/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors * \file ir_builder.cc * \brief IRBuilder for SPIRV block */ #include "ir_builder.h" namespace tvm { namespace codegen { namespace spirv { // implementations void IRBuilder::InitHeader() { CHECK_EQ(header_.size(), 0U); header_.push_back(spv::MagicNumber); header_.push_back(spv::Version); // generator: set to 0, unknown header_.push_back(0U); // Bound: set during Finalize header_.push_back(0U); // Schema: reserved header_.push_back(0U); // shader ib_.Begin(spv::OpCapability).Add(spv::CapabilityShader).Commit(&header_); // memory model ib_.Begin(spv::OpMemoryModel).AddSeq( spv::AddressingModelLogical, spv::MemoryModelGLSL450).Commit(&entry_); this->InitPreDefs(); } void IRBuilder::InitPreDefs() { ext_glsl450_ = ExtInstImport("GLSL.std.450"); t_int32_ = DeclareType(Int(32)); t_uint32_ = DeclareType(UInt(32)); t_bool_ = DeclareType(UInt(1)); t_fp32_ = DeclareType(Float(32)); const_i32_zero_ = IntImm(t_int32_, 0); // declare void, and void functions t_void_.id = id_counter_++; ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeVoid).Add(t_void_).Commit(&global_); t_void_func_.id = id_counter_++; ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeFunction) .AddSeq(t_void_func_, t_void_).Commit(&global_); } SType IRBuilder::GetSType(const Type& dtype) { if (dtype == Int(32)) { return t_int32_; } else if (dtype == UInt(1)) { return t_bool_; } else if (dtype == Float(32)) { return t_fp32_; } else if (dtype == UInt(32)) { return t_uint32_; } uint32_t type_key; type_key = static_cast<uint32_t>(dtype.code()); type_key |= static_cast<uint32_t>(dtype.bits()) << 8U; type_key |= static_cast<uint32_t>(dtype.lanes()) << 16U; auto it = pod_type_tbl_.find(type_key); if (it != pod_type_tbl_.end()) { return it->second; } SType t = DeclareType(dtype); pod_type_tbl_[type_key] = t; return t; } SType IRBuilder::GetPointerType(const SType& value_type, spv::StorageClass storage_class) { CHECK_NE(storage_class, spv::StorageClassMax); auto key = std::make_pair(value_type.id, storage_class); auto it = pointer_type_tbl_.find(key); if (it != pointer_type_tbl_.end()) { return it->second; } SType t; t.id = id_counter_++; t.type = Handle(); t.element_type_id = value_type.id; t.storage_class = storage_class; ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypePointer) .AddSeq(t, storage_class, value_type).Commit(&global_); pointer_type_tbl_[key] = t; return t; } SType IRBuilder::GetStructArrayType(const SType& value_type, uint32_t num_elems) { auto key = std::make_pair(value_type.id, num_elems); auto it = struct_array_type_tbl_.find(key); if (it != struct_array_type_tbl_.end()) { return it->second; } SType arr_type; arr_type.id = id_counter_++; arr_type.type = Handle(); arr_type.element_type_id = value_type.id; if (num_elems != 0) { Value length = UIntImm(GetSType(UInt(32)), num_elems); ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeArray) .AddSeq(arr_type, value_type, length).Commit(&global_); } else { ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray) .AddSeq(arr_type, value_type).Commit(&global_); } int nbits = value_type.type.bits() * value_type.type.lanes(); CHECK_EQ(nbits % 8, 0); uint32_t nbytes = static_cast<uint32_t>(nbits) / 8; // decorate the array type. this->Decorate(spv::OpDecorate, arr_type, spv::DecorationArrayStride, nbytes); // declare struct of array SType struct_type; struct_type.id = id_counter_++; struct_type.type = Handle(); struct_type.element_type_id = value_type.id; ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeStruct) .AddSeq(struct_type, arr_type).Commit(&global_); // decorate the array type. ib_.Begin(spv::OpMemberDecorate) .AddSeq(struct_type, 0, spv::DecorationOffset, 0) .Commit(&decorate_); // runtime array are always decorated as BufferBlock(shader storage buffer) if (num_elems == 0) { this->Decorate(spv::OpDecorate, struct_type, spv::DecorationBufferBlock); } struct_array_type_tbl_[key] = struct_type; return struct_type; } Value IRBuilder::StructArrayAccess(const SType& res_type, Value buffer, Value index) { CHECK(buffer.flag == kStructArrayPtr); return MakeValue(spv::OpInBoundsAccessChain, res_type, buffer, const_i32_zero_, index); } Value IRBuilder::IntImm(const SType& dtype, int64_t value) { return GetConst_(dtype, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(&value)); } Value IRBuilder::UIntImm(const SType& dtype, uint64_t value) { return GetConst_(dtype, &value); } Value IRBuilder::FloatImm(const SType& dtype, double value) { if (dtype.type.bits() == 64) { return GetConst_(dtype, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(&value)); } else if (dtype.type.bits() == 32) { float fvalue = static_cast<float>(value); uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&fvalue); uint64_t data = ptr[0]; return GetConst_(dtype, &data); } else { CHECK_EQ(dtype.type.bits(), 16); return Cast(dtype, FloatImm(GetSType(Float(32)), value)); } } Value IRBuilder::BufferArgument(const SType& value_type, uint32_t descriptor_set, uint32_t binding) { SType sarr_type = GetStructArrayType(value_type, 0); SType ptr_type = GetPointerType(sarr_type, spv::StorageClassUniform); Value val = NewValue(ptr_type, kStructArrayPtr); ib_.Begin(spv::OpVariable) .AddSeq(ptr_type, val, spv::StorageClassUniform).Commit(&global_); this->Decorate(spv::OpDecorate, val, spv::DecorationDescriptorSet, descriptor_set); this->Decorate(spv::OpDecorate, val, spv::DecorationBinding, binding); return val; } Value IRBuilder::DeclarePushConstant(const std::vector<SType>& value_types) { CHECK_EQ(push_const_.id, 0); SType struct_type; struct_type.id = id_counter_++; struct_type.type = Handle(); ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeStruct).Add(struct_type); for (const SType& vtype : value_types) { ib_.Add(vtype); } ib_.Commit(&global_); uint32_t offset = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < value_types.size(); ++i) { ib_.Begin(spv::OpMemberDecorate) .AddSeq(struct_type, i, spv::DecorationOffset, offset) .Commit(&decorate_); Type t = value_types[i].type; uint32_t nbits = t.bits() * t.lanes(); CHECK_EQ(nbits % 8 , 0); offset += nbits / 8; } // Decorate push constants as UBO this->Decorate(spv::OpDecorate, struct_type, spv::DecorationBlock); SType ptr_type = GetPointerType( struct_type, spv::StorageClassPushConstant); Value val = NewValue(ptr_type, kPushConstantPtr); ib_.Begin(spv::OpVariable) .AddSeq(ptr_type, val, spv::StorageClassPushConstant).Commit(&global_); return val; } Value IRBuilder::GetPushConstant( Value ptr_push_const, const SType& v_type, uint32_t index) { SType ptr_vtype = this->GetPointerType(v_type, spv::StorageClassPushConstant); Value ptr = this->MakeValue( spv::OpAccessChain, ptr_vtype, ptr_push_const, IntImm(t_int32_, static_cast<int64_t>(index))); return this->MakeValue(spv::OpLoad, v_type, ptr); } Value IRBuilder::NewFunction() { return NewValue(t_void_func_, kFunction); } void IRBuilder::CommitKernelFunction(const Value& func, const std::string& name) { CHECK_EQ(func.flag, kFunction); ib_.Begin(spv::OpEntryPoint) .AddSeq(spv::ExecutionModelGLCompute, func, name); if (workgroup_id_.id != 0) { ib_.Add(workgroup_id_); } if (local_id_.id != 0) { ib_.Add(local_id_); } ib_.Commit(&entry_); } void IRBuilder::StartFunction(const Value& func) { CHECK_EQ(func.flag, kFunction); this->MakeInst( spv::OpFunction, t_void_, func, 0, t_void_func_); spirv::Label start_label = this->NewLabel(); this->StartLabel(start_label); } void IRBuilder::SetLocalSize(const Value& func, uint32_t local_size[3]) { CHECK_EQ(func.flag, kFunction); ib_.Begin(spv::OpExecutionMode) .AddSeq(func, spv::ExecutionModeLocalSize, local_size[0], local_size[1], local_size[2]) .Commit(&exec_mode_); } Value IRBuilder::Allocate(const SType& value_type, uint32_t num_elems, spv::StorageClass storage_class) { CHECK_NE(num_elems, 0U); SType sarr_type = GetStructArrayType(value_type, num_elems); SType ptr_type = GetPointerType(sarr_type, storage_class); Value val = NewValue(ptr_type, kStructArrayPtr); if (storage_class == spv::StorageClassFunction) { ib_.Begin(spv::OpVariable) .AddSeq(ptr_type, val, storage_class).Commit(&function_); } else { ib_.Begin(spv::OpVariable) .AddSeq(ptr_type, val, storage_class).Commit(&global_); } return val; } Value IRBuilder::GetWorkgroupID(uint32_t dim_index) { if (workgroup_id_.id == 0) { SType vec3_type = this->GetSType(Int(32).with_lanes(3)); SType ptr_type = this->GetPointerType( vec3_type, spv::StorageClassInput); workgroup_id_ = NewValue(ptr_type, kVectorPtr); ib_.Begin(spv::OpVariable) .AddSeq(ptr_type, workgroup_id_, spv::StorageClassInput) .Commit(&global_); this->Decorate(spv::OpDecorate, workgroup_id_, spv::DecorationBuiltIn, spv::BuiltInWorkgroupId); } SType pint_type = this->GetPointerType(t_int32_, spv::StorageClassInput); Value ptr = this->MakeValue( spv::OpAccessChain, pint_type, workgroup_id_, IntImm(t_int32_, static_cast<int64_t>(dim_index))); return this->MakeValue(spv::OpLoad, t_int32_, ptr); } Value IRBuilder::GetLocalID(uint32_t dim_index) { if (local_id_.id == 0) { SType vec3_type = this->GetSType(Int(32).with_lanes(3)); SType ptr_type = this->GetPointerType(vec3_type, spv::StorageClassInput); local_id_ = NewValue(ptr_type, kVectorPtr); ib_.Begin(spv::OpVariable) .AddSeq(ptr_type, local_id_, spv::StorageClassInput) .Commit(&global_); this->Decorate(spv::OpDecorate, local_id_, spv::DecorationBuiltIn, spv::BuiltInLocalInvocationId); } SType pint_type = this->GetPointerType(t_int32_, spv::StorageClassInput); Value ptr = this->MakeValue( spv::OpAccessChain, pint_type, local_id_, UIntImm(t_int32_, static_cast<int64_t>(dim_index))); return this->MakeValue(spv::OpLoad, t_int32_, ptr); } Value IRBuilder::GetConst_(const SType& dtype, const uint64_t* pvalue) { auto key = std::make_pair(dtype.id, pvalue[0]); auto it = const_tbl_.find(key); if (it != const_tbl_.end()) { return it->second; } CHECK_LE(dtype.type.bits(), 64); Value ret = NewValue(dtype, kConstant); if (dtype.type == UInt(1)) { // bool types. if (*pvalue) { ib_.Begin(spv::OpConstantTrue).AddSeq(ret); } else { ib_.Begin(spv::OpConstantFalse).AddSeq(ret); } } else { // Integral/floating-point types. ib_.Begin(spv::OpConstant).AddSeq(dtype, ret); uint64_t mask = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; ib_.Add(static_cast<uint32_t>(pvalue[0] & mask)); if (dtype.type.bits() > 32) { if (dtype.type.is_int()) { int64_t sign_mask = 0xFFFFFFFFL; const int64_t* sign_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(pvalue); ib_.Add(static_cast<uint32_t>((sign_ptr[0] >> 32L) & sign_mask)); } else { ib_.Add(static_cast<uint32_t>((pvalue[0] >> 32UL) & mask)); } } } ib_.Commit(&global_); const_tbl_[key] = ret; return ret; } SType IRBuilder::DeclareType(const Type& dtype) { if (dtype.lanes() == 1) { SType t; t.id = id_counter_++; t.type = dtype; if (dtype.bits() == 1) { CHECK(dtype.is_uint()); ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeBool).Add(t).Commit(&global_); } else if (dtype.is_int()) { ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeInt).AddSeq(t, dtype.bits(), 1).Commit(&global_); } else if (dtype.is_uint()) { ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeInt).AddSeq(t, dtype.bits(), 0).Commit(&global_); } else if (dtype.is_float()) { ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeFloat).AddSeq(t, dtype.bits()).Commit(&global_); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "declare type do not support handle"; } return t; } else { SType t; t.id = id_counter_++; t.type = dtype; SType base_type = GetSType(dtype.element_of()); ib_.Begin(spv::OpTypeVector).AddSeq( t, base_type, dtype.lanes()).Commit(&global_); return t; } } PhiValue IRBuilder::MakePhi(const SType& out_type, uint32_t num_incoming) { Value val = NewValue(out_type, kNormal); ib_.Begin(spv::OpPhi).AddSeq(out_type, val); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2 * num_incoming; ++i) { ib_.Add(0); } PhiValue phi; phi.id = val.id; phi.stype = out_type; phi.flag = kNormal; phi.instr = ib_.Commit(&function_); CHECK_EQ(phi.instr.WordCount(), 2 * num_incoming + 3); return phi; } Value IRBuilder::CallGLSL450(const SType& ret_type, uint32_t inst_id, const std::vector<Value>& args) { Value val = NewValue(ret_type, kNormal); ib_.Begin(spv::OpExtInst) .AddSeq(ret_type, val, ext_glsl450_, inst_id); for (const Value& v : args) { ib_.Add(v); } ib_.Commit(&function_); return val; } Value IRBuilder::Concat(const std::vector<Value>& vec) { bool is_const = vec[0].flag == kConstant; Type etype = vec[0].stype.type; int lanes = etype.lanes(); for (size_t i = 1; i < vec.size(); ++i) { CHECK_EQ(etype, vec[i].stype.type.element_of()) << "Cannot concat vector of different element type"; lanes += vec[i].stype.type.lanes(); is_const = is_const && (vec[i].flag == kConstant); } Value ret = NewValue(GetSType(etype.with_lanes(lanes)), kNormal); if (is_const && vec.size() == static_cast<size_t>(lanes)) { ib_.Begin(spv::OpConstantComposite); ib_.AddSeq(ret.stype, ret); for (const Value& v : vec) { ib_.Add(v); } ib_.Commit(&global_); } else { ib_.Begin(spv::OpCompositeConstruct); ib_.AddSeq(ret.stype, ret); for (const Value& v : vec) { ib_.Add(v); } ib_.Commit(&function_); } return ret; } Value IRBuilder::Cast(const SType& dst_type, spirv::Value value) { CHECK_NE(value.stype.id, 0U); if (value.stype.id == dst_type.id) return value; const tvm::Type& from = value.stype.type; const tvm::Type& to = dst_type.type; CHECK_EQ(from.lanes(), to.lanes()); if (from == Bool()) { if (to.is_int()) { return Select(value, IntImm(dst_type, 1), IntImm(dst_type, 0)); } else if (to.is_uint()) { return Select(value, UIntImm(dst_type, 1), UIntImm(dst_type, 0)); } else if (to.is_float()) { return MakeValue(spv::OpConvertUToF, dst_type, Select(value, UIntImm(t_uint32_, 1), UIntImm(t_uint32_, 0))); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "cannot cast from " << from << " to " << to; return Value(); } } else if (to == Bool()) { if (from.is_int()) { return NE(value, IntImm(value.stype, 0)); } else if (to.is_uint()) { return NE(value, UIntImm(value.stype, 0)); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "cannot cast from " << from << " to " << to; return Value(); } } else if (from.is_int() && to.is_int()) { return MakeValue(spv::OpSConvert, dst_type, value); } else if (from.is_uint() && to.is_uint()) { return MakeValue(spv::OpUConvert, dst_type, value); } else if (from.is_uint() && to.is_int()) { if (from.bits() != to.bits()) { value = MakeValue( spv::OpUConvert, GetSType(from.with_bits(to.bits())), value); } return MakeValue(spv::OpBitcast, dst_type, value); } else if (from.is_int() && to.is_uint()) { if (from.bits() != to.bits()) { value = MakeValue( spv::OpSConvert, GetSType(from.with_bits(to.bits())), value); } return MakeValue(spv::OpBitcast, dst_type, value); } else if (from.is_float() && to.is_int()) { return MakeValue(spv::OpConvertFToS, dst_type, value); } else if (from.is_float() && to.is_uint()) { return MakeValue(spv::OpConvertFToU, dst_type, value); } else if (from.is_int() && to.is_float()) { return MakeValue(spv::OpConvertSToF, dst_type, value); } else if (from.is_uint() && to.is_float()) { return MakeValue(spv::OpConvertUToF, dst_type, value); } else if (from.is_float() && to.is_float()) { return MakeValue(spv::OpFConvert, dst_type, value); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "do not support type cast from " << from << " to " << to; return Value(); } } #define DEFINE_BUILDER_BINARY_USIGN_OP(_OpName, _Op) \ Value IRBuilder::_OpName(Value a, Value b) { \ CHECK_EQ(a.stype.id, b.stype.id); \ if (a.stype.type.is_int() || a.stype.type.is_uint()) { \ return MakeValue(spv::OpI ## _Op, a.stype, a, b); \ } else { \ CHECK(a.stype.type.is_float()); \ return MakeValue(spv::OpF ## _Op, a.stype, a, b); \ } \ } #define DEFINE_BUILDER_BINARY_SIGN_OP(_OpName, _Op) \ Value IRBuilder::_OpName(Value a, Value b) { \ CHECK_EQ(a.stype.id, b.stype.id); \ if (a.stype.type.is_int()) { \ return MakeValue(spv::OpS##_Op, a.stype, a, b); \ } else if (a.stype.type.is_uint()) { \ return MakeValue(spv::OpU##_Op, a.stype, a, b); \ } else { \ CHECK(a.stype.type.is_float()); \ return MakeValue(spv::OpF##_Op, a.stype, a, b); \ } \ } DEFINE_BUILDER_BINARY_USIGN_OP(Add, Add); DEFINE_BUILDER_BINARY_USIGN_OP(Sub, Sub); DEFINE_BUILDER_BINARY_USIGN_OP(Mul, Mul); DEFINE_BUILDER_BINARY_SIGN_OP(Div, Div); Value IRBuilder::Mod(Value a, Value b) { CHECK_EQ(a.stype.id, b.stype.id); if (a.stype.type.is_int()) { return MakeValue(spv::OpSRem, a.stype, a, b); } else if (a.stype.type.is_uint()) { return MakeValue(spv::OpUMod, a.stype, a, b); } else { CHECK(a.stype.type.is_float()); return MakeValue(spv::OpFRem, a.stype, a, b); } } #define DEFINE_BUILDER_CMP_OP(_OpName, _Op) \ Value IRBuilder::_OpName(Value a, Value b) { \ CHECK_EQ(a.stype.id, b.stype.id); \ CHECK_EQ(a.stype.type.lanes(), b.stype.type.lanes()); \ const auto& bool_type = this->GetSType(UInt(1).with_lanes(a.stype.type.lanes())); \ if (a.stype.type.is_int()) { \ return MakeValue(spv::OpS##_Op, bool_type, a, b); \ } else if (a.stype.type.is_uint()) { \ return MakeValue(spv::OpU##_Op, bool_type, a, b); \ } else { \ CHECK(a.stype.type.is_float()); \ return MakeValue(spv::OpFOrd##_Op, bool_type, a, b); \ } \ } DEFINE_BUILDER_CMP_OP(LT, LessThan); DEFINE_BUILDER_CMP_OP(LE, LessThanEqual); DEFINE_BUILDER_CMP_OP(GT, GreaterThan); DEFINE_BUILDER_CMP_OP(GE, GreaterThanEqual); #define DEFINE_BUILDER_CMP_UOP(_OpName, _Op) \ Value IRBuilder::_OpName(Value a, Value b) { \ CHECK_EQ(a.stype.id, b.stype.id); \ CHECK_EQ(a.stype.type.lanes(), b.stype.type.lanes()); \ const auto& bool_type = this->GetSType(UInt(1).with_lanes(a.stype.type.lanes())); \ if (a.stype.type.is_int() || a.stype.type.is_uint()) { \ return MakeValue(spv::OpI##_Op, bool_type, a, b); \ } else { \ CHECK(a.stype.type.is_float()); \ return MakeValue(spv::OpFOrd##_Op, bool_type, a, b); \ } \ } DEFINE_BUILDER_CMP_UOP(EQ, Equal); DEFINE_BUILDER_CMP_UOP(NE, NotEqual); Value IRBuilder::Select(Value cond, Value a, Value b) { CHECK_EQ(a.stype.id, b.stype.id); CHECK_EQ(cond.stype.type.element_of(), UInt(1)); return MakeValue(spv::OpSelect, a.stype, cond, a, b); } } // namespace spirv } // namespace codegen } // namespace tvm