/*! * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors * \file verilog_ir.cc */ #include <tvm/ir_pass.h> #include <tvm/ir_visitor.h> #include <tvm/ir_mutator.h> #include "./verilog_ir.h" #include "../../arithmetic/compute_expr.h" namespace tvm { namespace codegen { namespace verilog { using namespace ir; ControlSignal ControlSignalNode::make( ControlSignalType type, int advance_size) { auto n = std::make_shared<ControlSignalNode>(); n->ctrl_type = type; n->advance_size = advance_size; return ControlSignal(n); } StageInput StageInputNode::make(Var var, StageInputType input_type) { std::shared_ptr<StageInputNode> n = std::make_shared<StageInputNode>(); n->var = var; n->input_type = input_type; return StageInput(n); } // Replace stage inputs by placeholder, update the input map. class StageInputReplacer : public IRMutator { public: explicit StageInputReplacer( const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, StageInput>& var_info) : var_info_(var_info) {} Expr Mutate_(const Variable* op, const Expr& e) final { if (replace_.count(op)) { return replace_.at(op); } auto it = var_info_.find(op); if (it == var_info_.end()) return e; Var new_var(it->second->var->name_hint + ".sync", op->type); inputs_.Set(new_var, it->second); replace_[op] = new_var; return new_var; } Expr Mutate_(const Load* op, const Expr& e) final { CHECK(is_zero(op->index)) << "Load should be in its own stage."; if (replace_.count(op->buffer_var.get())) { return replace_.at(op->buffer_var.get()); } auto it = var_info_.find(op->buffer_var.get()); CHECK(it != var_info_.end()) << "Load from unknown channel"; Var data(it->second->var->name_hint + ".load.sync", op->type); inputs_.Set(data, it->second); replace_[op->buffer_var.get()] = data; return data; } // inputs that get replaced. Map<Var, StageInput> inputs_; // replacement map std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Var> replace_; // Variable replacement plan. const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, StageInput>& var_info_; }; /*! \brief Extract module block */ class PipelineExtractor: public IRVisitor { public: Pipeline Extract(LoweredFunc f) { // Initialize the memory map channels // TODO(tqchen) move the logic to explicit specification. for (auto arg : f->args) { if (arg.type().is_handle()) { arg_handle_[arg.get()] = arg; } } pipeline_ = std::make_shared<PipelineNode>(); this->Visit(f->body); // setup channels for (const auto &kv : cmap_) { pipeline_->channels.Set( kv.second.node->channel->handle_var, ChannelBlock(kv.second.node)); } pipeline_->args = f->args; return Pipeline(pipeline_); } void Visit_(const AttrStmt* op) final { if (op->attr_key == attr::pipeline_stage_scope) { CHECK(!in_pipeline_stage_); in_pipeline_stage_ = true; trigger_.emplace_back(std::make_pair(loop_.size(), op)); IRVisitor::Visit_(op); trigger_.pop_back(); in_pipeline_stage_ = false; } else if (op->attr_key == attr::channel_read_advance || op->attr_key == attr::channel_write_advance) { trigger_.emplace_back(std::make_pair(loop_.size(), op)); IRVisitor::Visit_(op); trigger_.pop_back(); } else if (op->attr_key == attr::channel_read_scope || op->attr_key == attr::channel_write_scope) { Channel ch(op->node.node_); ChannelEntry& cb = cmap_[ch->handle_var.get()]; if (cb.node != nullptr) { CHECK(cb.node->channel.same_as(ch)); } else { cb.node = std::make_shared<ChannelBlockNode>(); cb.node->channel = ch; } if (op->attr_key == attr::channel_read_scope) { CHECK_EQ(cb.read_ref_count, 0) << "One channel can only be read from one consumer"; ++cb.read_ref_count; CHECK(arith::GetConstInt(op->value, &(cb.node->read_window))) << "Only supprt constant read window"; } else { CHECK_EQ(cb.write_ref_count, 0) << "One channel can only be write by one producer"; ++cb.write_ref_count; CHECK(arith::GetConstInt(op->value, &(cb.node->write_window))) << "Only supprt constant write window"; } var_info_[ch->handle_var.get()] = StageInputNode::make(ch->handle_var, kChannel); IRVisitor::Visit_(op); var_info_.erase(ch->handle_var.get()); } else { IRVisitor::Visit_(op); } } void Visit_(const Block* op) final { CHECK(!in_pipeline_stage_) << "Do not support serial execution inside pipeline"; IRVisitor::Visit_(op); } void Visit_(const IfThenElse* op) final { LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemeneted"; } void Visit_(const For* op) final { if (in_pipeline_stage_) { loop_.push_back( For::make(op->loop_var, op->min, op->extent, op->for_type, op->device_api, Evaluate::make(0))); var_info_[op->loop_var.get()] = StageInputNode::make(Var(op->loop_var.node_), kLoopVar); IRVisitor::Visit_(op); var_info_.erase(op->loop_var.get()); loop_.pop_back(); } else { IRVisitor::Visit_(op); } } void Visit_(const Store* op) final { // Check the access pattern Channel arg_write = CheckArgHandleAccess(op->buffer_var.get(), op->value.type(), false); this->Visit(op->value); // The replace logic StageInputReplacer repl(var_info_); // Setup the compute block. std::shared_ptr<ComputeBlockNode> compute = std::make_shared<ComputeBlockNode>(); compute->loop = Array<Stmt>(loop_); // setup the advance triggers for (const auto& e : trigger_) { const AttrStmt* attr = e.second; Channel ch; if (attr->attr_key == attr::pipeline_stage_scope) { ch = arg_write; if (!ch.defined()) continue; } else { ch = Channel(attr->node.node_); } std::shared_ptr<SignalTriggerNode> trigger = std::make_shared<SignalTriggerNode>(); trigger->channel_var = ch->handle_var; // predicate for the trigger Expr predicate = const_true(); for (size_t i = e.first; i < loop_.size(); ++i) { const For* loop = loop_[i].as<For>(); predicate = predicate && (loop->loop_var == (loop->extent - 1)); } trigger->predicate = ir::Simplify(predicate); // Add the signal back to the channels. ChannelEntry& cb = cmap_.at(ch->handle_var.get()); trigger->signal_index = static_cast<int>(cb.node->ctrl_signals.size()); // Grab the advance constant size. int trigger_size; if (attr->attr_key == attr::pipeline_stage_scope) { cb.node->ctrl_signals.push_back( ControlSignalNode::make(kComputeFinish, 0)); } else if (attr->attr_key == attr::channel_read_advance) { CHECK(arith::GetConstInt(attr->value, &trigger_size)) << "Only support constant advance size"; cb.node->ctrl_signals.push_back( ControlSignalNode::make(kReadAdvance, trigger_size)); } else { CHECK(arith::GetConstInt(attr->value, &trigger_size)) << "Only support constant advance size"; cb.node->ctrl_signals.push_back( ControlSignalNode::make(kWriteAdvance, trigger_size)); } compute->triggers.push_back(SignalTrigger(trigger)); } // Check if we are writing to FIFO. const Load* load = op->value.as<Load>(); if (is_zero(op->index) && load) { compute->body = Store::make( op->buffer_var, Load::make(load->type, load->buffer_var, repl.Mutate(load->index)), op->index); } else { compute->body = Store::make( op->buffer_var, repl.Mutate(op->value), repl.Mutate(op->index)); } compute->inputs = repl.inputs_; pipeline_->stages.push_back(ComputeBlock(compute)); } void Visit_(const LetStmt* op) final { LOG(FATAL) << "cannot pass through let"; } void Visit_(const Evaluate* op) final { LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemeneted"; } void Visit_(const Allocate* op) final { CHECK(!in_pipeline_stage_); } void Visit_(const AssertStmt* op) final { LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemeneted"; } void Visit_(const Load* op) final { CheckArgHandleAccess(op->buffer_var.get(), op->type, true); } Channel CheckArgHandleAccess(const Variable* var, Type dtype, bool read_access) { if (!arg_handle_.count(var)) return Channel(); CHECK(!cmap_.count(var)) << "Multiple access to the same handle"; ChannelEntry& cb = cmap_[var]; cb.node = std::make_shared<ChannelBlockNode>(); cb.node->channel = ChannelNode::make(arg_handle_.at(var), dtype); return cb.node->channel; } private: // The channel information. struct ChannelEntry { std::shared_ptr<ChannelBlockNode> node; int read_ref_count{0}; int write_ref_count{0}; }; // Whether we are inside the pipeline stage. bool in_pipeline_stage_{false}; // The current loop nest std::vector<Stmt> loop_; // Advance signal trigger std::vector<std::pair<size_t, const AttrStmt*> > trigger_; // Read write scope std::vector<const AttrStmt*> channel_scope_; // The loop index. std::unordered_map<const Variable*, StageInput> var_info_; // The channel entry; std::unordered_map<const Variable*, ChannelEntry> cmap_; // The argument handle map std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Var> arg_handle_; // The result block. std::shared_ptr<PipelineNode> pipeline_; }; Pipeline MakePipeline(LoweredFunc f) { return PipelineExtractor().Extract(f); } } // namespace verilog } // namespace codegen } // namespace tvm