/*! * Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors * \file error_reporter.h * \brief The set of errors raised by Relay. */ #include <tvm/relay/expr.h> #include <tvm/relay/module.h> #include <tvm/relay/error.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <rang.hpp> namespace tvm { namespace relay { void RelayErrorStream::Raise() const { throw Error(*this); } template<typename T, typename U> using NodeMap = std::unordered_map<T, U, NodeHash, NodeEqual>; void ErrorReporter::RenderErrors(const Module& module, bool use_color) { // First we pick an error reporting strategy for each error. // TODO(@jroesch): Spanned errors are currently not supported. for (auto err : this->errors_) { CHECK(!err.sp.defined()) << "attempting to use spanned errors, currently not supported"; } NodeMap<GlobalVar, NodeMap<NodeRef, std::string>> error_maps; // Set control mode in order to produce colors; if (use_color) { rang::setControlMode(rang::control::Force); } for (auto pair : this->node_to_gv_) { auto node = pair.first; auto global = Downcast<GlobalVar>(pair.second); auto has_errs = this->node_to_error_.find(node); CHECK(has_errs != this->node_to_error_.end()); const auto& error_indicies = has_errs->second; std::stringstream err_msg; err_msg << rang::fg::red; for (auto index : error_indicies) { err_msg << this->errors_[index].what() << "; "; } err_msg << rang::fg::reset; // Setup error map. auto it = error_maps.find(global); if (it != error_maps.end()) { it->second.insert({ node, err_msg.str() }); } else { error_maps.insert({ global, { { node, err_msg.str() }}}); } } // Now we will construct the fully-annotated program to display to // the user. std::stringstream annotated_prog; // First we output a header for the errors. annotated_prog << rang::style::bold << std::endl << "Error(s) have occurred. We have annotated the program with them:" << std::endl << std::endl << rang::style::reset; // For each global function which contains errors, we will // construct an annotated function. for (auto pair : error_maps) { auto global = pair.first; auto err_map = pair.second; auto func = module->Lookup(global); // We output the name of the function before displaying // the annotated program. annotated_prog << rang::style::bold << "In `" << global->name_hint << "`: " << std::endl << rang::style::reset; // We then call into the Relay printer to generate the program. // // The annotation callback will annotate the error messages // contained in the map. annotated_prog << RelayPrint(func, false, [&err_map](tvm::relay::Expr expr) { auto it = err_map.find(expr); if (it != err_map.end()) { return it->second; } else { return std::string(""); } }); } auto msg = annotated_prog.str(); if (use_color) { rang::setControlMode(rang::control::Auto); } // Finally we report the error, currently we do so to LOG(FATAL), // it may be good to instead report it to std::cout. LOG(FATAL) << annotated_prog.str() << std::endl; } void ErrorReporter::ReportAt(const GlobalVar& global, const NodeRef& node, const Error& err) { size_t index_to_insert = this->errors_.size(); this->errors_.push_back(err); auto it = this->node_to_error_.find(node); if (it != this->node_to_error_.end()) { it->second.push_back(index_to_insert); } else { this->node_to_error_.insert({ node, { index_to_insert }}); } this->node_to_gv_.insert({ node, global }); } } // namespace relay } // namespace tvm