/*! * Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors * \file sim_driver.cc * \brief VTA driver for simulated backend. */ #include <vta/driver.h> #include <vta/hw_spec.h> #include <tvm/runtime/registry.h> #include <type_traits> #include <mutex> #include <map> #include <unordered_map> #include <cstring> #include <sstream> namespace vta { namespace sim { /*! * \brief Helper class to pack and unpack bits * Applies truncation when pack to low level bits. * * \tparam bits The number of bits in integer. * \note This implementation relies on little endian. */ template<uint32_t bits> class BitPacker { public: explicit BitPacker(void* data) { data_ = static_cast<uint32_t*>(data); } uint32_t GetUnsigned(uint32_t index) const { if (bits == 32) { return data_[index]; } else if (bits == 16) { return reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(data_)[index]; } else if (bits == 8) { return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data_)[index]; } else { uint32_t offset = index / kNumPackElem; uint32_t shift = index % kNumPackElem; return (data_[offset] >> shift) & kMask; } } int32_t GetSigned(uint32_t index) const { if (bits == 32) { return reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(data_)[index]; } else if (bits == 16) { return reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(data_)[index]; } else if (bits == 8) { return reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(data_)[index]; } else { uint32_t offset = index / kNumPackElem; uint32_t shift = (index % kNumPackElem) * bits; int32_t uvalue = static_cast<int32_t>( (data_[offset] >> shift) & kMask); int kleft = 32 - bits; return (uvalue << kleft) >> kleft; } } void SetUnsigned(uint32_t index, uint32_t value) { if (bits == 32) { data_[index] = value; } else if (bits == 16) { reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(data_)[index] = value; } else if (bits == 8) { reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data_)[index] = value; } else { uint32_t offset = index / kNumPackElem; uint32_t shift = (index % kNumPackElem) * bits; data_[offset] &= (~(kMask << shift)); data_[offset] |= (value & kMask) << shift; } } void SetSigned(uint32_t index, int32_t value) { if (bits == 32) { reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(data_)[index] = value; } else if (bits == 16) { reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(data_)[index] = value; } else if (bits == 8) { reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(data_)[index] = value; } else { uint32_t offset = index / kNumPackElem; uint32_t shift = (index % kNumPackElem) * bits; data_[offset] &= (~(kMask << shift)); data_[offset] |= static_cast<uint32_t>(value & kMask) << shift; } } private: uint32_t* data_; static constexpr uint32_t kNumPackElem = 32 / bits; static constexpr uint32_t kMask = (1U << (bits >= 32U ? 31U : bits)) - 1U; }; /*! * \brief DRAM memory manager * Implements simple paging to allow physical address translation. */ class DRAM { public: /*! * \brief Get virtual address given physical address. * \param phy_addr The simulator phyiscal address. * \return The true virtual address; */ void* GetAddr(uint64_t phy_addr) { CHECK_NE(phy_addr, 0) << "trying to get address that is nullptr"; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); uint64_t loc = (phy_addr >> kPageBits) - 1; CHECK_LT(loc, ptable_.size()) << "phy_addr=" << phy_addr; Page* p = ptable_[loc]; CHECK(p != nullptr); size_t offset = (loc - p->ptable_begin) << kPageBits; offset += phy_addr & (kPageSize - 1); return reinterpret_cast<char*>(p->data) + offset; } /*! * \brief Get physical address * \param buf The virtual address. * \return The true physical address; */ vta_phy_addr_t GetPhyAddr(void* buf) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); auto it = pmap_.find(buf); CHECK(it != pmap_.end()); Page* p = it->second.get(); return (p->ptable_begin + 1) << kPageBits; } /*! * \brief Allocate memory from manager * \param size The size of memory * \return The virtual address */ void* Alloc(size_t size) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); size_t npage = (size + kPageSize - 1) / kPageSize; auto it = free_map_.lower_bound(npage); if (it != free_map_.end()) { Page* p = it->second; free_map_.erase(it); return p->data; } size_t start = ptable_.size(); std::unique_ptr<Page> p(new Page(start, npage)); // insert page entry ptable_.resize(start + npage, p.get()); void* data = p->data; pmap_[data] = std::move(p); return data; } /*! * \brief Free the memory. * \param size The size of memory * \return The virtual address */ void Free(void* data) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); if (pmap_.size() == 0) return; auto it = pmap_.find(data); CHECK(it != pmap_.end()); Page* p = it->second.get(); free_map_.insert(std::make_pair(p->num_pages, p)); } static DRAM* Global() { static DRAM inst; return &inst; } private: // The bits in page table static constexpr vta_phy_addr_t kPageBits = 12; // page size, also the maximum allocable size 16 K static constexpr vta_phy_addr_t kPageSize = 1 << kPageBits; /*! \brief A page in the DRAM */ struct Page { /*! \brief Data Type */ using DType = typename std::aligned_storage<kPageSize, 256>::type; /*! \brief Start location in page table */ size_t ptable_begin; /*! \brief The total number of pages */ size_t num_pages; /*! \brief Data */ DType* data{nullptr}; // construct a new page explicit Page(size_t ptable_begin, size_t num_pages) : ptable_begin(ptable_begin), num_pages(num_pages) { data = new DType[num_pages]; } ~Page() { delete [] data; } }; // Internal lock std::mutex mutex_; // Physical address -> page std::vector<Page*> ptable_; // virtual addres -> page std::unordered_map<void*, std::unique_ptr<Page> > pmap_; // Free map std::multimap<size_t, Page*> free_map_; }; /*! * \brief Register file. * \tparam kBits Number of bits of one value. * \tparam kLane Number of lanes in one element. * \tparam kMaxNumElem Maximum number of element. */ template<int kBits, int kLane, int kMaxNumElem> class SRAM { public: /*! \brief Bytes of single vector element */ static const int kElemBytes = (kBits * kLane + 7) / 8; /*! \brief content data type */ using DType = typename std::aligned_storage<kElemBytes, kElemBytes>::type; SRAM() { data_ = new DType[kMaxNumElem]; } ~SRAM() { delete [] data_; } // Get the i-th index void* BeginPtr(uint32_t index) { CHECK_LT(index, kMaxNumElem); return &(data_[index]); } // Execute the load instruction on this SRAM void Load(const VTAMemInsn* op, DRAM* dram, uint64_t* load_counter) { load_counter[0] += (op->x_size * op->y_size) * kElemBytes; DType* sram_ptr = data_ + op->sram_base; uint8_t* dram_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(dram->GetAddr( op->dram_base * kElemBytes)); uint64_t xtotal = op->x_size + op->x_pad_0 + op->x_pad_1; uint32_t ytotal = op->y_size + op->y_pad_0 + op->y_pad_1; uint64_t sram_end = op->sram_base + xtotal * ytotal; CHECK_LE(sram_end, kMaxNumElem); memset(sram_ptr, 0, kElemBytes * xtotal * op->y_pad_0); sram_ptr += xtotal * op->y_pad_0; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < op->y_size; ++y) { memset(sram_ptr, 0, kElemBytes * op->x_pad_0); sram_ptr += op->x_pad_0; memcpy(sram_ptr, dram_ptr, kElemBytes * op->x_size); sram_ptr += op->x_size; memset(sram_ptr, 0, kElemBytes * op->x_pad_1); sram_ptr += op->x_pad_1; dram_ptr += kElemBytes * op->x_stride; } memset(sram_ptr, 0, kElemBytes * xtotal * op->y_pad_1); } // Execute the store instruction on this SRAM apply trucation. // This relies on the elements is 32 bits template<int target_bits> void TruncStore(const VTAMemInsn* op, DRAM* dram) { CHECK_EQ(op->x_pad_0, 0); CHECK_EQ(op->x_pad_1, 0); CHECK_EQ(op->y_pad_0, 0); CHECK_EQ(op->y_pad_1, 0); int target_width = (target_bits * kLane + 7) / 8; BitPacker<kBits> src(data_ + op->sram_base); BitPacker<target_bits> dst(dram->GetAddr(op->dram_base * target_width)); for (uint32_t y = 0; y < op->y_size; ++y) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < op->x_size; ++x) { uint32_t sram_base = y * op->x_size + x; uint32_t dram_base = y * op->x_stride + x; for (int i = 0; i < kLane; ++i) { dst.SetSigned(dram_base * kLane + i, src.GetSigned(sram_base * kLane +i)); } } } } private: /*! \brief internal data content */ DType* data_; }; /*! * \brief Memory information of special memory region. * Use MemoryInfo as its container type */ class Profiler { public: /*! \brief The memory load statistics */ uint64_t inp_load_nbytes{0}; /*! \brief The memory load statistics */ uint64_t wgt_load_nbytes{0}; /*! \brief The ACC memory load statistics */ uint64_t acc_load_nbytes{0}; /*! \brief The ACC memory load statistics */ uint64_t uop_load_nbytes{0}; /*! \brief The ACC memory load statistics */ uint64_t out_store_nbytes{0}; /*! \brief instr counter for gemm */ uint64_t gemm_counter{0}; /*! \brief instr counter for ALU ops */ uint64_t alu_counter{0}; /*! \brief clear the profiler */ void Clear() { inp_load_nbytes = 0; wgt_load_nbytes = 0; acc_load_nbytes = 0; uop_load_nbytes = 0; out_store_nbytes = 0; gemm_counter = 0; alu_counter = 0; } std::string AsJSON() { std::ostringstream os; os << "{\n" << " \"inp_load_nbytes\":" << inp_load_nbytes << ",\n" << " \"wgt_load_nbytes\":" << wgt_load_nbytes << ",\n" << " \"acc_load_nbytes\":" << acc_load_nbytes << ",\n" << " \"uop_load_nbytes\":" << uop_load_nbytes << ",\n" << " \"out_store_nbytes\":" << out_store_nbytes << ",\n" << " \"gemm_counter\":" << gemm_counter << ",\n" << " \"alu_counter\":" << alu_counter << "\n" <<"}\n"; return os.str(); } static Profiler* ThreadLocal() { static thread_local Profiler inst; return &inst; } }; // Simulate device // TODO(tqchen,thierry): queue based event driven simulation. class Device { public: Device() { prof_ = Profiler::ThreadLocal(); dram_ = DRAM::Global(); } int Run(vta_phy_addr_t insn_phy_addr, uint32_t insn_count, uint32_t wait_cycles) { VTAGenericInsn* insn = static_cast<VTAGenericInsn*>( dram_->GetAddr(insn_phy_addr)); finish_counter_ = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < insn_count; ++i) { this->Run(insn + i); } return 0; } private: void Run(const VTAGenericInsn* insn) { const VTAMemInsn* mem = reinterpret_cast<const VTAMemInsn*>(insn); const VTAGemInsn* gem = reinterpret_cast<const VTAGemInsn*>(insn); const VTAAluInsn* alu = reinterpret_cast<const VTAAluInsn*>(insn); switch (mem->opcode) { case VTA_OPCODE_LOAD: RunLoad(mem); break; case VTA_OPCODE_STORE: RunStore(mem); break; case VTA_OPCODE_GEMM: RunGEMM(gem); break; case VTA_OPCODE_ALU: RunALU(alu); break; case VTA_OPCODE_FINISH: ++finish_counter_; break; default: { LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown op_code" << mem->opcode; } } } void RunLoad(const VTAMemInsn* op) { if (op->x_size == 0) return; if (op->memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_INP) { inp_.Load(op, dram_, &(prof_->inp_load_nbytes)); } else if (op->memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_WGT) { wgt_.Load(op, dram_, &(prof_->wgt_load_nbytes)); } else if (op->memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_ACC) { acc_.Load(op, dram_, &(prof_->acc_load_nbytes)); } else if (op->memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_UOP) { uop_.Load(op, dram_, &(prof_->uop_load_nbytes)); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown memory_type=" << op->memory_type; } } void RunStore(const VTAMemInsn* op) { if (op->x_size == 0) return; if (op->memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_ACC || op->memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_UOP) { prof_->out_store_nbytes += ( op->x_size * op->y_size * VTA_BATCH * VTA_BLOCK_OUT * VTA_OUT_WIDTH / 8); acc_.TruncStore<VTA_OUT_WIDTH>(op, dram_); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Store do not support memory_type=" << op->memory_type; } } void RunGEMM(const VTAGemInsn* op) { if (!op->reset_reg) { prof_->gemm_counter += op->iter_out * op->iter_in; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < op->iter_out; ++y) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < op->iter_in; ++x) { for (uint32_t uindex = op->uop_bgn; uindex < op->uop_end; ++uindex) { VTAUop* uop_ptr = static_cast<VTAUop*>(uop_.BeginPtr(uindex)); // Read in memory indices uint32_t acc_idx = uop_ptr->dst_idx; uint32_t inp_idx = uop_ptr->src_idx; uint32_t wgt_idx = uop_ptr->wgt_idx; acc_idx += y * op->dst_factor_out + x * op->dst_factor_in; inp_idx += y * op->src_factor_out + x * op->src_factor_in; wgt_idx += y * op->wgt_factor_out + x * op->wgt_factor_in; BitPacker<VTA_ACC_WIDTH> acc(acc_.BeginPtr(acc_idx)); BitPacker<VTA_INP_WIDTH> inp(inp_.BeginPtr(inp_idx)); BitPacker<VTA_WGT_WIDTH> wgt(wgt_.BeginPtr(wgt_idx)); // gemm loop for (uint32_t i = 0; i < VTA_BATCH; ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VTA_BLOCK_OUT; ++j) { uint32_t acc_offset = i * VTA_BLOCK_OUT + j; int32_t sum = acc.GetSigned(acc_offset); for (uint32_t k = 0; k < VTA_BLOCK_IN; ++k) { sum += inp.GetSigned(i * VTA_BLOCK_IN + k) * wgt.GetSigned(j * VTA_BLOCK_IN + k); } acc.SetSigned(acc_offset, sum); } } } } } } else { // reset for (uint32_t y = 0; y < op->iter_out; ++y) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < op->iter_in; ++x) { for (uint32_t uindex = op->uop_bgn; uindex < op->uop_end; ++uindex) { VTAUop* uop_ptr = static_cast<VTAUop*>(uop_.BeginPtr(uindex)); uint32_t acc_idx = uop_ptr->dst_idx; acc_idx += y * op->dst_factor_out + x * op->dst_factor_in; BitPacker<VTA_ACC_WIDTH> acc(acc_.BeginPtr(acc_idx)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < VTA_BATCH * VTA_BLOCK_OUT; ++i) { acc.SetSigned(i, 0); } } } } } } void RunALU(const VTAAluInsn* op) { prof_->alu_counter += op->iter_out * op->iter_in; if (op->use_imm) { RunALU_<true>(op); } else { RunALU_<false>(op); } } template<bool use_imm> void RunALU_(const VTAAluInsn* op) { switch (op->alu_opcode) { case VTA_ALU_OPCODE_ADD: { return RunALULoop<use_imm>(op, [](int32_t x, int32_t y) { return x + y; }); } case VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MAX: { return RunALULoop<use_imm>(op, [](int32_t x, int32_t y) { return std::max(x, y); }); } case VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MIN: { return RunALULoop<use_imm>(op, [](int32_t x, int32_t y) { return std::min(x, y); }); } case VTA_ALU_OPCODE_SHR: { return RunALULoop<use_imm>(op, [](int32_t x, int32_t y) { if (y >= 0) { return x >> y; } else { return x << (-y); } }); } default: { LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown ALU code " << op->alu_opcode; } } } template<bool use_imm, typename F> void RunALULoop(const VTAAluInsn* op, F func) { for (int y = 0; y < op->iter_out; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < op->iter_in; ++x) { for (int k = op->uop_bgn; k < op->uop_end; ++k) { // Read micro op VTAUop* uop_ptr = static_cast<VTAUop*>(uop_.BeginPtr(k)); uint32_t dst_index = uop_ptr->dst_idx; uint32_t src_index = uop_ptr->src_idx; dst_index += y * op->dst_factor_out + x * op->dst_factor_in; src_index += y * op->src_factor_out + x * op->src_factor_in; BitPacker<VTA_ACC_WIDTH> dst(acc_.BeginPtr(dst_index)); BitPacker<VTA_ACC_WIDTH> src(acc_.BeginPtr(src_index)); for (int k = 0; k < VTA_BLOCK_OUT; ++k) { if (use_imm) { dst.SetSigned(k, func(dst.GetSigned(k), op->imm)); } else { dst.SetSigned(k, func(dst.GetSigned(k), src.GetSigned(k))); } } } } } } // the finish counter int finish_counter_{0}; // Prof_ Profiler* prof_; // The DRAM interface DRAM* dram_; // The SRAM SRAM<VTA_INP_WIDTH, VTA_BATCH * VTA_BLOCK_IN, VTA_INP_BUFF_DEPTH> inp_; SRAM<VTA_WGT_WIDTH, VTA_BLOCK_IN * VTA_BLOCK_OUT, VTA_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH> wgt_; SRAM<VTA_ACC_WIDTH, VTA_BATCH * VTA_BLOCK_OUT, VTA_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH> acc_; SRAM<VTA_UOP_WIDTH, 1, VTA_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH> uop_; }; using tvm::runtime::TVMRetValue; using tvm::runtime::TVMArgs; TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("vta.simulator.profiler_clear") .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* rv) { Profiler::ThreadLocal()->Clear(); }); TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("vta.simulator.profiler_status") .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* rv) { *rv = Profiler::ThreadLocal()->AsJSON(); }); } // namespace sim } // namespace vta void* VTAMemAlloc(size_t size, int cached) { return vta::sim::DRAM::Global()->Alloc(size); } void VTAMemFree(void* buf) { vta::sim::DRAM::Global()->Free(buf); } vta_phy_addr_t VTAMemGetPhyAddr(void* buf) { return vta::sim::DRAM::Global()->GetPhyAddr(buf); } void VTAFlushCache(vta_phy_addr_t buf, int size) { } void VTAInvalidateCache(vta_phy_addr_t buf, int size) { } VTADeviceHandle VTADeviceAlloc() { return new vta::sim::Device(); } void VTADeviceFree(VTADeviceHandle handle) { delete static_cast<vta::sim::Device*>(handle); } int VTADeviceRun(VTADeviceHandle handle, vta_phy_addr_t insn_phy_addr, uint32_t insn_count, uint32_t wait_cycles) { return static_cast<vta::sim::Device*>(handle)->Run( insn_phy_addr, insn_count, wait_cycles); } void VTAProgram(const char* bitstream) { }