/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * \file test_lib.cpp * \brief Test library for the VTA design simulation and driver tests. */ #include "test_lib.h" #ifdef NO_SIM #ifdef VTA_TARGET_PYNQ uint64_t vta( uint32_t insn_count, VTAGenericInsn *insns, VTAUop *uops, uint32_t *inputs, uint32_t *weights, uint32_t *biases, uint32_t *outputs) { // Performance counter variables uint64_t t_fpga; struct timespec start, stop; // Derive bitstream file char bitstream[128]; char str_batch_size[4]; char str_block_out_size[4]; char str_block_in_size[4]; char str_block_bit_width[4]; snprintf(str_batch_size, sizeof(str_batch_size), "%d", VTA_BATCH); snprintf(str_block_out_size, sizeof(str_block_out_size), "%d", VTA_BLOCK_OUT); snprintf(str_block_in_size, sizeof(str_block_in_size), "%d", VTA_BLOCK_IN); snprintf(str_block_bit_width, sizeof(str_block_bit_width), "%d", VTA_WGT_WIDTH); snprintf(bitstream, sizeof(bitstream), "%s", "vta.bit"); // Get VTA handles void* vta_fetch_handle = VTAMapRegister(VTA_FETCH_ADDR); void* vta_load_handle = VTAMapRegister(VTA_LOAD_ADDR); void* vta_compute_handle = VTAMapRegister(VTA_COMPUTE_ADDR); void* vta_store_handle = VTAMapRegister(VTA_STORE_ADDR); // Physical address pointers uint32_t insn_phy = insns ? cma_get_phy_addr(insns) : 0; uint32_t uop_phy = uops ? cma_get_phy_addr(uops) : 0; uint32_t input_phy = inputs ? cma_get_phy_addr(inputs) : 0; uint32_t weight_phy = weights ? cma_get_phy_addr(weights) : 0; uint32_t bias_phy = biases ? cma_get_phy_addr(biases) : 0; uint32_t output_phy = outputs ? cma_get_phy_addr(outputs) : 0; #if VTA_DEBUG == 1 printf("INFO - Starting FPGA!\n"); #endif clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_fetch_handle, VTA_FETCH_INSN_COUNT_OFFSET, insn_count); if (insns) VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_fetch_handle, VTA_FETCH_INSN_ADDR_OFFSET, insn_phy); if (inputs) VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_load_handle, VTA_LOAD_INP_ADDR_OFFSET, input_phy); if (weights) VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_load_handle, VTA_LOAD_WGT_ADDR_OFFSET, weight_phy); if (uops) VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_compute_handle, VTA_COMPUTE_UOP_ADDR_OFFSET, uop_phy); if (biases) VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_compute_handle, VTA_COMPUTE_BIAS_ADDR_OFFSET, bias_phy); if (outputs) VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_store_handle, VTA_STORE_OUT_ADDR_OFFSET, output_phy); // VTA start VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_fetch_handle, 0x0, 0x1); VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_load_handle, 0x0, 0x81); VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_compute_handle, 0x0, 0x81); VTAWriteMappedReg(vta_store_handle, 0x0, 0x81); int flag = 0, t = 0; for (t = 0; t < 10000000; ++t) { flag = VTAReadMappedReg(vta_compute_handle, VTA_COMPUTE_DONE_RD_OFFSET); if (flag & VTA_DONE) break; } if (t == 10000000) { printf("\tWARNING: VTA TIMEOUT!!!!\n"); #if VTA_DEBUG == 1 } else { printf("INFO - FPGA Finished!\n"); #endif } clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop); t_fpga = 1000000000ULL * (stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + (stop.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec); // Unmap VTA register VTAUnmapRegister(vta_fetch_handle); VTAUnmapRegister(vta_load_handle); VTAUnmapRegister(vta_compute_handle); VTAUnmapRegister(vta_store_handle); return t_fpga; } #endif // VTA_TARGET_PYNQ #endif // NO_SIM uint32_t globalSeed; const char* getOpcodeString(int opcode, bool use_imm) { // Returns string name if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MIN) { if (use_imm) { return "min imm"; } else { return "min"; } } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MAX) { if (use_imm) { return "max imm"; } else { return "max"; } } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_ADD) { if (use_imm) { return "add imm"; } else { return "add"; } } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_SHR) { return "shr"; } // else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MUL) { // return "mul"; // } return "unknown op"; } template <typename DST_T, int DST_T_WIDTH, typename SRC_T, int SRC_T_WIDTH> void packBuffer(DST_T *dst, SRC_T **src, int y_size, int x_size, int y_block, int x_block) { assert((SRC_T_WIDTH * x_block * y_block) % DST_T_WIDTH == 0); assert(DST_T_WIDTH <= 64); int buffer_idx = 0; int ratio = DST_T_WIDTH / SRC_T_WIDTH; long long int mask = (1ULL << SRC_T_WIDTH) - 1; DST_T tmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < y_size / y_block; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < x_size / x_block; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < y_block; k++) { for (int l = 0; l < x_block; l++) { int block_idx = l + k * x_block; tmp |= (src[i * y_block + k][j * x_block + l] & mask) << ((block_idx % ratio) * SRC_T_WIDTH); // When tmp is packed, write to destination array if (block_idx % ratio == ratio - 1) { dst[buffer_idx++] = tmp; tmp = 0; } } } } } } template <typename DST_T, int DST_T_WIDTH, typename SRC_T, int SRC_T_WIDTH> void unpackBuffer(DST_T **dst, SRC_T *src, int y_size, int x_size, int y_block, int x_block) { assert((DST_T_WIDTH * x_block * y_block) % SRC_T_WIDTH == 0); int buffer_idx = 0; long long int mask = (1ULL << DST_T_WIDTH) - 1; int ratio = SRC_T_WIDTH / DST_T_WIDTH; for (int i = 0; i < y_size / y_block; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < x_size / x_block; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < y_block; k++) { for (int l = 0; l < x_block; l++) { int block_idx = l + k * x_block; dst[i * y_block + k][j * x_block + l] = (src[buffer_idx] >> ((block_idx % ratio) * DST_T_WIDTH)) & mask; if (block_idx % ratio == ratio - 1) { buffer_idx++; } } } } } } template <typename T> T ** allocInit2dArray(int rows, int cols) { // Allocate T **array = static_cast<T **>(malloc(sizeof(T *) * rows)); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { array[i] = static_cast<T *>(malloc(sizeof(T) * cols)); } // Init for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { array[i][j] = static_cast<T>(rand_r(&globalSeed)); } } return array; } template <typename T> T ** allocSet2dArray(int rows, int cols, int val) { // Allocate T **array = static_cast<T **>(malloc(sizeof(T *) * rows)); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { array[i] = static_cast<T *>(malloc(sizeof(T) * cols)); } // Init for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { array[i][j] = static_cast<T>(val); } } return array; } template <typename T> T ** alloc2dArray(int rows, int cols) { T **array = static_cast<T **>(malloc(sizeof(T *) * rows)); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { array[i] = static_cast<T *>(malloc(sizeof(T) * cols)); } return array; } template <typename T> void free2dArray(T **array, int rows, int cols) { for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { free(array[i]); } free(array); } template <typename T> T *** alloc3dArray(int rows, int cols, int depth) { T ***array = static_cast<T ***>(malloc(sizeof(T **) * rows)); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { array[i] = static_cast<T **>(malloc(sizeof(T *) * cols)); for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { array[i][j] = static_cast<T*>(malloc(sizeof(T) * depth)); } } return array; } template <typename T> void free3dArray(T *** array, int rows, int cols, int depth) { for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { free(array[i][j]); } free(array[i]); } free(array); } void * allocBuffer(size_t num_bytes) { #ifdef NO_SIM return VTAMemAlloc(num_bytes, VTA_CACHED); #else return malloc(num_bytes); #endif } void freeBuffer(void * buffer) { #ifdef NO_SIM return VTAMemFree(buffer); #else return free(buffer); #endif } VTAGenericInsn get2DLoadStoreInsn(int opcode, int type, int sram_offset, int dram_offset, int y_size, int x_size, int x_stride, int y_pad, int x_pad, int pop_prev_dep, int pop_next_dep, int push_prev_dep, int push_next_dep) { // Converter union VTAInsn converter; // Memory instruction initialization VTAMemInsn insn = {}; insn.opcode = opcode; insn.pop_prev_dep = pop_prev_dep; insn.pop_next_dep = pop_next_dep; insn.push_prev_dep = push_prev_dep; insn.push_next_dep = push_next_dep; insn.memory_type = type; insn.sram_base = sram_offset; insn.dram_base = dram_offset; insn.y_size = y_size; insn.x_size = x_size; insn.x_stride = x_stride; insn.y_pad_0 = y_pad; insn.y_pad_1 = y_pad; insn.x_pad_0 = x_pad; insn.x_pad_1 = x_pad; converter.mem = insn; return converter.generic; } VTAGenericInsn get1DLoadStoreInsn(int opcode, int type, int sram_offset, int dram_offset, int size, int pop_prev_dep, int pop_next_dep, int push_prev_dep, int push_next_dep) { // Converter union VTAInsn converter; // Memory instruction initialization VTAMemInsn insn = {}; insn.opcode = opcode; insn.pop_prev_dep = pop_prev_dep; insn.pop_next_dep = pop_next_dep; insn.push_prev_dep = push_prev_dep; insn.push_next_dep = push_next_dep; insn.memory_type = type; insn.sram_base = sram_offset; insn.dram_base = dram_offset; insn.y_size = 1; insn.x_size = size; insn.x_stride = size; insn.y_pad_0 = 0; insn.y_pad_1 = 0; insn.x_pad_0 = 0; insn.x_pad_1 = 0; converter.mem = insn; return converter.generic; } VTAGenericInsn getGEMMInsn(int uop_offset, int batch, int in_feat, int out_feat, bool uop_compression, int pop_prev_dep, int pop_next_dep, int push_prev_dep, int push_next_dep) { // Converter union VTAInsn converter; // GEMM instruction initialization VTAGemInsn insn; insn.opcode = VTA_OPCODE_GEMM; insn.pop_prev_dep = pop_prev_dep; insn.pop_next_dep = pop_next_dep; insn.push_prev_dep = push_prev_dep; insn.push_next_dep = push_next_dep; insn.reset_reg = false; if (!uop_compression) { insn.uop_bgn = uop_offset; insn.uop_end = uop_offset + batch * in_feat * out_feat; insn.iter_out = 1; insn.iter_in = 1; insn.dst_factor_out = 0; insn.src_factor_out = 0; insn.wgt_factor_out = 0; insn.dst_factor_in = 0; insn.src_factor_in = 0; insn.wgt_factor_in = 0; } else { insn.uop_bgn = uop_offset; insn.uop_end = uop_offset + batch; insn.iter_out = in_feat; insn.iter_in = out_feat; insn.dst_factor_out = 0; insn.src_factor_out = 1; insn.wgt_factor_out = 1; insn.dst_factor_in = 1; insn.src_factor_in = 0; insn.wgt_factor_in = in_feat; } converter.gemm = insn; return converter.generic; } VTAGenericInsn getALUInsn(int opcode, int vector_size, bool use_imm, int imm, bool uop_compression, int pop_prev_dep, int pop_next_dep, int push_prev_dep, int push_next_dep) { // Converter union VTAInsn converter; // Memory instruction initialization VTAAluInsn insn = {}; insn.opcode = VTA_OPCODE_ALU; insn.pop_prev_dep = pop_prev_dep; insn.pop_next_dep = pop_next_dep; insn.push_prev_dep = push_prev_dep; insn.push_next_dep = push_next_dep; insn.reset_reg = false; if (!uop_compression) { insn.uop_bgn = 0; insn.uop_end = vector_size; insn.iter_out = 1; insn.iter_in = 1; insn.dst_factor_out = 0; insn.src_factor_out = 0; insn.dst_factor_in = 0; insn.src_factor_in = 0; insn.alu_opcode = opcode; insn.use_imm = use_imm; insn.imm = imm; } else { insn.uop_bgn = 0; insn.uop_end = 1; insn.iter_out = 1; insn.iter_in = vector_size; insn.dst_factor_out = 0; insn.src_factor_out = 0; insn.dst_factor_in = 1; insn.src_factor_in = 1; insn.alu_opcode = opcode; insn.use_imm = use_imm; insn.imm = imm; } converter.alu = insn; return converter.generic; } VTAGenericInsn getFinishInsn(bool pop_prev, bool pop_next) { // Converter union VTAInsn converter; // GEMM instruction initialization VTAGemInsn insn; insn.opcode = VTA_OPCODE_FINISH; insn.pop_prev_dep = pop_prev; insn.pop_next_dep = pop_next; insn.push_prev_dep = 0; insn.push_next_dep = 0; insn.reset_reg = false; insn.uop_bgn = 0; insn.uop_end = 0; insn.iter_out = 0; insn.iter_in = 0; insn.dst_factor_out = 0; insn.src_factor_out = 0; insn.wgt_factor_out = 0; insn.dst_factor_in = 0; insn.src_factor_in = 0; insn.wgt_factor_in = 0; converter.gemm = insn; return converter.generic; } VTAUop * getCopyUops(int y_size, int x_size, int uop_compression) { // Derive the total uop size int uop_size = (uop_compression) ? 1 : y_size * x_size; // Allocate buffer #ifdef NO_SIM VTAUop *uop_buf = static_cast<VTAUop *>(VTAMemAlloc(sizeof(VTAUop) * uop_size, VTA_CACHED)); #else VTAUop *uop_buf = static_cast<VTAUop *>(malloc(sizeof(VTAUop) * uop_size)); #endif if (!uop_compression) { int uop_idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < y_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < x_size; j++) { uop_buf[uop_idx].dst_idx = i * x_size + j; uop_buf[uop_idx].src_idx = 0; uop_buf[uop_idx].wgt_idx = 0; uop_idx++; } } } else { uop_buf[0].dst_idx = 1; uop_buf[0].src_idx = 0; uop_buf[0].wgt_idx = 0; } return uop_buf; } VTAUop * getGEMMUops(int batch, int in_feat, int out_feat, bool uop_compression, bool multi_threaded) { // Derive the total uop size int uop_size = (uop_compression) ? batch : batch * in_feat * out_feat; if (multi_threaded) uop_size *= 2; // Allocate buffer #ifdef NO_SIM VTAUop *uop_buf = static_cast<VTAUop *>(VTAMemAlloc(sizeof(VTAUop) * uop_size, VTA_CACHED)); #else VTAUop *uop_buf = static_cast<VTAUop *>(malloc(sizeof(VTAUop) * uop_size)); #endif if (!uop_compression) { int uop_idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < in_feat; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < out_feat; k++) { uop_buf[uop_idx].dst_idx = i * out_feat + k; uop_buf[uop_idx].src_idx = i * in_feat + j; uop_buf[uop_idx].wgt_idx = k * in_feat + j; uop_idx++; } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { uop_buf[i].dst_idx = i * out_feat; uop_buf[i].src_idx = i * in_feat; uop_buf[i].wgt_idx = 0; } } if (multi_threaded) { if (!uop_compression) { int uop_idx = uop_size / 2; for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < in_feat; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < out_feat; k++) { uop_buf[uop_idx].dst_idx = i * out_feat + k; uop_buf[uop_idx].src_idx = batch * in_feat + i * in_feat + j; uop_buf[uop_idx].wgt_idx = out_feat * in_feat + k * in_feat + j; uop_idx++; } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { uop_buf[batch+i].dst_idx = i * out_feat; uop_buf[batch+i].src_idx = batch * in_feat + i * in_feat; uop_buf[batch+i].wgt_idx = out_feat * in_feat; } } } return uop_buf; } VTAUop * getMapALUUops(int vector_size, bool uop_compression) { // Derive the total uop size int uop_size = (uop_compression) ? 1 : vector_size; // Allocate buffer #ifdef NO_SIM VTAUop *uop_buf = static_cast<VTAUop *>(VTAMemAlloc(sizeof(VTAUop) * uop_size, VTA_CACHED)); #else VTAUop *uop_buf = static_cast<VTAUop *>(malloc(sizeof(VTAUop) * uop_size)); #endif if (!uop_compression) { for (int i = 0; i < vector_size; i++) { uop_buf[i].dst_idx = i; uop_buf[i].src_idx = vector_size + i; } } else { uop_buf[0].dst_idx = 0; uop_buf[0].src_idx = vector_size; } return uop_buf; } void printParameters() { // Some debugging code printf("Size of VTAInsn: %d\n", sizeof(VTAGenericInsn)); printf("Size of VTAUop: %d\n", sizeof(VTAUop)); printf("VTA_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH: %d\n", VTA_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH); printf("VTA_LOG_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH: %d\n", VTA_LOG_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH); printf("VTA_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH: %d\n", VTA_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH); printf("VTA_LOG_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH: %d\n", VTA_LOG_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH); printf("VTA_INP_BUFF_DEPTH: %d\n", VTA_INP_BUFF_DEPTH); printf("VTA_LOG_INP_BUFF_DEPTH: %d\n", VTA_LOG_INP_BUFF_DEPTH); printf("VTA_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH: %d\n", VTA_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH); printf("VTA_LOG_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH: %d\n", VTA_LOG_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH); printf("VTA_WGT_WORDS: %d\n", VTA_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH*VTA_BLOCK_IN*VTA_BLOCK_OUT); printf("VTA_INP_WORDS: %d\n", VTA_INP_BUFF_DEPTH*VTA_BLOCK_IN); printf("VTA_ACC_WORDS: %d\n", VTA_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH*VTA_BLOCK_OUT); printf("VTA_INS_ELEM_BYTES: %d\n", VTA_INS_ELEM_BYTES); printf("VTA_UOP_ELEM_BYTES: %d\n", VTA_UOP_ELEM_BYTES); printf("VTA_INP_ELEM_BYTES: %d\n", VTA_INP_ELEM_BYTES); printf("VTA_WGT_ELEM_BYTES: %d\n", VTA_WGT_ELEM_BYTES); printf("VTA_ACC_ELEM_BYTES: %d\n", VTA_ACC_ELEM_BYTES); printf("VTA_BLOCK_IN: %d\n", VTA_BLOCK_IN); printf("VTA_BLOCK_OUT: %d\n", VTA_BLOCK_OUT); } void printInstruction(int num_insn, VTAGenericInsn *insns) { // Keep tabs on dependence queues int l2g_queue = 0; int g2l_queue = 0; int s2g_queue = 0; int g2s_queue = 0; // Converter union VTAInsn c; // Iterate over all instructions printf("DEBUG - There are %u instructions\n", num_insn); for (int i = 0; i < num_insn; i++) { // Fetch instruction and decode opcode c.generic = insns[i]; printf("DEBUG - INSTRUCTION %u: ", i); if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_LOAD || c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_STORE) { // Print instruction field information if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_LOAD) { printf("LOAD "); if (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_UOP) printf("UOP\n"); if (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_WGT) printf("WGT\n"); if (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_INP) printf("INP\n"); if (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_ACC) printf("ACC\n"); } if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_STORE) { printf("STORE ACC\n"); } printf("\tdep - pop prev: %d, pop next: %d, push prev: %d, push next: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_next_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_next_dep)); printf("\tDRAM: 0x%08x, SRAM:0x%04x\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.dram_base), static_cast<int>(c.mem.sram_base)); printf("\ty: size=%d, pad=[%d, %d]\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.y_size), static_cast<int>(c.mem.y_pad_0), static_cast<int>(c.mem.y_pad_1)); printf("\tx: size=%d, stride=%d, pad=[%d, %d]\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.x_size), static_cast<int>(c.mem.x_stride), static_cast<int>(c.mem.x_pad_0), static_cast<int>(c.mem.x_pad_1)); if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_STORE) { if (c.mem.pop_prev_dep) g2s_queue--; if (c.mem.push_prev_dep) s2g_queue++; } else if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_LOAD && (c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_INP || c.mem.memory_type == VTA_MEM_ID_WGT)) { if (c.mem.pop_next_dep) g2l_queue--; if (c.mem.push_next_dep) l2g_queue++; } else { if (c.mem.pop_prev_dep) l2g_queue--; if (c.mem.push_prev_dep) g2l_queue++; if (c.mem.pop_next_dep) s2g_queue--; if (c.mem.push_next_dep) g2s_queue++; } } else if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_GEMM) { // Print instruction field information printf("GEMM\n"); printf("\tdep - pop prev: %d, pop next: %d, push prev: %d, push next: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_next_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_next_dep)); printf("\trange (%d, %d)\n", static_cast<int>(c.gemm.uop_bgn), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.uop_end)); printf("\treset_out: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.gemm.reset_reg)); printf("\touter loop - iter: %d, acc: %d, inp: %d, wgt: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.gemm.iter_out), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.dst_factor_out), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.src_factor_out), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.wgt_factor_out)); printf("\tinner loop - iter: %d, acc: %d, inp: %d, wgt: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.gemm.iter_in), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.dst_factor_in), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.src_factor_in), static_cast<int>(c.gemm.wgt_factor_in)); if (c.gemm.pop_prev_dep) l2g_queue--; if (c.gemm.push_prev_dep) g2l_queue++; if (c.gemm.pop_next_dep) s2g_queue--; if (c.gemm.push_next_dep) g2s_queue++; } else if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_FINISH) { printf("FINISH\n"); printf("\tdep - pop prev: %d, pop next: %d, push prev: %d, push next: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_next_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_next_dep)); if (c.gemm.pop_prev_dep) l2g_queue--; if (c.gemm.push_prev_dep) g2l_queue++; if (c.gemm.pop_next_dep) s2g_queue--; if (c.gemm.push_next_dep) g2s_queue++; } else if (c.mem.opcode == VTA_OPCODE_ALU) { // Print instruction field information printf("ALU - %s\n", getOpcodeString(c.alu.alu_opcode, c.alu.use_imm)); printf("\tdep - pop prev: %d, pop next: %d, push prev: %d, push next: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.pop_next_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_prev_dep), static_cast<int>(c.mem.push_next_dep)); printf("\treset_out: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.alu.reset_reg)); printf("\trange (%d, %d)\n", static_cast<int>(c.alu.uop_bgn), static_cast<int>(c.alu.uop_end)); printf("\touter loop - iter: %d, dst: %d, src: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.alu.iter_out), static_cast<int>(c.alu.dst_factor_out), static_cast<int>(c.alu.src_factor_out)); printf("\tinner loop - iter: %d, dst: %d, src: %d\n", static_cast<int>(c.alu.iter_in), static_cast<int>(c.alu.dst_factor_in), static_cast<int>(c.alu.src_factor_in)); if (c.alu.pop_prev_dep) l2g_queue--; if (c.alu.push_prev_dep) g2l_queue++; if (c.alu.pop_next_dep) s2g_queue--; if (c.alu.push_next_dep) g2s_queue++; } } printf("DEBUG - l2g_queue = %d, g2l_queue = %d\n", l2g_queue, g2l_queue); printf("DEBUG - s2g_queue = %d, g2s_queue = %d\n", s2g_queue, g2s_queue); } // Helper function: Print micro-ops status void printMicroOp(int num_uop, VTAUop *uops) { // Iterate over all micro ops printf("DEBUG - There are %u micro-ops\n", num_uop); for (int i = 0; i < num_uop; i++) { // Read micro-op printf("DEBUG - UOP %u: ", i); printf("acc=%u, inp= %u, wgt=%u\n", uops[i].dst_idx, uops[i].src_idx, uops[i].wgt_idx); } } int alu_test(int opcode, bool use_imm, int batch, int vector_size, bool uop_compression) { // Some assertions assert(batch % VTA_BATCH == 0); assert(vector_size % VTA_BLOCK_OUT == 0); printf("=====================================================================================\n"); printf("INFO - ALU test of %s: batch=%d, vector_size=%d, uop_compression=%d\n", getOpcodeString(opcode, use_imm), batch, vector_size, uop_compression); // Instruction count int ins_size = 3 * batch / VTA_BATCH + 2; // Micro op count int uop_size = uop_compression ? 1 : vector_size / VTA_BLOCK_OUT; // Input/output elements in each transfer int tx_size = vector_size / VTA_BLOCK_OUT; // Number of input sets to be generated int input_sets = (use_imm) ? 1 : 2; // Make sure we don't exceed buffer bounds assert(uop_size <= VTA_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH); assert(tx_size * input_sets <= VTA_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH); // Immediate values acc_T *immediate = static_cast<acc_T *>(malloc(sizeof(acc_T) * batch / VTA_BATCH)); for (int b = 0; b < batch / VTA_BATCH; b++) { if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MIN) { immediate[b] = static_cast<acc_T>( rand_r(&globalSeed) % (1LL << (VTA_ALUOP_IMM_BIT_WIDTH - 1)) - (1LL << (VTA_ALUOP_IMM_BIT_WIDTH - 2))); } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MAX) { immediate[b] = static_cast<acc_T>( rand_r(&globalSeed) % (1LL << (VTA_ALUOP_IMM_BIT_WIDTH - 1)) - (1LL << (VTA_ALUOP_IMM_BIT_WIDTH - 2))); } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_ADD) { immediate[b] = static_cast<acc_T>( rand_r(&globalSeed) % (1LL << (VTA_ALUOP_IMM_BIT_WIDTH - 1)) - (1LL << (VTA_ALUOP_IMM_BIT_WIDTH - 2))); } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_SHR) { immediate[b] = static_cast<acc_T>( rand_r(&globalSeed) % (1LL << (VTA_SHR_ARG_BIT_WIDTH - 1)) - (1LL << (VTA_SHR_ARG_BIT_WIDTH - 2))); } // else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MUL) { // immediate[b] = static_cast<acc_T>( // rand_r(&globalSeed) % (1LL << (VTA_MUL_ARG_BIT_WIDTH - 1)) - (1LL << (VTA_MUL_ARG_BIT_WIDTH - 2))); // } } // Initialize instructions VTAGenericInsn *insn_buf = static_cast<VTAGenericInsn *>(allocBuffer(sizeof(VTAGenericInsn) * ins_size)); int insn_idx = 0; insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get1DLoadStoreInsn(VTA_OPCODE_LOAD, VTA_MEM_ID_UOP, 0, 0, uop_size, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (int b = 0; b < batch; b += VTA_BATCH) { insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get2DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_LOAD, // opcode VTA_MEM_ID_ACC, // vector size 0, // sram offset b / VTA_BATCH * tx_size * input_sets, // dram offset 1, // y size tx_size * input_sets, // x size tx_size * input_sets, // x stride 0, // y pad 0, // x pad 0, // pop prev dep b > 0, // pop next dep 0, // push prev dep 0); // push next dep insn_buf[insn_idx++] = getALUInsn( opcode, // opcode tx_size, // vector size use_imm, // use imm immediate[b / VTA_BATCH], // imm uop_compression, // uop compression 0, // pop prev dep 0, // pop next dep 0, // push prev dep 1); // push next dep insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get2DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_STORE, // opcode VTA_MEM_ID_OUT, // vector size 0, // sram offset b / VTA_BATCH * tx_size, // dram offset 1, // y size tx_size, // x size tx_size, // x stride 0, // y pad 0, // x pad 1, // pop prev dep 0, // pop next dep 1, // push prev dep 0); // push next dep } // Finish insn_buf[insn_idx++] = getFinishInsn(0, 1); // Prepare the uop buffer VTAUop * uop_buf = getMapALUUops(tx_size, uop_compression); #if VTA_DEBUG == 1 printInstruction(ins_size, insn_buf); printMicroOp(uop_size, uop_buf); #endif // Initialize the input/output data acc_T **inputs = alloc2dArray<acc_T>(batch, vector_size * input_sets); for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < vector_size * input_sets; j++) { if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MIN) { inputs[i][j] = static_cast<acc_T>( rand_r(&globalSeed) % (1LL << (VTA_INP_WIDTH - 1)) - (1LL << (VTA_INP_WIDTH - 2))); } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MAX) { inputs[i][j] = static_cast<acc_T>( rand_r(&globalSeed) % (1LL << (VTA_INP_WIDTH - 1)) - (1LL << (VTA_INP_WIDTH - 2))); } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_ADD) { inputs[i][j] = static_cast<acc_T>( rand_r(&globalSeed) % (1LL << (VTA_INP_WIDTH - 2)) - (1LL << (VTA_INP_WIDTH - 3))); } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_SHR) { inputs[i][j] = static_cast<acc_T>( rand_r(&globalSeed) % (1LL << (VTA_SHR_ARG_BIT_WIDTH - 1)) - (1LL << (VTA_SHR_ARG_BIT_WIDTH - 2))); } } } // Compute reference output out_T **outputs_ref = alloc2dArray<out_T>(batch, vector_size); for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < vector_size; j++) { acc_T out_val = 0; acc_T imm_val = immediate[i / VTA_BATCH]; acc_T src_val = inputs[i][j + vector_size]; if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MIN) { if (!use_imm) { out_val = inputs[i][j] < src_val ? inputs[i][j] : src_val; } else { out_val = inputs[i][j] < imm_val ? inputs[i][j] : imm_val; } } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_MAX) { if (!use_imm) { out_val = inputs[i][j] > src_val ? inputs[i][j] : src_val; } else { out_val = inputs[i][j] > imm_val ? inputs[i][j] : imm_val; } } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_ADD) { if (!use_imm) { out_val = inputs[i][j] + src_val; } else { out_val = inputs[i][j] + imm_val; } } else if (opcode == VTA_ALU_OPCODE_SHR) { if (!use_imm) { if (src_val >= 0) { out_val = inputs[i][j] >> src_val; } else { out_val = inputs[i][j] << (0 - src_val); } } else { if (imm_val >= 0) { out_val = inputs[i][j] >> imm_val; } else { out_val = inputs[i][j] << (0 - imm_val); } } } outputs_ref[i][j] = (out_T) out_val; } } // Pack input buffer uint32_t *bias_buf = static_cast<uint32_t *>( allocBuffer(VTA_ACC_ELEM_BYTES * batch * tx_size * input_sets)); packBuffer<uint32_t, 32, acc_T, VTA_ACC_WIDTH>( bias_buf, inputs, batch, vector_size * input_sets, VTA_BATCH, VTA_BLOCK_OUT); // Prepare output buffer uint32_t *output_buf = static_cast<uint32_t *>( allocBuffer(VTA_OUT_ELEM_BYTES * batch * tx_size * input_sets)); #ifdef NO_SIM // Invoke the VTA uint64_t t_fpga = vta(ins_size, insn_buf, uop_buf, NULL, NULL, bias_buf, output_buf); // Report on timining printf("INFO - Synchronization time: %.3fms\n", static_cast<float>(t_fpga) / 1E6); printf("INFO - Throughput: %.3fGOps/s\n", static_cast<float>(vector_size * batch) / t_fpga); #else // Invoke the VTA vta(ins_size, (volatile insn_T *) insn_buf, (volatile uop_T *) uop_buf, (volatile bus_T *) NULL, (volatile bus_T *) NULL, (volatile bus_T *) bias_buf, (volatile bus_T *) output_buf); #endif // Unpack output buffer out_T **outputs = alloc2dArray<out_T>(batch, vector_size); unpackBuffer<out_T, VTA_OUT_WIDTH, uint32_t, 32>(outputs, output_buf, batch, vector_size, VTA_BATCH, VTA_BLOCK_OUT); // Correctness checks int err = 0; for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < vector_size; j++) { if (outputs_ref[i][j] != outputs[i][j]) { err++; #if VTA_DEBUG == 1 printf("DEBUG - %d, %d: expected 0x%x but got 0x%x\n", i, j, static_cast<int>(outputs_ref[i][j]), static_cast<int>(outputs[i][j])); #endif } } } // Free all allocated arrays free(immediate); free2dArray<acc_T>(inputs, batch, vector_size * input_sets); free2dArray<out_T>(outputs_ref, batch, vector_size); free2dArray<out_T>(outputs, batch, vector_size); freeBuffer(insn_buf); freeBuffer(uop_buf); freeBuffer(bias_buf); freeBuffer(output_buf); if (err == 0) { printf("INFO - ALU test successful!\n"); return 0; } else { printf("INFO - ALU test failed, got %d errors!\n", err); return -1; } } int blocked_gemm_test(int batch, int channels, int block, bool uop_compression, int virtual_threads) { // Some assertions assert(block % VTA_BLOCK_IN == 0); assert(block % VTA_BLOCK_OUT == 0); assert(block % VTA_BATCH == 0); assert(channels % block == 0); assert(batch % block == 0); printf("=====================================================================================\n"); printf("INFO - Blocked GEMM test: batch=%d, channels=%d, block=%d, uop_comp=%d, vt=%d\n", batch, channels, block, uop_compression, virtual_threads); // Input/output channels int in_feat = channels; int out_feat = channels; // Derive number of elements that need to be loaded/stored int ins_size = batch / block * out_feat / block * (2 + in_feat / block * 3) + 2; int uop_size = uop_compression ? block / VTA_BATCH * virtual_threads : block / VTA_BATCH * block / VTA_BLOCK_IN * block / VTA_BLOCK_OUT * virtual_threads; int inp_size = batch / VTA_BATCH * in_feat / VTA_BLOCK_IN; int wgt_size = in_feat / VTA_BLOCK_IN * out_feat / VTA_BLOCK_OUT; int out_size = batch / VTA_BATCH * out_feat / VTA_BLOCK_OUT; // Blocked buffer sizes (in terms of elements) int inp_block_size = block / VTA_BATCH * block / VTA_BLOCK_IN; int wgt_block_size = block / VTA_BLOCK_IN * block / VTA_BLOCK_OUT; int out_block_size = block / VTA_BATCH * block / VTA_BLOCK_OUT; // Make sure we don't exceed buffer bounds assert(uop_size <= VTA_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH); assert(inp_block_size <= VTA_INP_BUFF_DEPTH); assert(wgt_block_size <= VTA_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH); assert(out_block_size <= VTA_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH); // Initialize instruction buffer VTAGenericInsn *insn_buf = static_cast<VTAGenericInsn *>(allocBuffer(sizeof(VTAGenericInsn) * ins_size)); int insn_idx = 0; // Load uops insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get1DLoadStoreInsn(VTA_OPCODE_LOAD, VTA_MEM_ID_UOP, 0, 0, uop_size, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Iterate over batch blocks for (int i = 0; i < batch; i += block) { // Iterate over output channel blocks for (int j = 0; j < out_feat; j += block) { // Load bias block (pop next if not first, push prev) insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get2DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_LOAD, // opcode VTA_MEM_ID_ACC, // type 0, // sram offset (i / VTA_BATCH * out_feat + j) / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, // dram offset block / VTA_BATCH, // y size block / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, // x size out_feat / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, // x stride 0, // y pad 0, // x pad 0, // pop prev dep (i > 0 || j > 0), // pop next dep (virtual_threads == 1), // push prev dep 0); // push next dep // Iterate over input channel blocks for (int k = 0; k < in_feat; k += block * virtual_threads) { for (int l = 0; l < block * virtual_threads; l += block) { // Derive dependence flags bool pop = (virtual_threads == 1) ? 1 : (i > 0 || j > 0 || k > 0 || l > 0) && (k + l != block * virtual_threads - block); bool push_prev = (virtual_threads == 1) ? ((k + l) != in_feat - block) : ((k + l) != in_feat - virtual_threads * block) && ( (k + l != in_feat - block) || (j != out_feat - block) || (i != batch - block)); bool push_next = (k + l == in_feat - block); // Load weight block (pop next) insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get2DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_LOAD, // opcode VTA_MEM_ID_WGT, // type l / VTA_BLOCK_IN * block / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, // sram offset (j / VTA_BLOCK_OUT * in_feat + k + l) / VTA_BLOCK_IN, // dram offset block / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, // y size block / VTA_BLOCK_IN, // x size in_feat / VTA_BLOCK_IN, // x stride 0, // y pad 0, // x pad 0, // pop prev dep pop, // pop next dep 0, // push prev dep 0); // push next dep // Load input block (push next) insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get2DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_LOAD, // opcode VTA_MEM_ID_INP, // type l / VTA_BLOCK_IN * block / VTA_BATCH, // sram offset (i / VTA_BATCH * in_feat + k + l) / VTA_BLOCK_IN, // dram offset block / VTA_BATCH, // y size block / VTA_BLOCK_IN, // x size in_feat / VTA_BLOCK_IN, // x stride 0, // y pad 0, // x pad 0, // pop prev dep 0, // pop next dep 0, // push prev dep 1); // push next dep // Perform GEMM (pop prev, push prev if not last, push next if last) insn_buf[insn_idx++] = getGEMMInsn( l / block * uop_size / virtual_threads, // uop offset block / VTA_BATCH, // batch block / VTA_BLOCK_IN, // in_feat block / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, // out_feat uop_compression, // uop_compression 1, // pop_prev_dep 0, // pop_next_dep push_prev, // push prev dep push_next); // push_next_dep } } // Store output block (pop prev, push prev if not last) insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get2DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_STORE, // opcode VTA_MEM_ID_OUT, // type 0, // sram offset (i / VTA_BATCH * out_feat + j) / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, // dram offset block / VTA_BATCH, // y size block / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, // x size out_feat / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, // x stride 0, // y pad 0, // x pad 1, // pop prev dep 0, // pop next dep 1, // pop prev dep 0); // push next dep } } // Finish insn_buf[insn_idx++] = getFinishInsn(0, 1); // Prepare the uop buffer VTAUop * uop_buf = getGEMMUops( block / VTA_BATCH, block / VTA_BLOCK_IN, block / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, uop_compression, virtual_threads > 1); #if VTA_DEBUG == 1 printInstruction(ins_size, insn_buf); printMicroOp(uop_size, uop_buf); #endif // Initialize inputs inp_T **inputs = allocInit2dArray<inp_T>(batch, in_feat); // Initialize weights wgt_T **weights = allocInit2dArray<wgt_T>(out_feat, in_feat); // Initialize biases acc_T **biases = allocInit2dArray<acc_T>(batch, out_feat); // Reference GEMM implementation out_T **outputs_ref = alloc2dArray<out_T>(batch, out_feat); for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < out_feat; j++) { acc_T sum = biases[i][j]; for (int k = 0; k < in_feat; k++) { sum += (acc_T) (inputs[i][k] * weights[j][k]); } // Set outputs_ref[i][j] = (out_T) sum; } } // Prepare the input buffer uint32_t *input_buf = static_cast<uint32_t *>( allocBuffer(VTA_INP_ELEM_BYTES * inp_size)); packBuffer<uint32_t, 32, inp_T, VTA_INP_WIDTH>(input_buf, inputs, batch, in_feat, VTA_BATCH, VTA_BLOCK_IN); // Prepare the weight buffer uint32_t *weight_buf = static_cast<uint32_t *>( allocBuffer(VTA_WGT_ELEM_BYTES * wgt_size)); packBuffer<uint32_t, 32, wgt_T, VTA_WGT_WIDTH>(weight_buf, weights, out_feat, in_feat, VTA_BLOCK_OUT, VTA_BLOCK_IN); // Prepare the bias buffer uint32_t *bias_buf = static_cast<uint32_t *>( allocBuffer(VTA_ACC_ELEM_BYTES * out_size)); packBuffer<uint32_t, 32, acc_T, VTA_ACC_WIDTH>(bias_buf, biases, batch, out_feat, VTA_BATCH, VTA_BLOCK_OUT); // Prepare the output buffer uint32_t *output_buf = static_cast<uint32_t *>( allocBuffer(VTA_INP_ELEM_BYTES * out_size)); #ifdef NO_SIM // Invoke the VTA uint64_t t_fpga = vta(ins_size, insn_buf, uop_buf, input_buf, weight_buf, bias_buf, output_buf); // Report on timining printf("INFO - Synchronization time: %.3lfms\n", static_cast<float>(t_fpga) / 1E6); printf("INFO - Throughput: %.3lfGOPs/s\n", static_cast<float>(batch) * in_feat * out_feat * 2 / t_fpga); #else // Invoke the VTA vta(ins_size, (volatile insn_T *) insn_buf, (volatile uop_T *) uop_buf, (volatile bus_T *) input_buf, (volatile bus_T *) weight_buf, (volatile bus_T *) bias_buf, (volatile bus_T *) output_buf); #endif // Unpack output data out_T **outputs = alloc2dArray<out_T>(batch, out_feat); unpackBuffer<out_T, VTA_OUT_WIDTH, uint32_t, 32>(outputs, output_buf, batch, out_feat, VTA_BATCH, VTA_BLOCK_OUT); // Correctness checks int err = 0; for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < out_feat; j++) { if (outputs_ref[i][j] != outputs[i][j]) { err++; #if VTA_DEBUG == 1 printf("DEBUG - %d, %d: expected 0x%x but got 0x%x\n", i, j, static_cast<int>(outputs_ref[i][j]), static_cast<int>(outputs[i][j])); #endif } } } // Free all allocated arrays free2dArray<inp_T>(inputs, batch, in_feat); free2dArray<wgt_T>(weights, out_feat, in_feat); free2dArray<acc_T>(biases, batch, out_feat); free2dArray<out_T>(outputs_ref, batch, out_feat); free2dArray<out_T>(outputs, batch, out_feat); freeBuffer(insn_buf); freeBuffer(uop_buf); freeBuffer(input_buf); freeBuffer(weight_buf); freeBuffer(bias_buf); freeBuffer(output_buf); if (err == 0) { printf("INFO - Blocked GEMM test successful!\n"); return 0; } else { printf("INFO - Blocked GEMM test failed, got %d errors!\n", err); return -1; } } int gemm_test(int batch, int in_channels, int out_channels, bool uop_compression) { // Some assertions assert(batch % VTA_BATCH == 0); assert(in_channels % VTA_BLOCK_IN == 0); assert(out_channels % VTA_BLOCK_OUT == 0); printf("=====================================================================================\n"); printf("INFO - Blocked GEMM test: batch=%d, in_channels=%d, out_channels=%d, uop_comp=%d\n", batch, in_channels, out_channels, uop_compression); // Derive number of elements that need to be loaded/stored int ins_size = 7; int uop_size = uop_compression ? batch / VTA_BATCH : batch / VTA_BATCH * in_channels / VTA_BLOCK_IN * out_channels / VTA_BLOCK_OUT; int inp_size = batch / VTA_BATCH * in_channels / VTA_BLOCK_IN; int wgt_size = in_channels / VTA_BLOCK_IN * out_channels / VTA_BLOCK_OUT; int out_size = batch / VTA_BATCH * out_channels / VTA_BLOCK_OUT; // Make sure we don't exceed buffer bounds assert(uop_size <= VTA_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH); assert(inp_size <= VTA_INP_BUFF_DEPTH); assert(wgt_size <= VTA_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH); assert(out_size <= VTA_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH); // Initialize instruction buffer VTAGenericInsn *insn_buf = static_cast<VTAGenericInsn *>(allocBuffer(sizeof(VTAGenericInsn) * ins_size)); int insn_idx = 0; // Load uops insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get1DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_LOAD, VTA_MEM_ID_UOP, 0, 0, uop_size, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Load bias insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get1DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_LOAD, // opcode VTA_MEM_ID_ACC, // type 0, // sram offset 0, // dram offset out_size, // size 0, // pop prev dep 0, // pop next dep 1, // push prev dep 0); // push next dep // Load weight block (pop next) insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get1DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_LOAD, // opcode VTA_MEM_ID_WGT, // type 0, // sram offset 0, // dram offset wgt_size, // size 0, // pop prev dep 1, // pop next dep 0, // push prev dep 0); // push next dep // Load input block (push next) insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get1DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_LOAD, // opcode VTA_MEM_ID_INP, // type 0, // sram offset 0, // dram offset inp_size, // size 0, // pop prev dep 0, // pop next dep 0, // push prev dep 1); // push next dep // Perform GEMM (pop prev, push prev if not last, push next if last) insn_buf[insn_idx++] = getGEMMInsn( 0, // uop offset batch / VTA_BATCH, // batch in_channels / VTA_BLOCK_IN, // in_channels out_channels / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, // out_channels uop_compression, // uop_compression 1, // pop_prev_dep 0, // pop_next_dep 0, // push prev dep 1); // push_next_dep // Store output block (pop prev, push prev if not last) insn_buf[insn_idx++] = get1DLoadStoreInsn( VTA_OPCODE_STORE, // opcode VTA_MEM_ID_OUT, // type 0, // sram offset 0, // dram offset out_size, // size 1, // pop prev dep 0, // pop next dep 1, // push prev dep 0); // push next dep // Finish insn_buf[insn_idx++] = getFinishInsn(0, 1); // Prepare the uop buffer VTAUop * uop_buf = getGEMMUops( batch / VTA_BATCH, in_channels / VTA_BLOCK_IN, out_channels / VTA_BLOCK_OUT, uop_compression, 0); #if VTA_DEBUG == 1 printInstruction(ins_size, insn_buf); printMicroOp(uop_size, uop_buf); #endif // Initialize inputs inp_T **inputs = allocInit2dArray<inp_T>(batch, in_channels); // Initialize weights wgt_T **weights = allocInit2dArray<wgt_T>(out_channels, in_channels); // Initialize biases acc_T **biases = allocInit2dArray<acc_T>(batch, out_channels); // Reference GEMM implementation out_T **outputs_ref = alloc2dArray<out_T>(batch, out_channels); for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < out_channels; j++) { acc_T sum = biases[i][j]; for (int k = 0; k < in_channels; k++) { sum += (acc_T) (inputs[i][k] * weights[j][k]); } // Set outputs_ref[i][j] = (out_T) sum; } } // Prepare the input buffer uint32_t *input_buf = static_cast<uint32_t *>(allocBuffer(VTA_INP_ELEM_BYTES * inp_size)); packBuffer<uint32_t, 32, inp_T, VTA_INP_WIDTH>(input_buf, inputs, batch, in_channels, VTA_BATCH, VTA_BLOCK_IN); // Prepare the weight buffer uint32_t *weight_buf = static_cast<uint32_t *>(allocBuffer(VTA_WGT_ELEM_BYTES * wgt_size)); packBuffer<uint32_t, 32, wgt_T, VTA_WGT_WIDTH>(weight_buf, weights, out_channels, in_channels, VTA_BLOCK_OUT, VTA_BLOCK_IN); // Prepare the bias buffer uint32_t *bias_buf = static_cast<uint32_t *>(allocBuffer(VTA_ACC_ELEM_BYTES * out_size)); packBuffer<uint32_t, 32, acc_T, VTA_ACC_WIDTH>(bias_buf, biases, batch, out_channels, VTA_BATCH, VTA_BLOCK_OUT); // Prepare the output buffer uint32_t *output_buf = static_cast<uint32_t *>(allocBuffer(VTA_OUT_ELEM_BYTES * out_size)); #ifdef NO_SIM // Invoke the VTA uint64_t t_fpga = vta(ins_size, insn_buf, uop_buf, input_buf, weight_buf, bias_buf, output_buf); // Report on timining printf("INFO - Synchronization time: %.3lfms\n", static_cast<float>(t_fpga) / 1E6); printf("INFO - Throughput: %.3lfGOPs/s\n", static_cast<float>(batch) * in_channels * out_channels * 2 / t_fpga); #else // Invoke the VTA vta(ins_size, (volatile insn_T *) insn_buf, (volatile uop_T *) uop_buf, (volatile bus_T *) input_buf, (volatile bus_T *) weight_buf, (volatile bus_T *) bias_buf, (volatile bus_T *) output_buf); #endif // Unpack output data out_T **outputs = alloc2dArray<out_T>(batch, out_channels); unpackBuffer<out_T, VTA_OUT_WIDTH, uint32_t, 32>(outputs, output_buf, batch, out_channels, VTA_BATCH, VTA_BLOCK_OUT); // Correctness checks int err = 0; for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < out_channels; j++) { if (outputs_ref[i][j] != outputs[i][j]) { err++; #if VTA_DEBUG == 1 printf("DEBUG - %d, %d: expected 0x%x but got 0x%x\n", i, j, static_cast<int>(outputs_ref[i][j]), static_cast<int>(outputs[i][j])); #endif } } } // Free all allocated arrays free2dArray<inp_T>(inputs, batch, in_channels); free2dArray<wgt_T>(weights, out_channels, in_channels); free2dArray<acc_T>(biases, batch, out_channels); free2dArray<out_T>(outputs_ref, batch, out_channels); free2dArray<out_T>(outputs, batch, out_channels); freeBuffer(insn_buf); freeBuffer(uop_buf); freeBuffer(input_buf); freeBuffer(weight_buf); freeBuffer(bias_buf); freeBuffer(output_buf); if (err == 0) { printf("INFO - Blocked GEMM test successful!\n"); return 0; } else { printf("INFO - Blocked GEMM test failed, got %d errors!\n", err); return -1; } }