { std::vector<uint8_t> bytes(data_byte_size); CHECK_EQ(TVMArrayCopyToBytes( tensor, dmlc::BeginPtr(bytes), data_byte_size), 0) << TVMGetLastError(); if (!DMLC_IO_NO_ENDIAN_SWAP) { dmlc::ByteSwap(dmlc::BeginPtr(bytes), type_bytes, num_elems); } strm->Write(dmlc::BeginPtr(bytes), data_byte_size); } return true; } inline void NDArray::Save(dmlc::Stream* strm) const { SaveDLTensor(strm, const_cast<DLTensor*>(operator->())); } inline bool NDArray::Load(dmlc::Stream* strm) { uint64_t header, reserved; CHECK(strm->Read(&header)) << "Invalid DLTensor file format"; CHECK(strm->Read(&reserved)) << "Invalid DLTensor file format"; CHECK(header == kTVMNDArrayMagic) << "Invalid DLTensor file format"; DLContext ctx; int ndim; DLDataType dtype; CHECK(strm->Read(&ctx)) << "Invalid DLTensor file format"; CHECK(strm->Read(&ndim)) << "Invalid DLTensor file format"; CHECK(strm->Read(&dtype)) << "Invalid DLTensor file format"; CHECK_EQ(ctx.device_type, kDLCPU) << "Invalid DLTensor context: can only save as CPU tensor"; std::vector<int64_t> shape(ndim); if (ndim != 0) { CHECK(strm->ReadArray(&shape[0], ndim)) << "Invalid DLTensor file format"; } NDArray ret = NDArray::Empty(shape, dtype, ctx); int64_t num_elems = 1; int elem_bytes = (ret->dtype.bits + 7) / 8; for (int i = 0; i < ret->ndim; ++i) { num_elems *= ret->shape[i]; } int64_t data_byte_size; CHECK(strm->Read(&data_byte_size)) << "Invalid DLTensor file format"; CHECK(data_byte_size == num_elems * elem_bytes) << "Invalid DLTensor file format"; CHECK(strm->Read(ret->data, data_byte_size)) << "Invalid DLTensor file format"; if (!DMLC_IO_NO_ENDIAN_SWAP) { dmlc::ByteSwap(ret->data, elem_bytes, num_elems); } *this = ret; return true; } } // namespace runtime } // namespace tvm #endif // TVM_RUNTIME_NDARRAY_H_