# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Template dispatcher module. A dispatcher is a function that can contains multiple behaviors. Its specific behavior is can be controlled by DispatchContext. DispatchContext is used in two ways, usually via different implementation of the DispatchContext base class. - During search, we can use it to pass the current proposal from tuner. - During evaluation, we can use it to set pick the best policy. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs import logging import numpy as np from decorator import decorate from tvm import target as _target from .space import FallbackConfigEntity logger = logging.getLogger('autotvm') class DispatchContext(object): """ Base class of dispatch context. DispatchContext enables the target and workload specific dispatch mechanism for templates. """ current = None def __init__(self): self._old_ctx = DispatchContext.current def query(self, target, workload): """ Query the context to get the specific config for a template. If cannot find the result inside this context, this function will query it from the upper contexts. Parameters ---------- target: Target The current target workload : Workload The current workload. Returns ------- cfg : ConfigSpace The specific configuration. """ ret = self._query_inside(target, workload) if ret is None: ret = self._old_ctx.query(target, workload) return ret def update(self, target, workload, cfg): """ Update context with a specific config. Parameters ---------- target: Target The current target workload : Workload The current workload. cfg : ConfigSpace The specific configuration. Note ---- This interface is for cases when TVM decides to replace an operator in the graph. For example, `AlterOpLayout` pass (enables when `opt_level = 3`) replaces `NCHW` convolution with `NCHW[x]c` implementation on x86 CPUs. Thus in TOPI, we first query schedule using original `NCHW` workload, then update the dispatcher with the new `NCHW[x]c` workload. So that later on, `NCHW[x]c` convolution can get schedule from the dispatcher using its own workload directly. .. code-block:: python @conv2d_alter_layout.register("cpu") def _alter_conv2d_layout(attrs, inputs, tinfo): workload = get_conv2d_workload(...) dispatch_ctx = autotvm.task.DispatchContext.current target = tvm.target.current_target() config = dispatch_ctx.query(target, workload) # Get conv2d_NCHWc workload from config # new_workload = ... # new_inputs = ... # new_attrs = ... # Store altered operator's config dispatch_ctx.update(target, new_workload, config) return sym.contrib.conv2d_NCHWc(*new_inputs, **new_attrs) We directly store `config` back because `conv2d_NCHW` and `conv2d_NCHWc` share the same schedule parameters. One can construct a new `ConfigEntity` if this is not the case. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _query_inside(self, target, workload): """ Query the context to get the specific config for a template. This function only query config inside this context. Parameters ---------- target: Target The current target workload : Workload The current workload. Returns ------- cfg : ConfigSpace The specific configuration. """ raise NotImplementedError() def __enter__(self): self._old_ctx = DispatchContext.current DispatchContext.current = self return self def __exit__(self, ptype, value, trace): DispatchContext.current = self._old_ctx def dispatcher(fworkload): """Wrap a workload dispatcher function. Parameters ---------- fworkload : function The workload extraction function from arguments. Returns ------- fdispatcher : function A wrapped dispatcher function, which will dispatch based on DispatchContext and the current workload. """ dispatch_dict = {} func_name = fworkload.__name__ def register(key, func=None, override=False): """Register template function. Parameters ---------- key : str or List of str The template key to identify the template under this dispatcher. func : function The function to be registered. The first argument of the function is always cfg returned by DispatchContext, the rest arguments are the same as the fworkload. override : bool Whether override existing registration. Returns ------- The register function if necessary. """ if isinstance(key, str): key = [key] def _do_reg(myf): for x in key: if x in dispatch_dict and not override: raise ValueError( "Key %s is already registered for %s" % (x, func_name)) dispatch_dict[x] = myf return myf if func: return _do_reg(func) return _do_reg def dispatch_func(func, *args, **kwargs): """The wrapped dispatch function""" tgt = _target.current_target() workload = func(*args, **kwargs) cfg = DispatchContext.current.query(tgt, workload) if cfg.is_fallback and not cfg.template_key: # first try 'direct' template if 'direct' in dispatch_dict: return dispatch_dict['direct'](cfg, *args, **kwargs) # otherwise pick a random template for v in dispatch_dict.values(): return v(cfg, *args, **kwargs) else: return dispatch_dict[cfg.template_key](cfg, *args, **kwargs) fdecorate = decorate(fworkload, dispatch_func) fdecorate.register = register return fdecorate class ApplyConfig(DispatchContext): """Apply a deterministic config entity for all queries. Parameters ---------- config : ConfigSpace or ConfigEntity The specific configuration we care about. """ def __init__(self, config): super(ApplyConfig, self).__init__() self._config = config self.workload = None def _query_inside(self, target, workload): """Override query""" self.workload = workload return self._config def update(self, target, workload, cfg): """Override update""" self.workload = workload self._config = cfg class ApplyHistoryBest(DispatchContext): """ Apply the history best config Parameters ---------- records : str or iterator of (MeasureInput, MeasureResult) Collection of tuning records. If is str, then it should be the filename of a records log file. Each row of this file is an encoded record pair. Otherwise, it is an iterator. """ def __init__(self, records): super(ApplyHistoryBest, self).__init__() self.best_by_targetkey = {} self.best_by_model = {} self._best_user_defined = {} if records: self.load(records) def load(self, records): """Load records to this dispatch context Parameters ---------- records : str or iterator of (MeasureInput, MeasureResult) Collection of tuning records. If is str, then it should be the filename of a records log file. Each row of this file is an encoded record pair. Otherwise, it is an iterator. """ from ..record import load_from_file if isinstance(records, str): records = load_from_file(records) if not records: return best_by_targetkey = self.best_by_targetkey best_by_model = self.best_by_model counter = 0 for inp, res in records: counter += 1 if res.error_no != 0: continue # use target keys in tvm target system as key to build best map for k in inp.target.keys: key = (k, inp.task.workload) if key not in best_by_targetkey: best_by_targetkey[key] = (inp, res) else: _, other_res = best_by_targetkey[key] if np.mean(other_res.costs) > np.mean(res.costs): best_by_targetkey[key] = (inp, res) # use model as key to build best map key = (inp.target.model, inp.task.workload) if key not in best_by_model: if inp.target.model != 'unknown': best_by_model[key] = (inp, res) else: _, other_res = best_by_model[key] if np.mean(other_res.costs) > np.mean(res.costs): best_by_model[key] = (inp, res) logger.debug("Finish loading %d records", counter) def _query_inside(self, target, workload): if target is None: raise RuntimeError("Need a target context to find the history best. " "Hint: If your target is llvm, use `with tvm.target.create('llvm'):`" " above the dispatcher call. So does other target. ") # first try matching by model key = (target.model, workload) if key in self._best_user_defined: return self._best_user_defined[key] if key in self.best_by_model: return self.best_by_model[key][0].config # then try matching by target key for k in target.keys: key = (k, workload) if key in self._best_user_defined: return self._best_user_defined[key] if key in self.best_by_targetkey: return self.best_by_targetkey[key][0].config return None def update(self, target, workload, cfg): model = target.model key = (model, workload) self._best_user_defined[key] = cfg for k in target.keys: key = (k, workload) self._best_user_defined[key] = cfg class FallbackContext(DispatchContext): """ A fallback dispatch context. Any tunable template can be called under this context. This is the root context. """ def __init__(self): super(FallbackContext, self).__init__() self.memory = {} self.silent = False # a set to prevent print duplicated message self.messages = set() def _query_inside(self, target, workload): key = (str(target), workload) if key in self.memory: return self.memory[key] if not self.silent: msg = "Cannot find config for target=%s, workload=%s. A fallback configuration "\ "is used, which may bring great performance regression." % (target, workload) if msg not in self.messages: self.messages.add(msg) logger.warning(msg) cfg = FallbackConfigEntity() # cache this config self.memory[key] = cfg return cfg def clear_cache(self, target, workload): """Clear fallback cache. Pass the same argument as _query_inside to this function to clean the cache. Parameters ---------- target: Target The current target workload : Workload The current workload. """ key = (str(target), workload) if key in self.memory: del self.memory[key] def update(self, target, workload, cfg): key = (str(target), workload) self.memory[key] = cfg DispatchContext.current = FallbackContext() def clear_fallback_cache(target, workload): """Clear fallback cache. Pass the same argument as _query_inside to this function to clean the cache. Parameters ---------- target: Target The current target workload : Workload The current workload. Note ---- This is used in alter_op_layout to clear the bad cache created before call topi compute function """ context = DispatchContext.current while not isinstance(context, FallbackContext): context = context._old_ctx context.clear_cache(target, workload) class ApplyGraphBest(DispatchContext): """Load the graph level tuning optimal schedules. The input records should be in the ascending order of node index for target operator. Usually this can be obtained with graph tuner. This context maintains an internal counter to indicate the current node index. """ def __init__(self, records): """ Parameters ---------- records : str or iterator of (MeasureInput, MeasureResult) Collection of tuning records. If is str, then it should be the filename of a records log file. Each row of this file is an encoded record pair. Otherwise, it is an iterator. """ from ..record import load_from_file super(ApplyGraphBest, self).__init__() if isinstance(records, str): records = load_from_file(records) self._records = list(records) self._counter = 0 self._global_cfg_dict = {} def _query_inside(self, target, workload): """ Query the context to get config from records. Parameters ---------- target : Target The current target workload : Workload The current workload. Returns ------- cfg : ConfigSpace The specific configuration. """ if self._counter < len(self._records): cfg = self._records[self._counter][0].config self._counter += 1 self.update(target, workload, cfg) return cfg key = (str(target), workload) if key not in self._global_cfg_dict: msg = "Config for target=%s, workload=%s is missing in ApplyGraphBest context. " \ "A fallback configuration is used, which may bring great performance " \ "regression." % (target, workload) logger.warning(msg) cfg = FallbackConfigEntity() self._global_cfg_dict[key] = cfg else: cfg = self._global_cfg_dict[key] return cfg def update(self, target, workload, cfg): key = (str(target), workload) self._global_cfg_dict[key] = cfg