import os import tvm import numpy as np from scipy import signal from tvm.contrib import nvcc import topi from topi.util import get_const_tuple from topi.cuda.depthwise_conv2d import schedule_depthwise_conv2d_nchw, schedule_depthwise_conv2d_nhwc TASK = "depthwise_conv2d" USE_MANUAL_CODE = False @tvm.register_func def tvm_callback_cuda_compile(code): ptx = nvcc.compile_cuda(code, target="ptx") return ptx def write_code(code, fname): with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(code) @tvm.register_func def tvm_callback_cuda_postproc(code): if not os.path.exists("perf"): os.mkdir("perf") write_code(code, "perf/" % TASK) if USE_MANUAL_CODE: code = open("perf/" % TASK).read() return code def test_depthwise_conv2d_nchw(): """You may test different settings.""" batch = 1 in_channel = 256 in_height = 96 in_width = 96 filter_channel = in_channel channel_multiplier = 1 filter_height = 3 filter_width = 3 stride_h = 1 stride_w = 1 padding = 'SAME' # or 'VALID' # Placeholder Input = tvm.placeholder((batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width), name='Input') Filter = tvm.placeholder((filter_channel, channel_multiplier, filter_height, filter_width), name='Filter') Stride = [stride_h, stride_w] Scale = tvm.placeholder((in_channel * channel_multiplier,), name='Scale') Shift = tvm.placeholder((in_channel * channel_multiplier,), name='Shift') # Declare DepthwiseConv2d = topi.nn.depthwise_conv2d_nchw(Input, Filter, Stride, padding) ScaleShift = topi.nn.scale_shift_nchw(DepthwiseConv2d, Scale, Shift) Relu = topi.nn.relu(ScaleShift) # Schedule s1 = schedule_depthwise_conv2d_nchw(DepthwiseConv2d) s2 = schedule_depthwise_conv2d_nchw(ScaleShift) s3 = schedule_depthwise_conv2d_nchw(Relu) input_np = np.random.uniform(size=get_const_tuple(Input.shape)).astype(Input.dtype) filter_np = np.random.uniform(size=get_const_tuple(Filter.shape)).astype(Filter.dtype) scale_np = np.random.uniform(size=(in_channel * channel_multiplier)).astype(Scale.dtype) shift_np = np.random.uniform(size=(in_channel * channel_multiplier)).astype(Shift.dtype) def check_device(device): if not tvm.module.enabled(device): print("Skip because %s is not enabled" % device) return ctx = tvm.context(device, 0) # Build the kernel f1 =, [Input, Filter, DepthwiseConv2d], device) f2 =, [Input, Filter, Scale, Shift, ScaleShift], device) f3 =, [Input, Filter, Scale, Shift, Relu], device) # Prepare data input_tvm = tvm.nd.array(input_np, ctx) filter_tvm = tvm.nd.array(filter_np, ctx) scale_tvm = tvm.nd.array(scale_np, ctx) shift_tvm = tvm.nd.array(shift_np, ctx) depthwise_conv2d_tvm = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(shape=get_const_tuple(DepthwiseConv2d.shape),dtype=DepthwiseConv2d.dtype), ctx) scale_shift_tvm = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(shape=get_const_tuple(ScaleShift.shape), dtype=ScaleShift.dtype), ctx) relu_tvm = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(shape=get_const_tuple(Relu.shape), dtype=Relu.dtype), ctx) # Measure time cost of kernel 1 (depthwise_conv2d) timer_1 = f1.time_evaluator(f1.entry_name, ctx, number=1000) tcost_1 = timer_1(input_tvm, filter_tvm, depthwise_conv2d_tvm).mean # Measure time cost of kernel 2 (depthwise_conv2d + scale_shift) timer_2 = f2.time_evaluator(f2.entry_name, ctx, number=1000) tcost_2 = timer_2(input_tvm, filter_tvm, scale_tvm, shift_tvm, scale_shift_tvm).mean # Measure time cost of kernel 3 (depthwise_conv2d + scale_shift + relu) timer_3 = f3.time_evaluator(f3.entry_name, ctx, number=1000) tcost_3 = timer_3(input_tvm, filter_tvm, scale_tvm, shift_tvm, relu_tvm).mean print("Input shape = " + str(get_const_tuple(Input.shape))) print("Filter shape = " + str(get_const_tuple(Filter.shape))) print("Stride = (%d, %d)" % (stride_h, stride_w)) print("padding = %s\n" % padding) print("Output shape = " + str(get_const_tuple(DepthwiseConv2d.shape))) print("average time cost of 1000 runs (depthwise_conv2d) = %g us" % (tcost_1*1e6)) print("average time cost of 1000 runs (depthwise_conv2d + scale_shift) = %g us" % (tcost_2*1e6)) print("average time cost of 1000 runs (depthwise_conv2d + scale_shift + relu) = %g us" % (tcost_3*1e6)) # correctness depthwise_conv2d_scipy = topi.testing.depthwise_conv2d_python_nchw(input_np, filter_np, stride=[stride_h, stride_w], padding=padding) scale_shift_scipy = np.zeros(shape=get_const_tuple(ScaleShift.shape)) for c in range(in_channel * channel_multiplier): scale_shift_scipy[:,c,:,:] = depthwise_conv2d_scipy[:,c,:,:] * scale_np[c] + shift_np[c] relu_scipy = np.maximum(scale_shift_scipy, 0) tvm.testing.assert_allclose(depthwise_conv2d_tvm.asnumpy(), depthwise_conv2d_scipy, rtol=1e-5) tvm.testing.assert_allclose(scale_shift_tvm.asnumpy(), scale_shift_scipy, rtol=1e-5) tvm.testing.assert_allclose(relu_tvm.asnumpy(), relu_scipy, rtol=1e-5) print("success") for device in ['cuda', 'opencl', 'rocm']: with tvm.build_config(auto_unroll_max_step=128, unroll_explicit=device == 'rocm', detect_global_barrier=False, restricted_func=True): check_device(device) def test_depthwise_conv2d_nhwc(): """You may test different settings.""" batch = 1 in_channel = 256 in_height = 96 in_width = 96 filter_channel = in_channel channel_multiplier = 1 filter_height = 3 filter_width = 3 stride_h = 1 stride_w = 1 padding = 'SAME' # or 'VALID' # Placeholder Input = tvm.placeholder((batch, in_height, in_width, in_channel), name='Input') Filter = tvm.placeholder((filter_height, filter_width,filter_channel, channel_multiplier), name='Filter') Stride = [stride_h, stride_w] Scale = tvm.placeholder((in_channel * channel_multiplier,), name='Scale') Shift = tvm.placeholder((in_channel * channel_multiplier,), name='Shift') # Declare DepthwiseConv2d = topi.nn.depthwise_conv2d_nhwc(Input, Filter, Stride, padding) ScaleShift = topi.nn.scale_shift_nhwc(DepthwiseConv2d, Scale, Shift) Relu = topi.nn.relu(ScaleShift) # Schedule s1 = schedule_depthwise_conv2d_nhwc(DepthwiseConv2d) s2 = schedule_depthwise_conv2d_nhwc(ScaleShift) s3 = schedule_depthwise_conv2d_nhwc(Relu) input_np = np.random.uniform(size=get_const_tuple(Input.shape)).astype(Input.dtype) filter_np = np.random.uniform(size=get_const_tuple(Filter.shape)).astype(Filter.dtype) scale_np = np.random.uniform(size=(in_channel * channel_multiplier)).astype(Scale.dtype) shift_np = np.random.uniform(size=(in_channel * channel_multiplier)).astype(Shift.dtype) def check_device(device): if not tvm.module.enabled(device): print("Skip because %s is not enabled" % device) return ctx = tvm.context(device, 0) # Build the kernel f1 =, [Input, Filter, DepthwiseConv2d], device) f2 =, [Input, Filter, Scale, Shift, ScaleShift], device) f3 =, [Input, Filter, Scale, Shift, Relu], device) # Prepare data input_tvm = tvm.nd.array(input_np, ctx) filter_tvm = tvm.nd.array(filter_np, ctx) scale_tvm = tvm.nd.array(scale_np, ctx) shift_tvm = tvm.nd.array(shift_np, ctx) depthwise_conv2d_tvm = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(shape=get_const_tuple(DepthwiseConv2d.shape),dtype=DepthwiseConv2d.dtype), ctx) scale_shift_tvm = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(shape=get_const_tuple(ScaleShift.shape), dtype=ScaleShift.dtype), ctx) relu_tvm = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(shape=get_const_tuple(Relu.shape), dtype=Relu.dtype), ctx) # Measure time cost of kernel 1 (depthwise_conv2d) timer_1 = f1.time_evaluator(f1.entry_name, ctx, number=1000) tcost_1 = timer_1(input_tvm, filter_tvm, depthwise_conv2d_tvm).mean # Measure time cost of kernel 2 (depthwise_conv2d + scale_shift) timer_2 = f2.time_evaluator(f2.entry_name, ctx, number=1000) tcost_2 = timer_2(input_tvm, filter_tvm, scale_tvm, shift_tvm, scale_shift_tvm).mean # Measure time cost of kernel 3 (depthwise_conv2d + scale_shift + relu) timer_3 = f3.time_evaluator(f3.entry_name, ctx, number=1000) tcost_3 = timer_3(input_tvm, filter_tvm, scale_tvm, shift_tvm, relu_tvm).mean print("Input shape = " + str(get_const_tuple(Input.shape))) print("Filter shape = " + str(get_const_tuple(Filter.shape))) print("Stride = (%d, %d)" % (stride_h, stride_w)) print("padding = %s\n" % padding) print("Output shape = " + str(get_const_tuple(DepthwiseConv2d.shape))) print("average time cost of 1000 runs (depthwise_conv2d) = %g us" % (tcost_1*1e6)) print("average time cost of 1000 runs (depthwise_conv2d + scale_shift) = %g us" % (tcost_2*1e6)) print("average time cost of 1000 runs (depthwise_conv2d + scale_shift + relu) = %g us" % (tcost_3*1e6)) # correctness depthwise_conv2d_scipy = topi.testing.depthwise_conv2d_python_nhwc(input_np, filter_np, stride=[stride_h, stride_w], padding=padding) scale_shift_scipy = np.zeros(shape=get_const_tuple(ScaleShift.shape)) for c in range(in_channel * channel_multiplier): scale_shift_scipy[:,:,:,c] = depthwise_conv2d_scipy[:,:,:,c] * scale_np[c] + shift_np[c] relu_scipy = np.maximum(scale_shift_scipy, 0) tvm.testing.assert_allclose(depthwise_conv2d_tvm.asnumpy(), depthwise_conv2d_scipy, rtol=1e-5) tvm.testing.assert_allclose(scale_shift_tvm.asnumpy(), scale_shift_scipy, rtol=1e-5) tvm.testing.assert_allclose(relu_tvm.asnumpy(), relu_scipy, rtol=1e-5) print("success") for device in ['cuda', 'opencl', 'rocm']: with tvm.build_config(auto_unroll_max_step=128, detect_global_barrier=False, restricted_func=True): check_device(device) if __name__ == "__main__": test_depthwise_conv2d_nchw() test_depthwise_conv2d_nhwc()