/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors * \file bound_deducer.cc * \brief Utility to deduce bound of expression */ #include <tvm/expr.h> #include <tvm/ir_pass.h> #include <tvm/ir_visitor.h> #include <tvm/arithmetic.h> #include <tvm/api_registry.h> #include <unordered_set> #include <unordered_map> #include "int_set.h" namespace tvm { namespace arith { using namespace ir; // a visitor to find the path to the target variable // from a expression. class VariablePathFinder: public IRVisitor { public: explicit VariablePathFinder(Expr target) : target_(target) {} void Visit(const NodeRef& node) final { if (visited_.count(node.get()) != 0) return; visited_.insert(node.get()); if (!found_) path_.push_back(node.get()); if (node.same_as(target_)) found_ = true; IRVisitor::Visit(node); if (!found_) path_.pop_back(); } std::vector<const Node*> path_; private: bool found_{false}; Expr target_; std::unordered_set<const Node*> visited_; }; // get the path to the variable, // return empty vector to represent failure std::vector<const Node*> GetPath(Expr target, Expr expr) { VariablePathFinder v(target); v.Visit(expr); return v.path_; } // a visitor to deduce the bound of a variable from a expression class BoundDeducer: public IRVisitor { public: friend class BoundDeduceInputChecker; friend class Converter; BoundDeducer(Expr target, Expr expr, const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, IntSet>& hint_map, const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, IntSet>& relax_map) : target_(target), expr_(expr), hint_map_(hint_map), relax_map_(relax_map) {} void Deduce(); void Visit(const NodeRef& e) final { if (!success_) return; if (e.get() == path_[iter_++]) { IRVisitor::Visit(e); } else { success_ = false; return; } } void Visit_(const LT* op) final { LOG(FATAL) << "unable to deduce due to multiple comparison operator"; } void Visit_(const LE* op) final { LOG(FATAL) << "unable to deduce due to multiple comparison operator"; } void Visit_(const GT* op) final { LOG(FATAL) << "unable to deduce due to multiple comparison operator"; } void Visit_(const GE* op) final { LOG(FATAL) << "unable to deduce due to multiple comparison operator"; } void Visit_(const Add* op) final { bool left = op->a.get() == path_[iter_]; result_ -= left ? op->b : op->a; Visit(left ? op->a : op->b); } void Visit_(const Sub* op) final { bool left = op->a.get() == path_[iter_]; if (left) { result_ += op->b; } else { result_ -= op->a; result_ = - result_; is_greater_ = !is_greater_; } Visit(left ? op->a : op->b); } void Visit_(const Mul* op) final { bool left = op->a.get() == path_[iter_]; Expr operand = left ? op->b : op->a; Expr target_var = left ? op->a : op->b; SignType sign_operand; if (operand.type().is_uint()) { sign_operand = kPositive; } else { sign_operand = expr_map_[operand].sign_type(); } if (sign_operand == SignType::kNegative) { is_greater_ = !is_greater_; } else if (sign_operand == SignType::kUnknown) { // unable to get the sign of operand success_ = false; return; } // always use relax bound bool divided = analyzer_.CanProve(result_ % operand == 0); result_ = result_ / operand; if (!divided) { // Handle non-divisible case // NOTE: this accounts for truc div behavior. bool target_is_non_neg = expr_map_[target_var].can_prove_non_negative(); if (is_greater_) { result_ += 1; } else { // NOTE: this is a bit sutble hack. // // condition: // - x * operand <= result // - operand > 0 // - x >= 0 // // Then it is fine to deduce that x <= result / operand. // - if result > 0, this division round down // - if result < 0, (result / operand) rounds up and may violate the constraint // however, given that x is always non-negative, // it is fine to have this relaxed bound, given that the user of deduce bound // will respect the bound of x // // TODO(tvm-team): think about a better API to incorporate constraint of x. // e.g. specify an interval of x and return a bound // that is in the interval and satisfies the condition. if (target_is_non_neg && sign_operand == kPositive) { // do nothing } else { result_ -= 1; } } } Visit(left ? op->a : op->b); } Expr result_; bool is_greater_{true}; bool success_{true}; private: void Init(); void Transform(); void Relax(); Expr target_; Expr expr_; const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, IntSet>& hint_map_; const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, IntSet>& relax_map_; ExprIntSetMap expr_map_; std::vector<const Node*> path_; size_t iter_{0}; // internal analzyer Analyzer analyzer_; }; class BoundDeduceInputChecker: public IRVisitor { public: bool Check(BoundDeducer* deducer) { deducer_ = deducer; Visit(deducer_->expr_); return target_count == 1; } void Visit(const NodeRef& e) final { if (e.same_as(deducer_->target_)) ++target_count; IRVisitor::Visit(e); } private: BoundDeducer* deducer_; size_t target_count{0}; }; void BoundDeducer::Init() { BoundDeduceInputChecker checker; if (!checker.Check(this)) success_ = false; Transform(); } void BoundDeducer::Transform() { // We will ensure to set expr_ such that it contains target_ if (const LT* op = expr_.as<LT>()) { if (GetPath(target_, op->a).empty()) { // a < b -> b >= a + 1 is_greater_ = true; expr_ = op->b; result_ = op->a + 1; } else { // a < b -> a <= b - 1 is_greater_ = false; expr_ = op->a; result_ = op->b - 1; } } else if (const LE* op = expr_.as<LE>()) { if (GetPath(target_, op->a).empty()) { // a <= b -> b >= a is_greater_ = true; expr_ = op->b; result_ = op->a; } else { is_greater_ = false; expr_ = op->a; result_ = op->b; } } else if (const GT* op = expr_.as<GT>()) { if (GetPath(target_, op->a).empty()) { // a > b -> b <= a - 1 is_greater_ = false; expr_ = op->b; result_ = op->a - 1; } else { // a > b -> a >= b + 1 is_greater_ = true; expr_ = op->a; result_ = op->b + 1; } } else if (const GE* op = expr_.as<GE>()) { if (GetPath(target_, op->a).empty()) { // a >= b -> b <= a is_greater_ = false; expr_ = op->b; result_ = op->a; } else { is_greater_ = true; expr_ = op->a; result_ = op->b; } } else { success_ = false; } } void BoundDeducer::Deduce() { Init(); if (!success_) return; Relax(); if (!success_) return; // get the path path_ = GetPath(target_, expr_); if (!path_.size()) { success_ = false; return; } expr_map_ = EvalSetForEachSubExpr(expr_, hint_map_); Visit(expr_); } void BoundDeducer::Relax() { IntSet a = EvalSet(expr_, relax_map_); IntSet b = EvalSet(result_, relax_map_); if (a.is_everything() || b.is_everything()) { success_ = false; return; } expr_ = is_greater_ ? a.min() : a.max(); result_ = is_greater_ ? b.max() : b.min(); } IntSet DeduceBound(Expr v, Expr e, const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, IntSet>& hint_map, const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, IntSet>& relax_map) { BoundDeducer d(v, e, hint_map, relax_map); d.Deduce(); if (!d.success_) return IntSet::nothing(); Expr min = neg_inf(), max = pos_inf(); if (d.is_greater_) { min = d.result_; } else { max = d.result_; } return IntSet::interval(min, max); } // assuming e >= 0, deduce the bound of variable from it. // return empty set to represent deduce failure. IntSet DeduceBound(Expr v, Expr e, const Map<Var, IntSet>& hint_map, const Map<Var, IntSet>& relax_map) { std::unordered_map<const Variable*, IntSet> hmap; for (auto kv : hint_map) { hmap[kv.first.get()] = kv.second; } std::unordered_map<const Variable*, IntSet> rmap; for (auto kv : relax_map) { rmap[kv.first.get()] = kv.second; } return DeduceBound(v, e, hmap, rmap); } } // namespace arith } // namespace tvm