 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * \file tvm/ir/attrs.h
 * \brief Helpers for attribute objects.
 *  This module enables declaration of named attributes
 *  which support default value setup and bound checking.
 * \code
 *   struct MyAttrs : public tvm::AttrsNode<MyAttrs> {
 *     float learning_rate;
 *     int num_hidden;
 *     std::string name;
 *     // declare attribute fields in header file
 *     TVM_DECLARE_ATTRS(MyAttrs, "attrs.MyAttrs") {
 *       TVM_ATTR_FIELD(num_hidden).set_lower_bound(1);
 *       TVM_ATTR_FIELD(learning_rate).set_default(0.01f);
 *       TVM_ATTR_FIELD(name).set_default("hello");
 *     }
 *   };
 *   // register it in cc file
 * \endcode
#ifndef TVM_IR_ATTRS_H_
#define TVM_IR_ATTRS_H_

#include <dmlc/common.h>
#include <tvm/ir/expr.h>
#include <tvm/node/structural_equal.h>
#include <tvm/node/structural_hash.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/packed_func.h>

#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

namespace tvm {
 * \brief Declare an attribute function.
 * \param ClassName The name of the class.
 * \param TypeKey The type key to be used by the TVM node system.
#define TVM_DECLARE_ATTRS(ClassName, TypeKey)                      \
  static constexpr const char* _type_key = TypeKey;                \
  TVM_DECLARE_FINAL_OBJECT_INFO(ClassName, ::tvm::BaseAttrsNode)   \
  template<typename FVisit>                                        \
  void __VisitAttrs__(FVisit& __fvisit__)  // NOLINT(*)

 * \brief Declare an attribute field.
 * \param FieldName The field name.
#define TVM_ATTR_FIELD(FieldName) \
  __fvisit__(#FieldName, &FieldName)

 * \brief Create a NodeRef type that represents null.
 * \tparam TNodeRef the type to be created.
 * \return A instance that will represent None.
template<typename TObjectRef>
inline TObjectRef NullValue() {
  return TObjectRef(ObjectPtr<Object>(nullptr));

inline DataType NullValue<DataType>() {
  return DataType(DataType::kHandle, 0, 0);

/*! \brief Error thrown during attribute checking. */
struct AttrError : public dmlc::Error {
   * \brief constructor
   * \param msg error message
  explicit AttrError(const std::string &msg)
      : dmlc::Error(msg) {}

 * \brief Information about attribute fields in string representations.
class AttrFieldInfoNode : public Object {
  /*! \brief name of the field */
  std::string name;
  /*! \brief type docstring information in str. */
  std::string type_info;
  /*! \brief detailed description of the type */
  std::string description;

  void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) {
    v->Visit("name", &name);
    v->Visit("type_info", &type_info);
    v->Visit("description", &description);

  static constexpr const char* _type_key = "AttrFieldInfo";
  static constexpr bool _type_has_method_sequal_reduce = false;
  static constexpr bool _type_has_method_shash_reduce = false;

/*! \brief AttrFieldInfo */
class AttrFieldInfo : public ObjectRef {
  TVM_DEFINE_OBJECT_REF_METHODS(AttrFieldInfo, ObjectRef, AttrFieldInfoNode);

 * \brief Base class of all attribute class
 * \note Do not subclass AttrBaseNode directly,
 *       subclass AttrsNode instead.
 * \sa AttrsNode
class BaseAttrsNode : public Object {
  using TVMArgs = runtime::TVMArgs;
  using TVMRetValue = runtime::TVMRetValue;
  /*! \brief virtual destructor */
  virtual ~BaseAttrsNode() {}
  // visit function
  virtual void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) {}
   * \brief Initialize the attributes by sequence of arguments
   * \param args The postional arguments in the form
   *        [key0, value0, key1, value1, ..., key_n, value_n]
  template<typename... Args>
  inline void InitBySeq(Args&& ...args);
   * \brief Print readible docstring to ostream, add newline.
   * \param os the stream to print the docstring to.
  inline void PrintDocString(std::ostream &os) const;  // NOLINT(*)
   * \brief Visit attributes that do not equal the default value.
   * \note This is useful to extract fields for concise printing.
   * \param v The visitor
  TVM_DLL virtual void VisitNonDefaultAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) = 0;
   * \brief Get the field information
   * \return The fields in the Attrs.
  TVM_DLL virtual Array<AttrFieldInfo> ListFieldInfo() const = 0;
   * \brief Initialize the attributes by arguments.
   * \param kwargs The key value pairs for initialization.
   *        [key0, value0, key1, value1, ..., key_n, value_n]
   * \param allow_unknown Whether allow additional unknown fields.
   * \note This function throws when the required field is not present.
  TVM_DLL virtual void InitByPackedArgs(const TVMArgs& kwargs, bool allow_unknown = false) = 0;

  static constexpr const bool _type_has_method_sequal_reduce = true;
  static constexpr const bool _type_has_method_shash_reduce = true;
  static constexpr const char* _type_key = "Attrs";

 * \brief Managed reference to BaseAttrsNode.
 * \sa AttrsNode, BaseAttrsNode
class Attrs : public ObjectRef {
  TVM_DEFINE_OBJECT_REF_METHODS(Attrs, ObjectRef, BaseAttrsNode);

 * \brief Specialized attribute type that is backed by a map.
 *  The DictAttrsNode implements the Attrs behavior,
 *  its fields are directly accessible via object.field_name
 *  like other normal nodes.
class DictAttrsNode : public BaseAttrsNode {
  /*! \brief internal attrs map */
  Map<std::string, ObjectRef> dict;

  bool SEqualReduce(const DictAttrsNode* other, SEqualReducer equal) const {
    return equal(dict, other->dict);

  void SHashReduce(SHashReducer hash_reduce) const {

  // implementations
  void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) final;
  void VisitNonDefaultAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) final;
  void InitByPackedArgs(const runtime::TVMArgs& args, bool allow_unknown) final;
  Array<AttrFieldInfo> ListFieldInfo() const final;
  // type info
  static constexpr const char* _type_key = "DictAttrs";
  TVM_DECLARE_FINAL_OBJECT_INFO(DictAttrsNode, BaseAttrsNode);

 * \brief Managed reference to DictAttrsNode
 * \sa DictAttrsNode.
class DictAttrs : public Attrs {
   * \brief Consruct a Attrs backed by DictAttrsNode.
   * \param dict The attributes.
   * \return The dict attributes.
  TVM_DLL explicit DictAttrs(Map<std::string, ObjectRef> dict);

  TVM_DEFINE_OBJECT_REF_METHODS(DictAttrs, Attrs, DictAttrsNode);

// Namespace containing detail implementations
namespace detail {
using runtime::TVMArgValue;

// helper entry that does nothing in set_default/bound/describe calls.
struct AttrNopEntry {
  using TSelf = AttrNopEntry;

  TSelf& describe(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const char* str) {
    return *this;
  template<typename T>
  TSelf& set_default(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const T& value) {
    return *this;
  template<typename T>
  TSelf& set_lower_bound(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const T& begin) {
    return *this;
  template<typename T>
  TSelf& set_upper_bound(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const T& end) {
    return *this;

// Wrapper for normal visitor.
class AttrNormalVisitor {
  explicit AttrNormalVisitor(AttrVisitor* visitor)
      : visitor_(visitor) {
  template<typename T>
  AttrNopEntry operator()(const char* key, T* value) {
    visitor_->Visit(key, value);
    return AttrNopEntry();

  AttrVisitor* visitor_;

class AttrsSEqualVisitor {
  bool result_{true};
  // constructor
  AttrsSEqualVisitor(const Object* lhs, const Object* rhs, const SEqualReducer& equal)
      : lhs_(lhs), rhs_(rhs), equal_(equal) {
  template<typename T>
  AttrNopEntry operator()(const char* key, T* lhs_value) {
    if (!result_) return AttrNopEntry();
    const T* rhs_value =
        reinterpret_cast<const T*>(
            reinterpret_cast<const char*>(rhs_) +
            (reinterpret_cast<const char*>(lhs_value) -
             reinterpret_cast<const char*>(lhs_)));
    if (!equal_(*lhs_value, *rhs_value)) {
      result_ = false;
    return AttrNopEntry();

  const Object* lhs_;
  const Object* rhs_;
  const SEqualReducer& equal_;

class AttrsSHashVisitor {
  explicit AttrsSHashVisitor(const SHashReducer& hash_reducer)
      : hash_reducer_(hash_reducer) {}

  template<typename T>
  AttrNopEntry operator()(const char* key, T* value) {
    return AttrNopEntry();

  const SHashReducer& hash_reducer_;

// helper entry that does initialization, set default.
template<typename T>
struct AttrInitEntry {
  // The attributes
  using TSelf = AttrInitEntry<T>;
  // The type key
  const char* type_key_;
  // field name
  const char* key_;
  // internal value.
  T* value_;
  // whether the value is missing.
  bool value_missing_{true};
  // If the value is still missing in destruction time throw an error.
    if (value_missing_) {
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << type_key_ << ": Cannot find required field \'" << key_
         << "\' during initialization";
      throw AttrError(os.str());
  // override fields.
  // This function sets the lower bound of the attribute
  TSelf& set_lower_bound(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const T& begin) {
    if (this->value_missing_)  return *this;
    const T& val = *value_;
    if (begin > val) {
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << type_key_ << "." << key_ << ": "
         << "value " << val
         << " is smaller than the lower bound " << begin;
      throw AttrError(os.str());
    return *this;
  // This function sets the upper bound of the attribute
  TSelf& set_upper_bound(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const T& end) {
    if (this->value_missing_)  return *this;
    const T& val = *value_;
    if (val > end) {
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << type_key_ << "." << key_ << ": "
         << "value " << val
         << " is bigger than the upper bound " << end;
      throw AttrError(os.str());
    return *this;
  // set default when
  TSelf& set_default(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const T& value) {
    if (!value_missing_) return *this;
    *value_ = value;
    value_missing_ = false;
    return *this;
  TSelf& describe(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const char* str) {
    return *this;

// Template function to allow smart conversion
// from Expr types into the constants.
template<typename T>
inline void SetValue(T* ptr, const TVMArgValue& val) {
  *ptr = val.operator T();

template<typename T>
inline void SetIntValue(T* ptr, const TVMArgValue& val) {
  if (val.type_code() == kDLInt) {
    *ptr = static_cast<T>(val.value().v_int64);
  } else {
    IntImm expr = val;
    *ptr = static_cast<T>(expr->value);

inline void SetValue<std::string>(std::string* ptr, const TVMArgValue& val) {
  if (val.type_code() == kTVMStr) {
    *ptr = val.operator std::string();
  } else {
    LOG(FATAL) << "Expect str";

inline void SetValue<double>(double* ptr, const TVMArgValue& val) {
  if (val.type_code() == kDLFloat || val.type_code() == kDLInt) {
    *ptr = val.operator double();
  } else {
    ObjectRef expr = val;
    if (const IntImmNode* op = expr.as<IntImmNode>()) {
      *ptr = static_cast<double>(op->value);
    } else if (const FloatImmNode* op = expr.as<FloatImmNode>()) {
      *ptr = static_cast<double>(op->value);
    } else {
      LOG(FATAL) << "Expect float value, but get " << expr->GetTypeKey();
inline void SetValue<int>(int* ptr, const TVMArgValue& val) {
  SetIntValue(ptr, val);
inline void SetValue<int64_t>(int64_t* ptr, const TVMArgValue& val) {
  SetIntValue(ptr, val);
inline void SetValue<uint64_t>(uint64_t* ptr, const TVMArgValue& val) {
  SetIntValue(ptr, val);
inline void SetValue<bool>(bool* ptr, const TVMArgValue& val) {
  SetIntValue(ptr, val);

// Visitor for value initialization
template<typename FFind>
class AttrInitVisitor {
  // Counter of number of matched attributes during visit.
  // This is used to decide if there is additional unmatched attributes.
  size_t hit_count_{0};
  // constructor
  AttrInitVisitor(const char* type_key, FFind ffind)
      : type_key_(type_key), ffind_(ffind) {

  template<typename T>
  AttrInitEntry<T> operator()(const char* key, T* value) {
    TVMArgValue val;
    AttrInitEntry<T> opt;
    opt.type_key_ = type_key_;
    opt.key_ = key;
    opt.value_ = value;
    if (ffind_(key, &val)) {
      SetValue(value, val);
      opt.value_missing_ = false;
    } else {
      opt.value_missing_ = true;
    return opt;

  // the type key
  const char* type_key_;
  FFind ffind_;

template<typename FFind>
inline AttrInitVisitor<FFind> CreateInitVisitor(
    const char* type_key,
    FFind ffind) {
  return AttrInitVisitor<FFind>(type_key, ffind);

 * \brief Helper struct to get the type name known to tvm.
 * \tparam T the type we are interested in.
template<typename T>
struct TypeName {
  static constexpr const char* value = T::ContainerType::_type_key;

struct TypeName<int> {
  static constexpr const char* value = "int";

struct TypeName<int64_t> {
  static constexpr const char* value = "int64";

struct TypeName<uint64_t> {
  static constexpr const char* value = "uint64_t";

struct TypeName<DataType> {
  static constexpr const char* value = "DataType";

struct TypeName<std::string> {
  static constexpr const char* value = "str";

struct TypeName<bool> {
  static constexpr const char* value = "bool";

struct TypeName<void*> {
  static constexpr const char* value = "handle";

struct TypeName<double> {
  static constexpr const char* value = "double";

class AttrDocEntry {
  using TSelf = AttrDocEntry;

  explicit AttrDocEntry(ObjectPtr<AttrFieldInfoNode> info)
      : info_(info) {
  TSelf& describe(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const char* str) {
    info_->description = str;
    return *this;
  template<typename T>
  TSelf& set_default(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const T& value) {
    std::ostringstream os;
    os << info_->type_info << ", default=" << value;
    info_->type_info = os.str();
    return *this;
  template<typename T>
  TSelf& set_lower_bound(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED T begin) {
    return *this;
  template<typename T>
  TSelf& set_upper_bound(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED T end) {
    return *this;

  ObjectPtr<AttrFieldInfoNode> info_;

class AttrDocVisitor {
  template<typename T>
  AttrDocEntry operator()(const char* key, T* v) {
    ObjectPtr<AttrFieldInfoNode> info
        = make_object<AttrFieldInfoNode>();
    info->name = key;
    info->type_info = TypeName<T>::value;
    return AttrDocEntry(info);

  Array<AttrFieldInfo> fields_;

class AttrExistVisitor {
  std::string key_;
  bool exist_{false};

  template<typename T>
  AttrNopEntry operator()(const char* key, T* v) {
    if (exist_) return AttrNopEntry();
    if (key == key_) exist_ = true;
    return AttrNopEntry();

template<typename T>
struct AttrTriggerNonDefaultEntry {
  using TSelf = AttrTriggerNonDefaultEntry<T>;
  // constructor
      AttrVisitor* visitor, const char* key, T* data)
      : visitor_(visitor), key_(key), data_(data) {}

  ~AttrTriggerNonDefaultEntry() DMLC_THROW_EXCEPTION {
    if (trigger_) {
      visitor_->Visit(key_, data_);
  TSelf& describe(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const char* str) {
    return *this;
  TSelf& set_default(const T& value) {
    if (tvm::StructuralEqual()(value, *data_)) {
      trigger_ = false;
    return *this;
  TSelf& set_lower_bound(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const T& begin) {
    return *this;
  TSelf& set_upper_bound(DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const T& end) {
    return *this;

  AttrVisitor* visitor_;
  const char * key_;
  T *data_;
  bool trigger_{true};

class AttrNonDefaultVisitor {
  explicit AttrNonDefaultVisitor(AttrVisitor* visitor)
      : visitor_(visitor) {
  template<typename T>
  operator()(const char* key, T* value) {
    return AttrTriggerNonDefaultEntry<T>(visitor_, key, value);

  AttrVisitor* visitor_;
}  // namespace detail

 * \brief The base class of the all the
 *  Use "curiously recurring template pattern".
 * \tparam DerivedType The final attribute type.
template<typename DerivedType>
class AttrsNode : public BaseAttrsNode {
  void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) {
    ::tvm::detail::AttrNormalVisitor vis(v);

  void VisitNonDefaultAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) {
    ::tvm::detail::AttrNonDefaultVisitor vis(v);

  void InitByPackedArgs(const runtime::TVMArgs& args, bool allow_unknown) final {
    CHECK_EQ(args.size() % 2, 0);
    const int kLinearSearchBound = 16;
    int hit_count = 0;
    // applies two stratgies to lookup
    if (args.size() < kLinearSearchBound) {
      // linear search.
      auto ffind = [&args](const char* key, runtime::TVMArgValue* val) {
        for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i += 2) {
          CHECK_EQ(args.type_codes[i], kTVMStr);
          if (!std::strcmp(key, args.values[i].v_str)) {
            *val = args[i + 1];
            return true;
        return false;
      auto vis = ::tvm::detail::CreateInitVisitor(DerivedType::_type_key, ffind);
      hit_count = vis.hit_count_;
    } else {
      // construct a map then do lookup.
      std::unordered_map<std::string, runtime::TVMArgValue> kwargs;
      for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i += 2) {
        CHECK_EQ(args.type_codes[i], kTVMStr);
        kwargs[args[i].operator std::string()] = args[i + 1];
      auto ffind = [&kwargs](const char *key, runtime::TVMArgValue* val) {
        auto it = kwargs.find(key);
        if (it != kwargs.end()) {
          *val = it->second;
          return true;
        return false;
      auto vis = ::tvm::detail::CreateInitVisitor(DerivedType::_type_key, ffind);
      hit_count = vis.hit_count_;
    // error handling, slow path
    if (hit_count * 2 != args.size() && !allow_unknown) {
      for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i += 2) {
        ::tvm::detail::AttrExistVisitor visitor;
        visitor.key_ = args[i].operator std::string();
        if (!visitor.exist_) {
          std::ostringstream os;
          os << DerivedType::_type_key
             << ": does not have field \'" << visitor.key_
             << "\', Possible fields:\n";
          os << "----------------\n";
          throw AttrError(os.str());

  bool SEqualReduce(const DerivedType* other, SEqualReducer equal) const {
    DerivedType* pself = self();
    ::tvm::detail::AttrsSEqualVisitor visitor(pself, other, equal);
    return visitor.result_;

  void SHashReduce(SHashReducer hash_reducer) const {
    ::tvm::detail::AttrsSHashVisitor visitor(hash_reducer);

  Array<AttrFieldInfo> ListFieldInfo() const final {
    ::tvm::detail::AttrDocVisitor visitor;
    return visitor.fields_;

  DerivedType* self() const {
    return const_cast<DerivedType*>(
        static_cast<const DerivedType*>(this));

template<typename... Args>
inline void BaseAttrsNode::InitBySeq(Args&& ...args) {
  runtime::PackedFunc pf([this](const TVMArgs& args, TVMRetValue *rv) {

inline void BaseAttrsNode::PrintDocString(std::ostream &os) const { // NOLINT(*)
  Array<AttrFieldInfo> entry = this->ListFieldInfo();
  for (AttrFieldInfo info : entry) {
    os << info->name << " : " << info->type_info << '\n';
    if (info->description.length() != 0) {
      os << "    " << info->description << '\n';

}  // namespace tvm
#endif  // TVM_IR_ATTRS_H_