use std::{cmp, collections::HashMap, convert::TryFrom, iter::FromIterator, mem, str}; use nom::{alpha1, digit1, le_i32, le_i64, le_u16, le_u32, le_u64, le_u8, types::CompleteStr}; use serde; use serde_json; use super::{DLTensor, DataType, Module, Storage, TVMContext, Tensor}; use crate::{ common::value::TVMArgValue, errors::{Error, ErrorKind, Result}, ffi::runtime::{DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, DLDataTypeCode_kDLInt, DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt}, }; // @see `kTVMNDArrayMagic` in `ndarray.h` const _NDARRAY_MAGIC: u64 = 0xDD5E40F096B4A13F; // @see `kTVMNDArrayListMagic` in `graph_runtime.h` const _NDARRAY_LIST_MAGIC: u64 = 0xF7E58D4F05049CB7; /// A TVM computation graph. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// let graph_json = fs::read_to_string("graph.json")).unwrap(); /// let graph = Graph::try_from(&graph_json).unwrap(); /// ``` #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Graph { pub nodes: Vec<Node>, pub arg_nodes: Vec<usize>, pub heads: Vec<Entry>, pub node_row_ptr: Option<Vec<usize>>, pub attrs: Option<HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>>, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Entry { pub id: usize, pub index: usize, pub version: usize, } impl Graph { fn entry_index(&self, entry: &Entry) -> Result<usize> { self.node_row_ptr .as_ref() .map(|nrp| nrp[] + entry.index) .ok_or("Missing node_row_ptr.".into()) } /// Attempt to deserialize a JSON attribute to a type `T`. fn get_attr<T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned>(&self, attr: &str) -> Result<T> { Ok(serde_json::from_value::<T>( self.attrs .as_ref() .ok_or(ErrorKind::GraphFormatError( "Missing graph attrs".to_string(), ))? .get(attr) .ok_or(ErrorKind::GraphFormatError(format!( "Missing {} attr", attr )))? .to_owned(), )?) } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Node { pub op: String, pub name: String, pub inputs: Vec<Entry>, pub attrs: Option<HashMap<String, String>>, pub control_deps: Option<Vec<Entry>>, } struct NodeAttrs { func_name: String, num_outputs: usize, flatten_data: bool, } impl Node { fn parse_attrs(&self) -> Result<NodeAttrs> { let attrs = self .attrs .as_ref() .ok_or(format!("Missing node.attrs for `{}`",; let func_name = attrs .get("func_name") .ok_or(format!("Node `{}` is missing attrs.func_name", .to_string(); let num_outputs = attrs .get("num_outputs") .ok_or(format!("Node `{}` is missing attrs.num_outputs", .parse::<usize>()?; let flatten_data = attrs .get("flatten_data") .ok_or(format!( "Node `{}` is missing attrs.flatten_data", ))? .parse::<u8>()? == 1; Ok(NodeAttrs { func_name, num_outputs, flatten_data, }) } } impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a String> for Graph { type Error = Error; fn try_from(graph_json: &String) -> Result<Self> { let graph = serde_json::from_str(graph_json)?; Ok(graph) } } impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for Graph { type Error = Error; fn try_from(graph_json: &'a str) -> Result<Self> { let graph = serde_json::from_str(graph_json)?; Ok(graph) } } /// A executor for a TVM computation graph. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use ndarray::Array; /// /// let syslib = SystemLibModule::default(); // a provider of TVM functions /// /// let mut params_bytes = Vec::new(); /// fs::File::open("graph.params").unwrap().read_to_end(&mut params_bytes).unwrap(); /// let params = tvm::runtime::load_param_dict(¶ms_bytes).unwrap(); /// /// let graph = Graph::try_from(&fs::read_to_string("graph.json").unwrap()).unwrap(); /// /// let mut exec = GraphExecutor::new(graph, &syslib).unwrap(); /// exec.load_params(params); /// /// let x = Array::from_vec(vec![1f32, 2., 3., 4.]); /// exec.set_input("data", x.into()); ///; /// let output = exec.get_output(0).unwrap(); /// /// println!("{:#?}", Array::try_from(output).unwrap()); /// ``` pub struct GraphExecutor<'m, 't> { graph: Graph, op_execs: Vec<Box<Fn() + 'm>>, tensors: Vec<Tensor<'t>>, } unsafe impl<'m, 't> Send for GraphExecutor<'m, 't> {} impl<'m, 't> GraphExecutor<'m, 't> { pub fn new<M: 'm + Module>(graph: Graph, lib: &'m M) -> Result<Self> { let tensors = Self::setup_storages(&graph)?; Ok(GraphExecutor { op_execs: Self::setup_op_execs(&graph, lib, &tensors)?, tensors: tensors, graph: graph, }) } /// Runs the computation graph. pub fn run(&self) { self.op_execs.iter().for_each(|op_exec| { op_exec(); }); } /// Allocates `Storages` for each `storage_id` and returns `Tensor`s to hold each output. fn setup_storages<'a>(graph: &'a Graph) -> Result<Vec<Tensor<'t>>> { let storage_ids = graph.get_attr::<(String, Vec<usize>)>("storage_id")?.1; let shapes = graph.get_attr::<(String, Vec<Vec<i64>>)>("shape")?.1; let dtypes = graph .get_attr::<(String, Vec<String>)>("dltype")? .1 .iter() .map(|dltype| { if let Ok((_, dtype)) = tvm_str_to_type(CompleteStr(dltype)) { Ok(dtype) } else { Err(ErrorKind::GraphFormatError( format!("Invalid dltype: {}", dltype).to_string(), ) .into()) } }) .collect::<Result<Vec<DataType>>>()?; let align = dtypes.iter().map(|dtype| dtype.bits as usize).max(); let mut storage_num_bytes = vec![0usize; *storage_ids.iter().max().unwrap_or(&1) + 1]; for (i, &storage_id) in storage_ids.iter().enumerate() { let dtype_size = dtypes[i].bits * dtypes[i].lanes >> 3; let nbytes = dtype_size * shapes[i].iter().product::<i64>() as usize; storage_num_bytes[storage_id] = cmp::max(nbytes, storage_num_bytes[storage_id]); } let mut storages: Vec<Storage> = storage_num_bytes .into_iter() .map(|nbytes| Storage::new(nbytes, align)) .collect::<Result<Vec<Storage>>>()?; let tensors = izip!(storage_ids, shapes, dtypes) .map(|(storage_id, shape, dtype)| { let storage = storages[storage_id].view(); Tensor { data: mem::replace(&mut storages[storage_id], storage), ctx: TVMContext::default(), dtype: dtype, size: shape.iter().product::<i64>() as usize, shape: shape, strides: None, byte_offset: 0, } }) .collect(); Ok(tensors) } /// Creates closures which represent the computation performed by this graph. fn setup_op_execs<M: 'm + Module>( graph: &Graph, lib: &'m M, tensors: &Vec<Tensor<'t>>, ) -> Result<Vec<Box<Fn() + 'm>>> { ensure!(graph.node_row_ptr.is_some(), "Missing node_row_ptr."); let node_row_ptr = graph.node_row_ptr.as_ref().unwrap(); let mut op_execs = Vec::new(); for (i, node) in graph.nodes.iter().enumerate() { if node.op == "null" { continue; } ensure!(node.op == "tvm_op", "Only TVM ops are supported."); ensure!(node.attrs.is_some(), "Missing node attrs."); let attrs = node.parse_attrs()?; if attrs.func_name == "__nop" { continue; } let func = lib .get_function(&attrs.func_name) .ok_or(format!("Missing function {}", attrs.func_name))?; let arg_indices = node .inputs .iter() .map(|entry| graph.entry_index(entry)) .chain((0..attrs.num_outputs).map(|oi| Ok(node_row_ptr[i].clone() + oi))); let dl_tensors = arg_indices .map(|idx| { let tensor = &tensors[idx?]; Ok(if attrs.flatten_data { DLTensor::from_tensor(tensor, true /* flatten */) } else { DLTensor::from(tensor) }) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<DLTensor>>>() .unwrap(); let op: Box<Fn()> = box move || { let args = dl_tensors .iter() .map(|t| t.into()) .collect::<Vec<TVMArgValue>>(); func(args.as_slice()); }; op_execs.push(op); } Ok(op_execs) } pub fn load_params(&mut self, params: HashMap<String, Tensor>) { params.into_iter().for_each(|(name, param)| { self.set_input(name, param); }) } pub fn set_input<S: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, name: S, value: Tensor) { if let Some(idx) = self.get_input_index(name.as_ref()) { // TODO: consider `new_with_params` to avoid ever allocating let ptr = self.tensors[idx].data.as_ptr(); let mut to_replace = self.tensors.iter_mut().filter(|t| == ptr); let mut owner = to_replace.nth(0).unwrap(); if { // FIXME: for no-copy, need setup_op_execs to not capture tensor ptr // mem::replace(&mut (*owner), value); // to_replace.for_each(|t| { // panic!("replacing"); // =; // }); owner.copy(&value); } else { owner.copy(&value); } } else { println!("Unexpected input `{}`", name.as_ref()); } } /// Returns the graph input with name `name`, if it exists. pub fn get_input<S: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, name: S) -> Option<&Tensor> { self.get_input_index(name.as_ref()) .and_then(move |idx| Some(&self.tensors[idx])) } /// Returns the graph output with index `index`, if it exists. pub fn get_output(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<&Tensor> { let graph = &self.graph; graph.heads.get(idx).and_then(|entry| { graph .entry_index(entry) .map(|idx| self.tensors.get(idx)) .unwrap_or(None) }) } /// Returns the index for graph input with name `name`, if it exists. pub fn get_input_index<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<usize> { let graph = &self.graph; (0..graph.nodes.len()) .skip_while(|&i| graph.nodes[i].name != name.as_ref()) .nth(0) .and_then(|i| { if graph.arg_nodes.iter().any(|&id| id == i) { graph.node_row_ptr.as_ref().map(|nrp| nrp[i]) } else { None } }) } } /// Converts a string to TVM DLDataTypeCode. @see `String2TVMType` in packed_func.h named!( tvm_str_to_type<CompleteStr, DataType>, do_parse!( type_name: alpha1 >> bits: digit1 >> lanes: opt!(tuple!(tag!("x"), digit1)) >> (DataType { code: match type_name { CompleteStr("int") => DLDataTypeCode_kDLInt, CompleteStr("uint") => DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt, CompleteStr("float") => DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, _ => DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, } as usize, bits: bits.parse::<u8>().unwrap() as usize, lanes: match lanes { Some(lanes) => lanes.1.parse::<u16>().unwrap() as usize, None => 1, }, }) ) ); /// Converts a bytes to String. named!( name<String>, map_res!(length_bytes!(le_u64), |b: &[u8]| String::from_utf8( b.to_vec() )) ); /// Parses a TVMContext named!( tvm_ctx<&[u8], TVMContext>, do_parse!( device_type: le_u32 >> device_id: le_i32 >> (TVMContext { device_type: device_type as usize, device_id: device_id as usize }) ) ); /// Parses a DataType named!( data_type<&[u8], DataType>, do_parse!( code: le_u8 >> bits: le_u8 >> lanes: le_u16 >> (DataType { code: code as usize, bits: bits as usize, lanes: lanes as usize }) ) ); /// Parses a Tensor from a TVM array file. named!( tensor<Tensor>, do_parse!( take!(8) >> bits!(tag_bits!(u64, 64, 0)) >> ctx: tvm_ctx >> ndim: le_u32 >> dtype: data_type >> shape: count!(map!(le_i64, |sz| sz as i64), ndim as usize) >> length: le_i64 >> data: take!(length) >> (Tensor { data: Storage::from(data), ctx: ctx, dtype: dtype, size: shape.iter().product::<i64>() as usize, shape: shape, strides: None, byte_offset: 0, }) ) ); /// Parses a graph params dict from a params binary file. named!( parse_param_dict<HashMap<String, Tensor>>, do_parse!( take!(8) >> bits!(tag_bits!(u64, 64, 0)) >> names: length_count!(le_u64, name) >> tensors: length_count!(le_u64, tensor) >> (HashMap::from_iter(names.into_iter().zip(tensors.into_iter()))) ) ); /// Loads a param dict saved using `nnvm.compiler.save_param_dict`. pub fn load_param_dict(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<HashMap<String, Tensor>> { if let Ok((remaining_bytes, param_dict)) = parse_param_dict(bytes) { if remaining_bytes.len() > 0 { bail!(ErrorKind::LoadGraphParamsError("extra input".to_string())) } else { Ok(param_dict) } } else { bail!(ErrorKind::LoadGraphParamsError( "invalid parameters file".to_string() )) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_str_to_type() { assert_eq!( tvm_str_to_type(CompleteStr("float24")).unwrap().1, DataType { code: DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat as usize, bits: 24, lanes: 1 } ); assert_eq!( tvm_str_to_type(CompleteStr("uint111x44")).unwrap().1, DataType { code: DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt as usize, bits: 111, lanes: 44 } ); } }